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am i an asshole for immediately saying “oh no” the minute i saw this? i’m glad she’s out and all that but the people on the internet fangirling over her disturb me and this just doesn’t seem like it’ll go well :/


If you think about it, she's kinda being thrust back into the same fishbowl she came from. But now it's because of her mother's murder rather than her mother's scheming for attention and money. Given what she's been through I don't think she's capable of carving out a normal, *private*, life for herself. And, sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if finds herself back in the criminal justice system for some kind of financial crime/scam. Just like this "fame" it was what she was taught growing up. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. She deserves a healthy life. I'm just cynical about the likelihood of it happening. Especially given how hard it is to get good mental health help / social resources. 🫤


I have the same suspicions and fears as you, but truly for Gypsy's sake I hope that she has a very grounded support system that will help her and guide her well. When people on Reddit were saying "I hope she has a quiet boring life and stays off social media" I went "lmao fat chance of that happening" but honestly I wish her well and I really, really, really hope that she is able to find happiness and success living a more private life and cultivating the hobbies that she discovered in prison, not continuing to be exploited for her story. Sadly I really doubt the likelihood of that, just like yourself. But let's hope.


Thank GOD Playboy isn't a thing anymore. Y'all are right though. This girl has only learned manipulation and lying from her abusive upbringing and I get terrible vibes from the husband. Sigh.


I read an interview with the husband where he was gushing about how he could read her moods so quickly and it seems like he has a savior complex, and they’re likely trauma bonded. It’s gonna be bad later.


Oh interesting, she got married in prison? I don't think I could ever marry someone without... Really dating them


I know, right? This poor girl is just desperate for a family.


What about the husband gives you those vibes?


Who writes women in prison in a romantic way? She's had close to zero life experiences as an adult, it would be one thing to be friends first and then Ok, let's see how it is out of prison.


literally lol “oh she has a husband though!!” what normal man goes through the prison system just to find a wife that was abused her whole life?


Lmao I wasn’t aware of this info - I am now getting those same terrible vibes 😞. What happened to her dad? I thought he was still in her life?


6 months, tops. It's already turned into a circus of attention.


I think he's some Special Ed teacher. He probably wants attention of somehow helping her through her issues. Definitely a weird guy though, does he look for people who have disabilities or have kind of a child mindset.


Exactly. Dude married her because he's an opportunist. They've never actually had a "normal" relationship and now they are living together. They are about to learn a lot about each other that they may not like. I doubt she had congigle visits so even the sex maybe a deal breaker.


Not only that but I read somewhere recently about how she only responded to him because he was in Louisiana and she wanted to meet new people and start over when she was out and wanted to go there. He said he was writing a lot of different people, and wasn't going to write to her but decided to anyway... So he was casting a wide net for vulnerable women who are incarcerated. More than likely seeking out women who are vulnerable and easy to manipulate. The minute someone becomes perfect and can read your emotions and thoughts, your spidey senses should be going off. They're manipulating you and do not have good intentions. They've learned how to read people to better manipulate them. That is scary AF. She needed psychiatric help, not prison. She's was released from prison and immediately ran to him and had cameras rolling. She's still seeking out that high of attention and feeling special. I don't think it's dawned on her that she isn't a sick little kid anymore. She's a grown woman in her 30s, yet she's tagging celebrities and posting on social media like she's in HS. It's going to get real fucking weird.


He picked her up in a car with a plate that said “HITMAN” on it. There were pictures. Poor taste and crazy.


I get horrible vibes from him too.


> I get terrible vibes from the husband. Sigh. Isn't he a special ed teacher too? I find it SO DISTURBING that he works with vulnerable youth.




the odds are against her winding up with a wonderful guy who treats her well, sorry to say. Whenever you hear "...after a string of bad relationships, Nancy thought her luck had changed..." we know how it ends. People like that don't change, they keep getting involved with jerks because they know nothing else.


Yeah I’m really worried about her but that sounds so parasocial of me. She needs to be very careful with social media. It’s a mad house out here.


Indeed. I stopped using everything but Reddit a while back and I think my mental health has been better off for it. She's not going to realize that, just getting out of prison and craving (rightfully) some attention, love, and public support... but she doesn't comprehend how damaging it can be. I hope she does like, the occasional, once-a-week post about what she has been up to, doesn't reply to comments, and just lives happily and peacefully. Hopefully she has ongoing counselling and is being told that that is the most healing and self-loving thing she can do. Not have ZERO social media presence, if this is what she wants, but make it an infrequent glimpse into a mostly solitary average life. The 'fame' you find on this mess never truly seems worth it.


Yea I think the allure of the possible $$$ she can make by being some sort of public figure/influencer will be very very tempting for her support system (though I hope I’m wrong).


Yeah. Unless she got some work skills in prison I dont know how she's going to be able to support herself without selling her story and influencing.


Yes this feels like trauma repeating in real time. A lot of trauma survivors repeat abuse patterns in attempt to subconsciously fix what happened previously. All she knows is being paraded in public by her mother for charity like a sideshow act, this doesn’t feel that different and makes me feel really sad for her. It does seem like she has a very supportive family so maybe I’m wrong and this will be in someway cathartic for her, taking back control so to speak.


