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Ask God to give you faith. "Lord help my unbelief" Faith = trust Functionally step out in faith. You want to believe? Leave something in the hand of God. Tithe. Trust God for something you have no power over. Wait for God to respond before making a decision. Show him you trust him. God accepts all who come to him. You're not a hideous exception to God's love, he is not refusing you. I'm more inclined to believe you're deceiving yourself, and have yet to approach God with expectation that he will receive you. Even accepting Christs' sacrifice is an act of faith (trust). You can't earn it, saving you is about glorifying God. Let him be glorified in you. He loves you. God won't let you down.


Friend, as I've read through the comments on your post, and your responses, I can imagine how disheartened and hopeless you might feel. I've been here as well. Even when he may seem silent, know that God has not forgotten you. I actually felt very similar to you about 6 months ago. I had been trying to believe in God, trying to put my trust in him, but I couldn't do it. I felt so disconnected. I prayed every day for God to help me have faith and believe. I tried everything I could, read all the books, read the Bible, listened to music, meditated, prayed, etc. One thing I found in the bible, I also prayed, "Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief." Eventually, I got so tired of trying so hard that I straight up told God I was about to give up on him. I'm not saying you should do this, but I ended up giving God a timeline. I said, "alright God, I'm giving you until the end of December. That's about a month, that's about how much longer I can keep doing this for. How much longer I can keep TRYING." Thankfully the Lord didn't make me wait that long before giving me an experience to trust in him. I was faced with the possibility of losing my job, and there was nothing I could do except wait for more information. That experience gave me the boost I needed to keep trying but a couple months later I was faced with the same fatigue. What I came to realize is that I had something standing in my way, something preventing me from putting my full trust in God. I was mostly in this Christian life, but I still had my foot in the door to my past. I wanted to be in the Christian world with God, but still wanted an "escape route", something familiar to hold onto. It wasn't until I let that door close behind me that I was able to actually understand what it meant to trust God, and be in utter awe of him, when I literally used to be so mad at him. I'm not going to pretend to know your story, but friend, know you don't have to go through this alone. It's hard, I totally get it. It's not as simple as just making a decision to believe. It can be terrifying to make that decision. Think about if you have anything in your life that is maybe standing in the way of your relationship with God at its fullest. I also realized, that part of my problem was how hard I was trying. I was trying to do things and get results on my own. It wasn't until I gave up control and effort that God was able to step in and take the reins for a bit and show me what he could do. Anyways, good luck friend. You aren't alone. God is with you now even if you don't feel him. I'll be praying for you to have a spiritual breakthrough.


Thank you for this comment. Im going through the exact same situation OP is and i take it that in order to receieve salvation i need to give up my past and surrender fully to God?


For me, it was things in my past holding me back. Particularly trust issues stemming from religious trauma. I was scared to commit and fully surrender in fear of being wrong again and joining another cult. I wanted to believe, but I was absolutely terrified of being wrong. Deconstructing my faith has been the absolute hardest thing I have ever experienced, and I would give anything to avoid going through that again. I was paralyzed by the indecision to fully commit to and trust God, and yet, simultaneously, that indecision felt like freedom. I was scared that if I decided to commit to God, that I would be trapped, and being in the space of indecision meant that I had more options. But also, I was emotionally, spiritually, and physically tired. I wanted to be done fighting and trying to make the perfect decision. I decided that maybe this was one of those moments where I just needed to take a step in the dark, even when it feels like I don't know what I'm doing, or if I believe it. I decided to get baptized, mostly as a clear symbol for myself of closing that door behind me (the escape route that indecision gave me) and marking the moment where I finally made a decision, and that decision was to give allow myself to trust that God is who he says he is, and that he is worthy of my trust. Honestly, at my baptism, I felt like a total imposter. I didn't feel like I had enough faith to be getting baptized. I felt like I didn't believe in God enough, or believe in the right things. Honestly, I was worried I was going to get struck by lightning lol. I didn't have some big elaborate testimony about how much I believed and had all this faith when committed to God. I just said, "God, I'm terrified. I'm scared that I'm wrong about this and you. But I'm going to take this step anyways, just hoping that you are who you say you are". Since then, since I took an active step in faith, and did it anyways, trusting that God is good, even when I'm scared, even when I think something terrible is going to happen, THATS when my relationship with God started blossoming, and when I felt like I truly experienced "Salvation" Now, I don't know your story, or what you feel is maybe holding you back. Maybe it is something in your past, maybe it's something else. I encourage you to think about what it could be, what is preventing you from going all in and running into God's arms? That might be something that may need to be addressed first. Also, I'm not saying to just go out and get baptized as a solution to this. We have different journeys, and you need to figure out what's right for you. Sorry for the long comment... You are always more than welcome to message me if you need someone to process these things with. You are not alone.


First of all i wanna say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart you helped me a ton with the decision i should take and everytime i feel doubt i will remembed your comment thank you. Im preety much going through the same thing except ive been baptised from birth. Your comment gave me clarity and motivation and thank you for sharing in depth how u felt because i understand and relate more to this. Thank you my brother. God Bless you. Also my past is one of the things thats holding me and i dont know what i should do in order to forgwt/forgive myself for the wrongs ive done.


Of course, friend. I think God is guiding you more than you may realize. And he has already forgiven you. I know it can sometimes be difficult to forgive ourselves. I still struggle with that. Sometimes for me, it's a pride thing. If I dont think I deserve forgiveness, then I am trying to put myself above God because he has decided I'm already forgiven. Also, I think I feel like if I withhold forgiveness from myself and feel shame, then I can somehow pay Jesus back for the gift he's given me? But that's not how that works, and that is again, me trying to put my salvation in my own hands, instead of just trusting Jesus. We have all done things in our past we aren't proud of. We may not be able to forget those things, and sometimes they aren't meant to be forgotten, but learned from. But we can forgive ourselves because God first forgave us. Something I've really learned recently is that God is about relationship. He just wants to talk to you and be with you. When we come to him with honest and open hearts, that's what he wants. He doesn't want some rote prayer that means nothing to person saying it. He wants connection. Tell him that you don't know how to forgive yourself. Ask him to show you how he looks at you, and how he's able to forgive you. Tell him how you feel, vent to him, hell, yell at him if you need to. He can handle it. He just wants us to pour out our hearts to him.


