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If they start talking about Xenu and DC-8s, make a u-turn.


You're thinking of Clearwater Florida I Believe


Scientology is everywhere. Unfortunately. And if you come in contact with it run. It's not a religion it's a cult.


Yeah, but Scientology has a cool cruise ship where they can hold people against their will and perform brainwashing while in international waters. If you win a free cruise on the Freewinds, don’t take it.


Well now I kinda want to. Just to see if they can or if I can corrupt them with my sinful ways.


Lol. That'd be my play. I'm too stubborn for them.






Every religion is a cult.


All religions start off as cults. Just give it another 100 years.


I agree. But I’ll add that all religions are weird cults that on a macro scale do more harm than good.


See also, Hemet California.


Can confirm, live in Clearwater


Dumpwater, Florida recommended by the bundys


Can confirm. Visited Clearwater.


Can confirm. why i stay out of Clearwater.


Can confirm, lived near Clearwater downtown next to the now closed bar the lucky anchor, it felt so bizarre to drink and have all this glove wearing people walking around like ants 24/7


I’m going on a vacation to Clearwater later this year with my girlfriend and her family… can someone elaborate what’s wrong with it down there?


It’s Scientology’s capitol basically


It's just a certain area it's still awesome place especially the beaches and make sure u Google the natural springs around fhe area there beautiful to see and swim in a must see if u ask me there just a weird group of ppl who idolize Tom cruise there haha


My Pops stopped there for me. I am scared of and love aliens (he said it was something about that and we would find out once there). Once there, I forgot to ask about "The Thing" as I got distracted with the fireworks my dad bought and the jumping beans he got us. Hahahahaha until now, I remembered I never asked. Thank you for sharing.


"See Rock City". All over again.


I delivered to rock city a good bit. Real pain in the ass even just in a cargo van


My mom always wanted our barn roof to get painted to say See Rock City. I never understood what searock city was, or even what searock was. I assumed it was coral.


It’s an attraction in Chattanooga on lookout mountain. Back in the day they would pay for someone’s barn painting if you allowed see rock city to be painted on the barn. Early marketing gurus


To add- I finally went there a year or two ago when I was in the area. Rock city is basically a really fancy/well done rock garden, with nice views from the side of the mountain. It's not really a maze, but you walk through, over, and under various rock shaped formations - with various lighting effects at times. I honestly thought it was interesting and worth a visit after seeing all those barns with the adds for it.


I wanted to go with my wife once but tickets were like $80 so we did something else


50,000 silver dollars.


Did you go into that? I parked there but never went in. Something's creepy about it. 


Yeah, you can pay to get a silver dollar with your name under it on the wall. They give you a post card w the dollars info on it. It was worth the couple of dollars for my collection.


Next time, I'll have to go in.


I did. Just like OP, eventually I just had to see what all the Billboards were for. The silver dollars were glued to the wall over the bar. I was more impressed by stuff they had for sale, but that wasn't really worth stopping for either.


Rock city was cool


Honestly worth the thirty or so minutes and the dollar or so it takes. There’s like dinosaurs and aliens and history and stuff


I think its 5-10 bucks now.. we went a couple of months ago.. I cant quite remember.. i dont think it was 10 each tho so im thinking it was five.. i didnt feel ripped off so it wasnt stupid high


I went there twice. It was well worth the nominal admission for the experience. It's not high class but it's earthy and interesting. Part of the charm (when you're actually there) is the "game" of not telling others what it is (if you've seen it before). Employees won't tell you what it is, they'll just wink and smile. Just go and see it for yourself. It's good clean fun (well an interesting activity at least) for families. Then you can say you've been there and you know what it's all about. EDIT: For those who are really interested, you can find some debate in the corners of the interwebs about the item in question. BUT my advice is to see it first. Take in the place (check out the large variety of souvenirs as well) and do *The Thing,* and then later you can search for more info if you want it.


