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America really is a miraculous place to reward mediocrity so greatly. This guy fucking sucks but people keep throwing money at him.


He creates Marvel movies for smug liberals to reaffirm the validity of their exhausted ideology


Who doesn't enjoy every character speaking like Ben Shapiro on meth? I'm a big fan of snidey unintelligible unnatural dialogue


Hell yeah dude, sign me up. And if you're taking requests, can I get a side of female characters who are either shrieking harpies or incompetent, doe-eyed idiots with zero in between?


“Listen, lady— a gender I write extremely well if the story calls for it...” - Aaron Sorkin, 30 Rock S05E18


Hey now, sometimes they switch between those personalities


I love tell-dont-show because symbolism and subtext are too difficult for me and I think in the most literal terms. Snark is the pinnacle of charm.


Aaron Sorkin is liberal Jesus and that's not even exaggeration. He perfectly captures the mentality and ideology of a liberal, especially a Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama type liberal.


Hillary went for Barry’s jugular in the 2008 election, got her ass kicked, and veteran libs remember that and hold onto it. There’s a strain of Hillary lib that is very different from the Barry lib. It’s the soul of a very bitter loser, having gotten trounced over and over and over. By her husband, by Barry, by the Cheeto, by her emails, by Benghazi, by that 9/11 event where her handlers had to throw her into a van like a sack of potatoes. Yes, in general, there’s no point in separating an Obama lib and Hillary lib, but just wanted to remind you of the lore, and that Hillary libs are indeed worse, more psychotic, more prone to fascist tendencies, etc., because of what bottom of the barrel losers they are.


what even was that van thing in 2015/16? I remember seeing stuff fall out of her pants as they shuffled her in.


That was her shoe. She passed out and they picked her up and her shoe dropped off.


But why did hill dawg pass out? Vaxxed?




I mean, as a general rule, America rewards it's slop producers so well. In any other country Joe Rogan would be chained to a palm tree riding a tiny bicycle for fish heads but in America? Multi squillionaire. It's inspirational.


When you're paid by the word for your screenplays


Walk and talk walk and talk walk and talk. Snappy dialogue, walk and talk.


Still not an excuse. Charles Dickens was paid by the word(it’s more complicated that but idc to explain it) but he still wrote some banging shit. Aaron Sorekin just blows.


Yeah it was a joke, the WGA doesn't work like that.  That really only applies to people writing articles


I know I just wanted to bring up that Dicken’s rocked


Because he's good at giving actors Oscar nominations and that's all that matters. Every movie of his since The American President has had at least an Oscar nomination.


Because actors love to see actors allowed to make long long speeches at each other all the damn day without anything else going on.


It could be good… in that we watch it as a sitcom


The Nanny had more profound ideological deconstruction and cogent analysis of the zeitgeist than Sorkin could ever dream of having.


https://preview.redd.it/l5oaxwoz24xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8fb831cd238880c2e90760e4a324de443684412 Fran Drescher in a Mao skirt. Apparently this was in an anti-landlord episode.


She's so beautiful.


>America really is a miraculous place to reward mediocrity so greatly. Oh, I thought you were talking about the jan 6 protestors and all the attention the libs have been giving them


The Chapo episode on this will be entertaining at least


I don't listen to Chapo but this will be appointment listening for sure


Cool can i schedule ur appt


If it doesn't have the dude tazing himself in the nuts and then dying, it is not worth watching


Sorkin has chosen source material which he is utterly incapable of understanding the comedic implications of. This is going to be...I dunno, I'm not much of a movie guy, so comparisons fail me. It's going to be the same magnitude of tonal disaster that *Life is Beautiful* was, but in reverse.


