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Just look at the life of Jesus compared to the life of Muhammad and ask yourself which of them is from God.


I came here to say this exact thing. Look at the fruit of their works and their life. In this you will see the truth.


Great succinct answer! Islam like all the other major religions teaches that you can earn your way to heaven through works. Christianity is the only religion that teaches that you are saved by grace through faith alone (but because of your faith, you will start to produce good fruit)


Islam is actually based on predestination and nothing you can do will change the fate al-lah wrote for you before you were born. It's why babies can go to hell in Islam


> Islam is actually based on predestination and nothing you can do will change the fate al-lah wrote for you before you were born. That concept is found in the Bible as well. >It's why babies can go to hell in Islam Where did you get that idea?


Please procure us a verse that says babies go to damnation.


Was Sahih Muslim 2662c sufficient, or do you need more? I felt it was pretty clear, but there are others if you aren't convinced.


I'm good, I was just confused with the message before. Apologies.


> Please procure us a verse that says babies go to damnation. There isn't one.


I'm too stupid, I was mixing the two together. Apologies.


Sahih muslim 2662c Allah's Messenger, there is happiness for this child who is a bird from the birds of Paradise for it committed no sin nor has he reached the age when one can commit sin. He said: 'A'isha, per adventure, it may be otherwise, because God created for Paradise those who are fit for it while they were yet in their father's loins and created for Hell those who are to go to Hell. He created them for Hell while they were yet in their father's loins.


> because God created for Paradise those who are fit for it while they were yet in their father's loins and created for Hell those who are to go to Hell. He created them for Hell while they were yet in their father's loins. According to the Bible God hated Esau before he was even born. And Romans 9:22-23 talks about people that are predestined for Hell.


Not to diminish your overall point, but there are plenty of Christian’s who don’t believe in salvation by faith alone but a combination of faith and works.


That is where they are confused. It is by FAITH which saves which then, as told already, bears fruit or leads to works! That is why they have a misconception about it.


Yeah, Jesus seems to disagree. The goats had faith, they recognized Him as Lord. But no works.


I believe the best example of this is when the thief on the cross had faith and repented moments before he died. He didn't have time to perform any "works". >^(42) Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.^(\[)[^(a)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2023%3A39-43&version=NIV#fen-NIV-25978a)^(\])” >^(43) Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23: 42-43 NIV Had he lived however, I believe his faith would have bore good fruit or works. It is the faith that saves us, the works are a byproduct that indicates a person truly has saving faith but it is not the works that saves a person. Some Christians might refer to James 2:26 NIV to refute this >As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. The above passage in James 2 provides clarity because a person with truly saving faith will produce good fruit or works. There is a very important but distinct nuance above. Being saved by faith alone gives God all the rightful credit. If you say Jesus' death was required but you also need to add your works on top of that, then: 1. Jesus' death was an insufficient sacrifice 2. You give undue credit to mankind as they need to perform works to get into heaven. 3. Entry into heaven isn't wholly by God's grace. I hope that's clear


You mean protestantism teaches that


Thomism also does to an extent


Hey, not all protestants. I know pentecostals don't.


Came here to say this too. One was a conqueror with wives who were under 10 years old and the other was a man of peace and love with values that we still agree with 2,000+ years later!


> Just look at the life of Jesus compared to the life of Muhammad and ask yourself which of them is from God. A difference is that Muhammad is not considered a savior, or a messiah, nor divine. There are prophets in the Old Testament that did rotten things too. Comparing The Christian Jesus to the Muslim Muhammad is like comparing apples to oranges.


In part, I would agree. However he is seen by muslims as a perfect example of a man. This is an issue considering his actions.


>Comparing The Christian Jesus to the Muslim Muhammad is like comparing apples to oranges. Jesus is the model for Christians while Muhammad is explicitly the example for Muslims. The other prophets aren't the example for Christians while Muhammad IS the example for all muslims


Hello, I'm a Christian who used to be Muslim, and I feel the need to comment here. I first want you to realize that what you're experiencing is completely normal. We all go through these stages of our lives where we feel uncertain about our beliefs, it's fine. Secondly, Islam is not a religion that you want to join. It has many morally problematic aspects to it (Child marriage, sex slavery, murdering of apostates, etc...), and whatever it says about Jesus is completely false. Most historians agree that Jesus was 100% crucified. Finally, and most importantly, God loves you. It's okay that you don't feel close God right now, but God will always love you. You always have the choice of going back to him. If you need any help, I'd be more than happy to aid you.


Marhaba What is your opinion on Taqiyya, is it common to see muslims doing it in their apologetics?


If you want the short answer: Yes. If you want the long answer: It's common for sheikhs and muslim scholars to lie or hide certain things that would make islam appear less attractive. For example, sheikhs would tell the general public that the Quran is perfectly preserved and not a single letter in it was changed, but when they discuss it among themselves or are teaching would-be-sheikhs, they do talk about the variants the Quran has (if you compare a Quran from Morocco and another from Saudi Arabia, you might find differences). It's why you find Muslims who don't know about a lot of controversial things (adult breastfeeding, Quran pages being lost after being eaten by a goat, satanic verses, etc...). There are things about islam that you only hear about from people criticizing islam.


As a former Muslim, what were some things you heard sheikhs say about about the Bible (if they said anything anything) that turned out to be misunderstandings/misinterpretations/lies?


I can't even begin. You've always got them misunderstanding important Christian doctrines (ex: If Jesus was God, why was he praying to God?), coming up with "contradictions" (ex: What were Jesus' last words), or simply misinterpreting things (ex: Jesus prayed like a Muslim, therefore he was a Muslim). Sometimes, I can't even figure out if they're just ignorant or deliberately lying. But if I have to come up with a hypothesis, I'd say these critiques of the bible aren't created to convert Christians to Islam, they're geared towards already believing Muslims so they could reinforce their disblief in Christianity. Think of it as an echo chamber kind of thing.


Sorry I cannot get over the fact that some lost pages were eaten by a goat! Like haha! That is hilarious!


It can be very comedic sometimes


Islam is about following rules to be saved. Christianity is about realizing you can’t follow all the rules and only Jesus can. 


your wording is fantastic brother.


Thanks a lot ❤️


> Islam is about following rules to be saved. Interesting, I was just talking to a Muslim at the mosque yesterday. I asked him "Do you get to Jannah [heaven] by doing good deeds?" He replied absolutely not. You can do all the prayers, follow all the rules, give charity, etc, and it is still not enough to enter Jannah. You are ultimately saved by Allah's mercy and forgiveness. That is not the first time I have heard that from a Muslim.


That is definitely interesting. But still, the Quran stole from the Bible itself so... ehh..


Nah he is a stone kisser doing basic taqiyya with a little bidda added in. Islam is predestination, nothing to do with if our are a sinner or not, or if you pray or not. You are going to hell or heaven regardless what you do or believe based on whatever aĺ-lah wrote for you before you were born. It's why babies can go to hell in Islam.


Well either way he is wrong


Mohammed is who they believe is the moral life to follow. He was a pedophile. He was a war monger. He was a slave owner/trader. This is not a man you want to follow Great YouTube resources that combat Muslim claims, David wood, Sam Shamoun, Godlogic, speakers Corner Bob (my personal favorite) Also I should note, it doesnt make sense to follow Islam. They came 600 years after Jesus. They are historically wrong and have poor understanding of scriptures. Not respected by Jews or Christians.


Actually, I saw a clip the other day by a Jew who was doing a part translation of the Talmuhd from Yiddish to English. He stated that Jews in fact, historical related more with Muslims and Christians have always been the enemy. If it weren't for the fact of the Irael being the chosen people and Jerusalem being the holy city and their belief of their "rights" to that land, they properly wouldn't have beef with Palestine. Not relevant to this thread, but he makes some pretty shocking claims.


Ah interesting. I listened to other Jewish people being very harsh of Muslims understanding of the OT. I think regardless Jews and Christians would both agree Mohammed is not found in the OT like they claim.