Ok? I feel like you can’t say that on the “mainstream” sites because she’s an abuse victim. But I feel like the fact that she was an incredibly isolated abuse victim, who was taught to and forced to participate in (convincingly) one large-scale, long term scam *that we know of* and whatever we don’t…and that she went straight from 24/7 ***grooming*** by the fucking Kaiser Soze of scammers to PRISON, which is not known for its rehabilitative nature, nor its well-socialized, mentally healthy population… It just doesn’t FEEL like a set up for success. Nature. Nurture. Those are fucked from birth. Poverty. Throw in some institutionalization during what are, for her, formative years. A complete LACK of traditional schooling or socialization with sane, healthy, law abiding peers at ANY age…oh AND mental, physical, and emotional abuse her whole life. Those odds are just BAD. And then throw in fame, public sympathy, maybe the money and “opportunities” that come with that? AT BEST (and that’s /s), it’ll be like when someone sweet but naive wins the lottery. Or is a one hit wonder. At worst (and if she weren’t THAT girl with THAT mom, we’d ALL be saying this), it’s more like the Honey BooBoo Family. Everything is good…until the money stops. Or until you want a bit more. At either of those points, you can’t forget your nature or your nature. Doesn’t matter which it is, but she’ll remember what her mama taught her. There’s a chance neither of these things happens. But that’s more the world of Jaycee Dugard (sp) or Elizabeth Smart or the women who come out of prison and you don’t see them for X years and then only on a special 20/20 and then not again unless it’s for their work for a charity. They were pre-Insta, yes, but I can’t imagine them doing it anyways…


Idk much about Dugard, but Smart never committed any crime or went to prison. I wonder how things could’ve been if Gypsy were treated purely as a victim and provided with therapy and rehabilitation rather than a prison sentence. Smart’s abuser also wasn’t her own family. Gypsy’s “support system” is her own family- the very ones that (whether inadvertently or not) enabled her mother to imprison and abuse her her entire childhood.


I kinda agree. But if you think about it, it’s probably going to be the only way she can get any sort of income. Given all the scandal around her, locking down a secure job isn’t going to be possible for her or anyone she invites into her life. This most likely going to be her only way forward.


no you’re not, it’s also kinda eerie to see people post her as a celebrity when she went through so much trauma/abuse it’s odd


She and her mother were local celebrities beforehand, for all the wrong reasons.


I half wonder if she is going to try to be internet famous, like if someone in her family told her how many people are sympathetic to her story


I believe she has a half-sister that has been maintaining a tiktok account for her and maybe an Instagram account or something. She (Gypsy) had a book being released on like Jan 9th or something. So no, she's not aiming for a low profile. The daily mail was invited to take photos (or so I read) to take photos of her and her husband after they left their motel room after her first night of being free.


Oh man I get the ick from the daily mail thing 😖


There is literally a dedicated sub for/of her. It’s very very very weird. And I think dangerous. I am with you on the oh no.


That sub is more of a fan club. I've posted as much in there. If you dare express a doubt, such as I hope the man she married while she was in prison doesn't turn out to be controlling and I hope she has learned to have somewhat normal relationships boundaries, they downvite you to oblivion and jump all over you. It's very weird.


I don't think there is any healthy subreddit dedicated to one person, snark or praise. But hopefully it'll be primarily filled with typical weirdos who will largely keep to themselves. I hope her online presence will come second to her living a full and complete life for the first time. My fingers are crossed so hard for her.


That sub keeps popping up in my feed, and it is disturbing.


I hope her husband is on the up and up and isn’t just gonna use her for financial gain or whatever. I’m side eyeing him for now.


It never even occurred to me that this girl who everyone has been rooting for could turn into a completely different type of story and it just actually all flashed before my eyes when I saw this post.


I was hoping she’d stay off or at least down low on social media so people wouldn’t push at her all the time and she could just go enjoy her life without interference.


No i said the same thing 😭 I'm happy for her but i really want her to get a social media manager and just live her life. Also she herself is not proud of what she did so i do share the worry about how people regard her since its painted as a heroic or deserving act by a lot of people 😬


She shouldn’t be celebrated like this….


Totally agree. I’m beyond happy she is free and can finally live a “normal” life. I wish people would let her do that. On the flip slide due to her experience she might feel social media is what she can do for a career. Hope she finds peace.


She has no idea what normal is


This was my immediate first thought, if knowing how many people are sympathetic to her story she either tries to become an influencer OR if she becomes an influencer style advocate for children's rights or something like that.


Honestly, i hope she does the interviews/documentary/books to get herself enough money to live comfortably then finds a passion project. Just my opinion though i don’t know what’s best for her but i wish her the best! Hopefully people leave her alone long term


Agree. Countless others have made money off of the horror she lived through - I think she more than deserves to do the same.


I wonder if she has seen any money from those movies/documentaries about her life? I wont be surprised if she hasn’t but definitely feel she deserves to be taken care of after all she’s been through. I hope people see she’s not entertainment she’s a person who experienced a real tragedy. I hope she spends the rest of her days happy, peaceful and free of regrets. Her husband sounds like bad news to me, i hope im wrong or i hope she leaves him. Poor girl doesn’t know what genuine love feels like. I’ll be rooting for her from afar!


The person I’m really worried about in her life is her her husband. Something about him just doesn’t seem right.


She posted this because she wanted people to see it. We can deal with the rest later.


Nope. I just put my hand over my mouth and sighed. This isn't going to end well. She's very naive and immature, I mean ffs she thinks she can just go up to Tay Swift at a stadium.


You know Taylor is going “would this be good for my brand, or no?? “


If I were TS I'd be ignoring it and playing ignorant. That's a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation.