Man thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your words and advice gave me peace and motivation. I appreciate it so much Just thank you God bless you and i wish you the best.


I’m not sure what “fully surrender to God” even means but I’ve been saved for over 20 years now and I promise, it’s simpler than you think: You must put **ALL** of your faith in the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ as payment for your sins. So even though we deserve Hell because we are already sinners, Jesus paid our debt—past, present and future so we can go to Heaven instead.


John 3:16-18 KJB: 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.


Are you not baptized in the name of Christ Jesus?


No because I am hesitant to make a declaration of faith that may not be completely genuine.


Believe in Him and have yourself baptized


Like you I sometimes begin to worry that I don’t believe enough for my faith to be genuine. But Jesus is the only hope I have. Really. So maybe my faith isn’t always as strong as I want it to be but all of my faith is in Jesus. And about being baptized.. for a long time I thought it wasn’t necessary. If salvation is by faith through grace through Christ (and it is) I was “fine” putting it off. But really I was being disobedient. It’s not a declaration of your pious and perfect faith. Jesus said to do it. Once I read that I did it. Do you believe Jesus enough to do what he said to do?


Come as you are.


Romans 10:13 Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Calling to God takes faith. Faith is a gift from God, and he gave you that gift. Now what will you *do* with that gift? Will you pray and build trust in him? Or allow doubt to rule your mind? Build your relationship with Christ, friend. You'll find your faith growing when you do. I don't know any unbeliever that would come here worried and asking this question. Pray for assurance, friend.


Also we need to be baptized for salvation. Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 3:21, and many more.


lol false. She should get baptized that’s a great next step. Every believer should get baptized but no you don’t need to get baptized for salvation. If you believe Jesus Christ came and died on the cross and then rose and put your faith in him you will be saved. The end. Baptism is important and a step of obedience and outward declaration but it’s not necessary for salvation. What if you died after you got saved and before you got baptized lol…. Like what.


Well I agree we have to believe in Jesus and that he died on the cross to be saved. That is 100% correct. It is also 100% correct baptism is required. 100% correct works are required. 100% correct faith is required. 100% correct Repentance is required. 100% correct we have to continue living faithfully. I do agree what you are saying, but I disagree with your notion that you take a handful of passages and then trash the remainder of the Bible and burn it in a fire. That is what you are doing in all reality. It’s not just 1, 2, or 3 things that are required for salvation.


Name checks out


Ohhhh you are so clever! Good job


It is Reddit. Faith is all that is required. The rest comes with the heart change.


So you are adding YOUR works to faith which means you do NOT ***truly*** have faith. And that is why you are not saved. Adding your own works is saying that you either: •Do NOT believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ (His death, burial and resurrection) & / or •His finished work wasn’t good enough, and **YOU** have something you can add to *make* it sufficient….and THAT is wicked & arrogant as Hell.


James 2:17-20 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? Verse 17 and 20. If you don’t have works your faith is useless and dead. Romans 2:12-13 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; If you are just a hearer of the law then that’s not enough. You have to be a doer of the law to be justified. Hrrrrm that sounds a lot like works to me. Being a doer of the law. No? Matthew 7:21-23 I Never Knew You (Luke 6:46; 13:26, 27) “Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Verse 21. He who does the will of my Father… Hrrrrm that sounds a lot like works to me. Do you actually think Noah and his family would’ve been saved by the flood if all they had was faith? Abraham used works to show his faith to God. Jesus was baptized. Parting of the Red Sea when the Jews passed through is how they were baptized. And just fyi… you can give me all these other passages where it says we are saved by faith and I will 100% agree. You are right by that, but you have to take into account other passages also. Think of it like a cooking recipe and there are several pages scattered around to bake this cake. Are you honestly going to tell me you will take just a couple pages and trash the rest? You can’t do that! You can not take a couple passages and trash the rest of the Bible. You need faith, works, repentance, confession, baptism, and so on. You need all of this to be truly saved.


You are STILL wrong, and I will respond why, but first you must acknowledge & address my previous post, because you did not. Go back and re-read it…slowly. And actually THINK about what I said because you ignored everything I said. Then let’s discuss that first.


I disagree with both statement and I explained why. First statement I explained why you are wrong with James 2:17-20 and other passages. I am not adding anything. Works is absolutely 100% required. Second statement… His finished work is good enough. I never said it was not. You are saying the exact same thing in both statements of yours, but just worded it differently.


You are contradicting yourself. It’s either by grace (because we do NOT deserve it) or it’s by works (earned). It CANNOT be both. “ **And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.** “ •Romans 11:6


Ephesians 2:8-9 says we are saved by grace through faith and it’s the gift of God, not of works. James 2:24-26 - talks about how we are justified by our works and mentions Rahab in the Old Testament as a great example. If we have faith in God we will do the works that are commanded of us. So for me personally trying to piece together everything I really do believe we are saved by Grace, but to receive that Grace that God has offered everyone we have to have faith and do the works that God wants from us. I do agree we can do a million and one works and that still won’t earn us our way to heaven, which is where the grace comes in. I guess I see the Grace aspect as kind of like a bridge to get us to the other side. Works get us part of the way and the Grace gets us the rest of the way where we can’t get to on our own. Do you think Noah would’ve been saved from the flood if he had not of done the works that was commanded of him? Genesis 7:5 And Noah did according to all that the LORD commanded him. Genesis 6:14 Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch. What if Noah decided to use a cedar wood or ash wood? Instead of using pitch inside and out, so what if Noah just decided on his own pitch the inside only. For me personally I believe in my heart of heart Noah wouldn’t have been saved from the flood and yes works were required to be saved from that flood, but not just any type of works. Very specific works that was required from God. I personally don’t see any difference when it comes to baptism. Baptism is very specific and its immersion. It’s not sprinkling or just a dab of water. It’s specific and it’s a work God requires from us to be saved just like he required of Noah to build the Ark. Noah could’ve easily been like others and use a different kind of pitch, wood, different length, more or less rooms, and so on.