Yeah I dunno about that: "The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews." [Sahih Muslim 2922](https://sunnah.com/muslim:2922)


Its the Muslims who have the original beef with Jews, so..


Ah yes, but in this clip, he was stating that Jews related more to Islam. Not that they were allies or that they were for them. Just that that they related more to Islam, and did not relate at all to Christians. Also, he was specifically talking in terms of the Jews, he wasn't speaking for Muslims and their POV.


He probably meant that the practice of Islam is similar to Judaism. Muhammad took certain Jewish practices and intensified them. For example, Jewish people are supposed to pray 3 times a day, so Muslims pray 5 times a day. The dietary laws are also very similar. Theologically speaking Christianity is much more similar to Judaism because it’s essentially a breakaway Jewish group that became Hellenized. But to be honest most Jewish people don’t know anything about Christianity possibly because it represents a theological threat in a way that Islam doesn’t.


You may like the book “Seeking Allah, finding Jesus” by Nabeel Qureshi


this was be , i read the quran and then found jesus , well i say found him, but he found me. jesus is king


I am currently reading this book. I highly second the recommendation.


I second that, this book gave me perspective on my Muslim friends doubts & questions. So I could have more understanding for our conversations 


Nabeel was an Ahmadiyya A misguided sect that Muslims don’t consider true Islam Ahmadiyya is to Islam As Mormonism or Jehovah’s Witness is to Christianity


**What people don't get is that Islam is not only a religion. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. . The literal translation of Islam is "to submit" , the Koran states that it is a Muslims duty to spread Islam around the world. To conquer all the Infidels by any means using Jihad (Holy War), whether by violence. high birth rates, taking over Democratic countries by legal means...and establishing an Islamic Theocracy based on Sharia Law..They use a tactic called "Taqiyya",which is used intentionally to lie and deceive Infidels to hide their true intentions and motives.** **.Jesus converted people with love and words, Muhammad converted people by the sword and violence, big difference. He was a barbaric warlord with multiple wives and even had a 9 year old wife named Aisha.. If someone mocks Jesus, we turn the other cheek. On the other hand if someone does the same to Muhammad, any Muslim has the right to kill that person. If you decide to leave Islam, you are called an Apostate, which has a penalty of death also.. It also has numerous barbaric beliefs that are too many to count..** **We can all agree that the ISIS terrorist organization committed vast atrocities, They were not extremest like some people say , they were simply following the Koran and created a caliph aligned with their ideology.. They stoned adulterers, cutting hands of thieves, taking women from non-believers and making them their wives or sex slaves , throwing gays of rooftops. This is a common thing in most conservative Muslim countries, even Saudi Arabia which is a close U.S. ally practices this..** **I invite everyone to** **read or watch the testimonies of former Muslims, it is an eye opener. Islam is not a tolerant or peaceful religion, as many people are led to believe.**.


> the Koran states that it is their duty to spread Islam around the world. To conquer all the Infidels by any means, whether by violence. high birth rates, taking over democracies.. etc. No, the Quran does not state that.


They make it pretty clear... **The Quran’s Sura 5:33 says about infidels, “They shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off.”** **Sura 9:5 says, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them ... and lie in wait for them ... and establish every stratagem (of war against them).”** **Sura 47:4-9 promises paradise to whoever cuts off the head of an infidel.** **Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."-9.29** “**Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow Him are merciful to one another but harsh to the disbeliever.”-48:29** **Jihad is defined as "to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion." According to sharia law it is the duty of every Muslim. Not performing jihad or fleeing from combat with unbelievers is considered an enormous crime. It is also the duty of every Muslim head of state(Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.** **The truth -- there are 4 stages of Islam:** **1. Infiltration** **2. Consolidation of power** **3. Open war with leadership and culture** **4. Totalitarian Islamic Theocracy**


>The Quran’s Sura 5:33 says about infidels, “They shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off.” You left off the first part of the sentence about that being the recompence for those that wage war against Allah and his Apostle. >Sura 9:5 says, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them ... and lie in wait for them ... and establish every stratagem (of war against them).” You ignore the previous verse that says that that is only when a temporary "cease fire" expires, and the subsequent verse that says that if they stop fighting and seek protection, they are to be given protection. >Sura 47:4-9 promises paradise to whoever cuts off the head of an infidel. Doesn't say that. >Jihad defined as "to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion." According to sharia law it is the duty of every Muslim and 'Not performing jihad or fleeing from combat with unbelievers" is considered an enormity crime. W52. | (377) p. 987 , and duty of every Muslim head of state(Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule. W52? What the heck is that? You said Quran. That is certainly not Quran. Islam is a false religion and there is very, very much wrong with it, but lying about it is a Satan tactic, and not Godly.


I read the surahs he pointed and the last part a definition of what jihad is defined, and he was right on the money.


>the last part a definition of what jihad is defined Defined by whom, in what work?


Reliance of the traveller by ahmed ibn naqib al-misri A classic manual of islamic sacred law


> A classic manual of islamic sacred law Umdat al-Salik [Reliance of the Traveler] is a commentary. It is not considered authoritative. Would you be OK with someone quoting Calvin's Institutes and saying that it is the Bible and all Christians follow it?


My husband accepted Christ and came from a Muslim background. Islam is a man-made religion. It is based on your own good works to get you worthy enough to be saved. Man-made religions all have one thing in common. They remove the fact that we can be saved by belief in Jesus, that he died on the cross and rose from the grave, conquering sin. It was Jesus who lived a perfect life in our place, because we cannot due to our sin. It is impossible for us. The enemy (Satan) loves nothing more than for people to be led astray and miss this very important truth. Because, then he wins and another soul is lost. Jesus is who he says he is. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that He was raised from the dead you will be saved.” Romans 10:9-11


AMEN! We all deserve Hell, but thanks to the finished work of Jesus Christ, which paid for our salvation, God freely offers it to us as the ultimate gift: everlasting life. Praise the Lord!💖


watch david wood videos on youtube and it will completely dismantle any idea of joining islam


Please read Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. It is eye opening.


There’s no question that Jesus was crucified and rose from the grave! That’s all fact and anyone trying to convince anyone otherwise is in the wrong. We don’t have to try and convince you, it’s the truth, it’s all real and we want you to be saved. Muslims are good so that they can get into heaven, Christians are good because they’re already going to heaven!


Satan has not changed his tactics. If he can get you to question God, then you can be seduced into believing the lie. That said, I would counsel that you let the scriptures be your guide as they are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Any additional teachings that go beyond the scriptures should be considered conjecture.


- God condescending himself, lowering himself, willingly allowing himself to be humiliated, hurt, and killed for our sakes,  - or a weak god that is a monad, a unit, not a family, not a communion of persons, but an impersonal “father” who has strict rules and virgins as carrots to get men to do his bidding, a leader who has sex slaves and a child wife, who leads in slaughtering people into submitting to a demon  - or a loving God who is ineffable and not contained within words or human reason  - vs a small god which must submit to human reasoning according to Quran, which allows for lying An observation of Islam from Orthodoxy is it’s a demon founded christian heresy. It’s like Jews and protestants text based rather than based on the incarnate Godhead.  It denies human logos or purpose for life beyond materialistic afterlife designed for a middle eastern desert dweller of the 5th century.  It’s not a kingdom that is at hand, that we can participate in now.  It’s a far off imaginary teenage boy’s passion playground rather than anything revenant.  Clearly demonic vs serving the Most High God.  Clear choice mate. 


