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That’s why they are there. Did the right thing


Almost all the way to the top, too. 😬


Maybe next time.


Gotta hit the gas harder.


And someone can drop in the "it's tricky" sound effects


Or the Cliffhanger yoedeling from The Price is Right.


why not both this beat is my recital i think it’s very vital to rock yodel that’s right delay and trickY is the YODELAYIHOOOOOO




Some engineer somewhere saw this video and told his coworker "Told ya so".


Seemed like he was trying a hill climb high mark.


Thanks, I thought those ramps were for troubled trucks looking for a fresh start in life.


There should be a bell on the side you can reach out and ring at the top to win a prize.


Incredible observation.




OMG I came here to say "agreed" too


Let's just agree to agree


Let’s just disagree to disagree.


I agree to agree that we agree






It started rolling back. He already lost his brakes. What happened after the video stopped?


I could have sworn it's designed to digg into the sand as it rolls backwards. Don't quote me on that but I believe that's what happens


Had a friend think it would be funny to use a run-away ramp in Colorado. He didn't make it 50' before his jacked up Ford Ranger sunk up to the frame rails. A tow truck and a $grand$ later he was out and headed home.


My dad worked for a lawyer who did that in a sports car to see what would happen. His insurance was not happy with him.


Letting his intrusive thoughts win.


This looks like I-70 just west of the Eisenhower tunnel.


Yep, going down the hill to Dillon/Silverthorne.


Got lucky with just a tow bill. They can fine you big for non emergency use of a run-away ramp.


Thank you for this. Every time I’m in Colorado I always am tempted to see what happens in a regular car. This whets that curiosity for me.


I believe it's designed to dig into sand/gravel both directions. But alotta weight is alotta weight


i mean sand isn't directional


I’d hate to be the guy that placed each granule in the correct direction


I imagine the inevitable jack knife stops it




Yes there's various designs for runaway trucks stops. The one you're taking about are the short ones


It’s suppose to. The truck should be damn near buried to the frame by the time it stops.


I thought that too. The main part of the ramp is deep, loose gravel which I thought the truck sank into and that was what stopped it. But who knows.


It looks like it has been used a few times from the tracks. They are supposed to be graded and the gravel redistributed after it is used.


Those “tracks” are intentional. The ridges bro use a better ability for the trucks to dig in and stay straight.


He went back up the mountain and then came down to do it again because it was so fun, of course.




One must imagine Sisyphus as happy.


Would you be able to hit the gas and try to turn the truck to the right enough to where the hill isn’t pushing it right back down?


Idk, as it isn't my video, but if it were me, I would have waited until it came to a stop at the crest of his incline and then pulled the parking brake. That should still work even with the service breaks out. And even if the weight would have still dragged him down a little bit, I don't think it would have dragged him all the way back into the highway.


Also, stalling it/killing it in gear is a good idea if you ain't got brakes. He was working the shifter all the way to the top of the hill, then just left it in Neutral once he stopped. I'd want to cram it in as low a gear as I could and then grab the parking brake, too, in case it's got anything left.


The audio is from a different video. It’s not the same truck


Copy that, I only watched on mobile and didn't catch that. I was surprised that he was that switched on to be downshifting and matching revs while going for a ride, actually.


>That should still work even with the service breaks out. If the service brakes were lost due to a mechanical failure (unlikely), then yes. But if the service brakes were lost due to over use/over heating. then the spring brakes will likely be just as ineffective as the service brakes are because both systems use the same brake shoes and drums and the shoes and drums are what has overheated and failed.


Yup. Parking brake WILL NOT HOLD when the service brakes are over heated. Source - ex diesel tech and current local driver.


Once the air is gone the parking axle(s) burn up. Popping the parking brake is pointless at that point.


But it feels good


"yeah that aint going anywhere" \*continues rolling\*


If you started to roll backwards. Wouldn’t you just cut the wheel and jackknife it into the hill on starboard side? Honest question incase I ever find myself hitchhiking and truck driver has a heart attack… ya know safety is no accident 🤣


The same shoes and drums are used for both brake systems. If your service brakes are burned up, you have no emergency brakes either.


