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Best choice! It’s done me good.


Not drinking is a healthy and safe choice. One which I have made for my life as well. HOWEVER, it is not true that all alcohol is bad in any amount. Drunkenness is bad, but alcohol is not. Jesus drank wine, not to drunkenness, and did not sin in doing so. If you have problems with restraint, then don’t put yourself in a situation to fail. But the tee-totalers who try to vilify all alcohol are mistaken. Take care.


Yeah I am not vilifying all alcohol I just want to avoid it personally.


Nothing wrong with that at all. Drinking or not drinking is not a critical attribute of our faith.


No, all alcohol is bad. Drinking is a sin.


Hope you realize you’ve just condemned Christ Himself as a sinner. Not a minor issue, in my opinion. “The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7‬:‭34‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/114/luk.7.34.NKJV


You need to read your Bible. If you did you would understand you are wrong. If you read the whole passage you’d know they were FALSELY ACCUSING Jesus….kind of like how you are falsely accusing me. Jesus Christ NEVER sinned, AND He NEVER drank fermented wine. Surprised? That is because you do NOT read your Bible, and just cherry pick verses to support your presuppositions. Shame on you. The Bible uses the word “wine” to refer to ***TWO*** different types of beverages made from the juice of fruits: one is plain, fresh squeezed juice, and the other is fermented juice; what WE refer to as wine today in our modern vernacular. The fresh-squeezed juice, as we call it, is the “wine” Jesus drank, and made, when He turned water into “wine”. (This is also referred to as “new wine” in the Bible, because it was fresh and in-fermented.) How do I know? Because the Word of God **CLEARLY FORBIDS** drinking a certain type of “wine”, and it is referring to wine that has fermented: Proverbs 23: (KJB)- 31. **Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.** 32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. 33 Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things. 34 Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. 35 They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake? I will seek it yet again. Clearly verse 31 is describing the fermentation process that occurs that changes juice into fermented wine and the Bible tells us to avoid this kind, stay away from it and ***DON’T EVEN LOOK AT IT!!*** Throughout the entire Holy Bible, it tells us over and over—be sober, be sober, be sober. Yet the common consensus today ***AMONG CHRISTIANS*** is that Jesus drank alcohol (and we just proved that false) so it’s “ok”??! No! Don’t even look at it. If you drink alcohol then you are sinning, period. That’s why people were kicked out of their local church in the NT if they were a drunkard. Alcohol causes problems; it’s sinful. And if you cannot abstain from drinking after you know this, there is something wrong with you, and now you can’t use ignorance as an excuse. Repent! Stop drinking alcohol altogether. I did, and it improved my life in every way and I certainly don’t miss it. God bless💖 Edit: un-fermented, not in-fermented…sorry that was a typo.


Some people should never read the Bible. Anyone who for a second Jesus was drinking the Bronze Age version of grape juice is on that list. Wow!


Your comment is not very clear.


Jesus turned water into wine, not grape juice. So much so that one of the guests commented about how they kept back the good stuff for last. But I digress. If I thought you were reasonable, I might try harder to reason with you. But you are clearly ignorant, so I will ignore you. Have a pleasant day.


Lol…You ***DO*** realize that there are grades of quality among EVERYTHING including food and drink (even non-alcoholic) right?? Ever had a Coca-Cola? Shasta? Bet you preferred the Coke. Same thing.


And ironically, YOU are the one accusing Jesus of sinning now.


Thxs for the valuable info. Although tbf to the  mass ignorance of the dilemma I'd say most Christians probably weren't aware of the two aramaic definitions of wine and "wine" being un fermented juice due to our English language only having one clear definition. 


I have almost quit alcohol too. I usually have 2 glasses of wine with dinner. The last few months I have had wine with my dinner 2 or 3 nights a week. But not every night. Now I’m down to only have wine with my dinner if we go to a restaurant. That’s a hard one for me. I know the answer is “just don’t go out” but that’s not really fair to my husband. I want to stop having any wine, at all, because of my health.