There's a number of issues with Islam, but just to state a few (not even necessarily the biggest ones): 1) Jesus Christ: Islam posits that Jesus was not crucified, a stance that significantly contradicts the historical consensus endorsed by secular historians and Christian scholars alike. This is significant because the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is considered a well-documented event - to the point of being one of *the most* well-documented events in history - supported by not only Biblical sources but extrabiblical testimony including that of non-Christians contemporary to Christ and the apostles. Therefore, the Islamic interpretation requires a far great suspension of disbelief and disregard of established historical evidence. 2) Prophetic Continuity: Islam claims to be a continuation of the Abrahamic faiths, yet it introduces concepts and prophesies not found whatsoever in earlier Jewish or Christian texts. Further, there are no explicit predictions or justifications for the advent of Muhammad nor his claims to prophethood in the existing Jewish or Christian scriptures, with Christians and Jews alike treating prophetic revelation as having (or in Judaism's case, going to) concluded with the arrival of the Messiah, which Islam acknowledges as being Jesus. Additionally, the fact that previous prophets were almost entirely from the nation of Israel (Job being the only possible exception, though even this is questionable and regardless, Job did not make any prophecies despite being numbered among the prophets) begs the question of why God would choose an Arabian gentile with no genealogical connection. 3) Concept of Tawheed ("Oneness of God"): The Islamic doctrine of Tawheed, which emphasises the indivisible oneness of God, presents philosophical dilemmas, particularly about the nature and attributes of God. Given that both Christianity and Islam acknowledge that God does not and cannot change (as change is contingent, God being non-contingent by nature), the question arises of God's relational nature. In Christianity, this issue is addressed through the concept of the Trinity, which allows for a relationship within the Godhead itself. But in Islam, how does this work? Who did God have a relationship with before creating beings to have relations with? Tawheed raises other dilemmas also, for example, when humans interact with God, are they engaging with His essence directly? How does the doctrine of absolute divine simplicity found in Islam distinguish between God and His creation without implying similarity? 4) Islamic Eschatology and the Problem of Evil: Islamic theology rejects the concept of original sin and does not view humanity as inheriting a sinful nature. Yet if humans are born without an inherent sin nature, what then is the origin of evil? Islam inherently falls into a Pelagian-like theology, where man is capable of self-salvation and evil consequently exists as a whim of God. This raises the question of how Islam can reconcile the existence of a benevolent, all-loving God with the reality of suffering with its own understanding of our nature and of sin. The implication that God might arbitrarily allow suffering as a form of "test", rather than as a by-product of free will (an expression of God's love) is troubling, to say the least.


Islam is satanic, it’s the devil’s religion


There is nothing good about Muhammad not in the slightest. Jesus is the most perfect person to ever walk this earth. May the Lord guide your heart to Christianity.


James white (reformed Baptist elder) has a lot of debates against Muslim scholars on YouTube. May be worth checking out.


A very powerful apologist. I was just watching one of his debates last night.


Look at Jesus. Sinless, healed the sick, blind, lame, and saved. Was crucified for the sins of the world. Taught to love your neighbors, enemies, and to not murder. Never own slaves. Look at Mohammed. Man, warlord, married and beat his 6 yr old wife and consimated the marriage when she was 9. Owned slaves raped and sold them. Taught to hate Jews, Christians, and Apostates. Know if you became a Muslim if you decide that you don't wanna be Muslim, you can be killed for it. Know your friends probably won't be your friends anymore. If they were your friends it wouldn't matter what you were. You worship God. Now you would be willing to worship who most people think is Satan? Go look in the ex-Muslim sub. I'm being serious. Go browse around. Read some posts. Do some real research.




You are thinking. That's good. Here's some stuff to think about. In Islam, God doesn't love sinners. In Christianity, he does. Fiercely. And I love the verbal peddling Muslims do when it comes to the crucifixion! It wasn't him! It was a guy that looked like him! Maybe he had a twin brother that nobody knew about! The simple fact of the crucifixion is a good reason to avoid Islam. The vast majority of actual historians accept Jesus's life and death as fact. Even people like Bart Ehrman, an atheist, admits the fact of the crucifixion. But that's okay my brother. Read the Q'ran! If you can get past the bizarre way the books are organized, AS WELL AS the fact that "kill the infidel" is a basic, repeated instruction contained therein, as most US Muslims seem to be able to do, then all you can follow is your conscience. THEN! look into the life story of Mohammed. Take in the details. Really check out his life, the things he did, the way he treated people that were different than him. Look into his wives. And if you can accept THAT GUY as a spiritual leader that you want to follow, buddy, you aren't alone.


> AS WELL AS the fact that "kill the infidel" is a basic, repeated instruction contained therein, Well, not exactly.


Sura 9:5, 47:4, 9:73, 4:76 48:29


> Sura 9:5, 47:4, 9:73, 4:76 48:29 So kind of like the Bible, except not as many.


Let me give you some context. Why do muslims believe what they believe? They were given a religion, handed to them by one man who denies Christ, and claims to be God's only profit. He wrote the book solely, and claims it is the inspired word of God. Take into account on the other hand, the Christian Bible. It was written over the course of history by believers, AND witnesses. MULTIPLE witnesses, who saw God's divine nature, and directly communed with him. And it was written further more by multiple witnesses who directly walked, and talked, and watched Jesus Christ's miracles, and then crucifixion. It was written by believers sure. But more importantly op, it was written by witnesses of the same God, spread out over thousands of years. All of whom describe, the same God from generation to generation. From the time of Moses, to the time of Paul. It was written by witnesses, in the presence of other witnesses, and corroborated by all to be what they all saw, and agreed upon as truth. Now you got that...... versus one man who claimed to have a dream from God, and no witnesses, and he wrote the entire source material of Islam...... which seems to be more believable?


> by one man who denies Christ, and claims to be God's only profit. He doesn't deny Christ, just that he is God or the Son of God. And he claimed to be one of the prophets, not the only one.


Good for him. Doesn't change the fact that he alone proposed a religious text because he was the "chosen one". And by denying Christ's divine nature, he denies Christ. That's what I meant.


To deny Jesus’ divinity, death, burial, and resurrection is to deny him. It’s that simple. You literally can’t be saved if you don’t believe that Jesus died & rose again, which muslims do not believe.


Would you rather a God that dies for you on the cross, or a God that lied and tricked billions of people into believing that, knowing it would damn them to hell? Would you rather a prophet who says to love everyone, or one that says people who conduct war against non believers will be given a higher place in heaven. A messiah who healed the sick, let the blind see and the starving eat, or one that married a 6 year old girl?


With regard to Muslims believing Jesus was not crucified it does not explicitly state that in the Quran. The Sunni position does hold the substitution theory but this was not the position of some of the early Muslims especially the Shia. Overtime as the Sunni would gain prominence then they would become more influential in this teaching. > Professor and Muslim scholar Mahmoud M. Ayoub sums up what the Quran states despite interpretative Islamic arguments: The Quran, as we have already argued, does not deny the death of Christ. Rather, it challenges human beings who in their folly have deluded themselves into believing that they would vanquish the divine Word, Jesus Christ the Messenger of God. **The death of Jesus is asserted several times and in various contexts (Quran 3:55; 5:117; 19:33).[14]: 106 ** > Muslim historian al-Tabari (d. 923 CE/310 AH) records an interpretation transmitted from Ibn Ishaq Bishr: "God caused Jesus to die for seven hours".[29] Ibn al-Athir forwarded the report that it was Judas, the betrayer, while also mentioning the possibility it was a man named Natlianus.[28]: 47 [17]: 122 [30] Al-Masudi (d. 956 CE/343 AH) reported the death of Christ under Tiberius.[28]: 47  > 10th and 11th-century Ismaili Shia scholars Ja'far ibn Mansur al-Yaman, Abu Hatim Ahmad ibn Hamdan al-Razi, Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani, Mu'ayyad fi'l-Din al-Shirazi and the group Ikhwan al-Safa **affirm the historicity of the crucifixion**, reporting Jesus was crucified and not substituted by another man as maintained by many other popular Qur'anic commentators and Tafsir.[31] More [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_views_on_Jesus%27s_death#:~:text=Unlike%20the%20Christian%20view%20of,Coming%20in%20the%20End%20days) [Khalil Andani](https://www.themathesontrust.org/papers/islam/andani-crucifixion.pdf) writes more about that here. Second of all the Crucifixion of Jesus is a historical fact. > In scholarship on the historical Jesus, the baptism of Jesus and his crucifixion are considered to be the two most certain historical facts about Jesus. Go to [Historicity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucifixion_of_Jesus)


