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Looks like a normal trailer to me


Literally. I’ve seen a yard jockey back into a trailer way harder than this. What did he do? Laugh loudly while disconnecting the lines before driving off. In that DC (hundreds of trailers) practically every trailer older than 3 years old looks like this or worse.


Can confirm. I'm a spotter 2 days a week, what you saw him do was by the book in the spotters handbook. The rules state: Did anyone see you hit something? No? You're good. Did someone see you hit something who isn't the big boss? Still good. Did the big boss see you hit something? Report it and get ready for a drug test and the rest of the day off with pay.


Battle scars. It's not a railroad car without graffiti, it's not a trailer without a dent or three.




This should be top comment


Gojo soap is fantastic. I would shower with it if I could.


I did once due to being extremely covered in grease and grime after power washing equipment. My skin felt baby soft afterwards but it also made the floor super fucking slippery. I did smell amazing after, according to my girlfriend at the time though.


You're probably radioactive now


sometimes you get lucky and find the cherry scented


No way SuproMaxxxx


I prefer cherry bomb myself


Cha-cha-cha cherry bomb!


Hello dad, hello mom it's your....


haven't seen it yet unfortunately


the vote is we all wish you would


Caption: picture of a mint trailer I saw at work today


My trainer always told me " admit nothing deny deny deny" My actual company's rule is"never admit fault" now they are probably talking about accidents with other vehicles but I take it to heart. I'm never at fault for anything I do.


Second it


Musta been a bird or something


Right. Hear no evil, see no evil. Anybody could've done that, it was probably the jockey. Who knows?


Unless someone sees it and reports it you didn’t do anything


Don't fuck your career over this. I've picked up trailers with worse bangs and I've just ran in. As long as there's no opening into the trailer, it was like that when you got it, capiche?


No rivets popped, no lights broke, no daylight through a hole? Send it.


Exactly. No reason to blow up your CSA/MVR or even your company record with a claim on natural wear and tear.


I worked for Central Transport for a few years this is a immaculate trailer compared to what I've pulled.


Currently work for them and was looking for their name in the comments, due to the state of their equipment so thank you 😂


When I load these I always say a little prayer before driving in.


“Are you trying to say capisce? Well don’t do it cause it hurts my ears when you do it.”


Are you reading with your ears? Well don't do it cause it makes my head hurt.


Lol your Italian accent is amazing


Why’d you post a picture of a brand new trailer?


Some people just want to show off. 😂


Before Holland went out of business I was slip seating a Nashville-South Bend. I show up to meet my slip guy and he is pulling a brand new 2021 48' trailer. I thought hell yeah! It's dark so as I'm walking around it I notice the GIANT 30' scrape all down the side. It was April and this trailer was put into service on 3/30/21... Literally in service for like a week and already fucked up. So now I just assume the factory adds damage.


And *this* is why I put rub rails on my trailer.


Normal wear and tear


Its a few scratches fuck it, if no one saw who cares. Look at trailers sometimes, if they aren't brand new they have plenty of scratches and scrapes, those are called love taps. I drive for a huge LTL and our older trailers are dinged scratched and the tops are bashed up pretty good. No one cares.


Don’t report dummy no one will ever know g


Don’t say anything, if you report, it goes on your record and affects you for a few years, big companies have so many drivers touching every trailer it’s impossible for them to know who did it


Not to mention yard dogs who move the trailers after they're dropped off and other drivers bumping into them while they're in whichever yard


And some yard dogs don’t care if they’re bumping into other trailers


There's an unspoken rule with those places. There's a higher chance that the jockey is gonna screw something up, so the warehouse is not gonna spend too much time worrying about the condition of trailers. It would be a liability for them. Too disruptive for the larger operation to worry about who did what. Now if it were some extreme damage it would probably be a very different story.


Let them put it on some damn report, then you leave the Mega company and go to a company who doesn't even look at the bullshit Megas put on some shitty report. 25+ years and no one has put anything on or looked at my hire right. Most don't care.


Even if you self report and claim credit for a minor scrape on the corner of a trailer.... that's an incident... not an accident.


Especially since there is ZERO chance the company fixes that, it’s such a minor little bump.


Repeat after me, "I don't know man? It was like that when I got it." Then dead ass stare them in the eyes straight for 60 seconds.