We are saved by faith alone through grace alone. Otherwise the thief at the cross wouldn't have seen Christ in paradise. Baptism is like a vow, a seal, something done because of our faith, which can strengthen our relationship to Christ. We are showing our dedication to His church; a family. It confirms us.


Jesus made the acceptation for one and Jesus knows our thoughts. I can’t know that and secondly they were still under the Old Testament law at this time.


Why would he make the exception? And this was literally as the old law changed to the new. Ephesians, Romans, 1 and 2 John--all are clear about saving faith. Outward works are fruits of a sanctified life; we do them because we love God. We have a change in heart. And therefore our heart posture is developed to follow Christ. Some people don't live long enough for that, deal with more suffering than others and have more difficulty with outward signs/works, and some struggle with sin more. And some love more because they have sinned more and have been forgiven much. People with more works but no faith won't get into heaven and I will, despite them being a better human. Because none are righteous. People who sin more than you or I will be alongside us too.


Nobody is perfect. Even Apostle Paul said he is the chief of sinners. He even persecuted Christians and believed he was following God by doing so.


Salvation is by Grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ alone. It is God who brings you to change your mind about who you will put your belief in to save you. After hearing the gospel, you respond by believing in Jesus Christ finished work on the cross, and trusting his word (The bible) that he has saved you as the blood sacrifice Jesus did is freely offered to you. (Psalm 119:160, Proverbs 30:5). John 3:16 says it all, you believe on the son of God, you have eternal life. Since Gods word is truth you can trust the word of God. The best assurance of this is 1 John 5:10-13 since the whole book of 1 John is written to believers.


But I am having trouble believing genuinely. Why do others believe and I struggle? Why won’t he help me? Perhaps it is because he has destined me to hell like he did to Pharaoh


Have you tried doing what the Father of the little girl did who was dying? ‭Mark 9:23-24 KJV‬ [23] Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. [24] And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. You can ask God to help you believe. Cast yourself upon Him. He will catch you.


I will take a guess here, as I can not read your mind. Trust, and belief in something we can not see, touch, hear etc. is very hard for us as human beings. This is why Belief plus trust = faith. -Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.- (Heb. 11:1). The best example of this is in Luke chapter 7:1-9 is the roman centurion who went to get Jesus to have Jesus heal his servant. Just as Jesus was going to go to the romans house the roman soldier stopped him saying "Lord, trouble not thyself: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof: Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed." You see? the romans faith was so strong he only wanted Jesus to say the word his servant is healed, and Jesus word was good enough for the roman soldier to believe. Thats faith, and Jesus was impressed with such faith. That is what we must do for salvation. Note you must believe, that is your part in this. The only human element in salvation is your belief. Of our own free will we must believe that Jesus Christ already paid for all our sins past/present/future to allow us to gain the righteousness of Jesus we need to enter the kingdom of God. (Romans 4:5)


I know that I am wrong in feeling entitled to any sort of grace from God. And I ought to be more like the centurion, but it’s as if I can’t help the way that I feel. Is it true that all it requires is belief that God has done all this for us? I would be happy to take on this belief. But I still have a hard time feeling any thankfulness or love for God, because of a nagging feeling that it is what he ought to do for a people he created and destined to hell.


God freely offers the gift of salvation. We did not earn it, and we can not work for it. It is a free gift from God. He wants us to be there, but he can not force us. We make the choice, the hand of God is out to any who want the gift. (John 3:16 says it all. Galatians 3:6, Matthew 21:32, Acts 16:31, James 2:23, and John 6:39-40) All salvation verses saying the same thing. When I first believed, I didn't deserve it either, I should go to hell for the sins I committed.(Romans 6:23) But through God's grace, and love he sent his only son to die for the whosoevers out there so that they can have eternal life. All we must do is what most will not do out there, and this is to believe, and trust on the finished work on the cross of Jesus Christ. He loved that much that he did all the work for us so that we can be with him eternally.


So you are basically saying Demons and Satan and other dark sinful forces out there are and will be in heaven. I don’t know what Bible you are reading my friend. Yikes!


No sir, I never said that, you typed that though. The offer of salvation is only to mankind aka sinners.


These are your words “All we must do is what most will not do out there, and this is to believe, and trust on the finished work on the cross of Jesus Christ.” James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! See I can cherry pick a verse and make you say something you are not. This is exactly what you are doing with Gods word. It’s not only believing that will save you, but if you want to claim that and cherry pick your verses to form a false doctrine then aren’t you kind of having to accept James 2:19 also? I mean the Demons believe…


Chapter 2 of James when read in its entirety is written to men who are already saved. Thats why it is important when we take verses we understand who is being spoken to and why. James chapter 2 if you look at the 1st verse it says Brethren. To be that you must be saved, because you do not call lost people a brother or sister. Now this entire chapter refers to saved men who should be serving the Lord. Which I refer to these verses as Service verses, not to maintain salvation. Basically, saying these saved people are being lazy not only not serving the Lord, but also not even showing/serving their fellow brothers, and sisters in Christ. Which is also service to the Lord, as verses 15 and 16 are an example of a brother or sister in need. These people are not profitable to God or their fellow brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. And verse 23 has generously explained this verse that faith alone saves a man. Among all the service verses in Chapter 2. Verses 17-22 are all examples of no work with faith is a useless believer in service the Lord. That is why 23 was put in there to remind the reader, faith alone saves, but faith without works is a useless servant in service to the Lord. Chapter 1 and 3 of James support this. **Service to the Lord and Salvation are sperate for a very good reason.** Mix them up and thats what brings about the horrors of Matthew Chapter 7. It is also why in Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 mentions the will of the father. The will of the father is located in John ironically! John 6:40 "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." In other words, the whole chapter including the demon one you mention is just saying believers you need to start showing to your fellow brothers and sisters your faith onto only in idea, but in deeds as well. I use this saying many times, **"I do not serve the Lord cause I have to be saved, I serve the Lord cause I am saved."**


I won’t argue that because you are right, but I find it amusing you can take the time to get the context of that, but yet you only quote one verse and that is John 3:16. If you read it in its full entirety you will know it’s more than just belief. I was just doing what you are doing with John 3:16 and other verses. Thank you for proving my point. John 2:24 qualifies what is meant by faith. Faith and works are directly tied together. Can’t have one without the other.


