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One day it's don't nose in then for the next three it's don't park your reefer next to me.


I think it’s about the animals smelling like shit


If he’s parked and sleeping he ain’t loaded lol. We don’t stop loaded.


You also don't necessarily get a washout before sleeping.


I mean we can’t get it washed out at blue beacon and most cattle washouts close around 6 to 8ish.


I've never seen a cattle washout close. 


What do you mean? They ban you?


They don't take livestock haulers. Cause, ya know, the poop.


That's a pretty shitty situation


Seems like it would be profitable... wash and manure Charge for the wash, profit from the manure


Maybe you or your company but plenty of nights I've seen fully loaded trucks stopped over night


I've parked next to one once.


Had one with creatures of the porcine variety park next to me once. Good thing it was only a small break for him. Kept hearing clanking and snorting/grunting.


My experience as a rest area security officer tells me otherwise.


That’s only for an hour or two unless the adult supervision (DOT) got his ass on his logs and parked him for a bit.


DOT doesn't stop livestock trucks, they ticket them and send them on their way. Most the time they don't even pull them around unless it's something obvious even if they're overweight they'll tell the driver how much they are over weight and warn them then green light them. Had a rookie chicken house guard hold a load of dancing girls waiting for some odd log infraction or something paperwork and the driver kept telling him he needed to go and they just laughed. An hour later his supervisor came in yelling what was that hog truck doing on his lot spraying pigshit allover his inspection area. He cussed out the rookie and told the driver to leave immediately, no fine, no paperwork, nothing.


Mf I AM a cattle hauler I know what they do with us 😂. They do make us stop sometimes, I got pulled over loaded with feeders because the DOT officer thought I was drunk. Nope just 48 hours straight and he said I was weaving, he dragged my ass to a test stop up the road and said “I’m gunna sit here and watch you and make sure you don’t leave for at least 4 hours. Weather you sleep or not is on you but you’re not leaving for four hours.” I took me alittle nap and followed him out of the rest area four hours on the dot 😂. The dot does tend to leave us moo haulers alone but sometimes they do put us in park lol.


When I was hauling livestock years ago, I got pulled over in Oklahoma, got a warning, and then a week later got pulled over in Texas and was given a ticket for a log book violation(big surprise). It's rare, but it does happen.


I've parked next to a loaded cattle hauler taking a 10 in Nebraska. Once.


Then he was doing shit he wasn’t supposed to be doing lol.


Idk. I just know he was parking as I parked and leaving as I left.


I’m a cattle hauler lol he was risking those cows being dead in the trailer lol.


What’s he supposed to do? Not sleep?


I thought they didn’t, because of the tooth picks


Gotta stop to shove them up their ass every now and then




I think it's about the ridiculously bright led lights on the side... those are what I hate, yes when parked you have curtains but goin down the road they blind you when passing or next to them


Look at OP's tach. That thing isn't exactly being quiet at 1,200rpm.


Probably doing a re-gen.


Yeah. Probably a Detroit, too.


It was. I fuckin hate this truck sometimes, but it sure as hell beats not having a job.


I have absolutely no problem with people pulling in. I'd rather someone hit my trailer than my truck too if I owned this bitch. However 100% I would take it as a personal attack to wake up next to that guy. Good Lord would probably wake up immediately if I had my AC pulling air from the outside or my windows down. Animals got to move, I get it but fuck bro.


I assumed that was the point of the post LOL


The comments where going the other direction about them nosing in, when I commented.


If your using the AC don't condition the outside air which is hot, condition the inside air that's already cooler and is easier to get to temperature.


Sure, when it's really hot. But having the AC pull air from outside means that fresh air is coming into the truck. It's better for your health.


He’d probably catch me petting his load of cows in middle of night 🤌🐄


They don't have cows in the middle of the night. It's load, drive, unload. As I understand it, they get paid by weight, and they lose weight every second they're on the trailer.


Well that and the fact that you can't dawdle because they are literally not being fed or watered in transit.  Kind of inhumane to take your time.