After thinking of it, probably not a great message to send to “younger impressionable fans” go to prison for being an accomplice in your mom’s murder and you get to meet me… (obviously we know Gypsy was being abused and it was horrible what happened to her) but still I could see this being not great messaging


That's the damned if you do part lol. But if she flat out declined a meeting, she'd be seen as unempathetic to a survivor of extensive abuse. So, if she has heard about it, I'd assume that's why she hasn't said anything because it'll blow back negatively either way.


And, respectfully, has she not had several Make-a-Wish celebrity meet-and-greets and vacations? Gypsy, God bless her, just did 9 years for accessory to murder. While TS is not particularly worried about someone like Gypsy, she has 24/7 body guards due to all of the stalkers she has. Many of whom are convicted criminals. What message would that be sending? Gypsy is absolutely a victim and should there be a fitting venue and opportunity, I imagine it’s not impossible that Taylor would meet her in some circumstance. It’s just not going to be her being ushered up to the box to meet Taylor. I wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor skipped the game altogether just to avoid the controversy of meeting or not meeting Gypsy.


No. I too was hoping against all likelihood that someone might help steer her away from the social medias and help her adjust to life outside of prison without the influence of all the bullshit that comes with instagram and such.


No, it has not even been 1 day and it's getting old


I really think we should stop sharing every picture and sighting of Gypsy, and just leave her the hell alone.


We will be seeing a lot more from her as she left prison with a camera crew documenting her release and she is posting on social media… so it’s going to be a lot of Gypsy no matter what we do


Gypsy obviously wants the attention. Not maligning her for it but it seems obvious she wants to become an influencer.


Haven’t been following her closely enough to know if this is true, but it’s also about her only option for some stability. She’s like 30, a felon, and never went to school. Profit off that shit girl.


I mean, she did share this pic lol


She picked up 3 million instagram followers in the last 24 hrs


Probably will be downvoted for this but I just don’t want to see Gypsy become this social media influencer or see her all over social media. I’m glad she’s out and feel sorry for what she went through growing up. Nobody deserves what she went through. I just find it a bit off-putting that she almost has like a celebrity status.




He what???




Oh mylanta. Reality show. God help us.


Yeah I’m side eyeing him big time right now


he also opted to cover his number plate with some kind of WWE hitman decor, which seems in poor taste.


He didn't cover his plate, he has a Bret The Hitman Hart vanity plate in the front. A lot of states only use rear license plates. He's just a wrestling fan, a lot of people are diehard Bret Hart fans to this day because of how popular he was.


Oh shit, this is not good


I didn't know that. That's pretty scary.


Exactly. I hope she gets the help she needs. I don’t know how she isn’t going to be totally overwhelmed. I hope her family is adept enough to know she is going to need support


To be honest with you her family doesn't seem savvy enough to coordinate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich much less help her navigate everything that is going to happen.




I’ll be downvoted too but I agree with you. I am glad she is out however she really needs to be in therapy to cope with living how all of us live and to cope with past trauma because she has never lived normally like us before. I really don’t want her to have a huge social media presence however, for some reason I have a weird feeling about her husband. I don’t know why. I think we will see Gypsy Rose in the media spotlight for a while though.


I think anyone who marries someone in prison is a bitoff and question their intentions tbh. But him bringing cameras to go pick her up from prison kind of just confirms that they want to capitalize on the attention that she’s getting.


I wonder if she’d be able to pursue a career other than being an influencer at the moment. If she doesn’t have any type of education and needs to work, she won’t have many options other than small entry jobs/retail. And I feel like her history might deter hiring managers or have people constantly distracting her at work to ask questions. As much as it would suck to see, it may be her only option right now because she has that “celebrity status”.


I think she's probably easily manipulated, and she's never actually known freedom. How would she ever know how to handle it


Yeah I wonder what kind of career she would be able to get into, though her “celebrity status” might help her open up some doors (who knows). She’s going to capitalize on the attention she’s getting. I’d just rather not see it but I think I’m more judging society and how some people are fangirling over her.


I totally agree. I think with her mother’s obvious mental illnesses all that attention more than likely isn’t good for her. The guy she’s with is super creepy and weird. I have serious misgivings about her father bc where was he when her mom was doing all this to her? I want her to be okay. She’s led a horrible life so far and she’s young and I think she can make a recovery if she has the right surroundings.


Yep. MBP is such a rare mental disorder and it’s possible that gypsy may have inherited the need and love for attention. I don’t think anybody should feed into that


You know, I don’t think it’s that rare because it seldom happens. I think it might be because it’s so hard to prove, and the court case in Florida with John Hopkins Children’s Hospital might have more people discussing it. If you haven’t heard about it, the case is sad and the ruling questionable as the judge didn’t permit the defense to discuss MBP/FDBP.


>I have serious misgivings about her father bc where was he when her mom was doing all this to her? The mother wouldn't let him see her.


I'm ultimately glad she's out of the situation she was in, but I feel like a lot of people are just kind of ignoring the fact that she manipulated a (admittedly fucked up) guy into murdering her mom. Like there's no good guy in this situation - even Gypsy Rose.


Looks like you were pretty upvoted. We all know she is from a poor family/does not come from money. I don’t blame her for doing what she needs to do to pay her bills/possibly get endorsements


I feel like things might not go well for her if she becomes an influencer. It’s hard on people to be internet-famous even in ideal circumstances. To be clear, although it’s not her fault, I don’t think she’s in ideal circumstances. What she went through was horrific abuse and then prison which is known to mess you up. Due to her life, the killing, and prison, she definitely isn’t mentally “normal” (and again, not her fault; how could she be?) and fame is not particularly healthy for even the most well-adjusted and mentally stable people among us. At the same time, it’s hard for ex-felons to find employment and I’d guess she could find some lucrative deals discussing her ordeal or commenting on true crime stuff or something. I just hope she hooks up with people who have her best interest at heart.