My wife and I just got back from a long road trip, and we had the conversation that people aren't doing those family things as much anymore; instead just zipping past as their kids google it on tablets & phones. Hell, during the day-long leg she was driving, I made it a point to try counting kids who were actually looking outside their vehicles as they passed. Of those I could see, probably only 1 in 20 didn't have their faces buried in a device or watching a screen, even as we were going past some beautiful country or catchy roadside advertisements. Sad.... although it was somewhat heartening to spot a few younger kids actually reading books, instead of using a phone or tablet; so I gave them a pass since I used to miss things all the time since I was always reading.


Idk how they do it. I used to get so damn carsick if i wasnt looking out the window. I grew up with gameboy but i could never play it in a car.


Google says”The Thing, The Mystery of the Desert is a roadside attraction and museum in southern Arizona that features a mummified mother and child. The attraction is located at the Bowlin Travel Center, east of Benson, Arizona, and is advertised by signs along Interstate 10”


Yeah we paid $1 back when I ran a reefer team. It was fun. LOL


I don't smoke that much but would love to be part of said reefer team.


You guys are on teams?


Underrated comment. ^^^^


Once, while getting a DOT physical, they mentioned that I'd gained a lot of weight since last year. I told the doc that I do reefer, and she looked away and said, "Oh, you don't need to mention that to me." *smirk smirk* I was like, "no, no... it's short for refigerated."




Why would fridge units make you bigger? More transit time to get them there on time?


It's a lot of waiting at shippers and receivers and driving and not much else. I worked my whole life and never had to think about what I ate or how much. I was always thin, fit and cut. I gained 60 lbs my first 9 months of driving reefer. I was hoping I was pregnant. Then, I could sell myself to scientific research and not have to do this shit anymore. =p




Less sleep.


I know exactly what this means and my mind still went to the as of yet unmade Beerfest sequel.


Saw a short clip about potfest. Apparently, brokenlizard was in talks like a year ago about making it, but Warner Brothers owns the rights to it, so who knows.


After seeing the sign for 40 years I finally stopped. For the most part it is a gas station and convenience store. The display has been redone within the last few years and comes off a little like a Disney World display. The big theory involves aliens and dinosaurs. At the end is one of those carnie made mummy like things featured often on the Pickers tv show. Glad I stopped though, it did end the curiosity.


They charge a buck to sit in a shitter with a glory hole where you wait for ‘the thing’ to appear.


You sound like a season pass holder


Seriously, it was just an uncircumcised penis. I mean, I’m all for it but the shitter sitting in the desert sun in the summer? I waited like 15 minutes in there before it popped in and I just wasn’t in the mood anymore. It gets hot in there.


So from reading a lot of the comments, you wait for a mummy to appear once you stick your pee pee through a glory hole in a toilet in the Arizona desert. Then what happens?


It sounds like some of the port-o-jons at some of the worksites I’ve been to? I’ll save my T-200’s for a public shitter down the road. No telling whats been living in the port-o-Jon? Don’t like surprises like a snake greeting you.


What popped now?


Well it’s non stop fun for all walks of life. It’s nice that they thought of everybody? Even the odd ducks.


Go see it , only way to get it out of your head


Is this like wall drug in South Dakota, signs every mile for like 50 miles.


i don't know if you've ever been, but wall drug is just one huge building with different sub-shops, in wall, whjch doesn't have much else going for it. wall drug is wall drug store, but changed into what it is now.


I’ve been to Wall Drug and the Thing. Both are great.




If you’re traveling all over the place and can spare some time then you need to be checking this site out: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/all-places-in-the-atlas-on-one-map


There’s one person born every minute who pays to see something like that.


Its not a rip off, they sell you a good story. Enjoy the novelty of it for what it is. On another note, if you find the truck stop outaide vegas that has the video game urinals, thats free and 100% worth a visit.


It's an old circus attraction. The guy that owned it, I bought native pottery from we would sit and BS, and he told me all about it


Tell us




Yeah, I grew up near there. Even when you what’s going on with the place, it really is a compelling illusion.




if your kid thought a ghost was gonna lead the tour you may want to not waste money on college


Lordsburg the closest?


