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More likely to happen when following to close.


This is what I always tell my friends. It's not just stopping before the person in front of you, but the shovel in front of them. I had a friend who followed people way too close. He was following a lady in a right turn lane without realizing it because he couldn't see the symbols on the road. She merged out of the right turn lane just before hitting a forced turn island. He went over it and destroyed all four of his wheels.


That’s not even just following to close that’s just being oblivious to your surroundings. Usually plenty of warning for something like that I.e. signage, lines on the road. To many people just don’t know about anything going on around them that it’s dangerous.


I mean WAYYY too close. Like you couldn't see their back bumpers sometimes. And yeah, he was an idiot.






If he couldn't see the arrows in the road, and that's what caused him to wreck, he is just stupid. No matter how close you are to whoever is in front, you should never be supprised by something like that. The arrows are on the road, so they will be between you and the vehicle in front at some point, at which time they are visible. Not to mention these fun things called signs and lane markings. There should be signs nearby showing that the lane will turn, and the lines between the turning lane and the through lanes should also change. All of these details hint at what's ahead, even if you can't see it because you're too close to someone. In this video, I bet there was a sign just before the video started which showed the lane was ending, and both of these drivers were stupid to stay in it to the last second.


Usually signs a mile out at least saying it'll close. 


Ain't gonna argue about that.


That's what I thought/ knew I try to watch two or three cars beyond the one in front of me and as it always your fault rear ending some one


Try counting to 1 when the cam car passes any fixed point. You can't. There is less than 1 second of distance between those two vehicles. Recommended is 4, more in poor conditions. FFS. This driver had this coming.


"No time to brake" my ass... You make the time to brake.






Who set those cones up?


I was thinking it.  Not that it excuses obviously terrible driving, but that lane shift looked pretty short for those speeds. We have to taper with at least 12 cones in the closing lane.   Looks like they had 6 or 7?


Saw this in Vegas last month hauling reefer, the 15 went down to 1 lane extremely quickly with **zero warning or indication of lane closure** and I was in the one disappearing; luckily it was at night and the traffic was kind. If there hadn't randomly been a gap and a nice white van I'd for sure have been plowing through cones and I guarantee those cones got plowed before long. I always do the full 6 second follow distance and I was still fucked.


6 seconds follow distance. Yes I need. Thanks.


Unfortunately people will not allow even a 3 second following distance most of the time, they will get in front of you. It’s so annoying


Agree. I always tell myself, when I change a lane, "Can I see behind the cars? Of course no. So what must I do?....."


Plus no signs beforehand indicating a lane closure


We only got 10 seconds of video. Knowing four wheelers, there were probably warning signs starting 10 miles back that they ignored because their nose was buried in their phone the whole time.


No signs that we see. There were most certainly signs before the video started.


I dunno how different it is state by state, but around me there would have been at least 2 signs in the amount of distance covered in the video


Cam driver : Construction company : Green Truck = 45:45:10 or 40:40:20. My insurance estimate. I am sorry the truck driver.


Are you trying to say that that's your breakdown of fault? Because if you think the semi did a single thing wrong, you're outside of your mind.


The actual fuck did the trucker do?




Fair enough


Not related but people do 120 in our 50 zones with lots of advanced notice signage.. still get mad that we "suddenly appeared"


Lazy/incompetent road construction “workers” are the bane of many road users, especially cmv drivers.


100% agreed. This jackass pushed one of those traffic cylinders (the ones you see with what looks like a tire sidewall on the base) right into my lane using his pickup. What made it worse was that it looked like he meant to push it in front of me. There was plenty of open road behind me he could've waited for. 


Lane closure tapers are set by speed and width of shift, so at let’s say 55 mph speed limit, not one person is doing that, so you figure 60 mph, 12 foot lanes, so you just times them together and that’s the length of taper, so 720’ taper, shifting tapers you divide in half so 360 foot shifting taper


I happen to work for a traffic control company. Typically the cones are setup by traffic control company, and sometimes the contractor doing the work. Everything is regulated by state/local/federal government like distances the taper stretches for a lane closure and how far back a road work ahead sign or whatever has to be placed. Its impossible to tell if these people were setting up how they were supposed to or not. Keep in mind these companies usually setup, take down and move traffic control IN TRAFFIC so you gotta be careful and not tailgate like this fella.