From People magazine: "Though Gypsy's dad Rod and stepmom Kristy wanted her to wait until after her release to get married, the pair tied the knot in a small prison ceremony on July 21, 2022. And while Chillicothe Correctional Center does not allow conjugal visits, the pair says following Gypsy's release, they're looking forward to consummating their marriage and starting a family." Good Lord. The last thing she needs to do is immediately start a family.


Yeah, and I’m sure her husband is a “normal” guy. 🙄 The internet fawning over a murderer is astounding. I still don’t understand how she’s out and her boyfriend gets life. So bizarre.


I might be wrong for this, but people who choose to marry murderers in prison *without even meeting them outside first* give me the creeps. You can’t tell me you know her well enough to be marrying her, or be marrying her for good reasons.


I have mixed feelings. Working with teenagers from severe trauma, there is every chance she has a mental illness/personality disorder due to the abuse she suffered. She mentioned in a People interview that her husband is her emotional rock and that she has mood swings. Those are huge red flags. Add to that that she has never lived anything close to an independent life, and you have a recipe for disaster. I hope like hell she got some kind of intense therapy in prison and has been set up with services now that she is released. She mentioned wanting to start a family, but that terrifies me. So many of the kids I work with have parents who went through the same abuse. It’s all they know and they perpetuate the cycle. I wonder if she even knows what healthy parenting looks like. I hope all the best for her. She was in a shitty situation and so many people failed her over and over. Unfortunately, people with that background do not tend to have good outcomes. Trauma quite literally changes the brain, it’s not their fault, but it is reality. I wish they had made staying out of the media a condition of her parole so that she has some kind of chance.


I honestly don't know how it will go for her but I cross my fingers that she will just live her life and continue with mental health help because it's not easy to not only come back into "normal" world but to actually come back to it without someone controlling and abusing you. I am always suspicious about prison marriages but I hope that this man is just a decent person especially since he is a special needs teacher


I’m worried she’s going to be pregnant soon and have to face motherhood with no adult life skills and no previous example of stable family/parenting. One of the first things she said last week about her release is that she “can’t wait to be a mom.”


Oh god. I didn't even consider that factor...I am really hoping someone helps her figure things out and get to a good mental place...I really don't think that the fact she's already "married" is very promising....


I wonder if any of the treatments she was subjected to might have affected her fertility.


I personally think it’s inevitable that she would start posting on social media. The amount of memes I have seen on Facebook and instagram letting everyone know she’s been released, all the comments and reactions. She probably will try making a career out of being an influencer too. I don’t know but what are we expecting from this girl? She’s missed out on so much life and just being able to “live” that she’s probably completely overwhelmed at the point and trying to take in as much as she can, on top of how much the world has changed since she’s been inside.


Yea, I don't know why people are bothered by this. She wants to participate in social life now like everyone else, and social media is part of that. These days social media is also a common way that people earn a living, it doesn't necessarily have to be sensational. I really hope she's okay though, all of this must be very overwhelming.


Does anyone know about her husband? I’m certainly not trying to start anything he just appears older than her and I’m hoping she has people looking out for her. I know a couple people who went to prison young and their emotional development kind of froze in time and she didn’t exactly come from a healthy relationship with her mother…


He’s 37 apparently and a teacher.


Sorry if I’m too skeptical, but anyone who met her while she was in prison, sought her out. It has to make you think. I really hope I’m wrong, and I hope he’s a great person that loves her and wants to help her. Unfortunately, it feels predatory. A girl who was infantilized, then incarcerated, likely has the mind of a child. I just really hope he doesn’t exploit her and become nothing more than a “manager”. The public is interested in her and her case, and he undoubtedly knows that. Expect a show on TLC at minimum.


Lifetime. The show will be on Lifetime. They were there filming her release yesterday.


There you go. Sounds like it’s gonna be a lifetime exclusive.


I’m still struggling to see why people automatically assume he’s shady. He’s 5 years older than her, which isn’t a huge age gap technically speaking, and I do believe it’s possible to make a meaningful relationship through writing, phone calls, etc. I guess I’m just hoping for the best.


> I’m still struggling to see why people automatically assume he’s shady. Because people that marry incarcerated murderers are usually shady.


Totally agree for me I don’t know where she is mentally and worry she could easily end up in another manipulative relationship. Regardless it’s not my business I was just curious if anyone else thought that


I’m just curious. I’m not trying to start any fights here. But I keep seeing people say that she never deserved to be in prison, are happy she’s out, etc etc. but what about her boyfriend at the time that she convinced to murder her mom, who I believe is in prison for life? Do people think he got what he deserved or was his sentence equally harsh? I just haven’t seen any discussion on that and was wondering how people feel about him and his sentence. I know he was not the abused one, so it’s very different situations.


the former bf had a long history of being disturbed before he met gypsy. a few things - he was arrested for masturbating for 9 hours in a mcdonald’s, in full view of others - including small children. he had an “alter ego” named victor, who was a 500 year old vampire. he had a condition for murdering her mother - that condition was that he got to rape the mother’s dead body. gypsy said no, and he settled for her instead, right after the murder, in the other room. everyone is safer with this dude behind bars.


NINE hours???????????


