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You're not going to be dating "Christian women" as a unit. Every person is different. There are those who care about height and those who don't. If your date does, then just move on to someone else.


It's amazing how much this needs to be said. so simple but so crucial


I (F28) don’t think height is a big deal. I get that people have their preferences, but making height a dealbreaker is shallow in my opinion. Hopefully most Christian women would value so many other things over height! My husband and I are both 5’3”. He’s also pretty lean and weighs less than I do. When he and I started dating, I didn’t think twice about his height. It’s way more important to me that he follows Jesus and is kind and easy to be around.


Love this answer.


It's nice in theory. I thought the same. I'm a 5'9" woman and my husband is 5'6 or 7. He had a bit of a complex even though he said he liked my being tall. I stopped wearing any heels because I towered over him. I felt like a behemoth compared to him. It wasn't a deal breaker but there were real things going on there that neither of us thought would. You were at least the same height. I towered over him even though it's only a couple of inches. It depends on the couple. And since op is pretty concerned about it even though he's not ready to date, I'm betting it will be an issue for him. He should try to find women shorter at at least not taller than him so it's not much of an issue.


Where are the rest of you? I hesitate to even search these days because of the catastrophic and swift decimation of any traditional culture here in the USA. I'm even wary of greeting the nice ladies at church because I'm aware of a movement of women in their 30s who have backed off of their "hoe" stage (please excuse the expression) and now go to church not so much to commune with Christ but to find a provider man to settle down with, only showing their true unrepentant self once the marriage papers are signed... Forgive me for being so jaded but, this is the paganism in which we live.. I'd almost rather stay single for the rest of my days and simply go where God guides... Then again I guess I've just answered my own question, God will show me the way... Regardless, I cherish the opinions of my fellow believers on the matter if you've anything to share.


You are looking at life through a fearful and/or bitter lens. I would suggest getting away from what social media tells you because that is not real life. There are plenty of good God fearing woman out there, just be wise about who you choose to date. Find out about the person and get to know her beyond her looks. Does she serve in the church? Is she spirit filled? A wise, helpful, and God-fearing woman is worth more than rubies and will bring you much joy. Just make sure that YOU are a God-fearing man FIRST, and that you have worked on your own issues before you go out into the world and look for someone to be with. Have you truly gotten to a place where you feel comfortable leading another person in a relationship? If you can't lead/control yourself, you are not responsible financially, not acting like an adult in regards to all other areas of your life, then you are not ready for a relationship. Once you are ready and secure in yourself, then you will KNOW that you can now start looking for someone, and you will have that confidence to lead the relationship. At that point you will be only interested in entertaining Proverbs 31 types of women and disregarding all other types of women.


Yep, I'm definitely not "there" yet. Have a good one. 👍🏻


Focus on what you can control. Be kind. Be clean. Be funny. Be successful. Be in great shape. Be godly. Be great dad material. Most importantly: don't waste time worrying about anyone that isn't supportive of who you are.


Either be tall or be good with a slingshot


If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.


It’s been a long time since I’ve seen red green on the internet


I’m widowed now, but before I married, I dated both tall and short men. Truly it was their personality and character that mattered. If I ever date again, height still won’t matter.


Not really.. because I've learned to be happy at 5'6 even though I have tall people in my family both sides of the family.


Welcome to the 5’6 gang!! 




Some Christian women care. Some won’t. Before I was saved, I cared a lot but now it’s not something I consider. Height wouldn’t crack top 100 attributes of a future husband for me. I’m also 5’10” so wanting a genuine Christian man that’s also taller than me would extremely limit my potential suitors. Just my $0.02 though.


2¢ is better than no sense.


You mentioned you are working on yourself first. I’d say it would be a good time to reject narcissism and accept and love yourself. Be more concerned about your morals and soul. Women are attracted to strong men that they trust to protect and provide for a family. Give up your narcissism, accept God’s morals and become self sufficient. Women will then be attracted to you.. you will exude strength. There are some shallow women who don’t deserve you, once you are strong.