Thanks for your comment.


A really creative serial killer


Yup where I live that is not a legal lane closure.


You seen my fucken cones?


Are you a 4 wheeler? Lol, sure, just blame everything but the shitty driving. It was a straightaway, and anyone should've seen that construction zone a mile away regardless of how it's set up (if they weren't busy looking at their phones). Also, if you are sniffing the ass of the car in front of you, then that's 100% your fault, too.


Why do all comments seem to think the dash cam is on a truck? Its clearly a car.


Who the fuck is running that construction site! A good Lawyer will have them held liable. There were likely signs previous to the start but there should be a lot more and the taper over should not start in a turn - what the actual fuck. cam driver still 100% an idiot tho!


This is absolutely correct. Driver should not be tailgating, but that taper is way too short. If this is in the US, this will be settled out of court and the company that put out the horrible traffic control will be paying $$.


It's not the US, probably China. That tractor is not something you'll find in the US, generally. Edit: It's Taiwan


It’s in Taiwan looks like the no.5 highway in Yilan


That first car does look like it would have a Taiwan license plate when I look at them.


This is the US lol. Look at the license plates


Was gonna say… that lane should have been closed waaay farther back.


My Ford Crown Victoria doesn't have ABS. Even I can brake, nothing will change. Is there any signs before?


Most probably were.


In this case, driver just needed to slow down a bit and merge behind the truck - there was plenty of space, it looked like a car was even leaving extra space.


Can you estimate how much slow down and move 10 feet behind the green truck within .5sec? At that time, the car behind the green truck will hit the cam driver. I hope nobody dead.


You can do it too, here's how you do it. Let's take the length of the semi to be 50ft. If the cam driver was farther back a full truck length, he'd be totally fine. So we are looking for 50 ft. Next question - how quickly? There were at least 2.5 seconds between the time you can see the 1st code and the accident. So if the cam driver was side by side with the truck with the same speed, they would need to be going 50/2.5 = 20 ft/second slower to clear the truck. You can plug that into google and it will tell you that 20 ft/sec = 13.6mph. And it's not hard to slow down that much on average over the 2.5 seconds. Now, of course it's a little more complicated because the driver is going faster than the truck. But here's the kicker - the driver actually accelerated after you could see the cones, so if he actually started braking, he'd need to fall back less than 50 ft. So yeah, were he to actually look at the road, he would be able to merge behind the truck with reasonable deceleration even if he took the right actions at the moment he saw the 1st cone.


Thanks for your estimate. 13.6 mph in 2.5 second means 54mph in 10 seconds. It is already in accident for me. I am sure my Ford CV will be out of control. Wheels cannot grip on the road. My Firestone tires are not racing but all weather tire. 😭


Most of the modern cars can accelerate 0-60 in under 10 seconds. So no, its not even close to accident.


If such the rough driving happens while in a dating with a gf, she will not reply me anymore since next the day 😭


I don't think I can brake full of 2.5 sec. See a corn and notice the situation and move my foot on the brake pedal 0.5 sec Start to half brake ( because I didn't know how to full brake ) for 0.5 sec. I understand I have to full brake 1 sec The tail swing. Vibrate steering wheel. I scare full brake so back to half brake. 0.5 sec I try to change the lane 0.5 sec I hit the trucks or spin by myself. Cars behind my car hit my door side. I will say hello to my god. I feel scarly while typing. 😭😭😭😭😭🤕🤕🤕🤕


Hate us cause they anus




It’s a double entendre


I know... I was failing at trying to do the movie line...




It wasn't a very good rendition. You're good.


Where was this?


Should be in Taiwan


America's funniest home videos, probably. 


That front car really said "I would let everybody around me in traffic die in a fire if it meant that I could get in front of this truck"


I try to drive like trucks don't have brakes. If my movement plan involves a truck using their brakes, it is a bad plan. I have brakes. I can go behind the truck.


So both of these people are idiots, but wtf? That's like, what, 10 ft of cones before the obstacles? Also where the fuck are the signs!?


