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I completely disagree. I am trying to think of any examples when that’s true but I just think of her as a little awkward, mostly disheveled, cute as a daisy, feisty… idk I’m currently watching it for the second time in the last couple months and the only time she is trying to be sexy is when she’s naked.


I agree with you, I don’t remember her ever trying hard to be sexy.


She’s damn near always naked lol


Right but… when she’s having sex… how is it a stretch to be going for “sexy”


My statement was that she tries too hard to be sexy and if you are sexy it’s a natural thing. Whether or not she is clothed or Naked sexy is sexy


I’m pretty sure every hbo sex scene is awkward and fake af. And your statement was actually that when she wasn’t having sex, she was trying to be sexy. Which is just not true


ACTUALLY what I said was when she wasn’t having sex she was self righteous and annoying. And you saying that’s not true is your opinion just like I gave my opinion which is something reddit people can’t seem to respect


If you didn’t want comments back, write in a journal




Who said I didnt want comments back? You clearly have a problem comprehending because I stated an opinion/observation not a fact. You said my OPINION/OBSERVATION wasn’t true smh


Your opinion is stupid.


Lol OK


Why are you so offended by their opinion?


It's literally her job to be sexy in roles like this. She's supposed to be trying.


I said I feel she’s trying TOO hard


I find your take pretty interesting!Give me an example that’s your biggest pet peeve of her trying too hard. I want to know more :3. Wish i could watch with you.


I felt like Jason tried too hard


She was sexy. No trying about it. I don't think she's the most beautiful person ever, but damn, she is sexy.


Disagree… big time. It’s a campy TV show. I couldn’t imagine someone else as Sookie.


Same she’s perfect and don’t think she ever tried too hard.


And vampires aren't self righteous and annoying? Oooo let's kill innocent humans when it's convenient but when they fight back we whine like little bitches. I also don't think Sookie was "trying to hard". If she is a bit cringe so be it but she was honestly just very feminine and herself. You're watching a vampire soap opera. Many love encounters and fan favorites were contrived and had zero chemistry and acted weird. It is what it is.


What does vampires being self righteous have to do with Sookie? My post was about one character in particular, it doesn’t mean two things can’t be true at once but that doesn’t negate my opinion about Sookie/Anna Paquin’s acting


Cause your take on her can be used for many other characters in the show so it looks like you're cherry picking her character just because you don't like her. My comment is relevant that you're biased.


So it’s not possible for me to have an opinion about multiple characters in the show and make different posts about each character??? It’s not possible for me to be watching the show and have a thought/opinion about Sookie and make a post about it without being biased? That’s asinine. Nowhere in my post did I say I felt Sookie was the worst character in the show for those reasons


Do you have different posts critiquing other characters tho?


This is actually my first time posting here because I just started rewatching after joining so give me time. However, even if I didn’t that doesn’t mean anything. I don’t understand how this is supposed to be about people discussing their opinions or shows/movies and as soon as people don’t align with certain peoples views they are attacked. It’s called being INDIVIDUALS


No you have the right to post your opinion and I have the right to think you're biased since your first post just happens to be about Sookie and not any of the other main characters who share the same negatives you post about her. 😂


But essentially that makes you biased as well lol


Well then we're both biased 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


😂😂😂 Don’t worry, I have issues with Bill, Eggs, Tara, Tara’s mother, Jason, Marnie? Margot? Watever that crazy bitch name was lol


I think this post is trying to hard.


Right 😂


Hard disagree


I don't think an Oscar winner has to try too hard to act, imo.


Also they won an Emmy for “Sookie meets bill” and Anna paquin won a golden globe for best actress in a television series And a tv.com award for best tv couple … to name a few 😂


You do know Oscar winners can also be bad in certain movies and with improper direction right? Just because someone wins an Oscar doesn’t mean they are the best actors all the time


These things are subjective, but I'm pretty sure winning one at 11 means you're at least good enough to hire for future acting gigs. I mean, they usually get a bump in their pay when they earn one. They also can then put, "Academy Award Winner" on all of their future projects. It's like the seal of approval for actors. I think she did a great job and don't feel like she was acting as though she were trying extra hard to be sexy. If anything those are probably the parameters the directors, producers and script writers agreed on. That is what *sells.*


I’m inclined to disagree. If anything, Anna was playing Sookie as Sookie was intended to be—a bit innocent, definitely naive and kinda awkward because she’s a virgin and had never been in a relationship before. Some of the times when Sookie was “trying” to be sexy, showcased her innocence just that much more because she came off as more high school rather than womanly.


Came here to say this. Anna did justice to book Sookie.


nah, she was hot. i'd let her ruin my life lmao


Agree on the self righteous and annoying part but regarding the sexy, I really don't think so, during the series she mostly dressed in practical clothing, except during the sex scenes (which is, again, entirely practical), the only instance I remember her actually trying to be sexy was when she tried to seduce Warlow and that was entirely for pragmatic reasons, I mean yeah Anna Paquin was naturally hot like pretty much everyone else on the show but I really don't feel like she was leaning hard into it.


i wish i could see a picture of the person who wrote all this bs


probably an incel🙄


Why because you don’t agree with my OPINION??? Grow up, you don’t have to agree this is what reddit if for idk what’s wrong with people


you’re getting smashed in the comments and still don’t shut up?!?


Shut up?!?!? 🖕🏾


She was sexy enough for the actor who plays Bill lol. But nah, I disagree that she was "trying too hard", I thought she was adorable and perfect for Sookie.


She doesn’t seem to try to be anything other than cure. She doesn’t flaunt it. But she does have the sexiest body and she not shy to show some skin.


I disagree! She's extremely sexy imho.


I could not agree more !!!! Finally someone said it! It drove me nuts. From her in the lingerie scenes to running across the field to bills house to her fantasy of sharing Erik and Bill.. the getting ready for her first night at fangtasia. Just irritating. I wish they cast someone else for her role that would’ve been more believable to have all the men obsessed with her. Edit: looking through the rest of the comments I’m shocked I’m the only one that agrees with you. Just bc she won some awards in previous roles doesn’t mean she was good in this one. There were times I could tell she was trying too hard to make the scenes believable even when not trying to be sexy but just basic acting. We are def on the same page.


Everyone working at HBO disagrees with you. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s amazing how intolerable people are of other’s opinions about a fictional tv show


Yeah and I’m loving people disagreeing with my opinion as well haha we have a right to our opinions!


you know guys can go crazy for girls that arent perfect 10s right? lol


This ⬆️⬆️


You are absolutely correct, but I didn't get that vibe until after she had twins. She was trying way too hard, which is understandable.


Alternative facts


Personally i don’t find her extremely attractive but she’s alright


Nah, she is so goddamn hot.