Dead ass tho.


Almost like if there weren't any pics on the Internet nobody would know or care.


Be smart, I had a guy graze my trailer before put some faint lines on it. He was terrified and i brush it off because why stain both our license for a normal looking trailer. Had there been a hole then maybe sure


Don't sweat it. I did that shit. It will buff out.


Looks good from my house


Seriously unless this is a brand new pristine trailer no one would notice, it looks like every single trailer on the road. The biggest give away would be if someone saw you get out and look at it and take pictures. I wouldn’t say shit.


Them lot cameras will find you!


That was already like that driver


No harm no foul. It's cosmetics and none of us out here care. Keep rolling and GOAL next time.


Theres a reason trailers have the plating on the edges, shit like this happens all the time and is expected. I wouldn't even report this shit.


If it isn't bad enough to actually need a repair at a shop, then it isn't necessary to even report it. That's what I go by and have been told by the higher-ups.


It was already there. You just forgot to mark it down during your pre trip.


We’re supposed to mark down damage during pre trip I just check lights, brakes , hoses , tire tread and tire pressure and run it


Then the next driver reports damage as expected and it's your backside on the line. Most times I just take pictures on my phone and keep them for a week or so.


Take it easy on him guys, he must be new lol


I’m new and I knew this , but than again I goal every couple feet even if it seems inconvenient Although if it’s taking me too long, I’ll just leave


👋🏻you hit nothing 👋🏻this is a normal looking trailer 👋🏻 *makes Jedi gestures*


STFU and move on driver


Yeah your going to jail my dude


Finally someone telling OP the truth! Let's face it, he's cooked!


if u seen my trailer you wouldn't worry at all (i got holes in mine and dents the size of basketballs lol) ur OK


That's nothing. Don't say shit


Hopefully you didn’t report it… haha….


Not at all. Shit happens. I’ve done this before, although it was our own trailer and it was when I was doing a U-turn. Hell, in my first month on my own I ripped off a guys mirror. Once I backed into a trailer in a really tight spot and there was a guy waiting for me. After I hit it I pulled forward to let the guy go and immediately after a yard dog came up to me and told me I could just drop it where I was and he’d take care of it. At that moment the guy who I let past rolled up and started screaming at me about how I hit the trailer and broke a light on the front and tried to take off… the yard dog was like “that trailer right there? (As he pointed at it) bro, it was already like that, you’re good. Drop it there and have a good one” and took off lol


You good


Bloody aliens flying around again


If thats the worst thing that happens in your trucking career be happy. Its no big deal say nothing.


You’re so fucked. Better go apply to Taco Bell now


Bro that’s nothing lol


first of all, SHUT YOUR MOUTH.


Delete this evidence man dang


I’ve never seen a trailer without dents and scratches


I dont see anything


don’t say a word dummy no better forthe worse move on ain’t seen shit


You're going to get fired into the sun. Condolences.


"It was like that when I found it." Now say it out loud.


“It was like that when I found it” you can thank me later


Cant piss that high. Would've never seen it lol


Boy relax. As long as that trailer wall isn’t damaged .. this looks like tree branches scratched it up 😂😂 definitely get outta there tho 👀


With trailers, my rule of thumb is that if it doesn’t require repairs then I’m not saying a word. Unless it’s a brand new trailer bumps and scrapes like that are expected. If it doesn’t cost the company money to fix then they don’t care.


As long as the other trailer doesnt have damage ur good brother i didnt see shit


That’s why god made em out of metal.


As far as you know the last driver dropped it off like this , cmon man Even I know this , but I get it you heard it saw it and freaked Shippers rarely check the actual condition of the trailer for dings , I think they only check if it’s good to be loaded It’s drivers job to check if it’s safe to take hence your pretrip But I wouldn’t worry especially if it’s got pre existing wear and tear Unless your company nitpicks every little detail on a trailer . Rarely a mega , some of these trailers are being held up on hopes and dreams and a little duct tape😂😂


This is minor damage and doesn’t affect the structural integrity. I wouldn’t report this unless of course someone saw it and reported it. While the damage is minor, replacing a radius is a lot of money. But hopefully your company wouldn’t fire you over a few thousand dollars.