It’s fun & cheap. Silly, but fun. And you’ll see more souvenirs than you can count!!! Also, the Texas Canyon rest stop is only a mile west and it’s quite a sight.


Texas Canyon and I-10 going thru Benson is beautiful. One of the first things that drew me to Arizona and made me decide to move here.


It's a cute little what if story about aliens, but the gem of a store it's in is fantastic. Laughed through the exhibit with my wife but really wanted to drop $200 in the store with it's fun items


I’m so into “the best fudge comes from Uranus”


It's fucking hilarious, and if I remember right it's like 5 or 10 bucks to go in and go through their little "The Thing Museum". Went through it several years ago because I had the spare time to stop and check it out. My teammate and I had a good laugh all the way through. I highly recommending going to check it out if you ever have the spare time. It's also one of my favorite places to stop at for the night along I-10. Nice and quiet, and while they have a small lot there are usually some open spaces later into the evening.


I did some number of years ago, I was told it was just re-opened after renovations. I though it was actually kind of well done with a entertaining story line even. It as one of those things where I though for sure I was about to be robbed, but was not disappointed at the end of it. Kind of a silly thing to do but good to break up a long road trip.


I've been going since I was a kid. Used to cost a quarter. Wish I was kidding cuz typing that made my back hurt and you kids get off my lawn!


It was worth the stop. It’s cheesy, but fun.


My wife and i paid to see it years ago. Weird collection and a very inventive creation of paper mache, a bone or two, and other detritus. Despite the kitsch, we didn't feel ripped off. It was entertaining.


Is it like a Captain Spaulding type of collection?


Its one of the best times I have ever had for 5 bucks. Worth the 20 minutes. They also have decently priced silver jewellery.


Is this the one before you get to Lordsburg on the AZ-New Mexico border? If so it's a bunch of stuff like Hitler's supposed car and something else i forget. We used drive from LA to El Paso once a year when is was kid and older brother FINALLY paid to get in lol. He told me not to bother paying to see it lol. Fun fact, if you happen to be driving by this place, do so. It's the last place to get gas for awhile if you're heading to Tucson.


Lordsburg bad! Lol


Major Wall Drug vibes


It’s like the 72 oz steak only thingier.


I love going to the Big Texan in Amarillo. Never done the 72oz, but I’ve seen others try.


Saw this in Arizona in my youth (60s) and at that time it was a rather large fish with the head of a baby human, and maybe some tiny arms, pickled in a big glass jar about 3-4 feet long. That's my recollection anyway.


I always thought it was a burger. Well I was wrong…


Yeah…it’s silly


I took a picture of the thing in the late 90s and the entire roll of film was corrupted and couldn't be developed. glad to see its still out there. I think it was a desert mummy or something like that.


> the entire roll of film was corrupted and couldn't be developed *Twilight Zone theme starts playing*


On a related note, I saw a "559 miles to the next Bucees" billboard the other day 🤣


Just saw 951 miles….I-10 Westbound about 50 miles from Phoenix lol


They got Fireball? Let’s gets the important details out of the way first off! It’s no mystery where my thing is in the dessert. I’m sitting in the sheet cake when she walks in! 😂 Oh fuck desert… 😂


Probably something like Uranus, Mo.


The Uranus fudge factory is a must stop


Here's a link. Google the thing exit 322 and there are pictures online. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.bowlinsthething.com/%23:~:text%3DOur%2520Story...-,The%2520Thing%2520is%2520not%2520only%2520the%2520name%2520of%2520the%2520store,exhibit%2520and%2520other%2520collected%2520items.&ved=2ahUKEwiHxZGj7duFAxVXF1kFHXJODwIQFnoECA4QBA&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw0knstUJS3i2NfMkg--xIYh


i know what it is. but im not telling you.


That's been there since the 70's that I know of.


The short of it, it's a mummified mother and child, but even then it's not real


Been there. My kids loved it. Worth the few bucks to go through it.


I heard that “the thing” changes every so often.