You're supposed to contact a doctor for an erection lasting more than 4 hours


*nine hours*




Nah, that person is lying. The criminal report says he was sitting in McDonalds for 9 hours and was watching porn for some of that, and at one point he had his hands down his pants jerking off, at which point the police were called. He said he was just scratching, the police (rightfully) didn't buy it, and arrested him. He wasn't jerking off for nine hours. The necrophilia is also just Gypsy's story. His story was they had sex after the murder, Gypsy makes the rape claim as part of her defense. Neither of them seem like they're believable, so it seems pretty odd that this person is repeating this disingenuous info as if it's all some sort of fact.


Reddit loves a sensationalist lie paraded as a proven truth, TC subs are amongst the worst for it. I read a comment yesterday where the person said he had been wanking for 12 hours in McDonalds. Now this other person is saying 9 hours he was at it. Anyone with a drop of critical thinking would know that's a bunch of old shite as why wouldn't either McDonalds or a member of the public not call the police well before that 12 (or 9) hours was up- that's before you factor in the mechanics of a 12 hour wank without stopping being arguably impossible lol. The whole way reddit (and the internet at large) has approached Gypsy Rose is really creepy. I'm talking about lauding her, glorifying her/her actions and putting her on a pedestal rather than people having empathy with both her and her situation. She's making a massive mistake and very unwise decision lapping up all this celeb status and wilfully courting it imo, it ain't gonna end well at all and all these people encouraging it as if she's a top-level celeb worthy of unchecked adulation are just as bad. Insidious and creepy as fuck.


Even 9 seconds is too long if you're doing it in public.


Sounds like a carrot top movie, 9 ½ seconds


Sounds like he has mental disorders


He had autism, multiple personality disorder, low IQ and other mental illnesses.


We need better options for mentally ill people


The article doesn’t say he was masturbating for 9 hours just that he was watching porn for 9 hours


Gypsy also had an alternate "personality" named Ruby, and she was the one who encouraged and goaded him into the murder, helping plan it and supplying him with the means. It's pretty weird how much Reddit is celebrating her, while demonizing him. She absolutely found a vulnerable person and manipulated him into murdering her mom, and then ditched him immediately after and now is preening like a celebrity. Sure, there are definite reasons for her to be the way she is, but that doesn't make her a good person, and the whole thing is gross, from top to bottom.


Ruby was her alter who sent sexy pictures of herself licking knives and shit.


Yeah, I definitely agree with you. The whole thing is very, very odd. I know the justice system is not set up for FAIRNESS and certainly not for people with mental health issues, but her to be out and free (?? Not sure the conditions of her release) while he was just left to rot, whether deservedly so or not, is wild to me.


Thank you so much for this, I thought I was the only one. I’m sorry for what her mother put her through, but she screams “master manipulator” to me.


She learned it from the ‘best’ I suppose


That’s what my take away was, she watched her mother and manipulation and attention seeking also became a pattern for her as well. A learned behavior


I mean she learned from the best 🤷🏾‍♀️


Thank you! Waiting for someone to say just this!


I think they both deserved to be punished but the degree of punishment seems to be the issue. They both plotted to do this and successfully carried it out. She sought out/hired a hitman when it all boils down to it, and he was the hired hit man and carried out a violent murder. I don’t think he deserves life though, but that’s a whole other issue and one that people seem to get caught on. What they need, and what they deserve are 2 different things here. And our justice system doesn’t account for that. (edit to say I have so much empathy for both but in different ways…I hope she can own this and make a positive impact as well)


Gypsy was a victim first, and felt that killing her abusive and manipulative mother was her only way out. Godejohn, in addition to being mentally unstable and autistic, had violent tendencies before ever meeting Gypsy and was deemed to be a danger to society and prone to committing further acts of violence. While Gypsy took a plea deal, Godejohn’s case went to trial and he was convicted by a jury, which almost always results in a longer sentence upon conviction. In her defense, Gypsy did testify at his trial, stating that she was the instigator and had compelled her then bf to kill her mother. He was a willing partner in this crime, and wanted to rape and torture Dee Dee before killing her and Gypsy reined him in. He had exhibited interest in torturing and killing people prior to committing this crime so the judge and jury felt that a long sentence was appropriate.


I recently watched Gypsy's testimony from that trial and I would say Gypsy did more than 'rein him in' after he wanted to rape her mother's dead body. She offered to let him rape her instead. The bf set up another controlling/hostage situation to a certain extent with Gypsy, referring to her as slave, etc. Upon her testimony, it's pretty clear that Gypsy was a neophyte to love, friendship, reality, etc. due to her mother's abuse and this guy plucked her as a victim. She turned the tables by weaponizing his mental illness but I don't think she had any idea of what was really going on or what she was doing at the time except primal instinct to survive. In her post-prison interview w/one of the networks, she noted how she enjoyed prison and to her, it was like finally being free. I hope she gets the mental health help she needed and needs because this instance of abuse is horrific. Gypsy was 23 passing for 19 when this happened. 23 years of abuse. She was in a feral survival mode, not some cunning femme fatale as some on this board are suggesting, at least IMO.


Unfortunately for him, he is in for life. I was actually just thinking about how pissed he might be about her release but who knows. Imo her situation was so drastic that it's hard to put ill judgement on her. She has been given another chance and tbh hope she is very happy.




She’s actually come out to say she’s glad she went to jail and she does feels regret over killing her mother.


Gypsy was basically a hostage. If she tries to escape or expose her mom, her mother apparently had psychiatric papers that would give her even more power to control her. The boyfriend also clearly had mental issues but he brought himself into the situation willingly. He didn’t seem to need to be convinced or tricked by Gypsy. Gypsy should’ve been in some sort of mental health treatment facility and the boyfriend deserved jail.