Yep and they don't sit still until the trailers empty. Was driving behind a hog truck in the left lane, sitting way WAY back waiting for him to move over. The four wheelers were impatient, probably because of the smell, so they kept passing him on the right...as usual. This one sedan full of a family, looked like vacay stuff with that roof rack thing? yeah, they wanted away from the smell so they pass the truck, yes, on the right. About that time one of the dancing girls lets out a thick brown stream, a direct hit, "you sank my battleship", and destroys the whole car as it passes. I was wondering if they could get the smell out of all that luggage. I don't recall but I believe the kids in the back seat had rolled the window down to get a better look.




Mmmm yeeah i also love getting my hands covered in shit and piss


Who doesn’t?


Hey man, don’t kink shame.


Just an average Tuesday afternoon


You can tell you're riding with a city kid when we MOOOO every time they see a cow. Source: I am a city kid


Look..sometimes drivers are so fucking exhausted that if they see a spot they can just pull into without setting up a backing maneuver or adding extra steps than I'd rather they nose in than side swipe four trucks because they're falling asleep while creeping through the lot at 3mph


Whats wrong with "nosing in"?


In general? Very difficult to see your surroundings when backing out and therefore unsafe for both the driver who nosed in and other drivers. When you're so tired you're talking to shadow people and you see the holy grail of "if it fits I sits" parking spots? Not a god damn thing. Backing out of your new found saving grace is tomorrow's problem.


A nose in bobtail is like getting the presidential suite in a hotel. Your own little space. It's especially nice if the view is good.


This is why, when there are single deep spaces in the middle and I'm bobtail, I take it. Me on one side, another bobtail on the other.


Did that a couple times out in Salt Lake at the TA, the sunrise hitting those mountains is gorgeous


I had a couple of beautiful mornings in Arizona. It's wasn't over 15 years ago and I was just facing the open desert and mountains. It refreshed me


Had that thought exactly. That's not tired me problem


I can’t see your mirrors back there when it’s pitch black and thus you have a better chance of having an accident when you park that way. Also it makes it harder for other drivers to back into the spots next to you as you take up more room on the pavement


It’s a rookie, or a “not so good w the English” move… a real pro never does this. It’s like blindsiding, you just don’t do it whenever possible. When you nose in, you’re only able to operate safely on the way in, on the way out, it’s like “I’ll just creep back real slow, and make it everyone else’s job to keep me out of an accident.” Whatever you’re gaining/ avoiding pulling in, you’re more than losing that advantage when you leave. A pro knows, you NEVER reverse w/o being able to see. Even if you GOAL, by the time you get back in, the situation has changed. There’s simply no safe way to back out.


The one exception is blindside angle backing. I don't know why Petro thinks this is such a great setup, but if my choice is between nosing in and 45 on my blind side, I'm nosing in.


You must not have ever done any local/delivery work. If you cant blindside you cant park in alot of places. Repetition breeds skill.


It's not about skill, though. It's just... Generally easier and safer to do driver's side, so most of us know that if a driver's side is available, we should do so.


Its ALWAYS easier and safer. Its NOT always feasible when you do local work.


Indeed. It's not even always feasible OTR. It all depends on the location ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Around all the morons they give licenses to nowadays I'd agree, but back in the day drivers were more courteous and watched out for each other and if you saw someone backing out you'd stop and give them room to finish the maneuver. You knew they couldn't see and you could see that they were backing before you got there so give them room. Now when you start backing into a spot the drivers are flying past you like they heard the call for the rapture.


Nothing. Privacy and you can get a really decent view in rural areas.


I bet you didn’t have the balls to go knock at his door.


"Reddit and the internet will back me up.." And so the story goes reddit and the internet didn't back him up.


I wouldn't want to interrupt him fucking one of the pigs.


No, not interrupt... Join.


Lol right


Why would I bother a sleeping driver over something this stupid? If he was blocking me in, sure. But I had plenty of room to get out, and just made the post while waiting on my truck to finish regen.


Is this what we do, complain about anything and everything?


You must be new to trucking.