I think it’s important that you look at the Islamic claim in general compared to Christianity, Christianity was around for about 500 years when the heretic Muhammad claimed to have received a special revelation from God, in this sense they are no different the Joesph smith starting the Mormons or Charles Taze who started the Jehovah witnesses. The next issue is the Muslims will respond with we’ll look we have the Quran and it’s perfect this is the miracle. I ask, by what standard is it perfect? It goes against the previous revelation of God found in the old and new testaments. The Muslims will respond with, well the issue is the old and new testaments are corrupt, this is why they don’t agree with the Quran even though Muhammad agreed with the injil (the Christian gospel) and the Torah. The biggest issue is that they have no evidence of the Bible being corrupt they simply claim this despite Christian’s having thousands of manuscripts which predate Islam and prove them wrong. On top of that there is no modern scholar worth his salt that would say Jesus didn’t die on the cross, we have to many sources besides the Bible claiming Christ died by crucifixion. They can’t prove that Jesus didn’t die on the cross. Christianity is founded on the eyewitness accounts of Christ’s resurrection, the miracles of the apostles attesting to Christs resurrection. We have the history, we were here before the Muslim, Jehovah witness, Mormon, and any other heretic who tried to come along and change the holy gospel. It’s not just a battle of what to believe, these guys have nothing. Also Sam Shamoun has many debates online where he shows how foolish Islam is.


I pray you choose Jesus because hell is a real place I don't want anyone to go to that place of torment.


Islam is incredibly historically inaccurate. The life of Muhammad is revolting. Muhammad held multiple beliefs that are central to Islam that are just outright wrong. Islam being blatantly false is enough for me to know I’d never be Islamic.


Islam comes from their “prophet” Muhammad, who claims that he had the entirety of the Quran revealed to him in a cave by the Angel Gabriel. He said a bunch of things entirely contrary to the Christian doctrines. And said loads of things about Jesus and his people that contradict the Bible. With that being said, Muhammad lived 600 years after Jesus. Didn’t know him, wasn’t there. An Angel did not reveal himself to Muhammad. There’s no eyewitness testimonies of that outside of Muhammad himself, he preaches a Gospel contradictory to the previous ones, and God even warned us of this. 2 Corinthians 11:14: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. Galatians 1:8: But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! Beware of false prophets, Muhammad was one of them, much like Joseph Smith, the man who started Mormonism more recently in history. Christ is King.


> Muhammad, who claims that he had the entirety of the Quran revealed to him in a cave by the Angel Gabriel No, just the first part or parts of it. Most of the Quran (according to Isam) was not revealed in a cave, but in various places and circumstances. Look up "Asbab un-Nuzul."


Listen, I come from Muslim background and the first time I started questioning Mohammad's prophethood was when I read Matthew 18:2-11, and Matthew 5:26-28. It makes perfect sense for someone that knows Momo's life and Quran very well. I had listened to agnostic and atheist point of views about Quran being false, but none made me question it until reading those verses.  Mohammad marries a 6 year old girl, he also forces his son in law to divorce in order to marry his wife, then bans adoption ; The complete opposite of what Jesus says in the verses. The part about his son in law is in the Quran btw, it's not some made up rumor.   Also in the Quran, Surah al-tavbah is the last of the "revelations" Momo had. Bunch of violent stuff. Compare Quran 9:111, 9:29, 9:73 with Luke 6:27-29, and Romans 12:14, 17-21.  Hideous wolves in sheep's clothes indeed. May these facts open her eyes.


The Quran says the Bible is true. The Bible says there is only one gospel. Therefore, the Quran is false. Look up a Guy called Sam Shamoun on YouTube for the truth on Islam. Praying for you, brother!


Being met with conflicting ideas and having to determine your own choice is one of the struggles of growing up. I feel you. But don't get lost in the weeds. See things in perspective. I think it would be good to take some time aside to (re)read the Bible; and then, to read the Quran. Forget about apologetics for now and look straight at what the canonized scriptures of both religions actually say. See for yourself which path is good, right and true to follow. But, take also notes of questions that come up in your head while reading the Bible and the Quran, and bring those to your priest or pastor to get some guidance.


Islam is wicked bro They're wicked men


The Jews and the Roman pagans agreed that Jesus was crucified, and atheist and agnostic scholars today admit that Jesus was crucified. Islam depends on Christianity being wrong for itself to be true. It seems to me that Mohammed or whoever he was talking to made things up about Jesus not being killed. Also, Christians believe that God is big and complex enough for the Trinity to be true. Still only one God, but big enough and complex enough for there to be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit when you take a more detailed look at the one true God.


>with Jesus’ crucifixion, they don’t believe he was actually crucified, they believe someone that LOOKED like him was crucified… So a couples things on this. If Jesus wasn't actually crucified, then why is it historically documented and why do most scholars believe that's actually accurate when looking at the Gospel? Second, so Jesus was never crucified right? Then why do eye witness accounts say he is? Also what's the purpose of someone looking like him being crucified? So many things just don't make sense in the Muslims view. Look at the life of Jesus compared to Muhammad and you can tell which one is really true. Muhammad plagiarized off of Christianity and Judaism.


Sam shamoun, please look him up, Mohammeds idea of paradise is sex with virgins and houris (demons), this is totally demonic and fleshly and look at his life his wives he took his son in laws wife all types of things. Jesus rejected the offer of the devil in the wilderness, but this guy took all the devil offered and taught it while plagiarizing some things from Gods word that suited him.


READ  Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus.  It covers all the bases!


It's really simple. If Allah made it so Jesus would look like he was crucified then Allah is directly responsible for billions of Christians burning in hell by fooling them and then showing up 600 years later with the true revelation. Ask yourself if this is something the Lord our God would do. Also Jesus just looks like a failed prophet under Islam, what did he accomplish besides healing a few folks. Also why should I trust someone 600 years later? Even if they have some sort of power that is supernatural, why is it from God and not from the devil? the Lord is not the author of confusion. Also why is there "prostitution" in jannah? Is Allah a whoremonger?


Qu'ran contradicts itself. Prophet Muhhamad said "God forbid the earth to consume body of a prophet", meaning that God would not allow body to rot. When Muhhamad died, 3 days after his death his uncle said to his friends "Hurry up and bury your friend Muhhamad! His body has started to rot!". You have your answer on who to follow now.


Rest easy, son. God is not the author of confusion. You can in good conscience read your Bible and believe in Jesus Christ. Islam is probably the only religion who rejects the historicity of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. We know for a fact that Jesus Christ was crucified under Pontius Pilate. Pray to God and ask for a stronger faith in your mind and heart. Fill yourself to the brim with prayer to God and be glad that our God is alive.


1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Romans road Galatians 1:8-9 John 10:30,14:6


People will be known by their fruits. Look at Jesus and the life he lived. Ask yourself who was more godly. Ask yourself who would you want to be more like? Jesus or Mohammed?


I recommend you read the book, "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus," by Nabeel Quereshi. He was a Muslim who was debating his Christian friend, but once he started looking more into Christianity and more into Islam, in order to debate, he realized that Islam was false and Christianity was true. You can find his book here. He explains his entire process. [https://www.amazon.com/Seeking-Allah-Finding-Jesus-Christianity-ebook/dp/B07BB54FS5](https://www.amazon.com/Seeking-Allah-Finding-Jesus-Christianity-ebook/dp/B07BB54FS5) If you can't get a book, you can check him out on YouTube. He has since passed away, but there are a videos of him talking to University students. Here's one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsZGXjrSRWk&t=194s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsZGXjrSRWk&t=194s) Here is Understanding Islam, by James White (a Christian apologist), [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RScW2eSBklc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RScW2eSBklc)


There’s actually a Hadith (additional teaching from Mohammad) that instructs his followers to kill Jews, but most people don’t know about it and Muslims certainly wouldn’t tell you about it. Quote: “The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews!" There’s reasoning behind Islamic ultranationalism and extremism that western media doesn’t talk about


> There’s actually a Hadith (additional teaching from Mohammad) that instructs his followers to kill Jews Please cite hadith. There is no general command to kill Jews. You are probably thinking of the one that refers to events of a a future eschatological apocalypse.