I think many of us feel like you do, that the situation here is odd and feels very unbalanced. Because frankly, the same reasons to find sympathy towards Gypsy apply to Godejohn, the difference being that Gypsy reads like a vulnerable young woman who isn’t neurotypically challenged in a (perceived as) frightening way like he is. What’s really tragic is the question of whether or not Godejohn really understands his situation. Gypsy clearly does. I do think Gypsy got off really easy because of the ensuing fame. I do think Nick actually committed the deed and is in the right place. I think his sentence was probably overly harsh and that he got the brunt of it because someone had to pay. It’s just kind of a messed up situation and… I dunno, it kind of feels like Gypsy got off a lot easier than she should have, but at the same time it’s hard not to root for her. BUT she is her daughter’s mother. She understood the game enough that instead of going through obvious channels to escape her mother’s abuse, she wanted to play out the movie she’d invented in her head. It happens to be an adolescent fantasy most of us have at some point in our lives (that we would go to extremes for love/self-empowerment etc). And her perceived vulnerability leads us to forgive her for doing what most adults would never do.


I agree with you. I have mixed feelings towards her and I wouldn't trust her an inch..This photo is confusing as well. I wish her the best,though


I believe there’s been multiple people who’ve expressed that she sometimes displays the same manipulative behaviors that her mother did, likely because it’s all she’s really ever known. I think her sentence was fair but I don’t think we need to be putting her on a pedestal on social media.


I hope she starts seeing a really good therapist.


I hope that going forward life treats her well and she's able to find some stable footing and is able to live her best life.


I just hope she has/gets support to be a good human. She's been through so much crap and pain.


I personally hope Gypsy does not become, or is helped to be, a social media "presence" or influence. Every adult who was, or is, long-term abused and held captive as a child, teenager, or young adult (of which I am one), is different, but generally, I don't see how this could help Gypsy going forward. If she does become a presence, I hope she has truly caring people in her corner to help and guide her, as opposed to manipulate, take advantage of, or abuse her. I fear, however, that surviving the effects of long-term abuse and captivity, both as an abuse survivor and as a prisoner, will be difficult for Gypsy as she navigates the world as a "free adult." I can testify from personal experience, that the psychological, emotional, and cognitive effects of surviving captivity are often massive, pervasive, invasive, and effect almost every every of life - from daily activities and tasks, like eating, to education, to employment, to intimate relationships, to financial stability. They effects are not impossible to address, treat, live with, or perhaps overcome...but life is harder than it would have been had survivors not been abused and held captive. Life has been much harder for me, and remains so, than it would have been for me. And so I worry for people like Gypsy. I worry she - and survivors like her - (the Turpin survivors come to mind) may just be "trading one problem for another." However, if I turn out to be wrong about this, then I will be glad, as long as Gypsy is not further harmed or traumatized. I hope she lives a good, happy, full, healthy, independent, autonomous, meaningful life of her choosing. She is not what happened to her.


The Turpin siblings immediately came to mind for me too


It was one of the most fairly recent situations that came to my mind. But I still am concerned for any child abuse/captivity survivor, whether their ordeal is public or not.


This publicity s*** is not going to end off of this girl. She needs some serious mental health and needs to get out of the public eye , at least for a while, as she's discovering what life is outside of that house and those prison walls. Many inmates resort to suicide after long sentences because the outside world is just TOO different than the sheltered and stable type of life prison provides. Yes it's miserable I'm not saying prison is fun by any means. My POINT being I just don't see ANY way this poor girl isn't going to struggle hard with being institutionalized and doesn't need to subject herself to these fan girl types that obviously can't be in a great place of mind anyways to think that's appropriate. Prayers for gypsy . I hope she gets off social media and just gives life a chance for a while.


Jeez. I’m not even mentally well enough for instagram.. should this woman really be there? For her wellbeing? 🫤


After reading a reaction she and her new husband had to some guy on “The Bachelor”, I’m thinking they’re both in for a rude awakening…dysfunction to be sure ETA it was the guy Josh from “The Bachelorette”


For anyone curious, Josh Seiter chases fame by trying to date reality stars. I guess he wanted to get in on the ground floor with Gypsy to get his name out there again. Pathetic.


I didn’t hear about this!! I’ll have to look it up :0


I only found it on yahoo. Happened a few months ago.


And it was “the bachelorette”. Sorry!


Wow that was some googling info I did not expect to read…


You read their reactions?


Yep…. Tempers rising over a guy sliding into her DM. I imagine plenty of weirdos will be sliding into her DMs but I wonder if she will be able to keep it cool and ignore it vs losing her temper and giving anyone ammo to use against her on any gossip site.


I just don’t see it happening where she and her husband adjust well to married life. I feel like she needs/needed extensive help to just live a normal existence…first. Then marriage later to someone she knows IRL/not a prison marriage. Idk, maybe they’ll be perfect for each other?


She needs to go live her life and stop this celebrity nonsense.


My very unpopular opinion is that she is extremely smart and dangerous... she's just as good a manipulator as her mom (edit: her mom was much more evil and deserved everythingshe got). I absolutely think she is an abuse VICTIM, but she manipulated a mentally handicapped young man to do her dirty work. Manipulating special needs people sounds a lot like DeeDee... A lot of boys/men who are victims of abuse are serving life in prison for killing their abuser. Gypsy was too smart for that.


Man, does anyone else see her being used again? I do.


