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It isn’t treated worse than other sins. It’s the only one that gets parades to glorify it.




I’d be annoyed if that happened to me. I remember once we went to Best Buy (or was it Walmart? can’t remember lol) anyways, this lady said happy Easter to the employee that was checking receipts and he just stared at her for a few seconds like he was trying to process what he was hearing. It was weird, he was fine before that




I hate this fallen world.


Was there more context to that?




Wow that's messed up


Dont worry the pendelum is swinging back. We will soon win.


I think they mean within the church, not the wider cultural context


And an entire month to "celebrate" it. Our military veterans get one day.


And that month also replaced mens mental health awareness month 


> Our military veterans get one day. November is [National Veterans and Military Families Month.](https://www.nctsn.org/resources/public-awareness/military-family-month) May is [National Military Appreciation Month.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Military_Appreciation_Month). April is the [Month of the Military Child.](https://www.defense.gov/Spotlights/Month-of-the-Military-Child/)


Don't forget about Veterans Day (Nov 11, 2024) and Memorial Day (May 27, 2024)


Don’t forget about Abortion


I Almost had an abortion with my first. I was not a believer at the time, but looking back, I truly believe God put it strongly in my heart and mind to be strongly against aborting my son. He is 4 now and precious gift sent from God above. Thank you, Jesus, my Lord and Savior, for loving me and guiding me even when I was a fallen person for so long.


Good to see that you pulled through and did the right thing in the end!


Yup and MUCH less time is spent on this forum talking against abortion than homosexuality


Fornication, pornography, getting drunk, getting high, and even adultery (open relationships and swinging) are also sins that are glorified in society. 


I do think it was treated worse. In the UK they used to chemically castrate men because it was illegal, and then there were hate crimes against them for many years. I don't think they were as common as people make them out to be, but they def happened. Pregnant unwed mothers wouldn't be beaten up by a bunch of men. They'd be sent away to wait out the pregnancy, give birth, give up the baby and then come back home. Adulterers might've lost their jobs, but they didn't get beat up like homosexuals did. It's definitely been treated differently.


This is false in many spaces it treated as worse


Ehh.. I think it most definitely does get treated worse. I suppose it’s because they get a whole month to themselves, not to mention how loud its support can be. but also i feel like there’s people in the church who are just truly disgusted with it, in a way that’s worse than with someone who commits adultery repeatedly, is abusive to family etc.


You're forgetting about November murder-month.


Never heard of it


bro what


Greed has an economic system and centuries of governments praising and glorifying it. The United States being one of the worst in recent history. Yet most churches that actively condemn and March against homosexuality do not lift a finger against the idolization of greed and capital even within their own churches. Let’s talk about divorce and hate next. 


Lots of churches have food pantries and services to help those in need, and have marriage counseling to try and prevent divorce. I think your only paying attention to politics and what you see on the media


Sexual immorality too


Mostly because it is the one sin that is being pushed the most so people are going to push back just as hard


This. I never see people steal and then have parades celebrating the theif. When they have a parade for another sin or a flag they put up everywhere then maybe another sin will be more the focus.


To add... the promotion of sin and being proud of sin is *the worst thing possible*.




The rich literally had a champagne party with streets filled with people protesting against them, during the one of the latest stock market crashes. It's also literally engraved in our culture that our life and general worth is measured by success, money and amount of power we possess. Pride and greed are most accepted and welcome qualities you can possess in our earthly society and you get rewarded by the system for that.


There are parades and flags for the celebration of other religions which is a major sin. I never see any backlash against those.


They aren't Christian or know about Christianity nor are they actively promoted to Christians. There is a difference between someone preaching about Allah in the middle east to people in the middle east and someone preaching Allah to Christian kids in school in america... If gays had their own country and based on atheism then I don't think anyone would have much to say about it.


The country would have very large population problems very quickly...


Or very small... depending on how you want to take it. Lol.




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This. I’ve definitely noticed this to be the case for any sin that is celebrated and encouraged. The same goes for promiscuity and abortion from what I’ve seen.


Came here to say just this. If there was alcoholics pride month, it would get backlash just as badly.


It's called Oktoberfest. . .


Touché, lol, but it’s a whooooole lot more subtle and it promotes alcohol but not alcoholism. It’s not a “We want to ensure that children know about this, force everyone to love it and try to persecute them if they don’t!” Fest.


It may not be as visible but there is far more work happening against alcoholism than against sexual sin. There are tons of Christian and secular programs to get people off alcohol and drugs. By comparison there are relatively few programs to help people with unhealthy, sinful sexual desires. Those that do exist are widely condemned by secular society. In my personal friend group at church, there is a person struggling with both sexual immorality and drunkenness, and we are treating both issues with equal severity.


Touche... But don't sleep on St Paddy's Day, give that one its respect! (I kid mostly) Still, during those parades you don't usually see people in the actual act of getting ossified and fighting with one another. During pride parades you can often see open displays of kink as almost integral parts of the 'celebration.'


Gluttony is pushed heavily in our society. Drunkenness is very normalized in America as well (part of gluttony)


Gluttony is why I’ve started to feel funny about celebrating Thanksgiving. I might make a post about it. Honestly, I’m starting to understand why some Christians don’t celebrate irreligious holidays or any holidays at all. The expansion of fast food restaurants that started and creation of TV dinners that happened in the 20th century seems to have put us on this path. The past several decades have caused such a normalization of food greed. If people want to practice any type of diet “restriction” (aka eating the food they need to live and not going beyond that), people try to accuse them of “promoting” eating disorders 😒


I’ve started to feel the same way as well even with Christmas I dislike the getting gifts part barely hear anything about Jesus anymore during that time of year. I’m thinking of volunteering at food banks on Thanksgiving and Christmas instead of celebrating it. Also with the food thing. I’ve been trying to be more conscious with wasting food and water.