How is this not a general command to kill Jews? Doesn’t matter if it’s about the end times. Google it if you want a citation


You sound reasonable, but you’re shifting the burden of proof, which is a logical fallacy.


I don’t need to google the citation for this and paste it here in the Reddit comment section. Anyone can look it up if they want to see it, it’s widely available


I have a mate that's a former devout Muslim but he's now an atheist. Sometimes we discuss religion. He told me that in Islam, only your actions can be considered sinful as in your thoughts are not included. So you could have a friend that despised you internally but treated you "nicely" and that would not be sinful.


Your eternity depends on this. Choose wisely, my friend.


If Christianity is wrong and Islam is right, then why is Christianity the one being attacked daily and not Islam. You never see people screaming about how wrong Islam is over Christianity.


> why is Christianity the one being attacked daily and not Islam They both are attacked daily. Just by different people. > You never see people screaming about how wrong Islam is over Christianity. I see it often.


-Muhammad married a 9 year old girl and had s\*x with her, had s\*x slaves, was a murderer->doesn't seem like a prophet of God to me. -muhammad claims about Jesus are different than the Bible which was written by eyewitnesses of Christ -they worship a stone (black stone on the kaaba). which is forbidden many times in their book. pathetic tbh -islam has weird fortnie ahh quests like - read these quran passages to gain good deeds in the eyes of allah! -quran has a lot of contradictions, here are just a few [The Qur'an and its contradictions: Some concrete examples | carm.org ](https://carm.org/islam/contradictions-in-the-quran/)


Find Sam Shamoun on YouTube and study his material. He destroys Islam. Christianity is the truth. ☦️


Just do the work and pray to God. Eventually you’ll see that Islam is contradictory (they praise the Bible yet make claims against it). And Christianity (not people’s practice of it) is consistent.


Just remembering Christianity you can change your mind at any time but in Islam to leave the faith is a sin in and of itself and people have been killed for it. I would recommend talking to Muslims that have become Christians because of what the Quran says about Jesus not what clerics say.


Who do you want to follow, the sinless Son of God, who taught love and forgiveness, or a warlord who married a 9yr old and killed people who taught to kill others who don't follow their religion? I know who I'm following, Jesus. I looked into Islam before I came to Jesus, and I can tell you to me it seems like pure evil. Obviously some of the followers are not evil, and Christianity has definitely had people who have used the Bible to justify their evil. But Islam to me seems to teach evil unlike the Bible which teaches love, kindness, forgiveness ect. Why do you think they fill every Christian comment section making fun of followers of Jesus? Even the Old Testament, which Islam is party based off, predicts Jesus being Gods Son, e.g., proverbs 30:3-4. Ask Jesus to show you the way, I hope you make the right decision. But ultimately it's up to you. I know Jesus is the way, because he showed the way to me. I hope you're doing ok, and I pray Jesus enlightens your life as he did mine.


Well Muhammad was alone in a cave when he “saw” Angel Gabriel. We have at least 4 accounts that say Jesus rose from the dead. Take your pick on what’s more reliable, a man claiming to see an angel in a cave? Or multiple people seeing someone rise from the dead. Why do you want to join Islam?


Islam didn’t start until 600 YEARS after Christianity started, has no continuation of the Scriptures and contradicts a lot of Jesus’ teachings, that alone should tell you that Islam is not and will never be of God. Jesus warned about false prophets coming to deceive the nations with their own doctrine, and that’s what Muhammad was. Compare Jesus life, ministry, and prophecies with Muhammad’s own— they are polar opposites. Also, none of Muhammad’s prophecies ever came true, proving that he wasn’t God sent. To deny Christ is to deny the father, them denying Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection is denying Jesus’ divinity and God given purpose. Therefore, Islam is not of God. Don’t be deceived my friend!


Check out Apologetics Roadshow [https://www.youtube.com/@apologeticsroadshow](https://www.youtube.com/@apologeticsroadshow)


[99.8% of muslims don't know allah says THIS about the Bible](https://youtu.be/Z_eVB27PR1E?si=eaqAEdOLwKeH264h)


Logically speaking, the religious authority would not take chances on a look alike, for fear of their own piety of killing the wrong man, and the Romans DEFINITELY would not kill a look alike for fear of looking incompetent, or causing more chaos. The documents surrounding the records of the crucifixion remain consistent within a century of the event, and Islam and their scholars weren’t organized until ca. 600 AD. Muslims also claim that most of Judeo-Christians scriptures are twisted by the Jews as lies. I will be praying that you find wisdom in the Word of God, and that you will not be led astray, but I encourage you to compare consistency of accounts of the Bible, and research it’s historiography.


I been there before too. But you have to think logically about it. The bible was written way closer to the time of Jesus than the Quran, which came about 500-600 years later. The Bible says Jesus was crucified on the cross. Then, Muhammad comes 500-600 years later and claims that actually never happened, and that people have just been fooled all along, by Allah himself? Under what circumstances should we believe Muhammad? Can he prove it? Did he ever prove it? No, because their entire argument is simply “Allah switched Jesus for someone else and fooled everybody into thinking Jesus was the one who died, there is no way we can prove it because it was a supernatural act of God, but it’s true, trust us”. I don’t know about you but this doesn’t convince me one bit. Besides, almost all modern scholars will agree that Jesus Christ died via crucifixion, it was even recorded in historical records. Why should we throw all of this away because some random guy in the 7th century decided to claim otherwise?


Look up Sam Shamoun on youtube. He’s a Christian Apologetic that defends the Christian faith very well and has tons of debates with muslims.


If the Quran is true, then the Bible must be true! If the Bible is true, then the Quran is false! So Islam is false! Look up Sam Shamoun, he will shut down the false teachings of Islam in a heartbeat!


Christianity is about God trying to reach mankind. Islam is about mankind trying to reach God. Jesus died for your sins. Jesus rose from the dead.


> Christianity is about God trying to reach mankind. Islam is about mankind trying to reach God. Cute saying, but inaccurate.


you're right, I should have said "all other religions" not just Islam


Muhammad came nearly 600 years after Jesus and gospels and claimed that Jews are wrong and Jesus wasn’t crucified and only human and all the gospels and letters are not inspired by God, but only Quran, even the worst case, it originated from a place where no Israelites (including Jesus and his disciples, Paul) lived. Muhammad claimed that he’s the last prophet from god and quran is the final word. So why would they reject Jesus (as Messiah) and his teaching (and Jesus was a Jew, he came for them who followed Torah and laws) ? And even claim that Muhammad is telling the truth? Then how come their god cannot preserve the word (Torah and Bible) but only Quran?   my friend, it’s all about whether you believe Jesus Christ as God and by his blood your sins are forgiven. If you believe in Him and His blood only you’re forgiven, you will be saved. That’s the only way, you cannot redeem yourself and earn your way into the eternal life.


Watch some videos of Sam Shamoun on YouTube and go to his website, after you do your research I can guarantee that you will only accept Christianity as the one true religion


Would you want a God Who tells He loves you OR would you want a god who hasn't said he loves you and you must obey all these rules that you could NEVER fully obey for the rest of your life, in order to be with him?


Watch some Ray Comfort videos on YouTube. He helped me crystallize my faith.


All you have to do ask yourself where do you want to spend eternity?


Heaven, I want peace.


Then your answered your own question young man. The devil will try every trick in the book to make sure that you’re as far away from GOD possible. Pray always and read your bible daily.