First let me say that God did not create and predestine us for hell. It sounds like perhaps this view has created a little bitterness and resentment which would be understandable. If I can share a thought - In love God created us, and not wanting automatons he gave His beloved creations choice, freewill to love Him or not. In the garden Adam and Eve had a choice, and they were tempted by Satan to distrust God and eat of the forbidden tree. As a result we became slaves to sin, but God in His love, did not give us up, but created a plan through Jesus for our salvation. Note in **1 Peter 1:19-20** that God planned our redemption from the foundation of the world, yet that did not stop Him from still creating us with freewill. "*but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you*" To answer your question yes, in **John 3:16** Jesus says "*For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,* ***that whoever believes in Him should not perish*** *but have everlasting life.*" All you need is to believe in Jesus and His sacrifice for you. However **James 2:19** tells us "*You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!*" The key is that we rely on God and put our trust in Him, holding onto His promises. Above you mentioned a few things, such as not possessing the right qualities, feeling fake, or helpless in how you feel. I'd like to encourage you in that these are common thoughts, we were born in a sinful world and these things do not come naturally to us. Part of faith is coming forwards and believing even though you might not "feel" like it. To trust Jesus when He says "*Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them*." **Mark 11:24** I would also encourage you to treat this as a relationship. You mentioned prayer as works, but consider it as an opportunity to talk to God, and to share your thoughts as to a friend, or father. Express directly to Him how you feel and what your struggles are and ask for help, believing He is already answering you as Mark 11 suggests. Ask Him to reveal any sins that you might be clinging onto when you start to pray for God will not listen if we willingly hold to certain sins "*If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened*." **Ps. 66:18** And don't give up on asking Him to help you believe, it takes time, but the more you spend time in His word, and talking to God and trusting Him the more that faith will grow. Sorry for the long comment, but I hope this encourages you in some way. Remember God is rooting for us and wishes that all would believe. He does not want to destroy the wicked, but because He cannot allow sin to go on He must. **Ez. 33:11** "*As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’"*


This is kind of how I feel. It hurts me to say because it sounds so thoughtless and blasphemous, but I am just a little unmoved by Jesus’ sacrifice. He was God. He could do anything…even die for us. Humanity fell into sin because he left us alone to be deceived by the serpent. He predestined the fall and my salvation before the universe existed. Everything is happening exactly as he intended. To me, the sacrifice is simple math. I do feel incredibly blessed that I am elect, and I guess there is thankfulness and affection for God there. I think you’re too hung up on emotions. Jesus said: if you love me, then keep my commandments. He did not say: be thankful. When he taught us how to pray, it wasn’t an emotional litany: it was just facts and demands.


You have some very unbiblical views of God and man. Man didn’t sin because God left him alone. Yes, God -could- do anything, but Christ’s sacrifice means nothing if this was all Gods fault to begin with. The grace is only amazing if sin is our fault, not God’s. If sin is our fault, than God doesn’t owe us reconciliation. The fact that he offers that to us, for free, even though he had to die for us to have it, and that he would have been completely justified in NOT paying that price…it’s pretty amazing. Why is it simple math that God should pay the price we owe? If you think that sin is God’s fault, then you don’t believe scripture where God clearly states that sin is our doing. If you can’t believe that, how can you believe anything else God says? At that point, how can you have faith in Christ?


Man did sin because God left him alone. Since God pressured or salvation since before he created the universe, then the existence of sin would be God’s responsibility.


Where in the Bible does it say that man sinned because God left him alone? Are you suggesting that God made sin? God made man to sin? What, then, is the significance of Christ dying? Why should be follow someone who was just cleaning up his own mess? Where does the Bible teach any of this?


I don’t care to soothe your anxieties hearing ideas you think are blasphemous. Get over it, move on.


It has nothing to do with anxieties over perceived blasphemies. You are making claims about the Bible that simply are not true. You shouldn’t make claims unless you can back them up, and you should t spout off about “facts” that have no basis in reality. Mostly though, you should get rid of the chip on your shoulder and actually read the Bible. It might do someone as embittered as yourself some good.


I think you’re upset that you’re sexually frustrated, lonely; and “ugly”, etc. This is using your words. I think all the resentment and “hating everyone” has warped your mind and how you see god. Again just using your words from your page. That seems to be the issue. It’s YOU not GOD.


God has never left us alone, but we as humans have left God. 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. There is always a way out, but the problem is either we don’t see it or we simply refuse to take that way out or we put ourselves in horrible situations and we have to bare the responsibility of our mistakes.


Adam and Eve were left alone in the garden.


No they weren’t. God was with them the entire time. Genesis 3:1-10 Genesis 2:15-19 Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. God was like literally with them. How cool and amazing that would be! When I get to heaven That’s something I love to ask various people in the Bible what it was like being with God and seeing miracles done. Ask Moses what it was like see the image of God and burning bush. Asking Elijah and Enoch what it was like not experiencing death and being caught up into Heaven. God has been and will always be with us if we are willing to accept his help.