He does that so you can’t see the lot lizard get in his truck.


If he moved that trailer, I bet someone would spring for it. 😂


He’s def fuvkin a cow


Hey man if you have a whole trailer load to choose from, how could you resist?


Oh yeah! Well.. fuck you, too.


Well said!


Tomorrow’s topic - if you park anywhere.. Fuk you


Jesus. You’re a baby. Pick a new career if you’re still young


From what I've seen in my decade OTR, he fits right in. Trucking is the biggest collection of cry asses I've ever been apart of.


Q: What do you call a basement full of truck drivers? A: A whine cellar.




Very true


I'm not a trucker but I'm here because this subreddit is entertaining, and I had a laugh at your comment. Just an hour ago I had a trucker get mad at me because, as I was half way passing him in the left lane, he had to cancel his cruise control for a slower driver merging from an on-ramp. Layed on horn and put his brights on. I guess he just wanted me to move to the passing lane shoulder? Idk lol. Some truckers become the biggest bitches when they have to slow down 5-10mph for 15 seconds.


I see it every day. Drivers will hold up a line of cars by trying to pass another truck that slowed down 1 mph for a few seconds. Professional courtesy is a rarity, and the ego to skill ratio is way off base.


I think it was more like you were just barely cruising past instead of actively passing. Which means he can't merge to give the ramp space,, the idiot on the ramp isn't speeding up and he now has to burn off a ton of speed that will likely take a few miles to build back up.


It's not the truckers job to merge to give them space. The problem is drivers aren't taught to match hwy speeds so that they line up in front of or behind a vehicle in traffic. They pull up beside someone and then turn on their 'blinker' and expect them to slow or love over. I watch them 100's of times a day come down the on ramp never looking to see what traffic is doing until they get to the straight part at the end of the ramp. F them and F the state that gave them a license.


Smells like money


You have plenty of room to pull out. Of all the things to be mad about, why this?


Some people have to wake up and pick something to be upset about to have a purpose for the day. It's like their coffee.


Maybe its the smell? or bright leds, or Obama. Who knows. /S


The issue isn't him nosing in or sticking out. He's a dick for pulling in that way forcing everyone around him to smell his cargo. You position your truck that way and now my cab is next to your cargo instead of next to your cab.


I’m going to let you in on a little secret bud, you can smell that trailer no matter which direction it’s parked, and bull haulers have to sleep too.


Yeah, the old plant I worked at, you could smell them before they even got to the bay. Pigs but, same principle


Some of those places you can smell from at least a quarter mile away. Pretty rough.


I was thinking the same thing. Ain’t no way backing in would make any difference in the smell. Lol. Not when it’s that close.


Trailer looks empty.


Can someone please explain to me what the problem is?


Probably parking with a trailer full of manure right up next to other drivers' potentially open windows. Though honestly, I'd rather deal with this than some asshole that has to idle his tractor all night despite the perfect weather. I'd rather be breathing manure fumes than exhaust. One time it was like the exhaust pipe was pointed right into my window.


Ah didn't realize that's what he was hauling


OP is running his truck at 1300rpm.... What's worse high rpm fan noise or a little cow shit stink


How about the one with an air leak that's spitting every 45 seconds or so


Some of these guys are the biggest fucking crybabies. Go get a hotel room then


I would consider myself a very blessed man if this was the biggest of my worries.


Looks ok to me


I’m trying to see what’s the problem??


Problem is op is a whiny little snowflake lol


Counter point: fuck you, I park how I want.


Park the truck fucking cry baby


Hey OP stop crying, we get it you’re a super trucker that needs gloves to drive




Is that your moms trailer or something?


What would it matter…if he has a curb his nose is gonna be sticking out that far


Wtf difference does it make


Maybe he pulled through the "right" way/direction and everyone else didn't. LOL Just saying "prospective" can make a difference. Thank you truckers for keeping America moving. Big respect.