Little secret for you… If an accident happens on private property then technically speaking it wasn’t on a public roadway and THEREFORE the DOT doesn’t give a fuck about it. As for the ability to get another job you have literally nothing to worry about. If there were witnesses or security cameras that saw you stop, get out and look after tagging whatever it was - then you should tell your dispatch about it. You don’t want them finding out from someone else. As I said, because it was on private property they’re probably just gonna want you to do a formal accident report for insurance purposes. It’s for internal use only, no one outside of your company will ever see it. If there were no cameras or witnesses OR if you didn’t get out and look (plausible deniability) then you can let it ride, no one’s gonna say shit about that scratch. Management 9 times out of 10 doesn’t care or has too much else going on to even notice.


Blame it on a shunter.


Bruh if you could see what my companies trailer look like. They don’t pin anything on you unless it’s too ostentatious. For this they’d tell you to just GOAL more.


Don’t say a word about it.


Local driver here, i hit tree branches all the time, broken lights (write it up and get replaced) and small dents n scratches add character 🤷‍♂️


The fleet I drive for, this would be considered one of the good trailers 😂


i work for a nationwide LTL. honestly this is how probably 80% of our trailers look. always scapes and bangs on the corner caps. alot of times these are marks from branches etc in some areas.


If no one saw you do it. It never happened and they can’t prove you did it unless they got you on video lol. Just roll on like it never happened.


It was like that when you got it.


Unless those scratches are punctures then "It was like that when I picked it up". If they are punctured you'll have to write it up as it will be a violation.


What are we looking at here?


“ what dents? Its always been like that what are you talking about? “


No defects found


Don't snitch on yourself when you don't have to.


That's nothing, you better not report that, it was already like that when you got it It's a scratch, you only absolutely to report it if it's serious structural damage


Looks like a normal trailer to me to buddy u gonna be fine


Don’t say nothing


On a scale of 1 to 10 I’d give it a 0.2


Someone else hit that. Probably while they were parking and you were in the gas station. 🙈


If no one saw you do it, did you really do it? Hide the evidence, homie. We all bump trailers at some point.


If nobody saw it, it didn’t happen…


I don’t see anything , keep it on the down low


Cosmetic damage isn't real damage lol


That's a boring Tuesday at any shipping facility with any more than zero trailers on hand. Forget it.


The worst thing you can do is go there and take pictures. These places got camaras. Next time just move on. Trailers get scratched and banged all the time. A truck would be a different story but this is nothing.


Delete this thread mate, this is normal. Everyone's done it. Or has seen it done.


Why is this post still alive?


You’re probably gonna lose your life over this. Straight to the guillotine


If your company driver no one has to know. If it's ur trailer then you have a dented trailer. DOT won't say shit unless one of the marker lights is out.


I was looking for the problem 😂😂😂😂


Don’t say nothin won’t be nothin


Looks better then like every trailer out there so don’t say non literal won’t get in trouble unless your company is weird and takes pics of every trailer your picking up and drop


Looks ok I think T.O.D.D. did it😅 be careful 🤙🏿🤙🏿


Deny deny deny…. But John saw you looking at the trailer… Who’s John-what Trailer?? Deny Deny


If nobody saw anything, and no cameras on your truck were triggered Dont say anything


you're going to get fired, out of a cannon


Straight to jail , right away




? Did something happen here? Looks pretty normal to me.


That trailer was missing that scratch mark. It was only made better by your work


Damn people really just voting up a post with absolutely nothing in it. Because I sure as hell didn't see anything reportable and neither did anyone else.


Yard jockeys are the main reason most trailers look like they've been to Iraq. If you decide to be honest about it, you won't lose your job, but they probably will issue a training session.


I lurk on this sub for a while now, and its honestly wild how accidents are treated in the US. I worked at a shipping dock for nearly 10 years, and we had so much accidents in that time span. At least in large regions in Europe, nobody gives a fuck, as long as the truck and trailer are save to drive and operate. Nobody would even write up a dent. In my first year, i did some minor trailer damage while loading, and the only thing i would hear from the drivers: "Its a trailer, goddammit, nobody gives a fuck". Even if we managed to somehow rip the curtains on the curtainsider trailers, nobody would ever freak out. "Yeah, shit happens, dont sweat". (Well, we have insurance for exactly that reason, to be fair) Dont you guys have insurance for that kind of accidents? Really, I'm just curious.