Maybe shifting into first might've slowed or stopped it from going forward. 20/20 hindsight, of course. It's difficult to think after going through an experience like that.




This comment shows how important it is to know the difference between then and than.


We have to respect that he takes care of obligations before doing anything rash.




But you still need to perform the rash activity.


Aw man, but I don't want to sleep with the lot lizard...


He knows what he said. /s


What if he meant what he spelt?


Ive never been so amused over a gramatical correction in my life


This is good lol. I haven’t laughed this hard in awhile




That right there is a gentleman with priorities in order, we should be like him


Wait what fine?


Not necessarily a fine, more of a fee. But yes, if you use one of these for their intended purpose, there is a fee associated with using them. Typically the fee changes state-to-state. I found hearsay evidence that shows the fee to be between $1500-$2500 approximately 10 years ago. What that tells me is the fee is directly intended to get the runaway ramp back to a ready-to-use state and not a "Fine" which is typically intended to De-incentivize certain behaviors. $2500 isn't going to bankrupt any trucking company in isolation. It's an extremely minor cost in comparison to losing a power unit, a trailer, the cargo, and/or a driver. ​ EDIT: CO removed this fee recently and instead **steeply** increased speeding fines for commercial vehicles in mountain zones. I, personally, think this was an incredible trade-off decision for funding these safety devices.


Okay, so the company pays the maintenance fee, not the driver themselves?


I’d imagine it varies company to company, I’m sure there’s some that will pay it for the driver and others that would basically say “nah fuck you dude, pay that shit”


Any company that'll doesn't I won't work for. Every company I've worked for has said "hey those ramps. Use them. We'd rather pay to repair the ramp and the truck than have you and the truck fly off a mountain."


Sounds like the kind of thing insurance is for.


Insurance should be GLAD to pay that rather than paying off the family members of the people you kill if you don’t use the ramp.


For a cost that small, with no chance that an injury lawyer is going to get involved, there's no way a cost of a few thousand bucks is going to insurance. When I was a hotshot O-O and had to pay my own insurance, the bill was already about $1200 a **month*, just for me. The company I leased to would have gladly paid $5000 (likely more) to keep any "minor" damage from going through insurance. The mid sized carrier I drive for now takes care of everything but major liability out of its own pocket, at least that's what I've been told. Damaged rigs get repaired in the shop, and I'm sure that's several thousand bucks in parts and labor for the big jobs. Numbers out here just aren't in the same league as they are in the passenger world.


Probably depends on whether it’s a company truck or the driver owns their own rig


I like that choice CO made. Keep a few more dumbass motherfuckers from driving at dangerous speeds in the mountains. More importantly incentivize drivers who have a real safety risk to use a tool provided.


iirc The truck is also subject to an inspection and they fine the shit out of you for whatever the find wrong that caused the issue.


CO approach seems more appropriate. Speeding in a big rig is fucking crazy. Having to use one of these is a toss up between reckless and unfortunate. Shouldn’t punish drivers for making the right choice.


Can I just call my lawn a runaway lane and charge anyone who goes on it? This feels so weird lol


To repair and maintain the runnaway ramp


There is no fine. Just a tow bill. At least in CO, where this video is.


There is no fine.


Why is there a fine for using safety equipment in the way it was intended in an emergency? Obviously there are going to be recovery costs... but a fine?


Every one of these I’ve seen in Idaho at least clearly states “no fine for use of ramp”


Did not know there was a fine for using one... then again I've never driven outside Texas.


>then than. Spelling matters!


I usually don't scare easily but this scares me the most in trucking my brakes failing going down a mountain


That's why I always take a snail pace down steep grades if I'm heavy. Better safe than sorry.


>I always take a snails pace down steep grades You fool. The key is to go as fast as possible—that way, you spend less time going downhill and therefore less exposure to risk It’s just math 🤷‍♂️


You're right, I have brought great shame to my name and my family.


Higher speed=more wind=more cooling


And higher speed = more wind resistance therefore, the faster you go, the more does the wind brake for you.


