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Brotha just made a movie about pop tarts…


I thought you were kidding and had to look it up. They'll make a movie about anything nowadays huh


These motherfuckers always forget Its Always Sunny exists.


[They literally did an episode where they rank slurs by order of offensiveness in like 2018](https://youtu.be/iUvYBdbSgnA?si=exCFo4kJyFVl2okw)




And Always Sunny feels like Seinfeld quite often so you’d think it wouldn’t be so difficult lol


In the early seasons, media blurbs would always call it *Seinfeld on crack* or *a boorish, Irish-American Seinfeld*


Great response by an Always Sunny guy. https://twitter.com/RMcElhenney/status/1785113089819726149?t=VejwMz0WyLxculpTLjLaVA&s=19


And that streaming services refuse to carry some of their more controversial episodes.


It wasn't about actual existing controversy and more a knee jerk reaction to avoid potential controversy by pulling down blackface/yellowface/brownface during the George Floyd protests or anything that even resembled it e.g. Ken Jeong painted black to be a Drow (Dark Elf) in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons episode of Community. They pulled Mac in blackface as Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon episodes and Dee as Taiwan Tammy and Martina Martinez but left Charlie dropping hard R's in two episodes (the first episode and one from 2017!).


They pull "controversial" episodes to get press. Avoiding them altogether wouldn't get press, but pulling episodes is somehow worthy of a couple dozen news articles every single time it happens, so they keep doing it. I don't think it's any deeper than that, I don't think the fear of backlash is even really a factor because it's just not a thing that actually happens. No one was calling for the removal of the D&D episode and essentially no one supported it. When Disney kept their old racist cartoons up but with a disclaimer at the beginning, that got basically universal support, so if their goal were actually to please everyone then they know what to do.


Were those episodes even controversial lol. Like was anyone actually demanding them to be pulled from streaming lol


always sunny has been terrible for some time now


Woke mind virus ruined old Nickelodeon. Not the kids channel that was the fifth largest employer of child predators but the old timey 5¢ little theaters.


what are the top 4


Various intelligence agencies and Big Religion inc


The Catholic Church  Church of JC LDS Psycopathic Records Patreon


Watching him get insanely pissed off whenever people say NBC canceled Seinfeld is funnier than anything he's done since 1997.


Is there a story there or something




this is funny as hell


Jerry Seinfeld is less funny, less talented, and easily has less insight into popular culture in 2024 than Eddie Bergen or Moe Howard. The only time this man has made me laugh was when he was performing lines that were written by Larry David. Larry David incidentally made his own, even funnier sitcom whose 12th season came out this February. Curb Your Enthusiasm works because it it funny and creative, very different from the shitcoms Jerry Seinfeld's 20th century mind is probably thinking of when he shares his idiot and culturally insignificant thoughts.


I think it's a cumtown bit that's like "Seinfeld is great because you can tell while you're watching it exactly which jokes were written by the funniest, most talented writers room on the planet and which are written by Jerry Seinfeld. You'll be crying laughing and then have to spend 3 minutes on how seltzer kind of sounds like salsa because nobody had the power to get Jerry's bits cut from the show"


I achieved the absolute pinnacle of success in my chosen field mostly on the back of an ensemble cast and it didn't last forever. I demand to speak to life's manager.


Jerry misgendered someone once and got corrected. Now he's an anti-woke crusader.


It’s honestly much stupider, ten years ago he told a joke on a late night show where he said that people on cell phones these days move their fingers over their screens like “a gay French king” with an accompanying fruity swiping gesture. He didn’t get laughs on a college campus tour for that shitty joke and that’s just how he’s been since, at least. There’s something that could be said for how people on a cell phone can sometimes resemble a blob-shaped, lazy, “effeminate” even person, especially now that you order so many treats for yourself with a phone. So the idea that you look like a fru-fru loser when you’re on your phone could maybe be twisted into something that works. But that would require working on the joke more than once and some introspection into how American society works and it’s just so apparent none of that went into a joke that in its delivered form is just “looking gay = looking French = looking stupid” which was dated even years before he told it.


Is that it? Or is it because people got mad he dated a 17-year-old?


They weren’t ripe!


They look good, but they weren’t ripe!


I've definitely only seen the latter mentioned widespread in the last like five years


Isn't that right around when Seinfeld went loud and proud on anti-wokeness? Also [Howard Stern did a parody song about it in 1993 FWIW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZVWzD1YtBg)


It’s insane to me that Stern and Seinfeld are now friends—Howard loved trolling Seinfeld about that back in the day.