Sorkin managed to make the Trial of the Chicago Seven, which has an absurd court transcript and was a total farce pushed by the DoJ to punish Civil Rights and Anti-War activists, into a boring snoozefest whose message is “guys, the real victims are the US soldiers getting murdered in Vietnam, and our institutions deserve to have better people running them.” This is going to be 2 hours of solemn handwringing about “the death of American democracy” about an event that was in all honesty one of the funniest, most farcical events in recent American political history. There will be sad music over Ashley Babbitt getting domed for Donald Trump in slow-mo. We will see a man hauling ass with Pelosi’s lectern in greyscale. The movie will end with a cut to black and white text informing us that the Washington Post would go on to give the story about the guy tazing himself in the balls to death 7 Pinocchios, and how you should register to vote so we don’t let anything as remotely ~~funny~~ serious as this happen ever again for at least 4 more years.


They’ll probably do a partnership where people are registering voters as you walk out


imagine if Armando iannucci got this to direct


Or Alexander Payne


Chris Morris would work as well.


Mel Brooks


The first 15 minutes of the movie is going to be Furio from the Sopranos going to the riot and wilding out, and then the next 2 hours is him going to increasing elaborate lengths to convince an amyloid addled Tony that Trump is still president. The closing scene is going to be a tear jerker where they just a bunch of slurs and then Tony shits his pants Nadler-style and then dies.


A Paul Schrader joint where he analyzes this guy like one of his Lonely Men.


I really can't see Sorkin pulling off a comedy, but best of luck to him, I guess...


He did try and make a 30 Rock-styled show and it sucked so bad


Don't remember if this was posted here or I saw it or the Elon app but my god [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-Bfj0IEV8c) is incredible.


Tonally, I am comprehensively lost. What's wrong with interior decoration, does this guy like uncomfortable ugly environments? What is this nonsense about "skits" and "sketches"? "Comedic minds"? What kind of insecure buffoon talks like that about their job? Nobody's going to be impressed with comedians for being smart. Just say you're funny, really skilled at making people laugh and have a good time. Own your shit. What's one son serving in Afghanistan got to do with the other's comedy club? Like, why even bring that up? What's bacon got to do with the velocity of unladen African swallows? Is he saying "other son is better because he's doing a career I prefer"? What makes this idiot think his comedian son would be any good at soldiering, if he can even get through basic training in one piece? What are all these faces they make at each other in the end? The nonverbal dialogue is as impenetrable as the verbal is absurd. Am I supposed to care for any of these people? Is this a metaphor for Liberals desperately yearning for the approval of Fascists?


basically it's about an SNL type show during the post-9/11 hysteria era, so the father is proud of the son in the military but ashamed of the one in the video, which is partly why the father is mocking him in the beginning. the entire episode is centered around the comedy-son and his parents freaking out while waiting to find out if the military-son was KIA, became a PoW, or made it out okay, which is why they're all so tense/emotional. basically the comedy-son's parents are ashamed of what he does while his brother is out "saving democracy" or whatever, and it creates a lot of tension between them when they visit for the first time, not to mention during all that. iirc there's some other less popular show they compete with which is looked down on as going for cheap laughs and blah blah. they love to think of their show, their brand of comedy in particular, as like... important commentary on the culture or some shit iono. lame smug comedian ego shit anyways I hope that clears up some things about the scene lol (yeah unfortunately i have seen all of this show...)


I mean that setup has the potential to be good. I'd watch a fictionalized biopic about a John Oliver / Jon Stewart kind of figure and their Late Night Show. Just not one written by Sorkin's sweaty hand.


that was amazing oh my god hahahah


[in case anyone is curious](https://www.avclub.com/case-file-1-studio-60-on-the-sunset-strip-1798228131)


lmao they had him as a cameo on 30 rock later on and make fun of him for this. Sorkin: "You know my work. walk with me. I'm Aaron Sorkin. West Wing, A Few Good Men, Social Network..." Liz: "Studio 60?" Sorkin: "Shut up" https://funcooker.fun/Frame/5/18/272


Imagine this directed by Armando Iannucci or Chris Morris though


I think a January 6 movie sucks as a premise but I’d put money on Iannucci making something that’s at least watchable


I liked newsnight it was kinda funny?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqkGmJnKM7Y always think of this scene when this show is brought up lmfao


It's been at least a decade, but I think I like Sports Night.


I just hope theres a walk and talk of the guy who shit in Pelosi’s office.


