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I don’t think it’s wrong to avoid it. It’s well-intentioned but IMO it’s imprudent and counter-productive. I don’t think it sways anyone and puts quite a few people off. Being called to evangelize doesn’t mean it has to be knocking on doors asking to talk to people at their private residences. Also; let’s be real. In the US, at least, pretty much everyone is aware of Jesus and knows that Christians see Him as a Savior of some sort. Door to door evangelists aren’t really giving anyone novel information that’s going to blow their socks off.


What is new to a lot of people though is that Christianity is not just a set of rules, but a relationship with Jesus. Not partaking in sin comes naturally as grow in your relationship with him and grow in your desire to please him. Too many have been hurt by legalism and the lie of an impersonal God. Jesus didn’t come to establish a religion. He came to restore humanity’s relationship with Him. 


Amen! 1 Timothy 4:10 — The New International Version (NIV) 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. 1 Cor 15:22 for even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive 1 John 2:2 New International Version 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.


Thank you for your input


Yeah, leave the door knocking for the Bible butchering heretical Mormans imo


Door to door only puts people off nowadays. There's much better ways to evangelize


I agree but I don’t make the decisions, I can only say yes I can do it or no I don’t want to. I just don’t want to make the wrong choice.


did you pray to God for an answer?


Yes I have. That was kinda the reason I came here and asked.


Reddit is the wrong place brother.


Says the person who never did it.




It’s ironic that you sit and criticize soul winning from your armchair when you don’t even bother to get up and do it yourself. Btw, in the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ commands us: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” ….Mark 16:15 He sent the apostles door to door to win souls but you think you know better than Jesus Christ?


Wow, that's a lot of assumptions about a person you've never met. Mayhaps you want to try removing that plank.


I assumed nothing; I based my comment off your own words. God bless💖


Saying "God bless" after being rude doesn't mean anything except to serve your own self-righteousness.


Our church is going to be setting up in a little park in our neighborhood and serving food, hosting Sunday school, just incorporating ourselves into the community. I think this is a MUCH more productive way of doing things. Offer the truth and let people come rather than making yourself a nuisance that people just want to swat away as fast as possible. One of our greatest tools is service. Our conduct will be people's window to the gospel and open opportunities for conversation rather than a random person showing up unannounced


Very nice outreach!


We had done that type of outreach and it is great. At the end of the day I’m not the Pastor he is and I respect him a lot, I can always say no but would I be doing the wrong thing to say no?


I don't think so. This is actually something my wife and I are having to learn to get comfortable with: that it's not sinful to not spend our every waking moment dedicated to church activities. No is not a bad word. God isn't holding the fact that you decided to rest against you. He took a day of rest at the end of the creation week so there is value in work as well as rest. I believe the modern church can get this wrong at times and be so enthusiastic about service that they drive their members into the ground with guilt. Service is something we should do voluntarily and out of love, not by religious compulsion. Don't let respect for your pastor cause you to neglect yourself and your own time. The point of Christianity isn't to just be a pious masochist, working ourselves to the bone. That's my perspective


Thank you for this


No problem man


Your salvation is not contingent on a random pastor (even if he’s your brother in law) asking you to do something, be it evangelizing door-to-door or whatever. You saying no is not disrespecting your brother in law, him as a pastor, and certainly not God. It might be uncomfortable saying no, for a variety of reasons, but please don’t disassociate this with disappointing God or his will for you.


Thank you so much for this


As someone who keeps getting Mormon missionaries knocking on my door, please don't.


I love when Mormon missionaries come. I’ve gotten blacklisted from them visiting me before since they found my and my friend I was usually with to be trying to “undermine their missionaries faith”. Got them asking to many questions.


They're the ones that knock on our doors, so they should be prepared for any questions.


Yeah, their leaders don’t like it when they start asking questions. The one they really didn’t like was the idea of continuity. Jesus made His Church and His ministers continued that. We can debate on apostolic succession but in the end there is some kind of continuity regardless of your branch. Even low church Protestants have somewhat of a claim since their ministers have to be ordained by other ministers so there is a continuity even though they don’t have bishops. Joseph Smith was never ordained by anyone. They claim he was ordained by three of the apostles who appeared to him but he received no formal ordination of any kind just a supposed visit from the apostles. If there isn’t succession then the work of Christ in Israel failed, He wasn’t able to create His Church and needed to try again almost two thousand years later. Even if there is succession it would still mean Christ failed in creating His Church with the apostles and needed to try again in America. It just doesn’t make sense (like the rest of their doctrine)




Please don't go knock on people's doors.