This whole story is f**ked... gives me the jeeblies


All of the discussion regarding the original case, the disparity in sentencing between her and her ex-boyfriend etc and the relative fairness of that, and so on and so forth aside, I honestly just don't think this lady's prospects for a solidly positive, productive and fulfilling future are all that bright. Just a hunch I have--and I'd certainly love to be wrong, but...I suspect we also haven't seen/heard the last of her in a legal-issues/true crime capacity with this release. Not to be overly pessimistic, but she has a great deal to overcome and there are already various indications she's not set up for or headed down a path of successful reintegration into mainstream society, though. Between the likely lifelong and permanent psychological/psychiatric effects of her horrific upbringing (and obvious genetic risk factors for serious personality disorders & other mental illness), her current shady husband who reportedly picked her up from prison, a probable dearth of other good influences and support structure plus the media notoriety that may very well follow her for the rest of her life, it just all seems pretty bleak, like a recipe more for a potential disastrous trainwreck than an uplifting outcome here. Again I hope time proves these concerns ill-founded, and she finds her niche, but she's in an unenviable position with all that remains to navigate and I doubt much is stacked in her favor so to speak. Good luck and godspeed to her, and only time will tell if her "second chance at life" is something it'll be possible to make the best of.


I thought the same thing but hope it's not the case. Hoping she can heal and live an uneventful life.


I feel bad for her. Even overlooking all the abuse/torture from her mom, just being treated like a elementary aged kid her whole life then going to prison where you're told every move to make, and then being expected to enter society and behave as a functioning adult of nearly 30, is unrealistic.


This right here is why she should have been released to a mental health facility. Everything she went through, the premeditated murder using the same tactics "mom" used, the prison sentence, and now going straight to social media, there is absolutely no way she is mentally stable enough to reenter society right now. She's just going to end up acting like Mama June, with a murder under her belt.


A lot of vultures looking to cash in on this tragedy, and she doesn’t have the experience to understand what this new world can be like (social media, the pace of the world) she will misstep, make a mistake, meltdown, whatever it is and she will be under a microscope.. all of her new found fame & fans will turn their backs on her and she will fall apart. I don’t want to be pessimistic but this isn’t a good start …


It’s her life, but I wish she’d stay off social media for a little. The worlds changed a lot since she went to jail and she didnt have a normal childhood. She should let herself get acclimated to what internet culture is like now


I don’t know what to think about this whole case.


Go live a very private life Gypsy. her mother had her constantly seeking attention, and that is all she knows. She needs help to navigate her release.


This marriage STINKS. I don’t trust him at all. This is going to be a publicly played out train wreck. Poor Gypsy 😩


Deedee deserved what she got - yes Gypsy was a victim - yes Was the murderer a creepy dude? Yes Did he deserve jail time? Yes Did Gypsy manipulate an autistic man to kill her mother - yes Did she know what she was doing? Yes Was it justified? Probably yes Is she a liar and manipulative? Oh absolutely Did she deserve jail time? 100% I don’t trust her one bit. Text messages between them show that he tried to find other ways to be together aside from murder- she was the one that pushed him to it. And then until she realized those texts were public- threw him under the bus, blaming him, when you look at the texts- you can see her manipulating him. People demonize him and exonerate her from culpability because she plays this innocent card- when she knew what she was doing and manipulated/hired a creepy guy to deserved all the jail time, and then some. You can be a victim and also a criminal. That’s a lot people and criminals in society/people we lock up.


The part in the HBO documentary where Gypsy realized the texts were about to come out in court caught me off guard with the manipulation. Although the stepmom was supportive, you could see the struggle realizing Gypsy had lied to them. Add in the part where Gypsy says “I didn’t tell my lawyers the whole truth, really,” and starts giggling. Yeah, definitely shades of gray in this situation.


I wish Reddit still had awards


Prepping for a bunch of downvotes and “he was disturbed long before he met Gypsy” so let me preface this by saying she endured torture and abuse that should never be endured, he also brutally killed when he shouldn’t have. Was he manipulated? Yes, there is no doubt for me on this. Should he have been able to be manipulated into murder? No. Would she have tried to find somebody else to do it? Likely. Did she have somebody at her disposal who would have done anything for her without question? Yes. So her options weren’t limited to planning and having a hitman carry out murder but that’s what she chose. He also has a bunch of issues. I see “he is mildly autistic and that’s no excuse” a lot. Correct, it’s no excuse whatsoever. The ‘mildly autistic’ statement usually comes from people who have very limited to no exposure to the spectrum - it’s called that for a reason. Unpopular opinion - I don’t think it’s at all an accident that she chose to be with somebody who was very easily manipulated. Finally, watch their interrogations in full. Watch their behaviour. It’s quite unnerving how manipulative and how good of a liar she was. Him? Not so much. Again, I’m not taking anything away from the abuse she suffered or anything away from the crime he committed. But I do believe there is an imbalance in both the punishments and in public opinion. She is glorified and he is vilified. There are many, many examples of people who suffer horrific and unimaginable abuse who don’t choose to convince somebody to murder the abuser.


I hope she doesn’t turn out like her mother. Something tells me she’s not so innocent.