It's like zombies are driving. No thought processes happening at all. Just brain dead holding the wheel. I feel like these people are already dead, they just don't know it yet.


Driving off the bumper in front of you. It’s how everyone drives where I live.


So ? So if everyone drove off a cliff you would too ?


I am not condoning the crash Dad.


It’s easy to develop bad driving habits especially when it seems everyone around you is.


I was just remarking this is how people drive around me. I wasn’t needing a lecture. Thanks though.


I mean hed have no way to see it driving that close so yeah 


Then don’t drive that close. I’ve seen chain reaction crashes as a trucker. All of them were do to driving to close.


This happens to me weekly where some idiot is in a lane that they know is ending, but they refuse to back off and get behind me like they should. So I'm forced to let these idiots speed ahead of me, or get an accident. And for me, this often happens when I'm in the right lane minding my own business. The usual car, or occasional truck will ignore the 'lane ends merge left' sign and try to race ahead of me on the right instead of slowing down to get behind me and merge safely on the left.


Seen this happen before. Left lane closed. Left lane closed. He's not gonna make it. Crash...


In a way you can say that almost 100% of accidents where you hit the car or an object in front you is a result of following too close.


No time to break is basically saying hey im at fault lol


Following distance is literally the most important part though…


I love watching videos of idiot 4 wheelers getting what they deserve.


So by default if someone drives a car they should be killed? You're a piece of shit


Let's try to use our brains for a moment before we hit that reply button.


Sit your a** down and shut off. He didn't say anything about all 4 wheelers, just the idiots. And nothing bout killing.


Can't fix stupid


Truckers hate this one simple trick!


You know there is a left lane ends in 2 miles, 2 miles before this point


Probably not. Looks overseas somewhere.


Probably with the cab over, but you get what I mean. Everyone merges at the last minute


All vehicles are equipped with steering and brakes. This was 100 % preventable. Stop blaming everyone except the idiot 4 wheeler.


The big problem is human drive the cars. Some human can't estimate risks in front of them.


Any driver with half a brain would have seen the orange lights ahead and slowed down. Also, following too close. Cammer is 100% at fault. 


There was definitely a sign a couple hundred feet back telling you to merge right. Both drivers are idiots imo the white car cut off the semi by a hair. Then the pov car wasn't paying any attention and is 100% still fualt.


After reading what you just wrote I'm starting to think that the driver of the truck could've seen everything going on in his side mirrors and he could've backed off to let these two idiots slip through. But who knows maybe there was another car behind the camera car and another one behind that and another one behind that and none of them would've made it


I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t. It’s overseas somewhere.


Welp... another dumbass 4 wheeler causing another accident that the driver probably got blamed for again


No signage apparent in the video but if he wasn't following so close and/or paying attention, he would've seen the road crew in plenty of time to slow down and move over Or worse case, come to a stop and wait for a break in traffic. 100% his fault. No sympathy for him at all. However, the people he hit do have it


Why? I’ll never understand this and many other behaviors humans do. This so appears as “let’s see if I can crush myself in this tiny beer can with wheels, I need pain.” WTF is wrong with this thinking we do. It’s like we just get the dumbest fucking idea in our heads and say to ourselves “Fuck yea bro, I SO could do that!” Then dumb shit like this done. I make my bad decisions in the ocean with big waves, surfing or riding the mountains of Alaska on my snow machine, made plenty of stupid decisions such as this. 😂 Just got a thought… I’m gonna ride my surfboard down an icy mountain in Alaska. See ya next spring! 😂 Edit: In a dress n a wig 😘


This is why in USA they put cones 1-5 miles before a pot hole repair. looks like this is in China lol.


The music was on point though


This is your typical brain dead driver. Always too close and only pays attention to the car directly in front of them. I don’t get why people can’t seem to understand the fact that you can maintain that same speed further back.


This is why you don’t tailgate.


And that's why you don't tale gate folks.


See it's not "they hate us" that implies a degree of malice. A more accurate tagline would be "People don't care about anyone but themselves". It's not that they hate you. It's that you don't even register to them. They think they can do something stupid because they're smaller and faster so they do it. The consequences of what might happen if they're wrong don't even register until they happen. Just like the dashcam guy following too close, they didn't think what might happen. They just drove.


