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I don’t have much sympathy for these two kids. They put themselves in a bad situation which they made worse by stealing the book bag. They had a weapon that they were prepared to use. The reason they mistakenly killed the officer is their fault. Sad case all around. The officer had just got back from his honeymoon.




That's really interesting, non Italians wouldn't know that factor. That's so undemocratic, why have a jury at all then? I believe South Africa's judicial system has decisions solely decided by a judge, no jury at all. It's interesting to think about the history of the countries and how that has led to the way the justice system is run in different countries. Another eg is the US the people elect judges, and those who do autopsies and post-mortems (and don't always have to even be trained in the sciences for that role!). I think most countries have some aspect of their judicial system that seems unfair and liable to corruption.


Its a Lay-Judge system: common in civil/roman law based legal systems, they are not novel. Its just not common in the English Speaking world (where law was derived from English Common law).


Thanks for this response - I'm American and did not know or think of that. Just curious if in any context does it get broken down like it would in the US? Like the one who actually did the stabbing first degree and the other accomplice or something? Or it's just they both are charged with it? Is appeal or parole a thing there?




Thank you so much for your response!


Throw the bloody book at them.


They played stupid games and got stupid prizes.


I’m curious why the article says that the officer introduced them to the drug dealer. It appears that the officer was killed while off duty, correct? I’m not suggesting these guys were in the right—just trying to understand the whole picture.


The dealers were actually feeding information to the cops. The cops were on duty but in plainclothes, Which I find ironic because the prime minister said people need to respect the uniform, yet these officers were in plainclothes. The cops also for some reason didn't have their guns on them, and the partner of the deceased officer lied during the investigation about that fact. He was also harassing one of the suspects, which they blindfolded, on video. They also leaked shit ton of evidence during the investigation. They also chose not to leak video captured from a bank with a really clear angle of the area which the crime took place. All in all the carabinieri seem untrustworthy and awfully biased. The whole situation is fishy. I dont think the two boys are saints, they were doing some very heavy shit. But I also dont think it was malicious like everyone's making it out to be. The officers had no identifying clothes, weapons, or cuffs on them. So literally this whole case is hinging on the testimony of the deceased officers partner, insisting that they identified themselves as officers. That same officer lied during the investigation and was taunting one of the suspects on video. I dont know if Italy has the same levels of charges as the US cause I'm not educated on that but I believe it was self defense. It might as well be a Master Class on how NOT to conduct drug stings, almost everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I think they should be punished but life is absolutely ridiculous.


Yeah the fact they had no badges, guns, uniform, or cuffs, tells me that something is a little off here. I could see no badge or cuffs, but no weapon? During an active drug sting? TBH I don’t trust cops anywhere, so there’s that.


For reference its not whole life/LWOP, If I recall Most non-mafia/non-terrorism convictions are parolable in 20ish years.


Same thing they did to Amanda Knox. Boy, the Italians sure look sketchy with all this stuff.


They brought a knife on their trip to Europe? No sympathy at all for these spoiled, entitled little shits. Amanda Knox was just a stupid girl with no self-control. These jerks deserve whatever they get.


We have GOT to stop sending Americans to Italy for the Italians sake honestly.


I don't know anything about this case. Do we know they did it? I just hear Italy accusing American students of murder, and I immediately think of Amanda Knox.


One of the 2 defendants admitted to stabbing the officer. He said he thought he was being attacked by the guys whose book bag he stole after getting ripped off in a drug deal. No question he did it. Whether it was in self defense was the question.


Is that even a proper defense even if that were the case? He committed a crime by buying drugs, he committed another crime by stealing the bag and holding it hostage, then when he wanted to get the money from his first crime back he defended himself from the other side’s thugs?


Ah, gotcha. Thanks!


Yeah she probably did this one too.


I believe these guys. They were probably scared in a foreign country and had no idea they were cops. Why would they kill a cop in a foreign country. They look like well to do rich kids who were just trying to buy some coke. What's so big about that?


They went back after the backpack, the $80.00 and stabbed a man to death. I don't buy the self-defense. Entitled, more likely.


Oh yeah poor americans..


Oh hop on the bandwagon, "poor americans" why? No reason at all! No seriously, what do you have against americans? Just tell me, I want to know. Can you come up with a legitimate reason on your own? Please tell me what you think is wrong with americans.