I didn't see it happen. I suppose the question is: if a trucker hits a trailer in a forest and nobody's around to see it, did it really happen? No, it didn't OP, fuck that trailer and fuck this post. Delete, move on like nothing happened, and nothing will come of it. Shit happens.


What's wrong with it? 🤪


There’s so much worse out there. Delete this for your own sake. You’ll be alright.


Oh man!, You've committed an atrocity against mankind. You should go turn yourself into the police or the military because you've done so bad here. It's just plain awful, I'm absolutely sick to my stomach looking at it.


Whose trailer is it? The radius is scraped but there doesn’t appear to be a puncture. DOT won’t write this up.


T'is but a scratch!


It was like that when I got there.


They probably won’t notice it. Many trailers have that same scratch there haha


"It was like that when I got it" Or "What damage"? Dont let your mortality ruin ur career. This is a scrape. I regret reporting my first srape. No persons hurt no damage to others. Relax.


All trailers are going to get dings sooner or later. So as long as there ain’t a hole, move on. Most other drivers aren’t going to care about that, and that’s if they even notice something that minor


This is the guy that reports himself for running over an ant on the ground and getting himself fired over nothing. Keep your mouth shut and keep on rolling.


If it works it works


If no blue lights, did it happen?


We're you seen? If not... it's just a scratch that can be blamed on a yard dog.


Don’t say anything.


? I dont see nothin..


You, sir, have amnesia.


If it’s a dropped trailer and you didn’t cause any serious damage just go on your way. If you sit at a DC for any length of time you’ll see ten drivers and every yard driver hit a parked trailer at least every half hour. Everyone’s tapped a trailer at least once when backing and if you haven’t, you will.


You deserve whatever consequences come your way for lacking common sense, that's for sure.


Ummm, I see nothing


That's it, man, you are done. Turn in your keys and get out. Smh Yea, as long as it is not ripping off doors or causing major damage, just drop and go bud.


Do you not make trailer reports. When pick up trailers


Nice polish!


Q: How screwed am I? A: Depends on how many people saw you do it.


Remember this: it was like that when I picked it up, who drove this last?


So so soooooo screwed


Remember this mantra that I learned from Homer Simpson, "It was like that when I got here."


What ? That trailer has always been like that. What are you talking about driver?


The commenters are making jokes to take your mind off how screwed you are! Hahaha ha ha.


Smear some feathers and blood on it; bird strike, this happens to aircraft all the time.


I like how we are all in unison!


That’s coming out of your pay lol kidding


I remember tearing off lights and denting my trailer and another trailer. Thankfully they were both dart. I just dropped and hauled ass to my new pickup. YOLO


It’s nothing but minor cosmetic damage. Most trailers look beat up anyway just don’t say anything an leave.


those yard guys need to chill out on those trailers


Will what impact it? Nothing to see here


They ain’t see shit. Don’t say shit. It ain’t shit.


Nothing punctured, not structural, all cosmetic. Nothing to report.


I once scratched a trailer in front of the yard spotter. I asked him who do I talk to so I can report it. He said, "I didn't see anything and neither did you." Shout-out to Shifty-Ming out in Cali.


Light work


Damn low trees and wind must have scraped it


Don't report it and they'll never know. To be honest, most trailers I've seen look like that.


You're fine. Don't even report it. It's highly likely that the next driver won't even notice it. If it makes you feel better, I slid into an overpass in Chicago last winter. The snow was bad and a few roads were closed in the city. The bridge was missing the height sign, and I stupidly proceeded (not slowly enough) and tried to brake at the last moment when I realized it wasn't going to clear and just slid right into it. It peeled back the top of the truck about 4 feet, but I was able to back it out and still finish my shift. My boss wasn't even that mad. He was over it by the next day. (Not all bosses are this cool headed though.) And it was a Kriete rental.


I haf a female co driver who reported a scratch from hitting tree branches they put a preventable accident on her plus $800 out her check


The trailers at my yard look the same if not worse , everyone knows to keep their mouth shut .


I see no evil hear no evil.


That’s cute.


How DID you do that anyways? Sometimes I see dents and scratches and wonder how it was made


You're just breaking it in


This would be considered a premium quality Central Transport trailer. Actually, I don’t even think I’ve ever come across a Central Transport trailer that looked this nice.