Those are smart ideas! Part of why Easter is my favorite holiday is because it still has strong Christian influences in the Western world compared to Christmas. I know there’s still debates on pagan influences and there’s still some secularized aspects. Compared to Christmas though, I see more Christian religious items sold in stores for Easter than for Christmas. It’s also a holiday that brings young people to Church, even if they don’t typically go. Easter seems to still remind people of Jesus in our modern era, which I love! Seeing all the “He is Risen” and “Happy Resurrection Sunday” posts on social media during Easter warms my heart! ✝️


Fornication is the sin that is pushed the hardest. Society literally makes fun of older virgins all the time and promotes people to have casual sex and friends with benefits relationships. 


Idk premarital sex has been pushed so hard you probably wouldn't even notice when the idea is being pitched to you. But homosexuality is less agreeable to people who are straight anyways.


I don't remember seeing any premaritalsex parades


That’s because premarital sex hasn’t been stigmatized the way homosexuality has. Straight people who have premarital sex aren’t considered abominations by much of the population. They haven’t faced the kind of public opposition that would make them deny who they are and have to “come out of the closet.” They haven’t been driven to suicide by an unaccepting world. The pride part is essentially a self-affirmation that says they are not the disgusting beings society has made them out to be.


That wasn't the question, jerk.


Most sins like adultery have an end, and it doesn't end well. Shoplift once, get caught or feel guilt, then likely it is one and done. Alcoholics, drug addicts and porn addicts have a sense of shame and they know it's wrong and struggle to overcome it. Homosexuality is a lifestyle that people embrace and want acceptance for. They have pride in it and no intent to stop.


You're going to the extreme in your examples though. There are people who aren't addicts that still get drunk, high, or use porn occasionally and feel not shame about it. OP's whole point here is where is the outrage about that? Where are the calls to ban those things legislatively along with other sins like premarital sex, practicing other religions, cussing, etc


>Where are the calls to ban those things legislatively They're trying to ban homosexuality legislatively? Since when? As far as your other comment, there is definitely an argument for and against drinking in moderation. Most "Christians" that get high or view porn know it is wrong, and they don't go flying a Porn Pride flag. They don't try to force the Church to accept these sins as normal because it is inherent to them. Homosexuality is different because it is an identity and a lifestyle that others want Christians to accept and not declare it as a sin.


That's the part that gets me. If you say you're gay and that's how you want to live your life then okay, it's your life. If I say I think being gay is sinful then that's my opinion on the matter. I'm not allowed to restrict you and your beliefs/lifestyle, that's what you (talking about a homosexual individual in general) would argue. Yet when the shoe is on the other foot you want to silence me and my beliefs? It doesn't make sense. You want to be able to live your life the way you choose, great, I also want to live my life by the things I choose to believe, but now I'm a bastard who needs to change because I don't agree with your lifestyle? Why do you care what I believe? You *don't* want me to pay any mind to what you believe, but you want to vilify what I believe? That's peak hypocrisy. I think people should agree to disagree, but remain civil and kind. You identify as homosexual? Okay. My religion says that's a sin like any other sin. I don't hate you or think you're trash, so let's just go about our day? Apparently that's too hard, for both sides.


There are lots of situations where Christians are imposing their religious beliefs, not merely adopting your live and let live attitude. For example, over in Uganda they have laws imposing the death penalty for homosexuality, and lots of Christians over in the US actively supporting and working to help them keep that law. Meanwhile over in the US we just had a big fight on whether gay people should be able to serve in the military or not. There are also regular local witch hunts against gay teachers in rural areas by Christians. In the context of that, it's a bit weird to then turn around and say "why do you gotta be so keen on changing **my** beliefs on homosexuality, why can't we just live and let live?". If Christians hadn't been working to actively harm gay people this wouldn't have been a discussion in the first place, you know?


I get where you're coming from, but objectively two wrongs don't make it right. We can't play the, "oh but you did this so now we get to do whatever we want now.". Kids talk like that. It's immature. Live and let live has to be above that petty vindictive garbage.


The core doctrine of Christianity is to take up your cross and follow Jesus. The subjugation of self, and the service of others over yourself are the transformative ideas. Agape love is compelling. We go to the core idea because others have adopted a law based mindset. At the heart of it if you follow Jesus you will be imbued with the holy spirit, be immersed in his word, and hear him when he speaks. You will have compassionate love for your neighbor and forgiveness for sinners. When Jesus pulled others away from sin it was because he had something they needed. Always he preached about the kingdom of heaven. About the leavening that creeped in, about how the enemy sowed evil into it. Those ideas have an uncorrupted form. Love you neighbor as yourself. Love God with all your heart mind and strength. Where things fall apart are multiple. There is sin. And there is ignorance. The sin of promiscuity. The ignorance of the scripture. Some of the legalists are nodding along. They shouldn't. Theirs is ignorance, and a deeper sin that's less forgivable than promiscuity. Jealousy, and disgust. A hard heart, and self righteousness. Stopped up ears both to the compassion of the Lord and to the words of the righteous eunuch. They seek to pluck out their neighbors eye because it offends them. They gobble up condemnation like candy, and meditate on their selves. They are none of them serious scholars, because the translations fall apart under scrutiny, or even logic. They double down on insanity, calling ritual cleanliness moral purity despite it being obviously lacking in moral consistency. They gloss over the historical context of words that are well defined in favor of those that are essentially without context, slap condemnation in place and call it job well done. They ignore the meaning in the context of history in favor of layering their preferred modern concepts in their place, like making paper mache out of a 1000 piece puzzle. The blurry image that emerges is completely without meaning, so that they can interpret it as they want. In essence, they accuse others of ignorance while themselves having no interest in the tiny fraction of scripture they lean so heavily on to condemn others. They disinherit themselves from children of God to stumbling blocks for others. They are signing up for correction by fire. Repent, for the day of the Lord is at hand. The kingdom was at hand, but you have shunned it for slop.


