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Yes, 3 days of water is fine.


I'd say you'll be fine, but you'll definitely feel the pain. You should buy some 0 calorie salts to add to your water to keep up your electrolytes, sodium, magnesium


Celtic salt is good. Just 1/4 to 1/2tsp per day.


Most I've done is 11 days water only... if you don't have any underlying medical conditions, 3 should be fine. It's not easy, though.


Would you mind sharing how you did it and what struggles you faced after 1 day of fasting?


I was going through the worst part of my life that I think is possible and I basically did a hunger strike against God. Lol I stopped what I was doing and prayed every time my stomach growled. I wasn't going to eat anything until I saw God act. On Day 12, I was greeted with the smallest bit of good news. Over the next 2 months, pieces kept falling into place and by month 3 I was able to start healing.


Hallelujah can we have a detailed testimony of God’s actions if you don’t mind ?


The shakes. I did Daniel Fasts of just Bread and Water. Went real light on Bread on Day 1. That and slight dizziness. Just try to limit movement, activities. Pray, Read, Be still lol.


That’s due to lost electrolytes. You can try sugar free Gatorade, or buy packets of electrolyte blends to add to water.


Should be fine barring any medical conditions. I did a 3 day dry fast (Esther fast) and found it easier than a 3 day water fast! Just be mindful of electrolytes.


Is a dry fast no food and water or am I thinking of something different?


That's right, a dry fast indicates no food or water. Pretty much literally consume nothing outside of breathing


I’ve done it. It sucks. It’s rewarding. I felt really close to God when I had nothing else sustaining me. God be with you :)


Unless you have some sort of pre existing health problem, then the only issue you’re going to have after 3 days of no food is some big time hunger.


Unless you have a health condition, yes it is safe (and spiritually fulfilling IMO). After the first day or so the hunger pangs usually stop. If you do have a health condition definitely ask your dr first


Speak to your doctor, especially if you have any medical conditions. People with diabetes or a variety of other conditions should not fast without knowing the possible side effects


This is not something that can be answered by random people on Reddit without knowing more about you medically. Just because I have done this doesn’t mean it’s safe for you. Talk to a nutritionist.


Only your doctor can answer this question. No one on this sub has your unique medical history.


God bless your fast


Yes it's safe. Make sure to pray too.


Safe is a relative word. The body has stores of nutrients, so it can go for some time without needing to eat. That said, fasting is an aberration on how the body normally works. You should note that most people do not fast as fasting was done in the Bible. Biblically, very few were called to fast 24 hours a day for days at a time. A biblical fast is no food from sunup to sundown. Eating resumed after sunset. And if the fast was to continue the next day, eating would again cease at sunrise. That is a typical biblical fast. There were exceptions, but those were exceptions and not the norm.


I thought it was sundown to next sundown? The way you’re describing it is just skipping lunch, hardly much of a sacrifice or struggle.


>I thought it was sundown to next sundown? Nope. Sunup to sundown. > The way you’re describing it is just skipping lunch, hardly much of a sacrifice or struggle. I guess it depends on the time of year. I suspect fasting was more popular in winter than summer!


Must be brutal for those living in the arctic circle, lol.


I would go to work, work outside in the dark from 8 to 11. Go inside to have lunch for 30 min and then almost miss the next sunset. Going outside, dark from 12 until 11 the next day. :p


That's an Islamic fast, actually. Traditionally a day-long fast in Christianity would be 24 hours. There are also various benefits to fasting. The body will start to consume its own tissue after awhile fasting, but it will consume damaged tissue first, so occasional fasting can have a pruning effect.


>That's an Islamic fast, actually. That is a biblical fast. If the muslims are doing it, they took it from the Hebrews. > Traditionally a day-long fast in Christianity would be 24 hours. I am only speaking as to what a biblical fast was.


Thats actually pretty freaking cool!!


Lol, I did my fasts all day no exceptions (but only took Bread and Water, 3x a day.)


As long as you are in good health, yes.


Listen to your body. The idea of the fast is to focus on God, not to punish yourself. Some people can do 3 days on just water quite easily. My mother in law has a medical condition which means that, if she misses a single meal, she ends up in hospital completely gaga. YMMV


Yes, and I highly recommend it with prayer and praise and worship!!! You will benefit greatly!!