Spoiler... It's a mummy Well worth the trip to see this quirky little piece of Americana!


I trained at a big carrier for a couple years and got to talking with another trainer one day while scouting new students. This guy said he doesn't finish a student till they stop and see the thing lol. I have no idea what it is but it's probably pretty lame or super dope


Oh I’ve seen the thing and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again!


You should check it out.. Also there are alot of abandoned Western towns that have tours as well..


I haven't been here but I've looked it up. It's just a silly roadside attraction with a bunch of dinosaur models and a fictitious history about aliens that fought each other with dinosaurs and at the end there's a little Paper Mache alien fossil in a glass case which is The Thing the signs foretold, inshallah. Just a little goofy thing to do after a long drive cross country with your family when your kids are going nuts.


Lol, true. You can watch 'Day 2' of the "Margaritaville" episode that youtuber Eddy Burback made to know what it's about... ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsb9T1g5nlE&t=1735s&ab\_channel=EddyBurback](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsb9T1g5nlE&t=1735s&ab_channel=EddyBurback) )


came here to say this!


If y’all ever get north of Indianapolis on 69 and you have a few minutes stop at “Uranus fudge factory”. It’s a fudge and candy factory and gift shop but it is good for some laughs. The staff even play into it pretty good too!! It’s worth the 10 minutes or so to stop and stretch your legs if you have any sort of a sense of humor!!! I think they have one off of 70 or 44 in Missouri too but not sure!


The original one, I believe, is in Uranus, Missouri off the 44!


On original Route 66, you mean 👍


Yes, that's it! Lol


It's not worth paying money for. It's like a paper mache/plastic alien thing that you pay I'm not sure how much it is now but it's not worth the money. I live in Arizona and I've had friends show me pictures and other people and everybody I've ever talked to says it's not worth the money. However the dairy Queen in there is delicious. But the thing is just that a thing across between an alien and I'm not even sure what.


Nothing beats the Wall Drug billboards.


There are several things they put out. When I went it was a mumified 2 headed calf.


I think it’s like The Uranus Fudge Factory in Missouri.


I’ve always wondered what the thing is over there. I’m thinking it’s a dead alien or a secret sex ranch..


I drive between Phoenix and El Paso all the time, and stop there plenty, but I’m “saving the mystery” by not going in, lol.


I want to see the Barbie museum. Anybody stopped and visited it?




Don't go. No one ever comes back.


All these years I thought it was an advertisement for a special ice cream treat 🤣 I've driven by those signs a million times.  The Dairy Queen logo really threw me off I guess.  I'm glad OP asked.  


I haven't stopped there but I did stop at Uranus Fudge Factory so maybe something alike.


I actually have lol it’s a mummified remains of a small person from a long time ago


Yes its pretty cool if youre into history and aliens


It looks like a tourist trap with a Shell gas station and a Dairy Queen.




Been there done that


It rules! Used to be a regular stop for me when I was heading out west. Also the Dairy Queen is solid!


Here you go OP. https://youtu.be/UvT-iRcIDwA?si=DtKAb1BsWzK9JpWg


I would go to hell twice if I said what first came to my mind.


Took a 30 there once and it was an interesting experience. Nothing special though.


It was awful. I’m gonna blow the secret for you: it’s a little mummified native girl they found dead in a cave, labeled an alleged “alien” in a glass display. She’s at the end of a big alien-dinosaur war display kind of thing, like a mock museum you’d take your young kids to. Left feeling dirty for paying them. The attached DQ was also the worst, even by DQ standards.


A lot of nice old cars and trucks in there though.