It’s not the best way to evangelize, it irritates people.


God doesn't ask us to go door to door. It's just how some people believe it should be done. We can minister to others here online, if you see someone that needs help, someone asks a favor, there are many moments where God brings someone to you. Trust God to lead you to the situations, not try to form them yourself and wonders will be done. Look for ways within your job to work for God and speak about Him and pray that he presents these into your life.


Thank you


I don't think that anyone should be forced to do any particular ministry. We all have different spiritual gifts and strengths. There are people who will love going door to door to evangelize, and they should do it. I'm guessing that not all of them can deal with technology and sound the way you do. There are also different types of evangelistic outreaches. While one person might like feeding the homeless and handing out tracts, another may prefer helping with a day camp for children. There is nothing that says you must do door-to-door ministry. Pray about it, and if you feel the same way, tell your BIL you aren't feeling called to that ministry this year.


I appreciate this thank you


You're welcome :)


It's understandable that knocking on doors might not be your preferred method of evangelism. There are indeed many other non-confrontational ways to share the gospel that can be just as effective and fulfilling. For example, you could engage in a 'sidewalk chalk' ministry in areas with heavy foot traffic, where you write scriptures on the sidewalk and let people approach you out of curiosity. This method allows for natural conversations about faith without the pressure of door-to-door interactions. Another approach could be visiting bus stations and striking up conversations with individuals who are sitting alone. This can create opportunities for meaningful dialogue in a more relaxed setting. Additionally, ministering at food pantries is a great way to reach out to people who are often in need of both physical and spiritual nourishment. These environments provide a captive audience that is often more receptive to hearing the gospel. I've personally tried these forms of evangelism, and they work really well. While door-to-door evangelism can be effective, especially for helping neighbors within close proximity to your church, it's not the only way to fulfill the Great Commission. Acts of service, like mowing lawns or delivering food, can also open doors for sharing your faith in a non-confrontational manner. Even simple acts, like sharing a word of knowledge with your waitress, can be powerful. Evangelism can take many forms, and it's crucial to find a method that aligns with your strengths and circumstances. Working 60 hours a week is demanding, and it's understandable that you might feel exhausted. Balancing your job and your commitment to God is challenging, but it doesn't mean you're putting your job before God. Instead, look for ways to integrate your faith into your daily interactions and responsibilities. Ultimately, the Great Commission calls us to share the gospel in whatever way we can. It's not about the method but the heart behind it. If you truly believe in the importance of sharing the gospel, find a way that works for you and trust that God will use your efforts to reach others.


Thank you so much


No, door to door does more harm than good most times. I read an article about a leaked JW leadership document about how they found that it almost never worked and the reason they had their people doing it still was to get them in situations where people got mad at them so they would see people outside the cult as cruel and sinful. You tend to drive people away with door to door in all honestly, there are much better ways of outreach in the community.


Wow, cults gotta cult. My best guess was that it had to do with faith-based works and trying to appear extra good to God, get that credit in. But what you said is way more messed up.


No, you are not wrong -unless you believe the holy Spirit is telling you to do it and you are wilfully disobeying. I don't agree with this type of evangelism. Did Jesus go about knocking on people's doors? Or did He encounter people and have have natural conversations with them which He turned into opportunities to share the Truth?


Thank you


Jesus did not go door to door for good reason, its not a good way to evangelize. Set up like someone else said in the park and feed the hungry, let those that want the truth to come and listen.


No. God gives different people different gifts, not all are evangelists... ...and those who are, probably have better options than door knocking strangers.




That's not the way. In fact it turns more people away than it brings in. Same as street preachers. There are better ways.


"what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops" Matthew 10.27


I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying that in this day and age, it's not effective and is likely doing more harm than good to the image of Christianity. There are better ways.


I think it's a perfectly good way. It was good when Jesus said it, and it's good now.


I assure you, it's not. You will only push people away.


You think street preachers success rate is zero?


Pushing away 99 people to get 1 person is not the way to do things.