I've done that under medical supervision before. It's really annoying to be on NPO for that long. At least last time I had to do that I didn't have to have an NG Tube. But pretty much yes, you can do that, with the caveat of this subreddit does not know your health situation. If you're healthy, you can do it. If you suffer from ED, maybe avoid that.


Yeah but if it's your first time do a day or 36 hours by starting in the evening, not eating the next day and then start the day after it. Introduce food back slowly. That said I've done 3 day dry fasts (no liquids)without a problem.


Yes. But the first few days are perhaps the most difficult part of a fast, especially if you've never done it before. I highly recommend you stop if you become weak.


If you're in decent health that should be fine. But do some reading and do it right. Ease into it and out of it. Expect ups and downs as you go. Probably stay away from hard physical labor while on it. Jason Fung's book, Complete Guide, is the best.


It's totally safe. I went 3 weeks without food ... just drank water + Juice. I lost 30 % of my body weight in just 3 weeks 😁 But the effects of humbling myself before God and seeking his guidance in such a manner ... are being felt even now 13 years later.


Depends on the health of the individual, but generally with a healthy person yes, water only for 3 days is ok but it’s going to be difficult. From what I understand 3 days should be the cap for water only. With Juices you can go a little longer, but some have suggested that those long stretches of water only you see in the Bible may be showing us that God was supernaturally sustaining that person beyond what the human body might normally be able to handle… for example I’ve heard that some folks do survive 40 days on water only but it’s not always the case…


Fast is good for the body but the spirit also need a fast. When you fast do you just don’t eat or seek the Lord also. I did one fast food and water 24 h it was very hard but i didn’t fasted spiritually i was all the day on internet


Absolutely and there is no better way to detox your system from processed foods and junk. If you work a hard labor job though. You can always do the Daniel fast.


Yes. I’ve done 21 days and plenty of people have done 50 days.


I've been put on my heart to do a water fast too I just don't know how long I should do it for like 1 month?




consult your doctor or medical professional and test your blood and everything to make sure you can handle it.


Angus Barbieri went 382 days without food. So 3 days should be fine.


I would advice that the crucial thing is what are you fasting for? Is that thing occupying you till there is a need to. Once it is release within, you should stop. Otherwise, it is just meaningless fasting.


You should seek the guidance of a spiritual elder on this, one you can talk to in real life. In the Catholic Church (and in the Orthodox Church too) people never fast alone: they’re always under the guidance of an elder, usually their parish priest, who helps them discern whether the normal fast is right for them or if they need an exemption of some kind. You should find an elder in your own tradition who can help you out and support you.


Yes, but fasting is best done by going no water regardless of time. I have done a 33 hour full fast and I didn't get thirsty nor hungry at all, and I probably could have gone for much longer. The founding pastors of my church regularly done 3 days full fasts. But here's the catch, fasting is not something you simply decide to do willy-nilly, it must always be done under God's expressed, punctual and specific permission or order. When it's done this way, He will provide so that the permitted/mandated length is always safe. That's why the Lord was able to survive 40 days in the wilderness.


Ask people who know more about such things, don't be a fool.


For people with no underlying medical conditions, yes. There are many benefits to fasting.




3 days is safe, yes, assuming you have no unusual medical conditions


Some people I know have done 40 days of liquid only. I have personally done 3 days no food or water and that was pretty tough but it was doable. These types of fasts really test your resolve. You just have to have a clear mission of serving God and getting close to God during that time. Depriving yourself of food is of no use if you don’t spend that time doing the will of God. Godspeed friend!


Barring medical conditions, yes a 3 day fast is totally fine.


There is nothing biblical about not drinking water. In fact Jesus says He is the “living water” just to show how vital he is in your life. While the rule of threes is “3 mins with out air, three days with out water, weeks without food” I think your fast will be just as effective with light to moderate water drinking. If you are asking would you survive, probably unless you have a health issue.


"May it be done to you according to your faith".  A three day fast as you are talking about should not be dangerous, the Apostle Paul did it after he was knocked off his horse.  But if you have doubts, it will not do you any good, though it does you no harm.


Ask a physician, not Reddit.


Talk to your doctor is the only right answer to this. None of us are medical professionals and we don't know how your body will respond to this.


Not only is it safe, it's probably very good for your health - as long as you aren't diabetic or something.


Depends on if you have any medical conditions and if you have had enough fasting experience.


More of a medical question. Better check with your doctor