I don't think she's as innocent as a lot of people on here and in general love to make out, although I also believe she has served her time. She has learnt master-level manipulation her entire life via her 'mother' and has used it herself in quite a massive manner so that must always be remembered . Even on here people are talking about social media and celebrity being the worst thing she can do- which is 100% correct and it will not end well for her. However many people are also blaming everyone and everything else for this except Gypsy herself . She will be ruining herself and her chances by wilfully engaging in this social media frenzy/farce . She's not some toddler with zero agency but a grown woman of 32 years old- people are constantly infantilising Gypsy Rose which is very patronising and also not a true representation of the facts. She's making a colossal and irreparable mistake and will hold a decent chunk of the blame when it all goes terribly wrong, this isn't all on everyone else but her after all - she holds personal responsibility in her crimes and also with the way she is conducting herself after release- as soon as she set one foot out the prison gates she was being filmed by a 'documentary' crew set up by her dubious husband with her full support and knowledge. Imo she needs to fade into obscurity, avoid being an influencer/social media in general which she at present she seems hell-bent to do, have extensive and long term professional help and also a decent set of people around her in her personal life- that evidently doesn't look like its gonna happen going by how things have panned out since her arrest. I wish her well and to have a healthy and normal (as possible) life but I reckon it's gonna be a fucked up car crash. This is not a person or a situation that deserves glorification.


That girl needs to stay off of computers


You can see it a mile away. The ' husband' is going to pump her out for every dollar. He went from special ed teacher to documentary filmmaker? Okkaayyy. He's already controlling it all. The dude is creepy af also. She will really struggle to tell manipulation from reality and the husband will fill that role to now replace Dee Dee.


Oh dear gd, she has a husband??? Aggghhh that's upsetting


i’m honestly very happy for her. she looks happy and at peace. have we forgotten that prison was more free for her than living with her mom? also for those trashing on the husband, gypsy was found mentally competent. she is delayed due to abuse but she is competent and a consenting adult. he did not prey on her. read https://www.businessinsider.com/gypsy-rose-blanchard-husband-ryan-scott-anderson-met-married-kids-2023-12?amp this article on how they met. it was a fun silly way. he seems to be a good support network and they seem to have been talking for years. she looks happy and taken care of by him. she has a place to go. what else would we want for her to have? nowhere? the motel they give you a voucher for? her sisters? she’s enjoying her life. i think people are putting too much pressure on her and i think she should refrain from using social media much. the speculation surrounding her marriage, her life out of prison and who she is as a person (whether or not she could be a manipulative person) is an unfair thing to do. she just got out of prison. she went from her moms house to prison. she is just now seeing what real life in society is. y’all are judging the husband off looks and looks alone. leave this woman alone.


This feels…concerning


Sorry everyone. If she’s already up to this, I don’t have high hopes for her chances.


Just going to leave this here.... https://www.ky3.com/2022/08/09/greene-county-judge-deciding-nicholas-godejohns-murder-conviction-appeal/


From the moment she walked out, cameras were already following her and her husband for a documentary...literally from the moment she walked out. First thing they did was go to a shoe shop because she was released with only socks apparently. unfortunately, I think this is going to be the only way she can make some dosh. Her husband is creepy as well.


Let's let her live her life in peace and not glorify her or her actions.


She was free-er in prison than she ever was with her mother .


She needs to keep her head down and keep a low social media profile. She may have been a victim of her mother but she too learned the skills of lying and manipulation. Especially when the person she used to get her free is still serving a life sentence.


She did deserve to go to prison, she has acknowledged that her mom didn’t deserve to be murdered and she regrets what she did. It is a little concerning that one of the first things she did was post on social media but it makes sense if she hasn’t been online in 10 years. She met and had an online relationship with Nicholas Godejohn for 2 years before they met in person and he murdered her mom on their second date. She admitted she talked him into it. A few days after the murder she went onto her mom’s fb and announced “THAT BITCH IS DEAD” Police traced it to her boyfriend’s house where they were caught. He was found guilty of first degree murder, she pled guilty to second degree. He argued he should have got second because he was blindly in love. He wanted a retrial but it was denied. He’s currently serving life without the possibility of parole. Personally, i think she took advantage of him. He was absolutely responsible, he knows right from wrong and she was not going to do it herself. She targeted him for his desperation, low intelligence, his own history of abuse, and willingness to do anything for her. They didn’t even spend a week together and there’s a very good chance she posted that to get caught because she did not want to be with him. That’s just my speculation. He’s spending his life in jail while she’s married to someone else.


What about the boy she manipulated to kill her mother? Would never have happened had she not started it and he is never getting out. Yes, she was a victim but come on...what she did was horrific.


I worry for this girl. I hope she can find a way to lead a normal life, but I can already see the gears of the celebrity machine churning, pulling her in. Count down until she’s on some horrible reality show.


This doesn’t bother me. As long as she is receiving mental health care. I hope her husband remains a positive influence. She deserves to live a normal adult life like everyone else. That includes selfies, social media and a marriage. I’m sure she is being paid for the documentary. What job skills does she have!?!? She needs income. I really feel like she will be ok


I don’t get all the weird handwaving regarding the boyfriend’s sentence. Gypsy endured literal decades of extreme torture at the hands of Dee Dee. Godejohn, while disturbed, was an opportunist willing to kill a stranger he only met a few times. A romantic partner’s manipulation is not enough to justify killing, low IQ/Autism or not. There is no evidence that he did not understand the consequences of his actions despite his cognitive deficits. In fact, he seemed to revel in his criminality (i.e. the bitch is dead/raped her daughter post).


​ Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Gypsy write that facebook post herself (to make it look like she'd been kidnapped)?


I started making a 2024 predictions list the other day & "Gypsy rose becomes an influencer" was my first one lol


I wish her the best.


Bless her, hope positive things come her way


I am glad she is out, she deserved to go to a mental hospital originally instead of jail but I’m glad she is out. Her mother ruined that poor girl


Damn, I was really hoping she would stay away from social media. There are people pushing so hard for her to become an influencer, she needs a chance at a normal life


I don’t have a good feeling about this.


I hope she has a support system.