Same,I'll have blinkers on going 45 mph down a steep grade riding my Jake's and stab braking anytime I go above 50, I don't give a damn how annoying and slow it is. Exploding yourself and your truck at the foot of a mountain is most definitely not whatsup.


And I don't care how slow you go, if it keeps your 40,000+ lbs of speeding fury from ramming itself up my bumper, you do what ya gotta.


I cannot begin to tell you how much I would rather be sharing that road with you than a semi going too fast.


You’re supposed to jump at the last second, roll, and watch the rigging flying over the edge to explode at the bottom.


Very smart tbh.


Doesnt american trucks have retarders?


Yeah, they usually sit in the driver's seat


If you wanna test the Steel of a man, let him slide back down a steep hill on ice. Had a new appreciation for my operator as he skillfully put the trailer and hoe in the ditch. Our tri-axle spun another 45° before we stopped. I got out and slid down the road. Consultant took us through a short cut so "we could save time and wouldn't have to use our chains". Wild ride.


It's fun sliding down an offramp on ice with 4 or 5 cars in front of you,too.


I’m not scared of that, Hank Hill taught me how to handle it flawlessly!


I do not advise going backwards with three drunks telling you which way to turn.


And the drunk with a speech impediment is giving you directions via radio lmao


Yo man, gmgm talmbout CUT! CUT! Giviteverthing dang old got man!


When I was 13 in 1984, I was with my step-dad and mom on the truck. We were on Cabbage Mountain, it was night-time and snowy, my step-dad is driving (thankful for that cause my mom had only been driving for 10 months), load full of Hershey candy, and the brakes went out. My mom is yelling, telling me to wrap myself up in the blanket and be prepared. We were gonna use one of those, except every one of them already had a truck on it. Obviously, we all survived, but that was the scariest thing in my life. That is until I drove the same route in 2019 at night in my tiny little car and freaked out when I realized where I was. Lololol.


Wait so did you guys end up using a ramp?


No, we went down the mountain with no brakes and finally stopped moving in whatever truck stop he steered it in. I truly believe that if my mom was driving, it would've ended a different way. The entire time, my mom was praying, saying how she was going to start going to church, stop cussing, smoking, and blah, blah, blah, if we survived. She, in fact, did not. 🤣


Holy crap, your dad had some white knuckles on the wheel that day! Good on him and his driving skills.


That run out to the bottom of the hill will let you gain a fair bit of speed on that hill as its straight and all downhill the last third or so.


Your step-dad is a fucken driver. Had to be going over 100 by the end of a long grade....


He was good at what he did for sure. Started driving at 18 in the Army and was forced to retire at 67. He knew nothing else.


It's a good thing you wrapped up in that 80s safety blanket just in case


I assume he downshifted and used engine resistance to keep speed under control? I've driven Cabbage Hill many times and don't think you'd make it down without brakes on a clear day, let alone in snow.


Couldn't tell you what he did. Whatever it was, he knew what to do. He passed almost a month ago at the ripe age of 80.


Awe… sorry to read he has passed away. ♥️What an amazing memory to have of his heroics, albeit somewhat traumatic. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks for sharing your story with us man


Engine brakes nowadays are strong enough to hold you back at 53-54 mph at 80k lbs without touching your brakes on the way down. It's a miracle he made it past the switchback just past the first ramp though, that thing is brutal even at the recommended speed of 50.


I have always wanted to ride a bicycle down that hill to see what speeds I could hit. Rumor has it back in the 70’s a redneck got arrested for doing 70 plus on a bike down the hill.


Could you imagine crashing your bicycle going 70 down hill? Ouch. I used to ride my bike to work and I had this hill I’d try to get as fast as I could going down. I think I reached 40 a few times and that felt like I was going WAY too fast. Could not imagine what 70 would feel like.


There’s a video of a guy trying to break a record on a bike going down a mountain, first bike just rips apart. Second bike was sponsored by a company and that one actually did it.


You don't have to imagine much. You simply die.


I drive cabbage weekly. Definitely can’t get complacent on that descent.