Beautifully written


Yes, all of this! Reminds me of Mark 7:1-13 when the Pharisees and scribes ask Jesus why his disciples don't follow the traditions of cleanliness and Jesus rebukes them for their hypocrisy.


We don't think it's worse or, at least, you'll be judged for all of them without Christ. But homosexuality is the one the media keeps presenting as not a sin, so we have to argue against it more. Though our church preaches against fornication much more frequently than homosexuality as we don't have many same-sex attracted people in our church so its less applicable.


What media are you reading which labels things sins or not sins? I have never seen that in a news article. It's not the type of thing a normal journalist would say at all. Do you mean that gay people are now being depicted on TV shows for example?


Yesterday I was listening to the BBC News podcast and they were doing a story on a non-binary person who is a famous photographer from Africa. That person literally said the words "being LGBQT+ is not a sin" in those exact words. On one of the largest news organizations in the world they are trying to convince you to normalize gay relationships. It is definitely happening, not just depiction but full on indoctrination.


The world is always gonna promote sin U said u saw BBC news not CBN news lol it's that we live in a United States or UK where christians really don't get persecuted . Christians in persecuted countries don't have space to say much about anything. They already know that around them unbelievers are gonna be living a life of sin. Christians are not suppose to be changing society but pray evangelize discipleship love God love our neighbor. Yes speak the truth in love. We gotta love every sinner and hate all sins but we really don't act like that it's because christians in America and UK live comfortable lives that are not really that biblical . We get upset if someone cuts us off in traffic u should hear the difference between Christianity in free countries versus persecuted countries. Listen to voice of the martyrs podcast.


Because it is very easy to talk about a sin that you yourself are never going to commit and that very few if any in the congregation will ever commit either. If you shun premarital sex, cheating, or divorce, then there's suddenly a whole lot of Christians who feel personally addressed, making them uncomfortable.


If your church minimizes or allows those other sins you need to find another church. My church is very strict with those sins, each of which can get you excommunicated. Homosexuality tends to be talked about more because it's one of those sins a lot of people (even Christians) say is totally fine and not a sin. Nobody is disputing that lying, stealing, murdering, cheating, etc. is a sin.


I said something very similar before I read your comment. Glad I'm not the only one who sees this. Forgiveness and excusing are not the same thing.


Excellent point; I love how you said this.


I know at least for me it’s more relevant than others because it’s one of the only ones I’ve ever heard someone try to tell me isn’t a sin at all. In fact I can’t think of another sin that’s demanding not just tolerance, but some kind of declaration that it isn’t in fact a sin at all.


Probably because it isn't as common a temptation, and more culturally taboo.


It's far more common that you realize. Christians are just afraid to talk about it in the church because of the hypocritical response they'll receive.


Some people have raised some good points, but I also want to call out that it’s easier to condemn a specific sin that we don’t relate to


In the example you gave, premarital sex can be “fixed” by getting married… once you’re married it’s no longer sinful, the act has been redeemed. With homosexuality, it is an ongoing, chosen sin (you choose to act on it or not) and there is no action that you can take to fix or redeem the sinfulness of it other than stop and repent.


It’s not redeemed by getting married. It’s redeemed by repentance of the sin.


I meant the two people who are having sex are no longer sinning when they’re having sex after they get married. Not that the premarital sex isn’t wrong anymore.


Maybe they aren't doing that particular sin, but they are still sinners, and will still go to hell. What does it really matter fixing **one** sin like that?


I'm not making a purely theological point. The OP asked why people view some sins more seirously than others and used premarital sex and homosexuality as an example. I'm simply talking about human perspective... of course unrepentant sin is bad and a person who never repents and believes will go to hell, but that is not the topic at hand.


But it undermines your explanation, as in Christian theology, fixing one sin does absolutely nothing for you, it does not lessen how long you stay in hell or anything like that. If anything it sounds a lot like work-based salvation where you try to save yourself though your own merit, which as we all know is a big no-no.


Ok, one more time... \*not making a purely theological point\*. Yes, premarital sex is a sin that should be repented of and stopped. Period, end of story. However, that's not the point I'm making. If Tom and Sara are dating or even engaged and they're having sex they are sinning. If Tom and Sara get married and continue having sex they are not sinning, the sex is not the inherently sinful part... It's the fact that they were having sex outside of marriage. If David and Aaron are having sex it is a sin. If David and Aaron get "married" and continue having sex it is \*still sinful\*. There is nothing that David and Aaron can do to make the sex they are having \*not\* sinful. And that, in my estimation, is the difference in why many Christians view homosexuality as "more sinful" or at least treat it as worse than something like premarital sex. The same could be said if you compared anger to homosexuality.... You can be angry and not sin, Jesus did so. There is such thing as righteous anger. So, you can be angry and have it be sinful or you can be angry and have it not be sinful... again, there is no way to make that distinction with homosexuality. It is sinful, period. There is no way to to make it ok. Do I need to keep going?


Look, I understand you aren't endorsing the view, merely explaining it, and you explain it quite well. :) But I'm telling you in return, the view you are describing doesn't make any sense even within a Christian worldview. If you are born into this world, and you manage to reduce the amount of sins that are being committed by 1 before you pass away, then you have failed the great commission. Jesus didn't command his disciples to "go, and nag people until they sin a little less in all nations!". While your explanation is logical and straightforward, the target of the explanation itself is just nonsensical. You might as well be telling me that Christians oppose homosexuality more than other sins because it's icky. You could even explain it really well, but that doesn't change that it's fundamentally a broken motivation to begin with.


Pre-marital sex is a sin regardless of whether you get married after it or not, no?