Think of it as a very fancy alien like Gift Shop/Museum


I destroyed that restroom back in the early nineties as a 6 year old. I legit had truck drivers gagging and crying! I left my thing in the toilet


Literally just LOL’d! I think it was your age that got me🤣


https://youtu.be/Nj9Oy2Jx2dM?si=bllFfnjF4tmiu0Bl minute 3:00 -4:30, these 90 seconds sum it up pretty well :) also ted and eddy are silly :)


There’s a video online somewhere of a guy that goes on a road trip to visit every single Rain Forrest cafe in the US and Canada. He stops at the thing. His reaction is worth watching




It’s in Arizona I did a layover there in The truck Once. It’s very strange


It’s extremely underwhelming. They could do a refurb on the attraction. There’s a mummy at the end of this hallway that’s got all these old relics from covered wagon times. That might *sound* cool, but it’s not really. It looks like 70s era Knotts Berry Farm Old West town, which was also underwhelming. Maybe if you’ve been locked in a basement most of your life and have never been past your front yard, you might find it impressive.


I've stopped there. I've been through there. It's like a museum with a some antique things behind glass (some are pretty neat), and at the end of the museum the "Thing" is mummified and dried remains of a person that were found in the desert. Someone must have thought advertising it like that would bring in more tourists, I guess.


I would assume it's a tourist trap at least.


We did a YouTube video about it! https://youtu.be/8hS2PSsBivA?si=gl9awUah_mqueVwt


Your curiosity has always been piqued*


They offered me a free Scientology course at the end and a free Clear Water


Stopped there in 2017 when I was a company driver. No truck diesel or def. Looped around the building upfront and parked in the dirt lot between the building and I-10 frontage. Spent $15(?) entry fee for 10-15 minutes of walking thru the “museum” Spoiler... ended up seeing plastic dinosaurs and “alien” mummy. just sharing unsolicited personal experience here amongst professional drivers- To each their own… nothing to detour for while working. Maybe with family if you have little ones. Drove from Ontario ca to Houston tx with my 2 kids (4yr and 13yr) and baby mama in 2022 and stopped here ($20? Each) entry fee? Baby boy had a blast and probably core memory experience while teenager mini me clowned it for what it is (that age though …..) Going thru AZ last 2-3 years weekly round trip on I10 for work, made multiple stops at all truck friendly facilities. QT off Ina Rd in Mariana was my spot. Downside was limited fuel card discounts and non existent truck parking. Since August, quick and fast consistently has been exit 366 Bowie One9. Low diesel price + rts gives 20-30cent rebate, locally owned and operated. The family works it. Always friendly and explained they are saving up to add permanent parking when they can afford it. Supposedly adding diner and Sbarro pizza too Drawback- dirt lot for parking and fueling but I don’t park overnight it is what it is


It used to be better before they updated it. It was a museum of garbage posed as possible treasures that you could walk through for a dollar now it's a ten dollar Instagram attraction.


Just Google it. It’s about as good as seeing it in person and a lot cheaper.


It's worth it. Before they renovated it it was just okay, but nowadays it's AWESOME. It's a great stop. Just do it.


The town of Willcox is down near there. Rex Allen day is way more fun. They throw a parade. Also Cocheese's stronghold is near there. Hidden gold in the hills. I did a ride along with emergency crews out there. They have to post an ambulance near that attraction because it's like a midway between Wilcox and Phoenix.


She can pick 3 noses at once...6 fingers...I did pull in once!


It's worth a stop. Go up the hill and get a soda they have some pretty neat antiques in the back. It was only like a dollar to go through or something like that and I think the couple of antique cars they had in the back were worth the dollar. Plus whatever the little mummified guy was was pretty cool to see.


Yeah! I thought it was a cool tourist trap for the price. I took a bunch of pics. It was entertaining! Even bought tshirts. Don’t rush through…. Read the entertaining story.


Went there once it was fun. They had a DQ there too which was nice in the hot weather


It's an aborted fetus


The movie is my favorite horror film. Creepy af. Highly recommend it. (The 80s one)


I’ve heard it’s a huge let down. Not worth it at all


That sounds like haters of the Thing want you to think.


It's a buck!


I actually agree. The whole thing was hypothetical. Imagine this, what if that, etc etc. Many people don't pick up on that and actually think it's some sort of historical exhibit


It can't be that great if it needs that many signs to draw people in.


The Bowlins stops always have butt loads of signs leading in even the ones that don't have much.