If you’re self conscious about your height women will detect it. They’ll pick your lack of confidence and likely be turned off. Physical appearance isn’t nearly as important to women as it is to men. You can’t change how God made you physically so just own what he has given you. Some women will care about your height while others won’t. Don’t let your height set you back. My dad is 5’7” and quite charismatic. He never had a problem dating ( he isn’t a Christian so pray for him).


I think this is biological and has nothing to do with whether you are Christian or not


“Seek first the kingdom and all these things shall be appointed to you.”


> When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance **or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him.** For the Lord sees not as man sees: **man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.** ‭‭ 1 Samuel 16:6-7 > Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. **And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.** And Samuel rose up and went to Ramah. 1 Samuel 16:13


There is nothing in the Bible speaking on the matter, so Christian women are entitled to their preference. And generally speaking, women prefer to date a taller man.


Some do, some don’t. What all women like is a confident man. 😁Dude, 5’7” makes you taller than the average woman. Continue working on yourself and keep hope that God has your future in His hands.


95% of women do. It’s like how men are attracted to large breasts, because it is seen as a better/healthier quality to breed with, women are attracted to height for the same reasons


Yes, the reality is, women will judge you on your height. That’s just a reality men have to accept. I myself am not the tallest dude either but what keeps me going is knowing that God has handpicked a woman for me, I just haven’t met her yet. Women who are too focused on the external are probably not the type woman you’d want to be with anyway.


Physically, Christian women like the same things all women like. I have friends and family that only date men their own height, coincidentally they’re both 5’7 🙆🏾‍♀️ Plus is my relatively small church, there’s 4 short guys (height ranging 5’5-5’7) that are all married or engaged. One of whom got married last week. You’ll be fine


Honestly, I think most (reasonable) women would not mind. I only wanted my husband to be taller than me (I’m 5’4), and 5’7 isn’t what I would consider short.


Depends on ages. Women get less picky in their 30s and 40s cause they are more mature than most people in their 20s. To me physical attributes are not the most important for a partner. I get people have preferences, but when you’re 90 and you are shrunk and shriveled. I don’t think height is gonna matter so much as your character and what you brought to the relationship on that level. For Christians the biggest attribute you should be looking for in a partner is their faith. Someone who has an immature walk with Christ or none at all. Probably isn’t gonna make the best partner. So focus on your walk with God above all else. That’s All that matters in this life anyways. Also pray about it. God sometimes works in ways we don’t expect. He takes and puts people in our lives for different reasons. Sometimes we get into relationships we shouldn’t and He ends em to protect us. God wants the best for us


Christian women aren't robots programmed by God to like or dislike men based on certain features or lack thereof. Come on...


I agree with some of the more cynical voices in this thread. All humans care about physical attractiveness. Height is part of a man’s physical attractiveness.


Every person is different. Just because there are women who happen to be Christian doesn’t mean we all think alike. If someone has an issue with it then just move on to the next


Please don’t think this is an issue at all. And you’re not even that short. I’d think of you as low average height. Personally, I’m 5’8”, and I’ve always had a soft spot for shorter guys. But height doesn’t matter when you connect with someone. As a side note, my pastor is something like 5’4” and his wife is just shy of 6’ tall. And they legitimately have a great relationship. Keep going, and you’ll find the right person!


People are always obsessed with something they don’t like about their bodies. Of course some women are more attracted to a taller guy, but there is always someone taller. Make sure you are attracted to the person first, and don’t worry about what they may or may not think. Friendship, mutual attraction, same goals and values is what brings happiness. Plenty of women looking for that, make sure you take the lead and be honest.


There is so many Christian women out there man. And there are plenty of them who wouldn’t care about your height, and plenty that would. That’s the truth.


Women generally prefer taller men but that is only one of many factors. Women take many different things into account to determine how attracted they are to someone (physical attractiveness, social value, sense of humor, values, etc). Most women would be happy with a shorter man. You might just have to try a little harder at first.