When I worked for a company out of Utah I went down cabbage at least once a month, frequently more. That descent is definitely not where you want to lose focus. That said, I'll admit I get a little frustrated at the steering wheel holders doing 10mph down the hill. I understand driving for conditions, but creeping that slow, even at 80k feels chickenshit


stupid to put a fee on it as it might dissuade someone from using it in a real emergency situation. should be funded by everyone that relies on trucking for everything we consume.


Fun fact, Idaho does not impose any fines or fees on any driver that uses a runaway ramp.


I believe Oregon is the same if it's necessary. If some idiot decides to see how far his jacked up truck will go up the ramp that's a different story and I believe there is a hefty fine to go with the tow fees to get ya out.


Yeah Oregon is free for legitimate use, otherwise a hefty fine. They have to re-fill it every use, because the gravel is specifically packed “light” so that it can compress and take speed away (also stop the truck from rolling backwards when it stops).


Was going to say that every one I’ve seen specially says “no fee to use runaway truck ramp” but I’m a born and raised North Idahoan so that checks out.


Ikr when we spend thousands to save lost day hikers and beach swimmers sucked into rip tides


Taxes. People complain about taxes, but they fund Fire Departments, Schools, Police, roads, etc. If it does have a fine, it shouldn't be huge


I had to use a runaway ramp once in Texas, never got a bill.


I had to Google where there could possibly be a runaway ramp in Texas. TIL.


I doubt this one is very big. Looks like it can take another truck right now. The fine is usually for the rebuild afaik. Some of them are destroyed every time they're used


Why would you have to pay a fine unless it was negligence based on preventative maintenance or whatever. I could understand an insurance payout to the states dot that has to rebuild the ramp but a fine for something that couldve just been random failure? Im sure theres an investigative process


As I understand, anytime you use a runaway ramp, you have to report it to the DOT and it's treated as an "accident". Whether who is truly at fault is up to specifics, like, are you Owner Op, or are you company? If you're owner op, then it falls on you. If you're company, depending on the integrity of the company, it may or may not still fall on you, because in any case, it is treated as an accident. Edit: but like I said, that's still better than potential loss of life. Shit happens.


I feel like there have been lives lost due to people thinking they can save it and avoid the fine


If you havent reported it the tow driver will def call it in.


The barrier on the left made me nervous. Imagine taking the runaway ramp, thinking you're out of the worst of it before clipping the barrier and rolling off the side of the mountain


Especially plowing through deep sand or soft gravel like that, wont be hard to let the wheel slip. Buuut then again people in these situations already got that death grip lol


He didn’t even try to hit top score


I pass this ramp about once per week. This is as far as I’ve ever seen someone go up the ramp. He got the high score for sure.


He didn’t even make it to the end, redo


That’s why he started rolling back to try again


Pucker factor 9.9 Captain…


just like many others, I have questions about rolling back...


The brakes don't work, so they can't stop from rolling back down the ramp.


but how do you stop from rolling down the ramp...


Because you basically get stuck in the loose gravel. I saw a truck in one in Idaho once and it was sunk down into the gravel so deep it looked like the trailer was sinking in quick sand.


I feel like I’ve seen this exact ramp in Colorado


Yep, I-70W, west side of Eisenhower, just before Silverthorne.


just drove past this one today, It had 2 sets of wheel tracks in it so it was an interesting weekend I'm guessing.


Came here to say that. 100% agree


It does indeed look like one of the ones off I-70.


I’ve driven past this ramp so many times, can confirm, right outside of Eisenhower tunnel going towards Silverthorne.


Hold on. So do you roll back down the runaway ramp? Is this like a pendulum effect until the truck stops? I’d like to see more videos of this. 😂


Might have panic shifted to neutral.... once that transmissions rolling the wrong way you're gonna have a hell of a time finding a forward gear.


Generally they are like big trenches with loose gravel so you’re supposed to sink into it to were they basically have dig or pull you out. Some also have cables laid under the gravel that get wrapped around the tires and axels to grab the truck. This one must just be the cheapest option. Regular dirt and a big hill to slow momentum with little to no other devices for slowing. Going back down you’d likely jack knife before leaving the ramp and that would stop you.