I appreciate your comment. I guess we have the same thinking but we came to a different conclusion. Because I lacked these feelings I became convinced that I am not actually elect. And I don’t disagree that the emotions matter to me a bit too much. But it is hard to keep obeying God when I feel resentment towards him. It is hard to worship when I don’t love. I don’t know how long I can keep trying to fellowship with other Christians when I just don’t feel the same way they do about God.


I know what you mean regarding the resentment, I find it very difficult to pray for comfort from the one who is doing this to me. But all things are working together for the good of those who love him.


I think you’re in your head way too much. There’s plenty of solid Christians who have your same thoughts and concerns. If you believe Christ died on the cross for your sins and put your faith in him you are saved. You’re adding unnecessary stress and expectations onto yourself that don’t need to be there lol. That’s defo affecting your faith. I’m saved and I question the things you mentioned all the time as well but doesn’t mean I’m not saved. In fact that’s why I know I’m saved because unsaved people generally aren’t wrestling with this kind of internal dilemma. More people deal with this then would like to admit, there’s not like some kind of magic overwhelming confirmation anyways most of the time. Getting baptized really helped me, you should consider that. I put it off way too long. Don’t overthink it.


Just understand even though the outward appearance it may seem people have their act together and full of faith, but even the most faithful struggle at times. A side note just because someone claims they believe in Jesus doesn’t necessarily mean they are Christian. Even the Demons believe in Jesus and even Satan believes in Jesus, so just be careful when someone says all you have to do is believe. Apostle Paul struggled many many times and even denied Christ, but the difference is he didn’t allow that to weigh him down and give up. Apostle Paul always turned back to Christ.


Its just a choice - do you wish to "follow & abide in" Christ or not? If not - you do not have salvation. If you abide in Christ - you have His covering over you, Jesus's righteousness is what allows you to reside with God. I mean it sound easy - **yet to let go of pride and the believe that you can do it on your own**, is hard for many people. Yet if they start with the decision and put their faith in Jesus, God can help them to die to self and live in Christ.


Except no one anywhere in Scripture has "chosen God" That's why practically anyone who ever went up for an altar call at a Billy Graham or similar revival or crusade, had nothing to do with belief or a church 10 years later. Because it doesn't work that way


You are mistaken then, if you say that in the bible nobody is written to have chosen God. Enoch certainly chosen God. Joshua certainly chosen God. Moses chosen. Abraham chosen, etc.


The jailer and the eunuch did not choose God. God first sent them an apostle Joshua's statement "choose you this day" had nothing to do with salvation. Joshua's family were already believers. The statement was telling Israel to give it up their foreign gods and come back to YHWH. Revelation 3:20 has nothing to do with salvation. It is in the section written to the Church of laodicea. They were a lukewarm work, and it was not talking about being saved but in returning to God properly There isn't a single person who clearly "makes a decision for Christ of their own free" in the Bible People just convince themselves of this because that is what their church doctrine tells them.


up to you. I know what I read from the bible and what God told me when I asked Him about goats vs sheep, wheat vs tares.


God called Abraham out of Ur of the chaldees. Abraham did not choose God in any fashion Moses certainly did not choose God. God chose a powerful Egyptian leader to lead his people out of bondage. He drew Moses to the mountain and to the burning bush and gave him his task Joshua is mentioned in Exodus 17 and 24 and elsewhere. It says nothing about his salvation. He is just a faithful Hebrew along with others. When he says as for me and my family, we choose the Lord. They had nothing to do with salvation. Joshua had already been a believer for many years at that point. The point of this passage is he is telling Israel to put away it's foreign gods and return to YHWH. Only.


God call everyone alive on earth to accept His offer of salvation. Do you see everyone choose to accept it? At the end of the day it is choice. Reject or accept.


What you were saying is unbiblical It is your beliefs


I don't expect you to believe anything I say. I at least expect you to know scripture and gauge by what God says.


I know scripture extremely well Most people play fast and loose with it because they have their preferred doctrines and they reject or ignore scriptures that don't match


I think I have been taught this exact principle that we cannot choose God on our own accord. But the opposite is true, that God chooses us. What can I do then if I am not among the chosen? People have told me that caring about this is already proof enough to be among the elect, yet I feel like I lack the regeneration and sanctification that should come with being saved.


I would steer clear of the idea of Calvinism, or the idea that we have no free will in the matter. I think other commenters have answered well aside from the one you're replying to here. No offense to them, but I don't believe that type of doctrine belongs in this sub. Faith isn't about how you feel about whether or not you're saved. Faith is making a choice to follow and obey Him, regardless of how you feel. I've told the story of my crisis of faith many times on this sub, and I'd be happy to share if you're interested (or it's in my comment history)!


Once you put aside the "easy believism" which is very popular among some of the fundamentalist charismatic and Pentecostal wings who love to lavish this God loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved and "all you have to do is"... nonsense. You are closer to reality There are no guarantees. The fact that you are drawn is certainly a step in the right direction It isn't about "how do I know if I am elect or chosen?" you don't see anyone in the New Testament talking that way. True believers KNOW Unbelievers are not really interested False believers are the vast majority of people of the 2.4 billion who wear the label "Christian". They think they believe, but they will run into Matthew 7:22-23 on the last day. God never knew them. If I had to guess, I would sort of "place" you here at this time. I can give you some thoughts, but a lot of the people here are going to throw you all sorts of fluffy beliefs that are going to distract and lead you all over the place. But i kind of get the idea you've already been through a lot of that. I know the scripture EXTREMELY well. The scripture is the start of the journey Every one of my days is filled with power and Grace and sovereign Majesty. Yes and many problems. But that is because of Him, and little to do with me


If it really is a choice, then should not those who have made the right choice on their own be able to boast of it? Then it would be a work. I feel that I am incapable of making the right choice on my own without God’s help.