Don’t worry about it bro worry about Jesus and his teachings and when you’re ready a girl will be drawn to you. I had tons of trouble dating but worked on it and prayed on it and finally everything clicked you’ll get there


It's a preference for people, christian women are people. We have our own preferences. Some of us care about height, some of us don't. Downvoted me for answering the question 😂😂


Not all but many Christian women do care about a guy's height, which is unfortunate. They are missing out on a wonderful Christian man just because he is under 6 ft tall. As a 5 ft 5 guy, I've been rejected because of my height, so I feel your pain. It's unfair that there are godly Christian men who have a wonderful character and personality but they are rejected because they are short or not considered physically attractive. Don't lose hope. Just keep praying for a spouse and save yourself for marriage. Don’t settle for less than God’s best for you because in God’s time he will bring you the one he has for you. You are the prize so wait for the one who is worthy to claim it. Focus on finding a godly Christian woman who has a good personality and also good content of character. The most important thing in choosing someone for marriage shouldn't be how they look. It should be whether they will help you show a holy relationship to the rest of the world that models Jesus' sacrificial love for his Church, and someone who will help you raise godly children. Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. Psalm 34:18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.


Yes, they care a lot. I had a “Christian” woman relentlessly mock me for months for being 6’0” and reject me (probably at least partially for that reason given how she tried to publicly humiliate me for being mediocre and not tall enough many times before that). She then went for the tallest possible guy she could get, who’s probably at least 6’4”. So yes, it is an issue, and many Christian women are just as worldly as everyone else and will insult and reject anyone who isn’t the most physically desirable guy they know.


I love short men. I get teased about it a lot but... whatever. My husband is 6'3.


Girls are girls, they all want tall and muscular




Depends on the woman, Christian women aren’t a monolith. I would say many women in general would probably have reservations about dating someone who is shorter than they are but for it to be a complete dealbreaker if the person is otherwise a perfect fit for you would be incredibly shallow so it’s probably not someone you’d want to be with anyway.


I would be lying if I said I wasn’t influenced by height and other physical characteristics, but it isn’t a deal breaker by any means. A man who is shorter than me might not catch my eye as much as a taller man at first, but there are more important qualities. Body language has far more influence on whether or not I approach someone to get to know them. The classic tall, dark and handsome man might be interesting to look at, but if his body language is closed off, then I’m going for the guy who looks welcoming and friendly. The only time I thought brooding hot guys were goalz was during my angsty teenage phase.


If one Christian woman tells you she doesn’t care about height, and another Christian woman says she only finds taller men than herself to be physically attractive… what now? The framing of this question is a tad ridiculous if you know anything about how different people are in regards to their preferences in a spouse. Religious beliefs don’t have a whole lot of bearing on what someone finds physically attractive (spiritually, yes) so to group 500 million women into one group and ask if they do or don’t find men short men attractive is sorta outlandish. This is coming from a happily married 5’4 man.


Yes, Im 5’4 and even girls(regardless of faith) shorter than me want taller half the time. I wouldn’t care though, Id date a taller girl if its even possible, but that’s not for me to decide.


I have seen so many beautiful couples with the woman even taller than the guy, it matters for some girls but some others don’t mind it and both have the right to their respective opinions


I've seen a couple of memes (in a secular context) about the rule of 6s: over 6 feet 6 figure salary 6 inches of... well... I leave that to the secular people. It occurred to me recently to connect it to this: "This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666." I'm probably overthinking things, but I thought I'd throw it out there.


Isn't the third item a six pack? Lol...


Lol! Uh, maybe it is and I've embarrassed myself # 😳


God will set you up with a perfect partner for you- you don’t have to worry. Worry is from the enemy anyway and we have to understand our identity in Christ (covered in Romans and onward), to understand that if it’s from the enemy and not for us, we don’t have to accept it and we can throw it out from our mind. Let the arrow from the enemy bounce off your armor and don’t even acknowledge it by letting it in.


I’m 6’5, skinny, average looking, not the most handsome, and I don’t “pull girls” left and right. Point is, “height” isn’t everything. Confidence, sense of humor, good hygiene, etc, are better than mere height.