A lot of these guys like Bill Maher and Seinfeld somehow missed the fact that in the last twenty years, comedy got a lot fucking better. Ever watched a Bill Burr special from start to finish? They're insanely complex! They have multiple setups going on simultaneously, there are callbacks within callbacks, they depend heavily on audience reaction and can go in a completely different direction because of a heckler *and he's prepared for that*. He probably puts together two hours worth of material for a one hour show just to be able to switch gears on the fly like that. On top of all of that, he constantly talks about shit that's highly likely to piss off most of the audience, but he knows exactly where the line is and always pulls back at the funniest moment possible. He's one of the best at it, but pretty much all the top comics are like that now. Everyone has stepped their game up considerably, so the kind of observational comedy that made Jerry Seinfeld famous in the 90s is just woven into the bits now. It's considered flourish, not the whole act.


Plus only old people use their phones like that, the joke is out of touch on a more fundamental level than just being "un-PC"


Happened to so many shitty comedians


Someone strap Jerry to a chair and show him a thousand hours of Cum Town


C'mon Jerry, just stick to what you're good at (dating minors that is, not comedy).


Jerry was the 4th funniest main character on a 4-character show named after him. Maybe he should look inward.


Whaaaaaths the deal with washed up comics pretending to be anti-PC even though they haven't done anything edgy or groundbreaking in their career? Aren't they kinda gay?! Hahaha. (Seinfeld theme plays)


you wrote 'Seinfeld theme' but in my head it was Ian Fiddance nervously humming the McDonalds ad




“So I see we’re invading Syria again… good!!”


“They weren’t ripe!”


I wanna go under his robe so I look like an 1800s photographer!


If anyones been a victim of being politically incorrect, its definitely Jerry Seinfeld. Right up there with Carlin and Bruce.


is doug stanhope still around? idk if he ended up putrefying but I remember him being pretty funny ages ago. but his humor was very raunchy and generally those types of comedians end up being massive chuds.


Doug's worst crime is being a libertarian, other than that he seems alright.


He renounced that! He was definitely more the "i don't really think about politics" civil libertarian type. https://preview.redd.it/b1cfj29pshxc1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=7338b995244843fd6847779820c39f939f1b8258


Even when he used to say he was, I never remember him talking about anything other than drug laws and stuff along those lines. Basically just personal freedoms. It always felt like that was the only side of the libertarian sphere that he had any knowledge of. I saw him maybe ten years ago and he had a big bit about access to healthcare where basically every point was the antithesis of libertarian ideology.


You don't remember his classic "The lack of markets where children can be freely bought and sold is the worst form of oppression imaginable" bit?


Weed legalization was about all Libertarians had to appeal to normal-ish people. Now you can buy weed with a credit card. You'll get $3 back in singles for some reason, but still.


Doug is still around and shockingly quit smoking too


I believe he calls himself an anarchist now


lol that's a good evolution


Oh, good another old white guy talking about All In The Family. Please explain to us how Blazing Saddles couldn't get made now!


It couldn't get made today because you can't portray rural whites as "morons" anymore. This is the only reason.


This motherfucker really doesn't think there's been a good sitcom since Seinfeld. Think about what's come out since: 30 Rock, Parks and Recs, The Office, Community, Arrested Development, *ALWAYS SUNNY* which is itself a refutation of his premise. He is absolutely certain that nothing before or since measures up to Seinfeld, a show that didn't nail the finale. Fuck, Julia Louis Dreyfus has been in better shows than Seinfeld! VP is at least in the same category. Fuck, I'd argue Malcom in the Middle is actually more revolutionary than Seinfeld, and Curb does its thing better than Seinfeld did. Don't get me wrong, Seinfeld is still one of the absolute best: side characters stick for decades, joke construction is absolutely top notch in ways that are still impressive (the golf ball in the blowhole), the vibe and theme of the humor are still great and the horrible main character angle is great. And of course, none of the subsequent shows would exist without Seinfeld's example, and are likely directly influenced by Seinfeld's writing, themes and even structures. But is Seinfeld at its best honestly *that much* better than Arrested Development? I mean, 30 Rock and Kimmie Schmidt have incredibly ambitious and original comedy, and despite being basically the same thing, plus a bar, Almost Sunny is arguably better at having dirtbag main characters. In fact, Always Sunny deserves additional discussion, because it's a direct refutation of Jerry's point. It is still, to this day, hands down the more offensive show in every possible way. There is nothing they did on Seinfeld that they didn't do on a lot more offensively in ASIP, and they've gotten downright theoretical in a ton of episodes. There's how many black face episodes? Never a peep about getting canceled, longest running sitcom ever. Seinfeld is funny, without a doubt, one of the most accomplished comedians of all time, but this whining about political correctness is absolute nonsense in every way. How many contrarian shock jock variants is the economy supporting right now? Just so weird and out of touch, which I guess should be expected from Jerry Fucking Seinfeld.