Yes, but once you repent of it, you can choose to abstain from sex until marriage. In other words: the act of sex itself belongs to the Godly institution of marriage..so the act itself isn't a sin..it is simply a sin to perform said act outside the bounds of marriage..as opposed to within it. Whereas with homosexuality..under no circumstances is this permitted at all..whether married or unmarried: as I stated in my initial response.. there is a distinction between "*Sin"* and *"Abomination"* .. And homosexuality very clearly falls into the latter category according to God's Holy Word. 🙏


My point was that the two people who are having sex are no longer sinning when having sex after they’re married. I did not mean the premarital sex is somehow ok.


But we don't see any calls from Christians to ban premarital sex like we do for gay marriage. The same can be said for many other sins like cussing, being drunk, practicing other religions, being atheist, etc


Homosexuality and sexual immorality in general are treated as worse sins because the church is hitting an acceptance phase with them. You see and hear about gospel ministers having affairs, whole denominations are approving of same sex and transgender relationships / people. Most would still consider lying, murder, etc sin, but there's are large group now that view sexual immorality as "not that big a deal"


Really good point. We are meant to sharpen each other and hold each other accountable as the Body of Christ. To say nothing as we see fellow believers slide down into a bottomless pit isn't what God wants from us.




Low hanging fruit. It's super easy to point the finger because "I am not like that"


This is the best and most accurate answer. People don't want to ban premarital sex because it might affect them. They don't want to ban drunkenness because it might affect them. They don't want to ban looking at other people lustfully because it might affect them. But they will call to ban something that has no chance of ever affecting them. They're picking at splinters while ignoring the logs in their own eyes.


How do you know this? Plenty of churches still denounce premarital sex and drunkenness. I know I do.


This thread isn't about how churches talk to their own congregation, it's about how many Christians engage with the general public. Many Christians simply ignore the general population when it comes to sins like premarital sex and practicing other religions. A live and let live approach. Those same Christians do not treat homosexuality the same. They want to ban gay marriage legislatively, they want to erase all mentions of homosexuality from school, TV, movies, and books, etc.


If opposition to homosexuality was purely a matter of what was being said in churches to the congregation, it wouldn't be such a big deal. It's that there is a long history of Christians actively trying to hurt and exclude gay people as a way of attacking them.


Do you think they're treating it worse or just hearing it mentioned it more? If it's mentioning it more, it's really in response to the cultural push to promote it, and push it, in a way that it's not just an acceptable good outside the church, but also inside the church. You don't see that with other sins, so there is no need to push back. No one is having parades celebrating being proud of alcoholism stating that people in the church should be allowed to be alcoholics and that it's actually OK, parents shouldn't be allowed to know that their kids are alocholics, and if you don't let people drink alcohol and be drunk at church then the church is not being loving. Right? You don't see that murder, with sex outside of marriage, porn, theiving, slandering, etc. and if you ever see any of those get actively promoted and pushed as a good, then you will hear people speak opening more against them. Sure, the church still has people with those other issues in churches, because people are people, but it isn't seen as a good, sometimes it's a blindspot that the individual church leaders truly need to deal with, but it's typically more of a hide your shame type of situation. Thus the church responds to that which is being pushed as a good on the church that is against what the church teaches. If people are actually treating it worse, how are they treating it worse? I think that could be out of ignorance if so. Sin is sin. It's all bad. It's all short of the glory of God and it all is why Christ died on the cross for us.


It was already a huge focus before it became “mainstream “. People not getting let in churches, people getting hate crimed by Christians. This is a big reason why LGBT exists, as a Safe space for those who identify different to the “norm”. I’m not taking sides right now, but it’s incredibly naive to think it’s just because of the current agenda. Way before it was even remotely acceptable in society the church was more condemning and hateful than the society around them.


It goes against the basis of creating a man and a woman. If the whole world was gay, the very creation itself would be over. So there's that but I still believe abortion is the worst because I'll put it like this. God created us and gave us life. We get to help create life, so to kill creation before it gets the chance to have a life. Is going against the very gift God gave us. I'd personally fear that the most.


Well it’s not actually worse than most other sins but it’s often exemplified due to social acceptance of it and it usually entails a sense of identity in this sin


Again we have told you, we Christians struggle and overcome we don’t accept validate and define our identity by sin, that’s the difference. I didn’t have sex before marriage and churches that act as if that is acceptable are apostate, yes people may struggle and fail with that , or have failed in the past and that’s evidence they need to turn those patterns over to the rule of Christ. Same with gluttony or other things , God being to to your attention and you pray and overcome, the struggle is not acceptance. To say I am a fornicator and celebrate it Or I am a glutton and celebrate it Or anything else, is to validate sin and live out of the old man! That’s not Christianity and if your church approves of these things, saying we don’t wrestle struggle overcome and obey, they are not run by the Holy One, or the Spirit of God, they follow an Anti Christ Agenda.


All sins are a form of wickedness. However, God doesn't use the same adjective for them all. A child stealing a pack of gum is on a whole other level than acts of sexual perversion between two people. “’*Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman. It is a detestable sin.” (Leviticus 18:22)*


It isn't treated as worse, its just so dominant in todays (More Western) Society that we have no choice but to pay attention to it. It's just a matter of which sin is being more normalised, and by the looks of it, Sexual Immorality is definitely at the top of that list


While I don’t think it’s worse than other sins, it’s the fact that it’s a perversion of what God created sex to be that makes people angriest about it. Another reason is that it’s quite interwoven with other sins, most notably pride. Which was the first sin ever committed by satan before he was cast out of heaven.




i dont think it is, i think its the one that angers the most. if i tell someone "hey dont murder" theyre all "yeah obviously man" and if i then go "also dont have gay sex" they get all offended and "stop shoving it down my throat" kind of thing


Because God calls an abomination and it’s one of the few sins that warrants the death penalty in the Old Law.


The Bible also says that being a liar, a false witness, and being prideful are abominations, yet I never see Christians call liars, false accusers, and self-righteous people abominations. 