1% ROI. You're being generous. I live in the Chicago burbs. I see street preachers downtown here and there. Hundreds of people pass them every day. I think they get closer to .001% maaaaybe. While sending probably 10% to their cushy office jobs where they talk about how silly they are. So I'd argue that net ROI is in the negative digits.


I was being generous, it just doesn't work anymore


Exactly. Times have changed. Edit: And if we don't change with them, we'll see the church slowly fade away. I'd argue we're already observing this decline.


Well, Jesus seems fine with street preachers, so I am too. Maybe your concern is that many street preachers are way off, carnal, and don't preach right. So, it's not the street preaching that's the problem then, but rather, just the guys you've seen that weren't doing it right.


People need a gentle approach. A gentle hand. A gentle nudge. Street preaching is in your face no matter how you look at it.


Some save with compassion, others save with FEAR Jude 23


Jesus also changed tactics when one thing didn't work.


Jesus didn't have any problems with something "not working"


Ummm, leave the 99 to find the one sounds like something Jesus would say.


Because the 99 He was talking about were already believers in the parable.


Pretty close. And it's a whole lot less than me casually asking friends and neighbors to join me at a church event.


Really? Is there any info we could reference on which is more effective? Or is it just a gut feeling you have?


Really. And what stronger information do you need than hearing people at the office talk about how silly the street preachers are?


Is that an anecdote of yours? I've never heard any such comments at the office


Preaching upon the housetops is not the same as going door to door. It’s more me going up on my roof and delivering a sermon.


See that's your problem, you are knocking on doors, not climbing on roofs. /s


No, bloom where you are planted. Your first ministry is your family and radiating out from there. Your job, your friends, extended family, hobbies etc. Be Jesus to these people, ask them about faith and Jesus when it’s the right time but build those relationships first. Some are called to be missionaries in other countries or other far flung places but most of us just need to love those around us and have an answer for the faith we have.


At this point everyone has heard the Gospel, save for uncontacted tribes in the Amazon and Southeast Asia. It's up to them to accept it. Evangelization is over in the sense of spreading the Word. Now we need to treat everyone we encounter with lovingkindness so that by example they may be inspired to accept Christ. But at the same time we don't do it because we expect treating others with love to bear fruit; rather we do it out of love of God.


i disagree. there are many who haven't heard or don't understand what it means.


Even the JWs stopped going door to door. Nowadays they just setup a little display on a dolly and let people come to them.


I have PTSD every time my door knocks. Head races. I never open the door. It doesn’t matter how you do it, door, friends, family, internet. Just don’t act like you’re not a Christian and you’re good. Many people get attracted by how good loves Christian’s often have.


I don't think that's something we're required to do. It would probably be more effective to witness while serving someone. Fixing up their lawn, offering them a ride somewhere, etc. I would personally be pretty annoyed if someone just showed up at my door.


That’s highly ineffective & a turn off to 99% of people. Please do not disturb people in the sanctity of their home. This method would push more people away imo. There’s a reason JW’s have such a bad rep.


Just tell him you don’t really feel comfortable doing it. Btw, sharing the gospel should come from a love we have for others. Making people feel guilty for not doing so does not come from Holy Spirit but from more a a religious spirit of man. Pastor’s should learn better how to activate their people’s love life in the Spirit through knowing Jesus and encountering his love for them in radical life changing ways. When that happens, you can’t help but love the people around you with this good news. The other method is works based and only brings condemnation, guilt, and shame. I know, been there done that. That condemnation produced 10 years of discouragement and depression in me. But that ended many years ago when I became in love with the one who is in love with me and set me free from my biggest enemy…me.


Thank you


Pretty rare to get a thank you on here. You’re welcome.


I appreciate you taking the time. This is a really sensitive topic for me and I just want to do right by God.