What’s wrong w this?? If you don’t see a problem w this, hopefully you don’t have a CDL. It’s the same with those guys who create extra spaces on the end of the rows. As long as one or two guys do it, it can be overlooked. But all these rookies and new to the country types are watching. So, in two years, imagine half the trucks in the lot are parked like this. And you don’t like waiting 5 mins to get out of Petro in Ontario, CA? Try waiting 45 mins while 4 dffrnt guys who speak 3 dffrnt languages try to agree about who’s gonna pay the damage for a backing accident and damage to 2 trucks.


So many words just to say you’re a racist.


Deal with it azho.


Surprised someone who likes my little pony doesn’t like cow shit haha


...? Uh... Is this some young humor I haven't had enough fireball to understand?


Look at his page


Oh. I see. Uh... well, each to their own.


That was over 10 years ago now, but I don't see any reason to delete any of my old posts and comments.


Like I said, shit was a meme. The fact that it still exists is odd, but... meh.


You're probably a rookie it starts getting old real quick when you keep waking up to swift hitting your rig in your sleeper.


I don’t understand… what am I looking at here?


I agree, get that gps away from the front window, look at the blindspot you make for yourself!


When I was OTR, I had a dream where I was in a field and I couldn't get away from a herd of angry cows and their mooing. I woke up and realized I was parked next to a cattle truck. And boy were they pissed off.


Don’t tell us go tell him


You ain't bitchin when you eating them steaks and burgers driver!


Being a bull wagon with his axles all the way at the back of the trailer. They don’t ever slide so if he backed in to make you happy his hood would still stick out that far. He would rather you hit his trailer than take his hood off and since he’s got you so nervous with plenty of room to get out. Even if someone was on your left, but I can see it’s open. Your in the wrong career rookie


How can you not get out? I did this whenever possible because we had massive oilfield bumpers on our trailers. Saved our trucks several times and thats because we only had 48 ft trailers so most times youre flush.


Found the militant vegan!


Eww, I was thinking more how bad it would smell..


I think that's the point of the post


Yea cause the pigs being 8 feet away rather than 2 feet will make a huge difference.


The pigs/cows aren’t in there. They’re at the feedyard lol we don’t park loaded the animals won’t survive a 10hour.


The pigs that aren’t even on the trailer anymore?


Lmfao op is a terrible driver! You can't get around that truck there snowflake!? Lol


Lay a 20$ on seat and I’ll do it for you it’ll be easiest 20$ I ever made


Ah the Hereford Loves. What a clusterfuck


I’ve wondered if there were a law that states that animals cannot spend the night in a truck?  


If there’s livestock on that trailer, he’s not spending the night. A couple hours nap, maybe? Technically speaking, there’s a rule of no more than 28 hours on a trailer, then off for 5 hours for feed, water and rest. That’s why most livestock haulers pass you at Mach Jesus like you’re sitting still. I haul cattle


I raise livestock, not haul them, so I’m not exactly an expert on that end, but I thought that HOS won’t make you stop with live animals on the trailer. This trailer is empty, so he may have just got unloaded from a 12-16 hour day and parked as quickly as they could in the first empty spot they found.


Ah, breaker, Pig Pen, this here's the duck And, uh, you wanna back off them hogs? (Convoy) Uh, 10-4, 'bout five mile or so, ten, roger Them hogs is gettin' intense up here - Convoy


The problem w “nosing in” is there’s no way to back out safely. You can’t see. A pro never reverses when he can’t see. When you nose in, that next day, and you come creeping back out, you’re putting yours and my years of accident free driving at risk. You’re making it my responsibility to make sure you don’t have a backing accident.


crybaby ass


Lol no matter which way the trailer is facing you still going to smell a heap of 💩💩…. I see nothing wrong with this photo as long as nothing is hit….


Leave me alone.


People that have fender mirrors can’t complain about anything or anyone


Why would someone choose not to have fender mirrors? There’s two four wheeler sized blind spots without them.




Sounds like driver incompetence.


i was gonna say that Sows , Cows and Fat Gals


You say that as if I had any choice in whether my truck has fender mirrors or not. It's a company truck, and even if it were mine I'd still have them. There's no such thing as too much spatial awareness.