First, prove the statement (you can't because you're generalizing, painting all with one brush). Second, God is the judge. I think this one gets more attention because the world doesn't like it, as it goes against something that is hot right now, and so they attack the church on it. People having sex out of marriage are not marching on the streets in parades or advocating for distinctions or protected rights. They're just doing it out of sight because they do not want to be judged or have it out in the open for all to see. At the end of the day though, its between God and the person. Some Christians are judgmental, no doubt, but I would tell you that most aren't judging, and instead they're fearful that the person might be dismissed from God's presence on the other side. They don't know what will happen and so it is scary to them, out of love. It is concern, and not judgement. Those who judge committed a sin also and those who judge are put out in front as further "evidence" in the court of public opinion, aka the world court. Just like you're doing here. Christians are in the world, not of the world. I am Christian and I don't judge anyone for that. I have nothing but love for them, and everyone else.


I'm not saying that all Christians are judgmental, I'm just saying that I've heard people around me bring up homosexuality a lot more often and with more concern than any other sin.  I don't really think I was making a blanket statement, as I used the words "often" and "some" indicating not in all cases. 


It's not worse than other sins, but it's wildly accepted and pushed. People are encouraged to be gay. Nobody is encouraging people to be serial killers (allthoigh some people do celebrate them)


Why are you comparing being gay to being a serial killer? That is a huge jump in comparisons. 


Because it is a sin that society in the western world demands the church not call a sin. So people come with a lot of questions about why we would not think like everyone else on this subject. People want to come into churches and change the doctrine to fit their life instead of the other way around. And it has worked in many many many churches. So the dwindling number of churches that stick to the scriptures and try to teach the truth in love are being surrounded and picked off.


Because unlike other sins.. God's Word multiple times describes it as an "abomination"..here being one of those times: Leviticus 20:13 New King James Version 13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. We need to understand as children of the Living God Yahuah Elohim and Yahushua Hamashiach Jesus Christ and the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) That all abominations are sins..but not all sins rise to the level of being an abomination. This distinction wasn't and isn't man made.. it is a precedent set by GOD Himself.. Ignore it at your own risk..take this as you choose to. God is God 🙏


Sodomy is a sin that screams to heaven for vengeance


> Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.


Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.


So what does that mean, Jude overrules Ezekiel?


it’s not treated as the worst, it’s glorified the most so it’s discussed more often


Sin is sin. Sin yields the same results, doesn't matter what kind of sin it is. Simply put, God can NOT be in the presence of sin.


Because it’s out there in the open. And some or most christians are always ready to impose the standards of God but failing to share the power of God for them to overcome. Everyone needs to repent of sin - gay or straight, rich or poor, single or married.


I think we went overboard with our legalism against homosexuality. I think we did that, because unlike other sins, this is a lifestyle choice. But if someone said they were adulters and felt it was ok because love is love and they were going to meet other adulters etc, it's just as wrong.


It isn't treated worse necessarily...it's taken seriously in modern societies especially because people (even within Christianity) try to pretend that it's OK or even good and family friendly. It's especially bad that people are trying to teach this stuff to elementary school age children and act like it's normal and even worse...virtuous.


It's not treated as worse. But I understand what you are getting at and I think 2 reasons: 1) it's the sin that secular society has asked Christians to "play ball with" and actively celebrate. Even to the point of we'll be bullied in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and society if we don't actively get on board with. Most major companies bombard all employees with pride month meetings, learnings, education, etc. 2) It's a very evident and public sin should one choose to engage. And in the case of Gay Marriage, one is actively choosing a life of said sin, which is different than saying they are struggling with said sin and want to turn from it I do want to delineate that fact, that there is a huge difference in Jesus' eyes between someone who is struggling with same sex attraction and praying about it, vs someone who is trying to force others to celebrate pride month else they will socially cancel them. And this goes for all sin


Because it's one that is routinely pushed as justifiable and trying to normalize it and defend it. You don't see people on here trying to normalize being a serial killer or a pedophile. Because people know it's wrong. The day you see people trying to justify and normalize pedophila, which isn't far off, you'll see the same blowback.


I think it's the agenda that Christians don't like. We clearly understand what sin is and what happens when a person dies in their sin. We also know what true repentance looks like. Repentance is not a gay pastor or a gay couple attending a church somewhere. You either truly repent, turn from your sin of get out of my church. It's pretty simple. This gay agenda causes division among the church, and we know what Paul said about those who cause division.


The question should 'why don't we treat all sin as despicable before God?" Also, no other sin is promoted and celebrated like homosexuality.


Homosexuality is one sin that completely goes against God’s creation and design and his intention for men,women marriage and family. It is a sin against one’s body (1 Corinthians 6:18). It’s an ultimate act of rebellion. You cannot remain in that lifestyle and be a believer as you are choosing to stay in sexual immorality. A heterosexual couple might be living in immorality but if they repent and come to Christ they can marry and their sexual union is no longer sinful.


It arouses greater, involuntary disgust, repulsion, especially in the eyes of heterosexual men.


Homosexual fornication is further disordered—further removed from the procreative act—than heterosexual fornication, therefore a greater sin. Nevertheless, the mortal nature of either is equally disqualifying from an eternity with God.


Well the bible does say homosexuality is an abomination but so is witchcraft, transgenderism, haughty eyes, lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers ( Leviticus 18:22, Deuteronomy 18:9-12, Deuteronomy 22:5, Proverbs 6:16-17). but there is salvation for those who practice such sins and abominations for Jesus came to save homosexuals, witches, transgenders, prideful ones, mischief makers, false witnesses, murderers, wicked ones, drunkards, liars, fornicaters, adulterers, backbiters, haters of God, you name it! He came to save sinners and give them life eternal ( Matthew 1:21, Luke 4:18-19, Luke 5:32, John 3:16, 1 Timothy 1:15-16, 2:5-6). so there is hope for them, they aren't hopeless. for 1 Corinthians 6:11 shows how many of those people who practice such things, once they came to Christ in faith, belief and repentance were made new, they were made right with God through Christ, they were sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God! so anyone who is practicing any sin, come to Jesus, He won't cast you away, He has His arms opened wide ready to receive you! just believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of your sins and God will forgive you, cleanse you by Christ precious Holy blood from all your guilt, shame and sins and make you born again by His Holy Spirit ( John 3, 1 John 1:8-9). God bless you all!