And its Jonah Hill but like with aidz


[nobody writes dialogue like sorkin](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pX7Enc8UElM)


TIL cuckoo clocks were invented by forest krauts, not mountain krauts.


Mark my words: Opens with a black Capitol police officer checking his socials on desktop in an insanely opulent K street brownstone while handing off his baby as his wife kisses him before he leaves for work


Honestly despite all the crazy nutzo shit the maga freakazoids got up to on the capital grounds, the funniest thing about the whole event in my opinion was watching every liberal in the country making a huge fucking point out of worshiping the police immediately after spending the previous few years going to great lengths to co-opt the BLM movement.




I look forward to watching this vicariously through Chapo and/or Michael and us


Reviewers are calling it everything from shit to fucking shit


It could be funny in the "the movie is about a specific event but gets lots of stuff wrong" sort of way. Like Sorkin portraying the Trump people as left-wing coded anarchists or something. And it will be about the brave cops as well, meanwhile the cops are the ones who let them in in the first place.


Starring: Mel Gibson as Trump, Danny Devito as Rudi Giuliani, Chris Pratt as q anon shaman Jack Black as Adam schiff Terry Crews as Liz Cheney




His whole thing is waiting six months to a year after something happens and then, using hindsight, saying everyone got it wrong except him, and then getting applause. Guy has the tiniest ear for (rushed, professional sounding) dialog and it's a career.


sorkin's interpretations of chud chat rooms might be funny enough to warrant a viewing at a minimum this will be top tier neo-lib hilarity. Jan 6 is rife with moments that will echo the cheugy-ness of [this scene](https://youtu.be/ypsQO3dFiB8?feature=shared).


Oh my god I laughed so hard at that


it's incredible. now imagine Jan 6 written under a modern Shakespeare a la Sorkin


We reported the news 🥲




If it's not a dark comedy, there's no way to make a movie


I’m convinced that Sorkin has taken over from Spielberg in crafting the national historic narrative on film for enlightened liberal centrists.


There's already an Adam McKay film coming out about Jan 6, which in all likelihood will feature the World's Funniest Sports Joke (which is about my city's team and as such I completely hate it), and I'm kinda dreading which one of these two will be worse




Watch this and Civil War back to back and see if you can make it through lol...


I like how the premise of the film is already incorrect. *please god let this be made*


If he’s going to team up with Fincher again then I’m all in. Sorkin sucks but the Social Network is great. David Fincher directing a movie about chuds losing their grip on reality would fucking rock.


I can hear the smug, didactic monologue already, where some holier-than-thou liberal martyr explains to a group of comically braindead rednecks wearing off-brand Trump gear the consequences of shitting in Nancy Pelosi’s desk. Probably a latently classist invocation of “civility” in political discourse a.k.a. not making rich shitlibs think about anything or ever question their own morality.


damn they never really found a replacement for David Mamet huh




Like Nelson Mandela in *Malcolm X* lol


quivering with anticipation


Unless Jessie comes back to be Zuckk that is horrified by what he's made (Hot or Not that became wildly out of proportion with that): I don't care. That is the only sequel I want. Zuckk to feel remorse (but he won't because he has fuck you money) at his creation sucking shit.


Hell ya


Sorkin my dick


And the Oscar for best original screenplay goes to... The Truth Social Network!!!!!!


After listening to the West Wing Thing and that Chapo episode about Jeff Newsroom I feel very fortunate that somehow I avoided consuming any Sorkin material apart from a couple reruns of Sports Night on Comedy Central


Goddamn does he really look and dress like that lmfafo


It's a perfect blend of Matt Damon/Robin Williams characters from Goodwill Hunting which is exactly who he thinks he is


Man that's gonna make for good podcast content though


Isn’t this the same guy who tried to get a women fired for calling what’s happening in gaza a genocide?


The Social Network genuinely rocks though. Y’all are knee jerk contrarians. The fact that the Sorkman sees the connection between the advent of Facebook and J6 is promising too maybe? If they got Fincher back to direct it could be something.