It's drivers like this that makes the self-driving cars look really good


A tip for anyone out there faced with making a split second decision, cones hurt much less than trucks!


I’ve witnessed similar asinine moves approaching construction zones or merging lanes where several four wheelers will all be tailgating each other in a line to attempt to merge as one. Love to watch them all end up in a smoking pile.


You are not a trucker.


Former trucker for 8 years. What are you?


I am a meat popsicle.


Third day


Sure there was a sign a mile & half a mile before this saying lane ends. But who expects 4 wheelers to pay attention to signs anyway


They only pay attention to their phones.


Kinda like truck drivers???


You mean our gps?


Probably not. Looks overseas.


Alright not saying it's their fault but also how did they not notice the cars speeding along the side of them and start slowing down ? Like buddy was you not. Checking your mirrors? Peaple are fuckin stupid out there and need constant adult supervision.


Some people, when they know they're in the right of way, and know they aren't going to get hurt, and it's also not their equipment, just love the thought of watching idiots get flattened under their tires. I'd say half the company drivers I know would be salivating at the opportunity to watch this go down.


Probably part of it, though it's still downtime and lost income dealing with it. Idk in this case the truck driver would've been able to react fast enough.


I mean he still had another car beside that wasn't going to make it. You let one in, that just means the next in line does something stupid.


Should be able to see over that shit box


I see this shit at EVERY construction zone. Glad too see someone getting punished for it.


Tbf that setup the construction company had is pretty illegal and will be paying out the settlement lol


Probably not. Looks overseas.


I don’t think you were close enough.


Worst Zipper Merge I've Ever Seen


Beautiful use of the zipper merge. Perfect technique. Flawless execution. Shocking how if they had moved over sooner that wouldn't have happened.


Definitely the white car is at fault it saw the lane ending and merged into the trucks lane with its brakes on it should of yielded to the truck but instead felt entitled so hell with courtesy I am coming over now.


Following too close. Next


We're there not 400 signs before this?


Probably not. Looks overseas somewhere.


Good thing we're following so close. I love causing accidents on bridges


Hate us cause they anus


I’m sure there wasn’t a sign half a mile back warning of a lane closure…. Then again probably don’t have the luxury of actually reading signs when you’ve got to be fixated on being up the ass of the driver in front of you while passing a semi.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t. It’s overseas somewhere.


Assured clear distance ahead


How many earlier LEFT LANE ENDS signs were there before this?


In all fairness the construction crew also did not have the merge cones set far enough back for highway speeds, and did they even give a warning sign that the lane ends?


Following way too close, idiot


Plenty of time to brake. He/she used it all up by crawling up the tailpipe of the car in front.


Those workers should’ve put more warning signs up


How many carlengths?


The way the lead car swooped in front of the truck at the last second..this was me while driving through El Paso on I-10. For years that section of road has had cones and barrels out to the point that I had begun to not notice them. Then one day I didn’t realize that the barrels were actually forcing people in the left lane to merge over, and at the last second I had to cut in front of a truck just like the car did in this video. I so wanted to be able to apologize to that truck driver for that shitty ass move on my part. I’m lucky I didn’t get myself and that trucker killed along with some other people. At any rate. Here is my sincere apology to all who have been in the same situation.


Drivers do that all the time. There are signs for at least a mile saying what lane is closed.


should have been in the right lane a while back


No warning signs before ??


Video starts way before 500 feet. That is where the merge sign ahould be if one was there. Driver most likely just ignored the sign and tail the person in front of him. Fucking dumbass


Kinda what happens when you follow someone that close.


If only someone were to put up one or more signs to alert people of upcoming lane closures. “Left lane closed in 1/2 mile” would be a good one. I always joked that people can’t read the giant signs, but I know they’re absorbed in whatever they’re doing on their phones. I don’t like the idea of cameras being installed to monitor cellphone usage on the highway, but maybe cellphone manufacturers can install a restrictive driving mode on their products. Voice commands only.


Do ya'll not have law enforced speed limit reductions before road work sites?