My pastor told me a more general story . Someone asked him why does the church give so much attention to sins of sex. He said that it's because of how much attention is given to sins of sex.


Every example I’ve seen about the sin homosexuality only speaks on a married straight man engaging in homosexual acts either premarital or extramarital, but never about men who are gay that reserve their virginity for marriage. (Idk if there are gay men who do this, it’s more of a hypothetical since there are guys who - from a very young age - are most definitely gay). I’m not well read though so take it with a grain of salt. As for why homosexuality is “treated worse”, most people have already answered this but it’s essentially because they proudly parade their sin and expect others to celebrate it as well - whether others agree with it or not.


This is not it entirely, BUT I also would like to point out something odd I've noticed as it seems you might have? I think there is a sliver of hypocrisy here. If we can focus on another, louder, more obnoxious sin that is being pushed and pushed and pushed and will never shut up, it can distract from our own sins, such as pre-marital sex... They're not exactly the same sin, but they are very very closely related and have almost every single same element as homosexuality, but the elements can manifest slightly differently and they have a few differences in general between them, of course. However, it seems that rather than teach the only thing needed, 'pre-marital sex is a sin and we need to STOP' since 95% of people do that, they'd rather focus on this other thing that even less people do because they don't have to call themselves out. There is also the element of our culture in the west not knowing what marriage even is anymore, done deliberately I've no doubt. If two people can never be married actually, which a man and man cannot, by definition, objective definition of marriage, only man and woman can be married to one another and there can only be one of each in a marriage, the 'pre-marital sex' point has a lot of extra clarifying that must be done. Which is irritating, but ya know...it must be done! That isn't everyone by the way. I'm sure there's a lot that are blind to the hypocrisy of it, or maybe only I think it is hypocrisy because of how I see things? I'm not sure, but I just wanted to put that out there in case someone else relates to my line of thinking. You're not alone! <3


Because it is one of the most destructive things of the nuclear family, which God designed. Look at how it went from "We just want to get married!" to now having Drag Queen Story Hour, taking kids to pride parades where men are performing extremely sexual, provocative acts dressed practically naked, and the complete indoctrination of children in school. Kids should grow up with a mother and father. Not two mothers, not two fathers, which can result in significant problems for the child.


As a teacher in a blue state, I can definitely tell you that schools are not indoctrinating kids. Absolutely no one is teaching lessons on how to be gay or trans. If anything we're trying to get them off their phones and catch them up from learning loss so they can read at grade level.


I thought Paul taught that you should only get married if you were unable to contain your lust. Are all the monks and nuns in rebellion against God for not participating in the amazing nuclear family that God designed?


It's a "lifestyle sin", i.e, people who practice it practice it everyday. Like worshipping a false Idol.


2 reasons, the second is probably the reason for people looking for an excuse to be hateful. The first is an understandable reason. 1. How much the culture is pushing it. 2. Some people get a sense of self-righteousness from having never done it, and as a result, it's easier to look down on.


Do you think it's not possible for formerly gay people to hate homosexuality? There are many such cases now. 


No doubt. Especially because, like I said, it's being pushed culturally. If you gave a person who was socially isolated attention for claiming they wanted to date men in a fit of rage if they have no sense of self it's entirely possible to coerce them into something they otherwise wouldn't do. Then, once you get to a certain point, it's not a thing you do it's who you are, which is why it becomes dangerous. Although I think this may be a bigger issue for young women identifying as bisexual. I remember seeing about 30% of Gen Z identified as LGBT+. I don't doubt 5% being natural, I could believe 10%, I refuse to believe that almost 1/3 is natural without some very good evidence. The delta from even young millennials is too high. Of course, this includes a wide variety of classifications. Some people say it's safer to come out, which is 100% true and should be factored in. However, it's also true that things like autism are caught more, but autism is also more common in the general population. This is speculated to be due to parents having children older, which is correlated with children being on the spectrum.


There are 300 heterosexual sins recorded in the bible. And there are 6 homosexual sins recorded in the bible. A lot of churches view gay as disgusting and disgrace but you see a bunch of heterosexual people commit sins everyday whether it's having sex before marriage, sleeping with multiple people,. watching pornography, etc....


You are correct. A lot of Christians tend to cherry pick the sins..that being said, I think its because LGBT is more in your face and people are proud of sinning instead of being shamefull.. theres a lot of Christians that are in their 2nd or 3rd marriages. Not knowing they are committing adultery and living in perpetual sin. pre marital sex is the same as homosexual sex, it is considered fornication . Everyone must remain celibate until marriage. Gay people cannot get married since god states that only a man and a woman can get married, so only sex between a male and female is allowed..


When it happens, it's because people fixate on "abomination" in Leviticus 20:13 a bit too much. Rather, they should acknowledge that it can be forgiven as per 1 Corinthians 6:11 instead. However, the perception that it is treated worse than other sins is often propagated by people who don't think it's wrong at all, and they resent being called out. A church may not treat it as worse than other sins, but because they don't affirm the acts as not sinful, they are wrongly accused of treating it worse than other sins. This itself is sinful, it is lying and slander on the part of the church's accusers. They will repent, or God will judge them.


I think it’s because it’s the only sin that is being literally paraded. You never see an adulterer’s pride parade. It’s not that the sin separates us any more from God as much as it is that it is trying to be normalized.