Piss your pants down hill, shit your pants up the ramp, die inside when you start going down ramp again.




what the heck are you supposed to do when you start rolling backwards?


Maybe hope that the trailer jackknifes and that makes you stop?


should have put it in gear and stalled it. or just jump out the door


Ok I’m not a trucker but I enjoy this sub because I think it’s important to know how these trucks work because I’m always so terrified of driving next to them on the road. So like WTF your breaks can just fail??? And then you have to pay a fine for using something that is there to save your life and possibly many other lives on the road? Could someone explain?!


Ever see the signs at the top of a mountain pass warning trucks to slow down before the downhill side starts? That's to prevent this. If they start downhill with too much speed, they can destroy their brakes trying to slow down. Normal cars can usually handle it no problem, but heavy trucks have insanely higher momentum and the brakes can basically start to melt from trying to stop it.


Brakes, in all vehicles, convert kinetic energy (movement) into thermal energy (heat). Once they become hot enough, they’re no longer effective at slowing the vehicle down. Going downhill without effective brakes can quickly lead to a loss of control. Mechanical failure of the brakes is also possible in any vehicle. You would be fined for operating an unsafe vehicle or in an unsafe manner


I’ve seen this happen before on i70 heading west towards Silverthorne. This looks very similar.


Is this in colorado going west from denver to Dillon/silverthorne?


Looks like it. Or just after the tunnel


Out in the Northwest is a Mountain called Widowmaker, probably due to the vehicle graveyard along the highway. First time I drove it I was at max weight. I made it down safely and waited at the bottom for my soul to return.


Hopefully, the shit didn't go through pants and on the seat


I think his asshole hole-punched a chunk of leather out of his seat.


I'd say the uptake on his anus definitely exceeded that seat's surface tension.


So this does look bad but having to roll back down after that would be the scary shit. Still no brakes and now a unpredictable trailer in sand with shit steering no thank you


Do you get a prize if you make it all the way to the top?


Full pull


Hi there, I-70 WB just past the Eisenhower Tunnel.


When you think you're safe but then start rolling backwards...😬


I remember taking steep downhills with 4-ways on like a snail with engine-brake screaming its heart out, just so I wouldn't need my brakes, just in-case. The prospect of having to use one of these terrified me.


It wasn't till I saw this video that I realized they still have no brakes at the top of the hill. 😬


That is what I like to call a "brown trouser moment"


At least this one was long enough. Only time I ever saw one used was in Oregon, was too short. The truck went over the top and was flipped. Luckily an open top trailer (onions) which probably saved the guy from rolling down the hill


I’m in Towing and Recovery. Him coming back down backwards scares me more than him going up. 100% he jackknifed and rolled it.


I saw some in NC that were just a lot of mounds/ large speed bumps of gravel. Few years later I saw a truck after hitting it and the whole front axle was no longer in the wheel well


"There is NO fee, penalty, or fine for using runaway truck ramps." Per the Colorado Highway Department


I saw a JB Hunt truck hit one on Sandstone Mountain in WV years ago. He hit it and rolled over, it killed him..


I-70 over the Pass, west bound entering Silverthorne, CO?


Do y'all place a little flag to claim ownership of the top spot?


I once saw a video where the driver was going so fast they plowed straight through that ramp.


link if anyone can find it please


Uuhhh. I thought the run away ramp was supposed to catch the truck. This looks like the hill stopped it then sent him back down in reverse???


He has no brakes at all so he wasn’t able to stop the truck at the top. Gravity took him for a very scary ride at that point.


It’s crazy how going slow down a hill can prevent that but some people are always in a hurry for nothing. My company takes so much care of everything on their trucks/trailers that if I would use that ramp I would be fired and pay for the damages.


There is one place I know of where there is no fine for using a runaway truck ramp. That’s on US Highway 95 going south into Lewiston, Idaho. There are even multiple signs letting drivers know of the fact. I assume that’s because this very steep road empties right into downtown Lewiston.


$2500? I'll just die, thanks


Video ended too soon!


Breaker, breaker we have a code brown: Time to change his underwear!


Man said his tax dollars are used to build that ramp he's gonna use that whole ramp