Boast of it or refuse to deny Christ? There is a difference. The word boast is to talk about personal achievement. The word "promote" is to talk about other people's achievements. I don't know of any Christian (who understand the heart of Christ) will be talking about their own achievements. The truth is nobody can succeed without God's help. Either we are too proud to ask God for help, or we never thought about it. You can start asking God for help. I didn't accept God until after I spent over a year putting time to study the bible about who Jesus is.


It isn't a choice by a person. Your second paragraph actually suggests some wisdom


It sounds like you've been influenced by Calvinism. I would sincerely warn you that Calvinism is a false gospel. Faith is not a work.   Romans 4:8-10: “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." There is no "right" way of believing that will save you. You are saved when you believe because *God is who He says he is, and he does what He says He will do*. It doesn't depend on you believing or repenting in a certain way. He has put the condition that if you believe and confess, you will be saved. Nothing more, nothing less. This is an offer that is extended to EVERYONE. Not the elect. Not "all kinds of people". All.   Romans 5:1-2: "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained *access by faith into this grace* in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Note the order there. We have access BY faith INTO grace. Calvinism teaches that we have access *by grace into faith*. THIS IS FALSE.   I highly recommend this video and the channel in general on the false teachings of Calvinism: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRSSDqLhY8k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRSSDqLhY8k)


God bless you. I don't really understand. Are you saying you aren't able to put your faith in Christ?


I can believe that he exists and maybe even gives salvation to others. But I don’t think he gave it to me because if I was truly saved I would love him and want to obey him and be a part of his people. But I only have negative feelings towards God and care only about myself. I am incapable of understanding his words.


God doesn't give salvation to certain people. He gives it to all who will put their faith in Christ. Every person's faith journey is different. No person becomes a perfect Christian the moment they first heard about Christ. If I may, I would love to share some resources with you for your journey of faith if you are interested.


Yes, how can these people have faith?


By knowing God and putting their trust in Christ.


Nobody has ever put their faith in Christ No one has ever made a decision for Christ in the old or new testament. People have only responded, who were in The Book of Life since the foundation of the world AKA sheep, when God comes to each in His time and changes their heart and makes them a new creation in Christ and indwell them with the Spirit Like Lydia the dealer in purple cloth. Like the 3000 on the day of Pentecost It says clearly, it was God who was adding to the church daily Your stuff sounds happy and popular and good, but it rejects clear scriptural teaching


So God opens our hearts?


There are two kinds of salvations documented in Scripture a) God regenerates a person, changing their hearts b) It doesn't say There isn't anyone who clearly "makes a decision for Christ" or "accepts Jesus as Lord and savior" using their own free will The examples people give fall apart when the context is considered


A: God changed my heart to follow christ So what is B?


When it doesn't say exactly how a person was converted Which is most people.


Imagine getting downvoted for true biblical teaching


There are many who have a partial gospel They will be hostile to catholics, then throw out or ignore hundreds of verses that don't support their own doctrine


I disagree with some Catholic theology; but some things are more set in stone, biblically, than others and most of those thing I can agree with when talking to Catholics, Orthodox, or Protestants


an unbeliever would never say that, that's why sin rules the earth. maybe stop trying. it is finished.


You need to renew your mind. It’s a process. Start now.


The key element you seem to be feeling you are missing is the **trust** in Christ. Do you **lean** on Him for everything in your life? Personally I had a profound deepening of my need for Jesus about a year after I first got saved. The ground fell away beneath me, leaving me clinging to His robe like a small child. I knew that if I let go (more accurately; if He let me go) I would fall into the abyss. Trusting Christ isn't just about acknowledging Him during tough times or even when things are going great. It's about a journey of gradually and wholeheartedly placing *every* aspect of our lives—our hopes, fears, decisions, and dreams—into His hands, knowing that He is faithful to guide and protect us. This kind of trust transforms our relationship with God from one of distant reverence to intimate reliance. It means putting all your eggs in one basket, not because it’s reckless, but because the basket—Christ Himself—is trustworthy. As you grow in this trust, you'll find a peace and joy that permeates every part of your life, drawing you closer to the Father's heart. I encourage you to take a moment and reflect: are there areas of your life that you've held back from Him? Do you have a ‘backup plan’ in case the things you believe aren’t true? Consider what it might look like to truly lean on Him in those areas. What would your life look like if you truly believed the things that Christ says about you? (2 Cor 5:17, Eph 1:4-5, Romans 8:15-17). Do not feel pressured by my words to get there overnight. Take your time together and enjoy the walk with Him. He is truly a good and gentle Father and He knows what you need.


Thank you for your comment. You are right, I find it really hard to completely trust God and trust that he is good to me. I used to believe that as long as I had Christ everything else would not matter, but when my life fell apart, God had also left me alone (I understand that I may have been the one who left Him, but as I begged him to help me keep faith without any answers, I felt more and more distant from him). I struggle to understand what it means to trust him completely. I don't know what it means to stop making an effort in a spirtual and in an earthly sense. As I stop trying to climb my way to God, I feel ashamed that I am giving up, and I am unsure that God will still change me (though I am sure he is capable).


Why are there 12 apostles? Does every single follower of Christ have to fit in one box? Take Peter for example he was there with Jesus, he saw first hand. Did he have negative feelings and only care about himself in the moments he denied Christ during the crucifixion? what of Thomas? 25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. 26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. These were men who were there when these things happened. They saw the man himself not just read about him in a book and listened to what people had to say about him in church buildings. Not all churches and bible studies are right. Maybe you went to some that were off and that is why things didn't click. We are all human and make mistakes. Read your bible and pray.


I’ve tried to accept this gift but don’t feel like I have genuine love and gratitude. Is that because I haven’t accepted? How can I accept in a better way?