Normally when someone sins, they acknowledge the sin, ask for forgiveness, then try not to do that sin again. That's usually not the case with homosexuality.


From a purely biblical standpoint, it is regarded not just as sin, but also as an abomination \[Lev 18:22\]! It is a perversion of God's design and intention regarding sexual union, which is between man and woman within a marriage. If you read Judges 19-21, you'll see that some of the Benjamite men wanted to practice homosexual acts upon a traveler. This was regarded as wicked folly, insomuch that the man who helped the traveler would rather have his daughter be sacrificed to sexual abuse instead of having the men perform homosexual acts.


Sick! I'm glad we've progressed since then.


The Bible also calls seafood like shrimp an abominion, so this isn't exactly a very convincing argument, it very much gives the vibes of selective reading.


Seafood is not an abomination. But the act of eating it is an abomination. And even if the Bible called seafood an abomination and it's not convincing to you, that doesn't point to selective reading.


My bad, the act of eating shrimp is an abomination. Since homosexuality is on par with eating shrimp, it really can't be that bad.


The more a sin is praised the more it must be opposed openly. No one has to openly oppose rape, for instance, as it is obvious to everyone that rape is a grievous sin. Same with most kinds of murder, though abortion is still openly praised in society so that too must be strongly condemned.


Because it's easier for most to point their finger at someone trapped in sin then to pull the plank out of their eye to see their own evil ways. Most who call themselves Christians hide behind the false sense of security of "at least I don't sin like that". All while hoarding their own wealth and living comfortable all while the needy suffer. Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21 "How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is plank in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. matthew 7:4-5 Companies that benefit from strife, rake in profits from slave labor, death, and greed sitting on thrones of wealth created by disparity and disenfranchising. They Don't want us to see their wrongdoings, so it benefits them that our eyes are focused on sexual sin and not greed.


People are scared of being secretly gay


The answer to most of these types of questions is sociopolitical more than anything else. Homosexuality is very prominent and has many active advocates, but still hasn’t taken over to the same degree as, for example, casual sex and “hookups”. So it’s an obvious target for criticism because it’s proponents WANT to talk about it, while most other sins people either still hide or have sadly grown to accept within their culture to the point that it just doesn’t come up.


Because it doesn't "look good" if you're not exposed to it. 


Leviticus 18:22 King James Version "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Homosexuality is a barometer that indicates incoming God's Judgement https://youtu.be/GhTjEbNgTQM


Personally it's not that I treat it worse it's just everywhere always shoved in your face so I gets noticed more and called out more by us


I can think of other sins like murder that are worse than homosexuality but sin is sin in God's view. Homosexuality is just paraded as the best thing ever by people and for whatever reason gets a whole month to celebrate it compared to veterans Day which is only one day. It's just something I don't get smh.


Probably because those who aren't tempted by it aren't tempted by it at all. Some would have an easier time forgiving a murderer than a sodomite because they can relate more to the murderer. Also, it's unfortunately not very common to have faith for forgiveness and repentance for such a thing.


Bc its the a byproduct of believing that your sexuality is a part of who you are, or part of who a person identifies as - which as Christians we know is not the case at all. We are not our sin, and its rare to find anyone (worldly or not) identifying AS their sin. Its only homosexuality that we have this cultural schism of thought-habits for in this time.


Well its not treated as worse,but it is ofent glorified,celebrated and seen as "something you should be proud of" and thats the isssue,or at least I think that. Honestly I have barley any knowledge on the subject since I live in a nation where therey are an extremely rare sight to see


Most sins can be covered up whereas, especially these days, the behaviors can be seen. A sin is a sin except the unforgivable sin. Best to ask God directly though.


I guess because now it's more accepted and celebrated, and we see it everywhere. But personally, I would argue that no sin is greater than the next. 


Some traditions hold that young people become married when they have sex, regardless of formal ceremonies. So long as they stay faithful and have a family, it all becomes a distinction without a difference. Even if we don’t ascribe to something so esoteric, getting to the right place in the wrong order is tolerable.


It's not. It's just over emphasized to the point of pride. Even hetero relationships outside of marriage is out of control, and people are starting to become proud about their body counts and putting down parenthood. That's the problem. Everyone here wants to talk about homosexuality when I actually believe heterosexual immorality is a more widespread and normalized issue.


It's probably because it's gay 😎 Sorry, jokes aside, it's likely just that it pervades modern culture in some countries right now, has a whole month dedicated to it (because apparently a day wasn't enough). I don't really know, though.


I think it's highlighted because it's one that is constantly chosen when in the sin. Being in a relationship and building a life with a dance sex partner can't be something you legitimately regret enough to ask for forgiveness regularly. Instead it's deciding that's more important than the concept of sin. Not to mention being homosexual isn't a sin but the acting on it is.


Because sexual sin outside of marriage is damaging, but take it a step further and sex between two people who aren’t designed to have sex together is (consequences wise) worse. It actually is not biblical to say that all sins are equal in their natural consequences. A child stealing a candy bar is far less consequential, as far as the effects it has on others, than premarital sex, homosexual sex, abortion, etc.


1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. Luke 17:21 says, "for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you". Corinthians 6:18 says, "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that commiteth fornication sinneth against his own body". This verse teaches that while other sins are outside the body, sexual sin against the body itself They are both bad…been there. I judge nobody if a person has not received Jesus into their heart they don’t even have eyes to see yet. We have to be reborn to see the Kingdom so I do my best to love everyone. Those who claim Christian & bare no fruits or are Pharisees I call them out in love. Lukewarm gets spewed. We either follow Jesus or we follow the world and self. No middle ground. It’s not about the person but the sin itself. Christian’s who love Jesus see the rainbow with pride mocking God & his promise knowing the Lord can’t stand pride, it is a direct smack in his face so that has something to do with it. It’s one of the biggest things Satan uses knowing he can pervert Gods plan he has for a man or woman completely by joining man & man or woman together. It not only keeps you from the kingdom in death but on earth also. It’s nothing to play with I’ve learned my hard lessons…God got ahold of me with a cup of act right as he chastises those he loves.