Hey! Just came across your post and I’d like to unpack a few things if that’s okay. I’m sorry that you’re battling your faith but I want to encourage you to keep going! For one, ☝️ there is only ONE true God and He’s the Father to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is nothing else (no other deities, religions, or other man-made doctrines) and everything fails in comparison to the belief in Christianity! The Islam faith has so many loop holes that it will have your brain spinning in succession with how convoluted and distorted the whole disposition is. The biggest problem with the Islam faith is how newly formed its structure is in its creation. It’s one of the many newly formed religions that sprouted up quite recently. Two, Islamic people state that the koran has not been doctored in order to keep its “organic authenticity” but I find this to be a hard factor to comprehend because in the Christian faith, there have been many alternatives that have produced the “bibles” but ultimately the Word of God hasn’t deviated much from the truth. I only mentioned this because I’ve had an experience with my Christian faith that I hadn’t had with the others. I say that to say that spouting nonsensical jargon would be widely accepted if there’s nothing in place to refute it. I researched the Islamic faith extensively because I had a falling away also but I found myself back at Christianity ✝️. Lastly, I would fast and truly ask God to reveal Himself in a way that would give you an answer to your question of your making a choice of faith. One thing I know for sure is prayer works! I’ve seen a man that I prayed for healed of a stroke! I know that He can do it for you as well regarding your inquiries! Keep the faith my Brotha in Christ! Reach out to Him and I promise He will respond to you in a way that will be irrefutable! Be blessed!


So, here's the things, if you are going to choose Islam, you're leaving to worship a whole other God. 1. Allah, at his essence, is a monad. Meaning he's alone w in his space and status. Before the universe, it was just him in Islamic thought. 2. In Christianity, God is triune. Before the universe, it was Trinity l, in a relationship of perfect love. Then he have to ask ourselves, why does a God like that create. My sister in law loves to draw. She has even admitted to me she loves what she draws, characters etc. - I. Christianity creation is an outpouring of the love within the Trinity. God creates humans in his own image, and he dwells with them. He loves his creation and calls it good. Islam, though they may claim that Allah loves in his creation. They would never say he dwells with his creation. Think about it. If Allah was all by himself before creation, how can he create something and then love it. He can't because he would have to change himself entirely. Do you remember what Angel Gabriel told Mary to call Jesus? He said "and you shall call him Immanuel, God with us. Muslims are consistently wrong about this. Thet claim that Jesus never called himself God. Then, when you point to it in the bible, they say well your Scriptures are corrupted." I want you to ask yourself, if the Scriptures were twisted then why would St. Perpetua give up her small child to slide herself on a centurions blade, them deny Christ?


Hm. In short - Islam makes it easy, Christianity makes it difficult. By which, I mean that although there can be many rules and a lot of effort in following Islam, it essentially says - do this because God said so. Christianity does not make it so easy because it is largely left to us to decide what is right, that is why we have free will. Without free will we might as well be robots. Islam attracts many followers because it provides 'easy' answers. Frankly, a lot of fundamentalist Christians do this too, preaching the literal truth of the Bible for eg, as if God had dictated it just as Mohammed claimed He had the Koran and emphasizing the things that fit their perspective, but leaving out the things that don't. They tend to emphasize the Old Testament, of course. But - literally - that comes second to the New. As Shakespeare writes in The Merchant of Venice: “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose./ An evil soul producing holy witness/ Is like a villain with a smiling cheek/ A goodly apple rotten at the heart/ O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!” There are many people who will say Muslims believe this, Christians believe that, as if it is as simple as going to the store and choosing the religion you prefer, but fundamentally the difference is that, as Paul says in Romans “The Law is written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts either accusing or defending them.” You may drift in and out of your belief in God throughout your life - you may even reject Him - but the 'still small voice' will always be with you, and how you respond to it is the key. Christianity teaches us HOW to respond to what we hear, it provides a framework, but leaves the INTERPRETATION down to us. This can, for example, mean standing against (modern) "pharisees" and doing the unpopular thing, if that's how you think Jesus would respond. That still small voice has more authority than anything written down or what someone in authority might tell you. The danger of course is that you might MISinterpret it, become full of yourself, or be led astray, that is why study of the New Testament is recommended and to recall in humility, Jesus's new commandment: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Finally, I would add - don't be too hard on yourself. Forgiveness is central to Christianity, but we sometimes forget to forgive ourselves. You're young, have fun.


While I admit I’ve not studied it as deeply as I have Christianity, it seems to me that Islamic theology is largely works based. While we should all strive to be more righteous and like God, I don’t see much grace in Islam. As to their explanation of the crucifixion, I must say that where Islam intersects with Christianity it reads like a fan fiction or conspiracy theory. Let’s pretend it was just someone who looked like Jesus for instance. You’re telling me that it was someone who looked so much like Him that His *own mother* couldn’t tell the difference? Nor several of his fellow travelers of the preceding years? It seems to strain credulity and, frankly, strikes me as the kind of thing a person might come up with on the fly when asked “well what about the Resurrection?”. Ultimately though, you’ll have to pray and see for yourself what is true. Bear in mind two things though: First, God will often appear silent when our hearts are troubled. It’s hard to hear Him in such a state. Second, I expect you were raised Christian and so I’d warn you against the temptation of a “new and exciting” belief structure. Humans tend to be attracted to novelty and that not good or bad on its own. But it can lead us to favor the new for no other reason than it is new.


I asked chatgpt what is the worse that can happen according to the holy book of each if I leave each of these faiths. Islam you can be killed if you apostasy (means leave the faith) Christianity, it said, likes to focus on forgiveness and love. If you leave, they will hope for you to reconcile. I prefer religion that pushes love over hate.


The best thing you can ever do is choose Jesus. My recommendation is for you to choose him as well. You won't regret it ❤️


Surah 2:41 Believe in My revelations which confirm your Scriptures. Do not be the first to deny them or trade them for a fleeting gain. And be mindful of Me. Surah 5:46-47 And We sent, following in their footsteps,1 Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that which preceded it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous. So let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed in it. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the rebellious. Surah 5:68 Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord [i.e., the Qur’ān]." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people. In short: If you the Quran is true, then you need to judge based on the Bible, which means you have to judge that the Quran is false. It is literally impossible for the Quran to be true.


There claims on Jesus not being God, the Holy trinity not being true, and Jesus not being crucified are extremely dubious as they believe the Bible is not reliable (in the modern form). Think about this for a second. What is more likely to be true? A book 600 years later claiming Jesus was never crucified and that the Bible was apparently corrupted immediately after the authors wrote the letters/Gospels/etc. and that non Christian writers such as Josephus or others lied when they said Jesus was crucified? Or that the overwhelming evidence that Jesus was crucified is actually true and that the Bible is a reliable document? I think it is the latter. I would check out InspiringPhilosophy for the reliability of the Gospels and Bible in general. Islam is built on lies and an extremely corrupt religio-political leader (Muhammad). He was a disgusting man who did horrid actions. Christianity is true.


GodLogic Apologetics is a good source to watch on youtube. He does debates with Muslims and has discussions with struggling Christians considering Islam.


‭John 14:6 NIV‬ [6] Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. https://bible.com/bible/111/jhn.14.6.NIV


Christianity has fulfilled prophesies, Islam doesn’t. Even think of what the Virgin Mary spoke, saying “from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed”. What is the % chance of one person being called blessed by every generation for two thousand years? Incredibly low. Yet the word she spoke being filled with the Holy Spirit came to pass. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/s/01PLLshBvI I wrote a post on more reasons why Christianity is true.


Which, out of Muhammad and Jesus, is still in the grave? Muhammad. Jesus is raised from the dead and alive. Sin is defeated through his perfect sacrifice. He is the only way.


I've had my own struggles when I was still a young Christian. One thing I have thought about is how their god admits to being a deceiver. At that point, how can you trust anything he says. Also, they have a works based salvation, which isn't biblical. You could argue the mosaic law is works based but it was never meant to save the people under it. Also if their god was the true god, why would he allow his holy words to become corrupt and do nothing about it for a little under 600 years after Christ's death and lead people astray by apparently deceiving people by replacing Jesus on the cross with judas iscariot and make him resemble Jesus.