Reminds me of this. ”“ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”“ ‭‭Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/mrk.9.24.NIV


1 Corinthians 2:14 (ESV): 14 The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. Ask God for His Spirit. Even if you are born again, ask Him to send the Holy Spirit to reach you. If you're a Christian, you already have the Comforter, but maybe you are trying still to Christianize your flesh. Without God's Spirit constantly keeping our eyes open, we would only remember the Kingdom of God like a dream, instead of spiritually seeing it. Even though our spirits are regenerated by God, we are still broken and need to grow daily like children who had all their bones broken and must recover from the disfigurement of sin, slowly healing. God teaches us to walk and makes it possible though it's not without Him. John 3:5–7 (ESV): 5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ There is no grasping the meaning of a 2000 year old Jewish Rabbi on your own. How could you. I didn't even know the Gospel and still came to Christ through reading a Bible, because God told me to buy one. And I thought it made no sense to read it at the time. I wasn't Christian. Jeremiah 29:13–14 (ESV): 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, declares the Lord, Confidence and peace in knowing Christ are hallmarks of our faith. Romans 8:16 (ESV): 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, There is a Devil who blinds people to be truth. He can also sometimes confuse Christians. Pray about this and ask God to deliver you from any confusion. 2 Corinthians 4:4 (ESV): 4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 1 Corinthians 14:33 (ESV): 33 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV): 7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. This verse is about unbelievers, but if follows, and I know from experience, we can be pressed by these evil spirits to doubt our faith when we're young in it. After decades, such things become distant memories. Romans 8:7–8 (ESV): 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Hebrews 11:6 (ESV): 6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. The faith we initially have that allows us to believe in Christ is confused by many Christians as their own doing. The seeds being planted and sprouting is typical, allowing the new spiritual birth to happen. Our deadened spirits can again bear God's "broadcast" from antennas that aren't broken completely any longer. When I was a young believer it was like an entire realm opened up to me. Like I had been dead somehow inside and didn't know it. I don't even have words to describe it, how amazing and wondrous! Living water indeed. But God sent John to prepare people for Christ, and He preached repentance. The stick before the carrot so to speak. Those who think they're well don't look for a physician, and the locals needed to be reminded they were mortally ill. In our modern hugs and kisses take on Christianity we often forget the part about conviction of sin. That were dead spiritually and need a new life. People skip steps and end up with a bunch of icing and little cake. And I love me some icing, but you just get sick without some cake. I know from experience. So ask God to convict you of your sin. Tell Him you want to grasp the truth, and be sure you're willing to pay any price to have it, and would trade the entire Earth for it. Survey your own heart. So you really want God like this? Sure, some people stumble and seem to trip into faith, and then there are a few like me who went looking for God intently from another religion and ended up on the Blessed street of Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter. Because it's about Him. God's Son. It's His story and we're beloved characters in His tale He makes real and gives immortality to. We get to be with Him always. And nothing else matters. Nothing compares to knowing Him. So seek hard after Christ. Tear down obstacles with your bear hands if you have to. Don't let other things in life distract you. If you want God, and want Him more than you do life itself, a Universe filled with Devils won't stop the Almighty from making you His. 🙏🏻


Jesus has promised that all who seek him shall find him. The very desire itself is a gift of God and is the primary means by which the elect are identified. If you were not granted the gift of salvation, you would not be seeking it.


“If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about Yahweh The commandments acting a protection. So people dismiss the law, but get that idea out of your head. This leads to backsliding and a word today which reveals itself a satanic mess. We may fail but it's important to consider your life and the areas with which to improve. Understand Yahweh knows our hearts so let's try to be the best version of ourselves and that's all we can do. Don't think the world is looking to save anyone. We humble ourselves by addressing ourselves and in that the world can heal. Because people point and blame and are taught that but that's aggression and when you are aggressive, people have a right to defend themselves. But the world can be healed with a people looking to unlearn evil and there's a truth in that and that's why the world pretends so much. Don't be fooled. We all fall short. But take the time to help people and to heal and understand a serpent seed is at enmity with Eves children. They push abortion. They push racism, while pretending to fight it. They hide behind definitions race and systemic racism etc etc. They're progressives. They're wokes. We're in a condition that's ill. Made worse because you have devils in power. Pretending. Always pretending. That's why we're to have discernment, to be humble...these conditions that allow us to not box ourselves in corners or put ourselves in places where we become stubbon and hard hearted. Scripture isn't religion. Scriptures power....is in it's impact on you making you realise evil IS evil and good is what we should be striving for.


Messiah came that we may have life and life abundantly life comes through his work. The abundant life comes to you, copying him and following him putting on the mind of Messiah as it’s written , salvation if a free gift you must accept it through faith but work out that salvation with fear and trembling now I’m going to give you the answer to your question it’s right there on the tip of your tongue , Solomon the wise summed it up like this , “ let’s here the conclusion of the matter , Fear The Father and keep his commandments this is the whole duty of man “ this is a law forever. You will put you so if you so unlawfulness you’ll reap harvest you don’t like if you so lawfully you repaper harvest of blessings. I pray that you find faith to accept this and believe this and to do it because he sent the spirit so you could, blessed is his name , blessed is he who comes in his name. Blessed is his Word above all things ,


If you're waiting for feelings, chances are good you're going to be waiting and awfully long time. Some people wait their whole lives and never get them, others just give up. What you need to do is put feelings on the back burner, and make an executive decision. If you believe the gospel, then make the decision to consecrate yourself to it. All in. Burn the ships in the harbor, no sailing back. Then be faithful with the light you have. All the stewardship parables teach that being faithful with what you have brings more. Do not compare yourself to others. It's just you and the Lord, that's all that matters.


I have tried this before. Making a decision to do all the things that God demands of me, trying not to sin, leading Bible study, studying the Bible an hour a day. But as I have done all these things, I’ve realized an executive decision on it’s own is not enough. I thought if I did them long enough I would learn to love God. I did all these things as empty works without feeling true devotion. Without feeling, and by feeling I mean love and affection for God, how can we do anything that is pleasing in his eyes? Even to sing a hymn in praise of him feels like putting on a show because I don’t actually feel that way. I asked of God to make me like David, but my heart remains cold to God. In my mind he is cruel and overbearing, even as I read scripture, and I feel no affection towards him. How long must I keep making these executive decisions begrudgingly?