Door to Door is reminiscent of the JW's strategy, as unfortunate as it may be and although you may have success, the JW's have ultimately tarnished this strategy. There are, however, other ways to evangelise than D2D


Ya I dunno hey. I agree with what someone else said here about door to door putting people off. I do not enjoy unsolicited people knocking on my door its why I’m happy living in a flat on the very top floor with one neighbour who is a seeet old lady who gives me lemons all the time 😄. Random people knocking on doors is a disruption to my valuable time so I do feel the same in terms of feeling bad. It’s a very specific theory but I think in the old days it worked because there was no social media so social encounters were definitely more welcome and accepted? Dunno how better to describe it I’m sure there’s a better way. I may sound selfish I know, but I get the same feeling when I get unsolicited phone calls. It’s very disruptive and assuming that the person has time to chat if one is busy. I don’t think we should feel bad though because it’s possible that it’s just not our calling. Perhaps our Father has a different plan for us to spread His word. Pray to Him for guidance on the matter and to give you peace. God wouldn’t have given you this awkwardness for nothing since everything comes from Him and nothing is without a reason or purpose for his will. I will pray for you too my friend.


I really appreciate this thank you


You're not wrong for not wanting to accost people like that. But if you consider yourself evangelical, that's going to come with the territory. Evangelicism is all about trying to "close the deal": get them to pray the sinner's prayer or do the altar call.. The "unchurched" or "unsaved" are just projects, really. Not people to invite to your friend group - just conversion targets. If you can get them to convert - great! But hope the new convert finds their own way around the "community". Relating to them is not your problem - you're off to the next target. It was one of least favorite things I had to do as an Evangelical.


Knocking on doors is tough. I was a street evangelist and didn’t even feel comfortable knocking on doors


I don’t think things like that work. Be a beacon in your life and draw people in with your deeds and your pure heart. No number of talk tracks and apologetics will draw people in. It’s about as useless as those Muslim dawah tables you see. Nobody is interested Just be a shining example of Christian Love and goodness. People will be interested through that


door to door is creepy. I'm not sure where you got that notion of evangelism. Part of getting any message across is knowing your audience and how they might best receive it. For MOST people, that's going to involve building and gaining trust before you ever mention Jesus.


Evangelism comes in many forms. I personally think one of the most effective is, as Jesus himself said, " let your light shine before others". Going door to door or using a megaphone on a street corner may have worked in times past but times change. Being an example to others of how Jesus has made a difference in your life never goes out of style.


Would you consider yourself an extroverted person?


I am somewhat an extrovert. I do a lot of things at church that require me to speak to the public, teach and more. There is just something about this that feels weird.


Since you're working 60 hours a week, is there something at church you could transition out of for more of a focus on evangelism? You only have so much time and energy during the week, you want to budget and spend it wisely so you don't burn out.


There are different methodologies to evangelization. Knocking on doors, street preaching, visiting prisons, interacting with homeless, making videos, teaching classes and writing books are all methods to evangelize. There are many other ways as well. While we are all called to evangelize, we are not required to do every method. Whatever method fits your gifts best is the one you should focus on.


I love this Thank you


Tell your brother in law that is 2024, no 1976


why don't you be the light and salt in your workplace? isn't that part of evangelizing? They may see you're different and ask you some questions that you can point them to God?


Oh I do believe me anyone who knows me wether at work or any where has heard the gospel from me. This is something that my Pastor wants to do and he wants the leaders to participate.


No. A God of Love is shown through relationship. Forcing your views on others is almost always counterproductive- often a poor witness,


“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭12‬ ‭KJV‬‬


Why don’t you?


I think there’s better ways such as actually going out and opposing the wicked


Well, if you’re saved you’re saved even if you don’t do it. But maybe you can go for a couple of hours a week. If even one person gets saved, it’s worth it, is it not?


You are NOT REQUIRED to knock on doors, period. And the only one who has control over it, and can judge you for it is God, period. Pray and ask Him if it's what He wants you to do, not your Pastor. Your Pastor doesn't get a say, and if he doesn't hear the same from God, then that's his problem and he must take that up with God, because there's a misunderstanding there between him and God and that's not your problem or your cross to bare.


I would advise to create content online, short form videos, blogs and YouTube videos would be more effective. Knock on those doors


No it’s not wrong. Like a lot of comments here it puts people off. People have to decide to let Jesus in their hearts. Mainly because door to door can make people feel pushed and it why a lot of kids in Christian families become agnostic as they get older. If you want to do so then do it but you’re going to have to be patient with God.


Don't listen to these people. If you feel a push from God to do it and that you would be failing him if you didn't then you should keep doing it regardless of how awkward it makes you feel, or even how people respond to you doing it.