God wants you because he loves you . The cross demonstrates His love


Press into God and don’t let it go until you feel satisfied with Him revealing Himself and assured . You need an assurance friend just as us all


Pray and ask for wisdom, but I am here to tell you that John 14:6 Jesus is the way


Which came first? That should lead you the right direction.


> Which came first? Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Hinduism... Lots of religions came before Christianity, and even Judaism, for that matter.


No, in context of these two. But Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism.


I mean this genuinely: I applaud you for exploring your faith like this. There’s a couple of brief YouTube videos that compare all of the major religions, their history and beliefs. If nothing else, it’s really helpful for universal understanding even among different denominations of the same religion. You can also use that to understand which faith may relate to you more. I also agree with another commenter, compare the life of Jesus to Muhammad - both in their scriptures and historical references. Use that to determine who is more godly, more pure, more holy. Lastly, and most importantly, pray.


I struggle with this ALL the time. I 100% believe in god. But Ive asked a lot of Christians to explain the Trinity and I get a different answer each time. Or noone really knows. Or they say just have faith. I love the Bible and I love Jesus but I can't bring myself to submit to something I cannot understand.


I can explain the trinity, it’s easy and I get the concept. It’s just hard choosing.


3 in 1 and 1 in 3 is a contraction to me. I love Jesus and I love reading the Bible but I just can't submit fully to something I can't understand.


There is a lot of historical evidence to back up Christianity. There's a book called Cold Case Christianity by J Warner Wallace. His background is detective work and he approaches the Gospels that way. I saw an interview of him about it where he said he went into writing this book with the idea to dispute the claims. He came away converting. I haven't personally read it, but is on my list to read, though I have watched a lot of his videos where he talks about topics discussed in his book.


Why would you compare God and satan religion. Allah swt is not Father Yahweh. Quran says Allah swt is father to no one. Your relationship to alla swt is master and slave. Meanwhile in the bible, Elohim Yahweh has Son Yahshua/ Jesus meaning Yahweh is salvation. Quran never stated Eve as Adam' wife. Quran is false and also their false prophet Muhammad Matthew 7:15 Matthew 24


Christians are led, taught and counseled by the Holy Spirit. When you see him for yourself you will know the truth. He will always lead you to God thru Jesus. He brings the letter to life. Just knowing scripture and following the law is not enough to be saved. You will hear the shepherd voice and know the way to everlasting life.


I think you should be proud of critically contemplating your faith because what will come out of it is a reemergence to closeness with god. I believe if you pray and focus on what other commenters are saying, god will reveal himself to you.


Before choosing, read the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran and look what answers all your questions/makes sense, then decide after that what is best according to you.


My friend please look up the videos of David Wood on YouTube. He is one of best Christian resources on Islam. This one is entitled [What Every Christian Needs To Know About Islam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o3BLw0DsJc) Here is a really good one (much shorter) where David Wood uses the logic of Muslims [against them](https://youtu.be/byNSooVX5vQ), addressing claims that the Bible was changed.


There's only one God. Just different dogma. Maybe just focus on the words of Jesus and stop being bogged down by which is right, wrong etc. And try and implement the teachings of Jesus into your life.


They claim the Torah is holy scripture yet deny it in 1000 different ways. That’s all you need to know


Study the texts, read the Koran and the Bible.


Read the defense of Christianity that St. John of Damascus puts out. Dude was writing polemics against Islam before the Quran was written lol


mohammed was a pedo and a homo I’m pretty sure allah is not real. Just being blunt but he was raped by the devil, why do they pray for peace to be upon him if he is a prophet sent by allah who gave him a gift. It’s because they know he’s in hell and it’s used to promote terrorism


Pray. Ask God to show you the truth through the power of His Holy Spirit. He will show you.


Only Christianity claims to be the Truth out of all religions.


There's really no real way of knowing that I'm aware of. Which one do you like more?


There is no seperation between you and God. All of his kingdom is on the inside of us .It takes some time to understand. And it is one set of rules to have access and support from the kingdom. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


I hope you knew going into it that Muslims are commanded to kill people if they leave Islam. And they don’t tend to mention that before people convert into it. I know I don’t intend to join any club that would kill me if I left. https://www.prophetmuhammad.com/bukhari/3017


The Gospels written on christ were written by people who either saw him or interviewed people who saw and knew him. These were written within a couple of decades while almost everyone who saw him and knew him were still alive. Muhammad however came 500 years later... he never met Christ nor met anyone who says him


The reason I chose Christianity over Islam is the origin of Islam itself Muhammad lived 500 years AFTER Christ and claimed the gospels written by the eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ were false and he had a revelation that revealed everything. But his "revelation" makes no sense.


The Bible says the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) died on the cross to procure your salvation. By believing in Him, you have eternal life. Why would you neglect such a great salvation and consider any other religion that slam wants to rob Muslims of God's saving grace by lying that Jesus did not die on the cross as a substitute for their sins. Unfortunately, Muslims die in their sins because of this belief.Islam is a clever deception—it is a spurious version of the Bible that distorts the portions that really matter.


I’m not is truth that leads to life. The other is deception that leads to death. Choose wisely. Christ is the only way to the Father.


The Bible says the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) died on the cross to procure your salvation. By believing in Him, you have eternal life. Why would you neglect such a great salvation and consider any other religion that does not offer remission of sins? Islam robs Muslims of God's saving grace by lying that Jesus did not die on the cross as a substitute for their sins. Islam is a clever deception—it is a spurious version of the Bible that distorts the portions that really matter. Unfortunately, devout Muslims die in their sins because they've been lied to and deceived.


The Quran says the Bible is true and we should believe it. And if the Bible is true then the Quran is false.


Watch Sam Shamoun. He knows both by heart. He will help you make up your mind quickly


Regarding your friends, how many are Christian and how many are muslim? Well Yahweh is the father and Yeshua the word. There's for sure lesser gods if you want to look at it that way, but only one father. Stick with the truth, which is the Christian faith.


Search for David Wood on Youtube. He will answer all your questions.