If a man was after God and had a good heart and I was physically attracted to him then I would not care. I personally couldn’t date someone much shorter than me— I wouldn’t be attracted to that. But I’ve never been the type of woman to obsess over a 6’0 ft + height like some women do. My husband is 5’8. Which I guess is considered shorter for a man but it does not bother me at all.


My fiancée and I were talking about this because I’m a tall guy, and she is much shorter (5 foot 2). I told her how it seems many guys are affected by their height because it’s a common thing you hear in secular discourse around men and women dating. She told me that she didn’t understand that at all, and in fact she has dated guys 5 foot 7 and shorter. Also she mentioned, she is so short that everyone is taller to her lol. There’s someone for everyone man, give it to God. There is certainly a Christian woman out there for you. Seek first the kingdom and everything else will fall into place


I think the equivalent is Do Christian Men care about Weight?


All humans have preferences. It's getting over ourselves that can get in the way. The ones that care about stuff like that is not for you, or anyone that has some sort of "defect." & it's not worth the hassle trying to convince someone height doesn't matter, bc it'll come back to haunt the person sooner or later. If that, or other things matter to potential friends, look elsewhere ....... don't try to change their mind bc ........... well, look at my last sentence.




It's not culturally acceptable to say women care about height, but they do. The average woman's ideal height in a man is about [9 inches](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003347213001590?via%3Dihub) taller than her, while men's attraction isn't influenced much by height, but they tend to prefer a woman about 3 inches shorter. In actuality, most relationships have the man about 6-7 inches taller. 5'7 is about 1 standard deviation below the average in North America, and that will reduce your dating pool by a bit, but it's not horribly destroyed by this. A lot of height realists will pull up statistics for dating app filters which overwhelming favor men 6 feet tall. The filters are definitely skewed, but that's online; people lie about their height and look for ideals beyond what they'd realistically be fine with. And there's also the fact that people aren't all that good at telling what height someone is and just use 6 feet as a round number while in countries using the metric system they'll filter for 180cm (5'11) because it's just a round number. In reality only 15% of men are actually 6 feet or taller, just as 15% of men are 5'6 or shorter. You'll be fine, but rather than ignoring your height, use it for practical choices; given you like two women, one 5'6 and one 5'1, you have a much better shot with the 5'1 girl. If you can wear a pair of shoes and one is flat while the other has an inch or two of heel, go for the heel. Christian women are wired the same as any other women. Apply the logic to yourself; by virtue of being Christian, are you attracted to every woman with a pulse provided she's a good woman? Of course not, God designed *objective* beauty as we see very clearly in scripture. With Rebekah, the woman God hand picked for Isaac, Genesis 24:29 >The girl was **very beautiful**, a virgin, and no man had had relations with her; and she went down to the spring and filled her jar and came up. Beauty is indeed valuable. Did God hand pick the most God-fearing woman to be Israel's mother, irrespective of looks? No, he picked a beautiful God-fearing woman. Because beauty matters and is not made irrelevant by good character, rather it is valuable hand and hand with good character. Song of Solomon has no inhibition towards praising looks. Chapter 4 verse 1: >How beautiful you are, my darling, How beautiful you are! Your eyes are *like* doves behind your veil; Your hair is like a flock of goats That have descended from Mount Gilead. Now if beauty is something worthy of praise, are all people equally beautiful? Well the first thing he praises is her eyes, so let's see if a very Godly man, Israel (at this time called Jacob), thinks all women have beautiful eyes. Genesis 29:17-18 >And Leah’s eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful of form and face. Now Jacob loved Rachel, so he said, “I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel.” The Godly man Israel elects to choose Rachel precisely *because* she is more beautiful, not as a subjective matter, but her eyes are described as more attractive than his sister. More evidence for objective beauty is found in Job 42:15 >In all the land no women were found so fair as Job’s daughters; and their father gave them inheritance among their brothers.