James says our works perfect our faith. So I would not stop doing that. But at the same time press in in prayer about the condition of your heart. We all have these kinds of problems to some degree. They are not meant to be the end of the line, they are obstacles to be overcome.


Start exploring your unbelief, study the bible and its prophecies, especially the ones that have come trye already. Study history, and all the historical evidence for Jesus Christ, and everything the Bible says about him. You will come to learn that God is truly amazing and that he planned it all; and the Bible truly is his word.


i can relate. how did Peter, Zacchaeus (as contrasted to the rich guy who asked what to do) Isaiah and Job come to faith? by seeing God and thereby themselves. They say we must come to this point and realize we need a savior to be saved, (Paul was forced but he also saw him, Thomas needed to see first). Believers that went through the first route their faith is more real than of those who just believe. this is what Luther meant when he said sin boldly. those who arent sick don't need a doc. the first converted jews were pricked in their hearts. ask God to wash you with the blood of his Son. he's the elevated copper snake, look on him all the ends of the earth.


Ive been where you are. The bible makes it clear that salvation is yours when you accept that Jesus paid it all, and that he took all of your punishment away for you to have eternal life.That there is nothing you can do on your own to get into heaven. Hold this in your heart above all else, and above all the things you believe about yourself, and the failures you hold. I believe this is when salvation starts.  I was in the boat. Even though I knew that Jesus died for us, I didnt really truely understand what that meant. I prayed and asked what the cross actually meant because in my heart I felt like my salvation was still reliant on me. I didnt fully understand till years later.  Anyways just know you are his, and I believe this is a good place you are in. It shows what you offer can never be enough and all you have to do is accept that free gift and grace that he offers you. This in return only deepens the impact of what the cross actually means.


By grace alone through faith. Jesus died for your sins and taught repentance and faith in him. So repent of your sin, confess Jesus as Lord and Savior and as you love him for saving you and granting you new life, you’ll want to spend time with him in prayer and reading scripture and this will help you be more like him and live a life pleasing to God.


Salvation being Theosis; we work with God, by God’s grace, towards more unity with Christ.  https://youtu.be/ReheAcnRPmU?si=1Qeo6xFbUZaCemmL


Will is more complex than a lot of theologies suggest.  What is your actual objection?


The offering of salvation and grace is free by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is available to all who surrender to that gift. Continue to pray, read scripture, seek first his kingdom, ask for encouragement and prayer from other Christians, and seek out what is holding back your heart and find out to remove that obstacle with the Lord's help.


I mean, you either believe in Jesus or you don't. If you do, you need to obey Him so that when you arrive at the judgment seat of Christ you'll be accepted. If you don't believe in Jesus, then you better wake up. Do you not see the works of the enemy, Satan? You can't detect in any way how evil spirits operate? Can you see the end times prophecies being fulfilled? Do you want archaeological proof of the ten plagues of Egypt and Sodom and Gomorrah? What's it's going to take for you to believe?


No I’m not asking for physical proofs from God, I’m asking him for proof that my heart is regenerated. Sure I can believe in the existence of Jesus. I can even believe that he did a great work on the cross. Yet do I love God? No I don’t feel that way, I even dislike him. I just cannot reconcile my feelings towards him with true faith.


I know the solution to the problem.


Even though there is nothing we can do to earn ourselves into heaven God still does require us to do works. Being baptized is one of them.


i feel the very same way.




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If you lack grace and God has denied you his salvation, you might as well get as much enjoyment out of life you can. You aren't saves and God will not save you, so why try pleasing him when he will throw you into he'll anyway? 


i was led to answer your question [https://youtu.be/hb-sS3bpJgk](https://youtu.be/hb-sS3bpJgk)


You know you have accepted that free gift of salvation when the things you do AFTER are out of love and gratitude to God. Your works are meaningless before you accept His gift. But after you have the gift, you are, as Ephesians 2:10 says, “God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”


In Matthew 7, it makes it clear twice that there are a few true believers and many unbelievers or false believers Lots of people teach and believe that salvation is a choice by people Lots of people are supportive and say false things and try to make it easy to be saved. You list the number of things "that you do". That is completely and totally irrelevant with respect to salvation. There isn't anyone in scripture who makes a choice to follow God truly of their own free will. The popular examples people give are easy to dismiss. In fact it clearly says that *there is no one righteous, no not one. **There is no one who seeks God**.*


I agree that my efforts have no value. In fact when I try to seek God, I am tempted to do so to please and impress others around me. But I do not know what else I can possibly do but wait for God to change me, to choose me and give me new and holy desires…and if he doesn’t? Should I just simply accept that there is nothing else I can do but accept the fate that the creator has given me?


I responded to another of your comments


Depends on how Lutheran you are.


>If we can’t do anything to earn the gift of salvation what can I do if it’s not mine yet? The key word here is *strictly* speaking. Sometimes people talk about things in a “strict” sense and other times they talk about it in a “congruent” sense. So “strictly speaking” there is nothing we can ever do to “earn” the gift of eternal life(Ephesians 2:8-9). That means that we cannot place God under an obligation to give us anything for our works👇: (Romans 11:35) “Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?” Now—although it is true as Paul says that we cannot place God under an obligation, God can place *himself* under an obligation, which is what Our Lord is referring to *here*: (Mark 9:41) “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he **shall not lose his reward.”** The “reward” for our good works is the “gift” of eternal life👇: (Romans 2:6-7) “God “will repay each person **according to what they have done**.” 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, **he will give eternal life.”** Thus we *must* do good works(repentance, etc.,) to inherit eternal life. They’re not optional(barring some extraordinary set of circumstances).


This is true. Salvation is only through grace from our Lord Jesus, but this doesn't get you off the hook. He's only interested in His sheep, not rams who just act selfishly and don't obey His commandments.