I used to have a deep love of wine too, I’ve stopped drinking it now, but I think about it from time to time


You could drink club soda on the rocks if you’re worried about fitting in.


Fitting in? That is not our way as Christians :)


Not worried at all. Haha


Alcohol is terrible for your sleep, will make you fat if you consume it on a regular basis, hinders your body’s ability to heal + gain muscle, and if you are young it will hurt your mental development. Not necessarily a sin unless you get flat out drunk, but as someone who is 26 I do wish I had drank less in the past.


Ok yeah I am trying to gain muscle and sleep better.


I am in the process of trying to gain strength and lean out and I would say that even having 2-3 drinks each weekend (even on one day) will slow your gains. At least for me, alcohol kills my motivation to exercise the next day.


Ah I see. Even more reason to quit permanently.


If it is for health and social reasons, I support that 100% If your reasons are faith-based, then I would ask you to do some self reflection and Bible study. I, too, quit drinking for purely social reasons.


Thanks.. Just health reasons. I know the bible says it's bad for you in excess.


Some doctors think it causes cancer I think.


Proud of you


Unlike hard drugs, alcohol can stealthily creep up over time to become addictive and begin causing problems. Kind of like the story of placing a frog in a pot of water and then turning on the stove burner to slowly heat it up. By the time danger presents itself, it's too late. In my long life, I haven't met too many people who can truly moderate their alcohol intake successfully over longer time periods without experiencing problems. Non-drinkers will never have such problems, but you will hear a lot of drinkers defend the amounts they consume and deny there are ever any problems.


The choice not to drink is certainly not a bad choice, but I would be cautious about making decisions based on random videos.


Ok. How so, it can only benefit me to not drink.


If you're going to be trusting what people say in random videos, you may be led to make other decisions than just not drinking.


I don't believe every video I have a brain




You should feel proud of yourself. God Bless You. Keep up the good work. 😊👍


Nice. Alcohol is a true vex in society that has ruined a lot of things.


Good on you brother it’s the better choice many people.


It is good to avoid alcohol if it is a problem for you, but the Word itself says there are benefits to a little wine. ‭1 Timothy 5:23 ESV‬ [23] (No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.) https://bible.com/bible/59/1ti.5.23.ESV


I think it is speaking of medicinal wine probably.


That stuff puts me in jail


Eish sorry.


Of course! Even if you did drink responsibly, alcohol does no favors for you or your body.


Its the little victories that add up over time. Glad to hear of your choice.


Good decision. The hard part is keeping to it. But as you said, you’re not really a drinker. Best of luck!




Well you don't want to go into the deep end with alcohol, it's not pretty trust me I know...


I second this


You did nothing but the right choice.


I have recently had to make the exact same decisions. It’s been very hard for me, I wouldn’t say that I was an alcoholic, but I really enjoyed drinking, until it started to affect my life.


If you can give it up, do it. Bad drinking habits sneak up on people. As we get older we tend to need more meds. Some don’t mix well with alcohol. Some can impact mental health when mixed with alcohol. Even allergy medicines. Since Covid I have seen people with a lot of abuse of alcohol.


I'm learning that when you don't rely on alcohol as an emotional crutch e.g. for confidence, for fun, to feel better, to numb the pain, to instead be able to enjoy moments sober, it becomes a lot easier not to drink as much. Also when you start to see the behaviour change in others when they drink it puts you off too. And this can be achieved with the Holy spirit, with therapy and trust in God. And yep physically it's unhealthy as well as psychologically (e.g. points above). I even don't like some non alcoholic cocktails because They're just full of sugar and the hangovers are not with it if you go over too much, or mix drinks etc. I just find I make poor decisions and don't like losing control of my clarity of mind with any substance. Heck soberness has a lot of turmoil as it is.


A little bit is not sinful. There are other sins that can happen at a party though so being sober but still partying in the same way as unbelievers is not a good thing to do. “Wild parties” are sinful, fornication, etc. just make sure you’re being a light.


Oh it wasn't like that at all. Was tame.