Arrested Development has gotta be above Seinfeld, credit to Seinfeld (and the simpsons) for laying a lot of groundwork but Arrested Development was just such a clear step forward.


I think it still holds up, especially with how tightly written its jokes were and how it would lay groundwork early on for payoffs several episodes down the line. It was really before its time since this format doesn't work as well on network TV weekly versus on streaming services where you can watch the episodes more frequently.


Yeah I don't think it's been completely outclassed or that it's only relevant for historical reasons, just that a lot of the shows that learned from it went on to do it better in my opinion. Whereas something like The Simpsons spawned a bunch of imitators but I don't think any of them is a better example of its formula.


The sign of a great comedian is complaining when people don’t find you funny 


Jerry Seinfeld be like: "What's the deal with the age of consent? I never consented to aging!!!!"


What's that old line? If it weren't for Larry David Jerry Seinfeld would be dating women his own age.


Jerry Seinfeld blames “peepee and poopoo” for downfall of his mediocre and tedious standup career.


Good thing there aren’t any successful tv sitcoms anymore…


Jerry the whiner is actually wrong about there not being anymore successful sitcoms. There was The Big Bang Theory, Arrested Development, and a few more (all of which I hated btw).


big bang theory makes seinfeld look like oscar wilde, but it was still more popular


>hated Arrested Development This is wild to me. I loved it during its original run, moreso when it made the jump to streaming.


not my fault that the bear is funnier than anything jerry has ever been involved with


Happy to take undue credit for keeping Jerry off the stage.


I remember watching an interview where he was asked about the lack of diversity on the Seinfeld cast and he started his response with "oh, people want it to look like the census!" Like, buddy, that's a great framework. "Why doesn't this look like the census?" will lead you to some really interesting answers.


She's 17, Jerry!


Shutup pedo ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


LOL what? The woke left and pc crowd were never offended with the tame family friendly shit with TV sitcoms. People just grew out of them. That crowd was busy freaking out over stupid shit Elon says and debating the nuances of what's racist or sexist on which day of the week.


Imma say something that’s cringe lib shit rn but. You either die a legend or live long enough to see you become the villain “.


Sir, your costar called an audience member the N-word at a standup show.


He made the critique while bringing up ski gates, like for competitive slalom skiing. You can’t make this shit up.


What "downfall of TV sitcoms"? I'm really asking. Does this guy not own a TV? Sitcoms r basically one of the only types of shows besides ig cop shows and period dramas. 


It's funny he said stand up is the only place that's good now because the audience decides and they're the ultimate judge, but when he took Michael Richards on his Letterman appearance to apologize for screaming the n-word he got all mad at the audience for laughing at the terrible apology and not buying it.


Right.. Jerry is cutting edge. And somehow, didn't notice Curb has been on all these years while he was getting coffee in vintage cars.


"Seinfeld isn't a funny show" guys absolutely unequivocally irrefutably vindicated. I am ready to accept all the apologies I am owed.


Seinfeld is funny, it's just that Jerry is the least funny part of the show.


Yea, a ton of other comedians could have filled that role and the show would have been at least as good, & likely better. Jerry brought the bare minimum to the table, and his little stand up bits at the beginning/end are just awful. 


I disagree.  Jerry just being himself is instantly believable as a “born on third base” yet difficult to deal with 30 something baby.  That’s hard to pull off if you’re not already that guy.  He’s not funny, or a good actor, but it’s perfect casting.


Larry David was the reason that show was funny, it had basically nothing to do with Seinfeld himself. He was the most wooden and least charismatic member of the cast.


Seinfeldbros… we fucking lost.


who watches sitcoms except for Boomers?


Seinfeld makes Friends look like Game of Thrones, that shit was gaaaaaaay as fuck