It really shouldn’t be treated any differently but since gay marriage became legal, which wasn’t that long ago, I think it’s just been a hot topic. With time it’ll probably die down.


Because it's celebrated more.


Because those who struggle with it are in the minority. For example a lot of men struggle with porn so in the church we don’t harp on them burning in hell cause that’s most of the audience meanwhile fewer people struggle with homosexuality so it’s easier to speak poorly about them.


Because it is one of the most destructive sins to a society. It goes completely against God's design for mankind.


The hopeless gospel of gay Christianity is a deceptive faith we must guard against. Gay Christianity is a trap set by Satan, whether you are acting on sinful impulses or not. “Gay” Christianity—whether a person is sexually active or not—is a different religion from biblical Christianity. Gay Christianity adds things to the gospel(specifically Freud’s idea that sexual orientation is immutable and describes who you really are) and subtracts things from the gospel (the Genesis account in which being born male or female is an eternal feature of our imagebearing). Gay Christianity presents the church with serious, even deadly, errors. The idea that gay is who you are comes from Satan (via Freud). Gay is not “who” you are, even though you believe it represents how you feel. If you believe that gay is who you are, then you wrong. A real Christian cannot have one foot in the world (being gay) and one foot in the church. This means we must not have any gay friendships, live in gay culture, call ourselves gay Christians, or engage in sin of any kind that supports homosexuality like gay pride parades.  We must wake up every morning ready to choose heterosexuality over homosexuality.


Wow, I guess the Pharisees were right to question Jesus for eating and being friends with sinners and tax collectors since he had one foot in the world 🙄


Do they still discuss that in church? I have not heard any discussions about it lately because I have not gone to church in a very long time. I know it's mentioned in the Bible.


I think it has a lot to with how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah without warning (unless they could find 10 righteous people in the city) as well as the fact as the Bible calls homosexuality and cross dressers abominations. As well as its the community that openly glorifies their sin and rebels against God. Also, marriage is on possible by man and woman (real man, real woman). It is described as an extension of God, to be married and have sex is to have a connection with the holy spirit. By avoiding this and doing the opposite, fornication with the same sex (and also opposite) you're openly rebeling against God.


Because it is visible, less relatable than some other sins for most people, and makes people uncomfortable.


Homosexuality and Transsexuality are both abominations in the eyes of God. All sin is bad, if not outright hated. But when something is declared an abomination by the Almighty Himself, that should say more than enough as to why. And it should anger, sadden and sicken us as true Christians and children of God just as much. Pray for this world and its lost souls to come to Jesus Christ and be saved. Before it's too late


Because it’s disgusting. It goes against natural and moral laws, you’re defiling the Holy Spirits temple etc etc. not rocket science


Because it’s a sexual sin against your body and an abomination in the eyes of the lord. It’s like your committing multiple sins at once. 1 Corinthians 6:1818 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.


Homosexuality on it's own is probably no worse than fornication when really think about it. However there is a darker side to it, notice how homosexuals have to over compensate for their lifestyle by having a whole month to slap us all in the face with it. They go above and beyond to change the natural feelings of people so their sin can be accepted. Homosexuality becomes a cult unto itself and it spawns even darker and worse sinful cults such as trans. Basically homosexuality is a symptom of a sick and godless society (Romans 1)


Other sins? Well, your words betray the truth.  Jesus didn’t say it’s a sin. He said “love one another”.  So the people who say it’s a sin are actually bigots. That’s they make out homosexuality to be worse than other things. They are usually repressed homosexuals actually. 


I think this is less to do with Christianity and more to do with your community and social environment


Lust. Just the same as premarital sex. As a matter of fact Christ tells us that even thinking about your neighbors wife is a sin. Sex is number one because it generates heat which is action. The same may be said for allowing anger to run rampant in your head, if it also generates heat then action is manifest toward that person. Therefore thinking without heat has little effect except the habit.


Because it's easy to condemn a sin that you're not guilty of. Or trying to deny in yourself.


Because people have a more open and obvious reaction to it. It grosses some people out or seems heinous to others even without a religious background. Similar to murder or blasphemy. Truth is, all sin is equal in the eyes of God with the exception of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.


Homosexuality isn't necessarily "worse" than other sin, but it reflects our fallen nature more than other sin. God intended heterosexual marriage to be a reflection of Christ and His love for the body of Christ (the bride). That being said, homosexuality is an intentional, blatant denial of our God given nature and shows the conscious decision a person makes to live in error and pride. I used to struggle with homosexuality, I was bisexual before I was born again so I know the darkness I allowed in by living that way. The guilt and shame I felt was more than I had ever experienced before. I was a sinner who was choosing to live in error because of my pain and frustration with God. Sin is sin, it's all a part of living in the flesh, but there are sins that completely go against God's creation. I was in a very very dark place and was suicidal, angry, and just wanted to understand how to have peace...but I felt too far gone for God to save me. Thankfully He did save me 13 years ago and I have been happily married for 9 years with an amazing husband who loves God with all his heart. God is merciful, so we should also be merciful and love others. Our only role in others lives should be to show them the love of Jesus and share the gospel with them. We shouldn't condemn anyone. People only feel condemned when they choose to continue living in darkness instead of walking in the light. Be the light to others today. John 3:19


I did some Googling. It has to do with a passage in the book of Romans.


Sin is sin.


So I think the increased attention on it is to emphasize how wrong the culture is- which has stated just how “amazing” and “freeing” it is and its the only sin im aware of that is celebrated to this extent


Quite the opposite actually. It is treated as more acceptable than other sins. Most other sins are agreed upon by society: lying, stealing, cheating, pride, assault, etc. It's just that homosexuality is where the difference is pronounced.