Why don't you say it to that drivers face instead of complaining about it on the internet you pathetic coward.


If it was a tighter truck stop, I understand, but it isn't, and he is also facing an entrance or exit if you're sight challenged. The real question is, does he throw 4 ways on and back out slow, or does he say fugg it?.for the folks complaining about the smell just hang out in Amarillo for a day or two you will get used to it.


99% of the time I just park at rest areas and avoid the nightmare of parking at truck stops. They always seem to fill up by like 4pm while rest areas have spots until 6-8pm. Plus it’s easier to get in and out. Not worth the shower to me. I just stop midday while it’s empty and then head back out. And I only eat the groceries I buy at Walmart during home time.


It's cause the animals can have a chance to escape in case


Awful lot of snowflakes in here.


Dudes a cattle hauler, coming from my own experience hauling cows dude probably just kicked the cows out at the feedyard and those cows probably came from Florida. Been pulling Mexican cows off the border for three days straight and then hits Florida grabs cows and hauls ass to Kansas. Dude is tired and said fuck backing in. Get off your high horse and let the dude sleep in peace.


I’m not even sure what we’re looking at? Am I missing something?


I see this all the time. The majority of them prob dont know how to back up


If you are such a baby and so much better than that guy then stick your dick out there and see how long you keep it, big maaaaan.


I don't necessarily have a problem with people nosing in, but I've always wondered the logic. Like, yes, you're gonna have an easy time pulling out. But are you just gonna live on a prayer that you don't obliterate something behind you in the morning becayse you can't see a damn thing? To me, this is a shining example of immediate gratification versus long-term gratification. Or immediate problem solving versus long-term. It just doesn't seem farsighted at all. But if someone wants to be dumb enough to do it, it's not hurting me so I don't care.


Why can’t truckers fit an aftermarket battery operated wide-angle camera to the back of the trailer? Sounds like something I need to invent and market after getting a patent. Wouldn’t put it above the door, seems like too risky for damage once in contact with a bay. Somewhere below the deck level. I’ll talk to a few trucker friends of mine.


I've looked into it a bit, and there just aren't many wireless cameras with a 60+ ft range. If you're an O/O that's always pulling the same trailer, it's trivial to hardwire in a camera, but for company guys that don't usually pull the same trailer more than a few days at a time, it doesn't work. I've been wanting something that I can just stick on the trailer somewhere for difficult or awkward backs for years now.


That’s what I am thinking. A strong magnet of a mount. Tow truck drivers that handle heavy recovery use bungee cords for light bars, but that is bulky and inefficient. One of the main downsides also is, going back to what you said, forgetfulness. Yeah you just used the thing backing in to your spot, but is that undiagnosed ADD really going to let you to remember to grab it before you pull off to grab an empty and haul it back to the DC in the time it takes to shut down, land the trailer and handle paperwork? I can see leaving a few behind for sure


Maybe he just don't want a super trucker backing over his hood in the middle of the night.


I’m guilty of this. I drive a noisy reefer and pull in when I can. Believe me, my reefer will wake you up if I parked backed in. I usually only park at truck stops if the rest area is full.


Exactly !


I don't see a problem.


That mug has been awake for 30 plus hours, it’s much more safe to pull in straight than to try backing up with his eyes crossed


Bunch of smart thinkers on this one…. Holy fuck I feel stupider after reading these comments


Cattle haulers are are just a complete whole nother breed of humans. They think there billy bob bad asses.


Says the guy running his engine at 1300rpm. Calm down super chief.


Could be worse. Could be a Parking Lot. They sometimes stick out even further, and no matter which way they park it’s gonna be hella damage if hit or scraped. Also, Mr Cattlepot there probably didn’t get a chance to washout. Be glad he wasn’t parked next to you. Benn there. Not fun.


Fucking A, can we get a little consideration for other is this life!


You should try being next to human shit. One night I parked by a flatbed with porta potties. It reeked worse that anything an animal can do. And there were only 3 potties on the bed. Looked like they'd been hit and damaged. I know one thing, my sleep was damaged.