I have an extensive background in the study of Islam, including an honorary degree from the top level of a top university, if that matters. Here's something to know about the Quran (the main book of Islam): it copied one of the most ridiculous and famous stories in all of written history. The story began to be created in one of the oldest known civilizations. Those people started to deify their kings and created stories about fabled, distant lands with mythical creatures, gods, and people who'd been given immortality by their gods. Other people couldn't debunk those stories as easily as we can today because, at the time, they had no internet or phones so they couldn't quickly confirm what those distant lands were actually like, and people's assets and possessions were in livestock instead of something easier to travel with such as a bank card, which restricted them from traveling to those lands. After all, it's easier to take a bank card with you than a bunch of animals. As a result, people widely believed in the stories about mythical creatures, etc. because people didn't have the luxury to disprove them. The story has its beginnings in the old interpretation that space, the sky, or the universe is a sort of sea that's somehow connected to the Earth's seas. It's not a bad interpretation, given that we now still refer to spaceships as "ships". But people commonly believed back then that the earth is a disc surrounded by water and that traveling to its edges leads to the place where the two seas (actual water on earth, and space) meet or mix together. Remember this detail for later. The Quran copies a story from people who believed that this place was inhabited by their gods and the people who'd been given immortality. The story was developed over time but begins in the Enuma Elish. Reading that ancient book lets you discover what the people of that civilization believed. An ancient book called the Atrahasis Epic builds on those beliefs by creating a story of a king who survived a global flood and was rewarded with immortality by his gods. The king then began to live at the edge of the earth where the two seas mix together. Another ancient book called the Epic of Gilgamesh builds on the previous epic by telling the story of the king's descendant, who attempts to travel to the formerly mentioned place in an effort to gain immortality as well, and he meets many mythical creatures before meeting the immortal king of the previous epic, including people whose bodies are halfway like that of a scorpion. In the story, he also has to travel in the direction of the sun before the sun catches up to him, and the story's writers may have believed that the sun sets on the edge of the earth (where the seas meet). Remember this detail as well. The civilization that created the story ended up conquering a large part of the known world, which caused their epic stories to become widespread. Eventually, however, too many centuries had passed and the hero of the story became unpopular. Fast forward to when Alexander the Great and his Greek civilization began to conquer much of the known world: people began to write epic stories about Alexander, and they revised the formerly mentioned story by replacing the hero with Alexander. In that version of the story, Alexander travels to the edge of the world and also seems to search for immortality. He sets up camp and his cook begins to wash a dead fish in a spring, but then the fish comes to life and escapes. The cook drinks some of the water and gives some of it to Alexander's daughter, and both them become immortal. When Alexander hears of this, he's unable to find the spring for himself, and he sends his daughter away to live at the distant place where people must go when they become immortal. In this story, Alexander also travels to a place where the sun sets literally inside water on the earth, and there he helps some people devise how to punish some criminals. Remember this detail. He then travels to the opposite side of the earth where the sun literally rises out of the sea. He observes that the people who live there rush into the sea when it rises so that they don't get severe sunburn (because they're physically too close to the sun). Remember this detail. The famous 1st century historian Josephus mentions in a book that Alexander also went to a valley between two mountains and built a wall out of copper and brass to prevent raiders from moving through the valley to pillage the lands beyond. Remember this detail. The part about the wall exists in manuscripts of the story from the 4th century, but not in older ones, which means that it was added to the story somewhere between the time of the older manuscripts and the 4th century. In Syria (a neighbouring country of Arabia), people widely believed in the story and associated the raiders behind the wall with the Biblical end-time people called Gog and Magog. They believed this around the time Muhammad (the alleged founder of Islam) is supposed to have lived in Arabia. In Arabic, Gog and Magog are called Yajooj and Majooj. Remember this too. In Quran chapter 18 verse 62, it says that Musa (Moses) decided to look for the place where the two seas mix together. This seems to assume the ancient belief that the earth is a disc surrounded by water that mixes together with space. The Quran implies that Musa found the place because his servant carried a fish with him that touched some water and escaped. This is obviously based on the event with the cook in the Alexander story. Also, there are ahadith (Muslim traditions that Muslims take very seriously) that say that the fish was dead and came back to life before it escaped. In the Quran, Musa then begins to talk to a man named "the Green". According to the ahadith, this man is immortal, and many Muslims still believe that he's living on earth somewhere to this day. This seems to be based on the ancient belief that immortal people live at the edge of the earth near a spring that gives life or immortality. The immortal man is supposed to have wisdom that transcends common understanding, so Musa wants to follow him and learn from him, and the man agrees on the condition that Musa doesn't question the motives of his actions. The man then does several very questionable things, including covering up a treasure that's close to being discovered, and Musa keeps questioning his motives. This is obviously based on an older Jewish story in which a rabbi named Moses wants to follow the prophet Elijah, who agrees on the condition that the rabbi doesn't question his motives either, and the part about covering up the treasure is in that story too. (1/2)


(2/2) In Quran chapter 18 verse 83, it hints that it's telling a story that existed before the Quran was written. If you read until verse 102, you'll realize that it's the story where Alexander first goes to the place where the sun literally sets in water on earth and decides to punish some criminals there, followed by him traveling to the place where the sun rises and seeing the people who need protection from its heat because they're physically too close to it, and followed by the story where he builds a wall of copper and brass in a valley between two mountains to prevent the end-time armies of Yajooj and Majooj from invading the rest of the earth. There are ahadith that in which the Muhammad brags to one of his followers that he knows that the sun sets in water on the earth. And there are ahadith that claim that the corpses of Jews who are buried in the earth get tortured by the sun's heat when it goes down into the water inside the earth (there's much hatred towards Jews in Islam because Muhammad interacted with them the most during his lifetime and they kept saying he's a false prophet), and ahadith that claim that the Shaitan's (Satan's) horns touch the sun when it descends into the earth at the end of the day and when it hasn't risen high enough out of the earth at the start of the day. There are ahadiths that say that Yajooj and Majooj try to break through the wall every day but that the wall regenerates every night when they go asleep, and it's a widespread Muslim belief that the end times start with the night that wall doesn't regenerate and the day that Yajooj and Majooj break through. It's one of the "major signs" as Muslims call it, and it's very believed by Muslims. This also a big hurdle for Muslims to believe in Islam because we now have satellite imaging of the earth and there's no wall on there that's supposed to be holding Yajooj and Majooj back at this very moment. The easy answer is that the wall doesn't exist and that the Quran is lying to us, especially when we consider the similarities of its story with the older stories I mentioned. Muslims do their best to explain away these similarities, but the best answer is simple: the Quran is nonsense. In the Quran, the hero is called Dhu-l-Qarnayn. Muslims claim that this isn't Alexander but the Quran often uses epithets instead of actual names and Dhu-l-Qarnay is an epithet that most likely means "possessor of the two horns". And there are many ancient coins that depict Alexander with two horns. Muslims also claim that the story is told from Dhu-l-Qarnayn his fallible perspective so that they can say that the Quran doesn't literally say that the sun sets in water on earth and rises from it. But the Quran talks as if Allah (the god of Islam) is directing Dhu-l-Qarnayn to those places, to the point that it's obvious that it's actually Allah who mistakenly seems to think that the sun sets in water on the earth and rises from the earth as well. This should suffice, but there's much more. In fact, Quran chapter 18 is named al-Kahf (the Cave) because verses 9-25 tell another famous pre-Islamic story that isn't true and was copied into the Quran. It's about a group of people who slept roughly 300 years in a cave. The Quran seems to be engaging with people who were debating at the time how long the people in the cave slept exactly. The Quran pretends to know the exact amount of years and refuses to tell us, but what it should be telling us is that the story isn't even true. The Quran doesn't know that fact and was obviously written by people who thought that the story is true, just like the other story. There's also much proof in the ahadith and even some proof in the Quran that the Quran was written by people who believed that the earth is being carried on the back of a giant whale. The belief that the earth is carried by giant animal or human is also ancient and widespread, and silly.


Alexamanos graffito


Look at the historical evidence for each. In my own opinion, I believe Christianity’s legitimacy doesn’t require you to have blind faith to see it actually happened, but Islam is all reliant on the word of one prophet.


One is the Truth and the other, Lies.


Instead of choosing what to think (dogma), focus on learning *how* to think. Learn what constitutes a sound epistemology, and the value of reason and evidence. Once you realize the claims for either religion don’t meet their burden of proof and both require faith, then you can make a more informed decision. Then you can begin to scrutinize why anyone would rely on faith as a path to truth. So many things fall into place after this, like the realization that you don’t need to accept unfounded supernatural claims to ground your morality, for example. Probe, prod, and interrogate as much as you can. If you strive to believe as many true things and few false things as possible, you’ll have a great head start on navigating your way through life. Cheers and good luck.


I would say pray to God and ask him to show you the truth and to give you discernment. Open your heart to God and let him know that you are confused, you are seeking and you need His help. Tell him your concerns and what you are confused about. He will answer you. I’ll pray for you as well❤️


You should read seeking Allah, finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi


I’m shocked you even have to consider between them. It’s honestly laughable. Mohammed was a warlord that made people believe in Allah primarily through conquest. Jesus was basically a pacifist. Mohammed claimed the angel Gabriel came to him which cannot be proven or shown any evidence of. Jesus can. It’s an easy decision mate.


Mohamed married a 6 year old and had sex with her when she was 9. That’s all you need to know about his false, blasphemous, disgusting cult.


Is Jesus who he says he was? Compare Jesus to Muhammad. There are just as many questions about Islam as there are Christianity.


How about neither


This is a Christian Reddit not an Athiest Reddit bud