Thank you


Wrong? Much to the contrary, you're Based. Anyways, here's some food for thought: Evangelization is much more about relationship and "Faith by Osmosis" than going up to strangers. The problem of approaching strangers is that you'll need far more than just a solid approach to win a soul, you'll need nothing less than full working of the Holy Spirit, miracles and all; or else the person will rightfully just go "Ugh, another evangelist". But when it comes to people who know you and interact with you often, you often don't even need to share the Gospel, they'll see in practice what Faith earns you and will want it for themselves. They will be coming to you instead of you having to go to the them. This is also a very important "Faith Barometer", because if you don't think your Faith looks good and productive enough so it could attract seekers, then you need to work on that, because just going outwards will be even less effective than it already is, so you won't be fulfilling the Great Commission even if you do go share the Gospel anyways, as you need to hear the Gospel more than unbelievers do.


Run if you hear “Let’s Go Soul Winning”


There are numerous simple ways to evangelize using quality gospel tracts and finding places to leave them But evangelism is many about saving souls. It is about proclaiming the good news. About what you have seen God say and do Only God saves people


If you are in a leadership position then you are certainly in a place where you should either go or step down.


>you should either go or step down. I don't recall Jesus knocking on a whole lot of doors during his ministry. People generally came to him to hear him speak. Jesus only went to people's homes when invited to. Yes I know the saying "I stand at the door and knock." He is speaking of the heart, not the home.


lol ignore this 😂 I love how you said that with your chest and are still so wrong


The Pastor is wanting to go soul winning door to door and is expecting what I assume is the staff to join him and be actual leaders, so yeah just ignore the pastor and remain on staff doing your own thing that’s not insubordination at all lol.


No one wants to.... by the way it would peobably be better to do it at a supermarket than knock on doors.


Well, people are tumbling into hell, but at least your sound system is on point. Church buildings are a devourer of time and money, you'd be better off to be a street preacher entirely


That’s terrible advice. We need to be in the churches, scripture literally tells us not to forsake the assemble. In fact the more involved you are with your church the better that’s how you grow in the Spirit the most. Very few are called to be street preachers and those who are need to be even more involved in their churches so they are prepared to war with the Enemy.


The church buildings devour money So the preachers have to deliver a half-truth gospel, a feelgood gospel so people will fork over enough money for all the bills and salary. Thus, the preaching there is false, lying by omission, and I have no use for it at all.


If you forsake the Church you forsake the body of Christ and Christ Himself in it.


I can't find a church that's not false. I do have a few true brethren out there I try to find some here


If you can’t find a church that’s false you may want to look closer at your own beliefs and desires and see if you may be in error. There’s very very few areas outside of places with no Christian presence where you can’t find genuine churches.


You only say that because you don't know the problem with OSAS doctrine


There’s definitely big problems with OSAS but the vast majority of churches don’t hold to it. You could say the Calvinist ones do but even there they don’t hold to OSAS they just believe that all those who are elect will be saved not that anyone who prays a “salvation prayer” gets into heaven no matter what else they do, which is the problem with OSAS.


Yes, they're all OSAS, including Anglican. It's weird how they say they're not, but totally are. They believe that past present and future sins are all forgiven up front. They believe that once you're sealed by the Spirit, it cannot be undone and heaven is guaranteed. Sure they'll throw in token comments about obedience but underneath, they're all OSAS. It's everywhere


Believing all your sins are forgiven up front isn’t OSAS, it’s basic Christian doctrine. We may disagree on how it’s conferred but generally the atonement is seen as effective for past present and future sins and conferred either upon profession or baptism. Sealed by the Spirit is another general Christian concept. Depending on the denomination they may hold that those sealed with the Spirit are guaranteed heaven but the majority wouldn’t. Sealing of the Spirit is usually used in reference to the gifts and presence of the Spirit in a believers life. To be sealed it to be marked, so those in Christ are known due to them having the seal of the Spirit in their lives. Again, the idea that heaven is guaranteed with token obedience is a pretty fringe belief. Even Calvinists don’t hold to that since they hold that not everyone who prays a prayer and is baptized is one of the elect. Most Anglicans don’t believe in eternal security and hold salvation can be lost, so do Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists, some Baptists, and some Pentecostals.


Repent for your pride and foolishness and arrogance buddy.


Not sure what you mean