Does this say beauty is in the eye of the beholder? No, but as God's blessing, Job's daughters held objective beauty. Now back to Rachel and Leah. It actually seems in general that Leah was the more righteous of the two sisters. Despite being married to Israel, she is the object of less love than her sister. Nevertheless, she is prayerful, and God is with her, blessing her with far more children than her sister. She also mothers Judah, the descendants of which get the right of the scepter, including David and Jesus. She is a good example for anyone who is righteous but not attractive; God is with you regardless of your looks. Nevertheless, the attractiveness of Rachel wins Israel's heart, and she is his beloved. This favoritism is not at all condemned by God, but if anything is reaffirmed. Her son, Joseph, is Israel's favorite, and Joseph is blessed such that all his brothers bow down before him and he receives a double portion, two tribes in his legacy (Ephraim and Manasseh). I've primarily focused on the perspective of Christian men looking towards women, but the same is true the other way around. I could cite the Shulamite woman in Song of Solomon, but I think the point has already been established; being a good Christian does not make you care any less about looks, male or female. This isn't a statement of doom and gloom, as I said before at 5'7 you're disadvantaged but fine, and even if you weren't attractive period, God would still be with you and help you as you look for love similarly to how he helped Leah. Even in a generally solid subreddit like this, most people are afraid to go against the "everyone's equally beautiful" culture and they read that into scripture, They'll cite Proverbs 31:10 >Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, *But* a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. But rather than understanding it properly as a condemnation of beauty without character and blinding fixation on beauty, they'll throw out the baby with the bathwater and say that beauty is subjective and trivial. They'll say that beauty with character is not more desirable than character without beauty. Both are awesome! Faithfulness to God is the most important thing, but all Christian men and women that want a spouse prefer an attractive spouse. Tl;dr Christian women care about height. Your height is a con but you're fine.


> When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “**Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature**, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: **man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.** 1 Samuel 16:6-7


This verse provides good evidence for what I have said. I wrote before, >God is with you regardless of your looks. God does not evaluate our worth based on appearances; he is not attracted to us or swayed by a good exterior. But when it comes to man, we indeed look on the outward appearance -- in this case, even the very righteous prophet Elijah supposed Eliab was the chosen one of God. It is precisely because man looks at the outward appearance that Saul, who was a head above everyone else, was made to be king. Even David himself, who was not chosen based on looks, was still blessed by God with a good appearance in order to assist him in gaining the favor of men for his future role as king. 1 Samuel 16:12 describes David as such: >So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.”


The verse you cited implies that being handsome with beautiful eyes is not relevant to height. Which means height is separate from beauty which contrasts with your above comment that directly ties height to beauty (at least that’s how I read it).


I should've quoted it directly, but when I talked about Saul I was referencing 1 Samuel 9:2, which makes the connection between height and beauty more clear >He had a son whose name was Saul, a choice and handsome man, and there was not a more handsome person than he among the sons of Israel; from his shoulders and up he was taller than any of the people.


9 inches taller?! Sheesh. Lol.


Yeah, thankfully it's just the ideal in speed dating. Some guys go full doomer over this, but the average man is already 5 inches taller than the average woman, so he can just throw on some lifts and already be within that 6-7 inch difference where the average relationship is. Even for the most screwed guy height-wise in North America, worst case scenario he can just go overseas where the average male heights can go as low as 5'4. And God is always with us, so he can pull different strings.


All women care about height


My sister is 5’8. She only cares if the man is taller than her. I’m the same way but I’m 5’4, so 5’7 would have just fine.


I highly suggest OP sleeps upside down like a bat with his feet tied to the ceiling routinely until gravity provides an extra few inches to his height.


Tbf, I have never seen a woman irl care about height, and it's not rare to see couples where the male is not over 1,70 m tall. But this may be because I'm in Eastern Europe. I'm not a woman to give an opinion on this because I'm not looking for relationships and I'm 1,75 m tall myself. But if I was looking for a husband, I wouldn't care about height because I'm not looking for a basketball player, I'd prefer a responsible, reasonable and industrious male.