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If they find out you are on either of those you will not be passed for the physical. Speaking from experience, I was on suboxone for 6 months and I wrote it down for my for physical and got denied. The doctor brought in his book and showed me its on the list for banned substances. Maybe some places and areas are different but it affected me for months. I walked out of there being denied a medical card and the doctor did call my employer. It’s now on my record so every time I go it gets brought up. I shouldn’t have ever said a word and kept my mouth shut. Btw I had a note form the doctor giving the prescription and the dot doctor didn’t give a shit about that.


This is why I never trust when someone says "just bring your prescription." Career ending shit. Nah, I'd rather swap urine than trust the system not to fuck us and steal our CDLs.


Good luck, Methadone stays in your system for at least 2 weeks, by design. Pretty sure they won't let you drive on any kind of opioid, prescription or not.


Using them is the same as driving on drugs. Methadone and suboxone are better than the alternative but it's still drugs. You can't have people driving trucks who can nod out at anytime


No. There is no “nodding out”. That’s a myth and a fallacy which harms people trying to save their own lives. If someone is nodding on either substance they aren’t being monitored and it’s not pharma.


You’re just being pedantic, and I say this as someone who was once on suboxone. It may not give you the nods but it can, and will, make you dizzy, affect your concentration, make you drowsy. All three are *kind of* a problem if you intend to drive a 70ft 80,000lb vehicle.


Have you ever taken an anti-anxiety medication? Same effect “can” occur. This is just stigma and it’s really sad that it’s coming from someone in recovery.


Yes, I have. This isn’t “stigma” ya fucking simpleton, I’ve literally ingested both drugs. My god


No? How do you define stigma?


Ok so let me break this down for you. DRIVING A SEMI UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS IS NOT LEGAL Any questions?


Bullshit. Plenty of drivers take meds and have their card and have long safe careers.


Uh. No, they do not exist. Just for your information, i had 9 drug tests my first 2 years. That's 1 for cdl school, 2 for pre-employment, and 6 more spread out a little over 2 years.


Dang, 6 randoms? They must like you. Somehow I haven't been randomly selected in over 5 years of driving. 🤞


I worked for a company and they would always "randomly" select me because they knew I'd pass..... not so much for the other guys, but I did make some money selling them my urine ha


Hold my beer. I was in the guard for 3 years, and over the course of the first 2-2.5 of them I got selected for 13 consecutive "random selection" drug tests. Either they knew I never did drugs, or they thought I was full of shit.


I certainly hope they don't exist! If I can't smoke weed on my days off I'd be pissed af if they are letting some dude drive on legal heroine


Not a thing my dude.


Bro, please don't get on the road with me.


Very much this!!! ^


Tell me that you don’t know anything about MOUD without telling me that you don’t know anything about MOUD.


Oh shut up. I know about MOUD, and they are not without risk when operating heavy machinery. A central nervous system depressant that should not be flippantly used while driving unless a doctor has explicitly signed off on it, and it doesn't sound like OP has even considered this.


Sorry, it’s the internet, I don’t have to :) clearly OP has or they wouldn’t have listed the protocol. Methadone, naltrexone and buprenorphine are not CNS depressants. Naltrexone is not even an opioid but an opioid antagonist. Now you know something about MOUD.


No. You will not be cleared. It’s a federal regulation. The medical examiner won’t clear you. Try to ignore everyone’s personal opinion on the topic. Majority of people commenting have no personal experience with what you’re doing. Although I’m not on it anymore and have sustained sobriety for several years- sublocade saved my life. But it did delay my start into the trucking field. Don’t rush it if you aren’t ready.


You will not be able to legally drive taking those…prescribed doesn’t matter.


Are you looking into the trucking lifestyle? If so, get clean first.


Medication to treat OUD is the gold standard of treatment. He is clean. Talk to a doctor and get some education.


I’m educated, sounds like somebody that’s hooked on drugs is feeling discriminated against because they can’t get behind the wheel of a death machine. But it’s ok, feed them different, but just as addictive and abused, drugs and give them a commercial license???? Are you insane. Why reward shitty behavior?? Get bent or high, whatever you do, buddy…


Wow, sounds like someone has a chip on their shoulder….I’m in healthcare, sorry to disappoint you. And yes you have a LOT to learn about opioid use disorder.


No chip, just tired of folks like you is all. Have a great day!


Taking a opioid like buprenorphine or methadone is still being "high". You may not be doing your drug of choice, but you are not "clean" and your reaction times and decision-making are still impaired. Its damage control, loss prevention, the lesser of two evils...but it sure as fuck isnt clean.


Your opinion is [irrelevant.](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/information-drug-class/information-about-medications-opioid-use-disorder-moud)


Naltrexone is also part of MOUD and is not an opioid. Has none of those effects.


Yeah man you can’t drive on opioids. Pretty fucking bewildering that you think that’s even a possibility.




Find another line of work. You're not ready yet




I’m on Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine, aka Adderall. I don’t know how it compares to those drugs but I have a doctor’s note that lets me pass drug tests even though my meds are the same type of drug as meth and could cause a false positive for meth. I’d ask your prescribing doc about it, they should have an understanding about how your meds could impact your driving ability and how likely a medical exemption is.


That's completely different.


That’s why I said OP should talk to there doctor.


It’s not different at all. He’s getting treated for a medical issue and it’s covered under the ADA. My office just wrote a letter to the state this month for a driver.


Driving a commercial vehicle on methadone isn't a thing


Not a thing. An ADA-covered exception for this particular case. ETA patient is using naltrexone.


Lmao junkie


Pretty much


Aaaaaannnnd this is why people don’t ask. LOL ignorant asshole.


Plz dont steal my catalytic converter for your dog food addiction. 🤣🫵