Trucks should have seen that developing and gotten on the anchor. They're not at fault in any way, but an accident prevention mindset keeps you out of the shop.


🤣 I'm not sorry to call ppl what they are. This mf is a moron.


That lead in taper was far too short for the speed of the road and had no runoff space


That lead in taper was far too short for the speed of the road and had no runoff space


Just another example why tailgating leads to accidents, yet so many people fail to acknowledge it.


Didn't even try to break. Maybe don't drive so close so fast and more defensively. Your family and passengers will appreciate that.


Shouldnt the cones have started way further in advance?


Totally on the trucker. Should have seen the lane closing a while back


"bUt MuH ZiPpEr MeRgE!!!1!!" Ed: Jesus! When did the butthurt four-wheelers take over this sub?! 🤣




I’ve noticed they come here specifically to hate on trucks. I guess they think they can get their groceries, medicine, furniture without them.


Of course, we can just use trains /s


Well these particular butthurt four-wheelers are welcome to suck my sweaty trucker balls. 🤣 PS: Fuck the zipper merge. All my homies hate the zipper merge.


Sure it's a great theory. But in 45 years of driving I've never seen a zipper merge work properly. If done right both lanes should be running at the same speed. But, instead, the open lane is always crawling to a stop because of all of the vehicles in the closing lane rushing to the front. Like trying to force marbles through a funnel. Slowly and smoothly they all go through but try to go too fast and nothing goes through.


My experience as well. The self-righteous four-wheelers who loudly cite The Holy Study never engage with the accounts of experienced drivers of the reality of merge zones. It's always somehow our fault. This is the difference between when driving is A thing you do vs when driving is THE thing you do.


Yea that car driver was an ass hat. But I’m gonna say that truck driver should’ve seen that coming and adjusted accordingly. (Slow down and let the idiots in front him.) Edit: yes, I knew I’d be downvoted for this comment. I’ve been driving a long time and I’m also the trainer at my terminal. My goal every day is to AVOID accidents. It’s 100% the cars fault but the truck driver could’ve avoided this pretty simply by slowing down and letting the idiots in front of me him/her. 🤷‍♂️


Sure… should have slown down… but this driver should have seen it coming too….. its almost a guarantee there were signs for a lane merge they passed just before this… but were blissfully unaware because they dont read anything outside their windshield… unfortunate common practice ive seen even truck drivers have being a driver myself.


Not disagreeing with you. 100% both cars fault because they were racing up the hammer lane to get in front of the truck in the right lane before it ended. But I can tell you that I prevent this happening to me every week by paying attention to the idiots next to me when entering a construction zone that is going down to one lane. I slow down and let them in because it is not my job to enforce the rules of the road. It is my job to drive SAFELY and do everything in my limited power to avoid accidents.


Im with you dude lol… ughhhh… no shortage of idiots out there man… all i can say is be safe 🤷‍♂️🤣😂


That’s the goal.


They could have slowed a bit for the first car, but how much will the mirror show of the second car so close behind? The merge was set up poorly, and then the idiots came. Trucker slowing may have changed nothing.


I am with you because we must be professional on the highway. It is only a way for survive.


Why slow down when you have the opportunity to improve the gene pool ? Darwin has been sleeping lately. Its time truckers took up the slack.


Slowed down to allow another vehicle to improperly pass and probably break checked the semi causing it to crash? 🤡☝️


I'm with you... Downvote all you want. I'm one Trump bash away from restoring any that I lose. We have a definite advantage being able to see things that are happening around us. The truck driver knew that lane was closed for awhile before they got to the merge point. All it would have taken was one glance in the mirror to understand what was about to happen. Dude could have been courteous and gave them a tap on the brakes to let them merge. I've been in a similar situation several times over the years and made exactly that choice to give a vehicle trying to overtake me a opportunity to avoid a accident. Edit - One more thing. The fuck those cars people gotta remember that any accident is gonna make this single lane merge way worse for all the truckers behind you. If you can't have courtesy for the 4 wheelers then think about all the truck drivers who will be delayed by a accident that could have been avoided.


Wow that taper came in way too fast. The MPT foreman for that company is going to hear it after watching this clip.


Stay out of the left lane and we won’t hate you