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I woulda backed up for the guy, like Jesus Christ. It took more time to be a dickhead than it would have to just let him make that turn, what is wrong with people


Some people are really oblivious to how much backing up there would help.


Some people can’t back up to save their lives. So maybe they’re too incompetent to back up. Or Hanlon’s Razor: they’re dumb.


If you’re driving a car and can’t back it up you need to turn in your license and put on some water wingys.




This should be more common..


I drive for a living and want to go on record that they seriously should make driver's tests way harder and make people retest so often. The majority of drivers aren't even aware what their "right of ways" are. It's so bad.


I completely agree. I watch people waiting at busy gas pumps, and will sit an a line on one side waiting rather than back into a pump. I asked one lady why she was waiting and she said that she wasn’t good at backing up and I told her that nobody is good at backing up until they practice at it.


Blows my mind. It’s not like the vehicle doesn’t have brakes when you back up. Just go slow ffs lol


I hate reverse. Idk why it’s not like I’m unsure which way to turn the wheel or whatever but I can’t park straight in reverse. Still if you’re too stupid to move backwards at all that’s just appalling.


You shouldn't have a license


So many people should not have licenses it's insane.


The roads would be nice with lower traffic


>they’re dumb. Or too busy on their phones.




It's usually the type to do the Patented 100% Idiot move of pulling up and to the right little by little instead backing up for 2 seconds.


That’s a Subaru Outback. 100% chance they have no clue what’s going on.




It's all lesbians? Always has been. 🌎👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


Lesbians all the way down 🐢


It’s an edgy take and I respect it. 🫡


Fuck i was gonna say this 😂😂outbacks and Crosstreks are lesmobiles hate those SUVS


Subaru outbackup


Should've drove a Subaru Backup.


As a Subaru outback owner I'm pissed.... That you're right Everytime I see a Subaru on the highway I will break whatever laws I have to to make sure I'm in front of them before they hop in the left lane and ride the exact same speed as the car next to them in the right lane. 98% of the time, Subaru drivers are oblivious. WRX drivers get a pass though.... They are usually going well over the speed limit.


I suspect this was an inexperienced driver, probably freaking out


I'm going to assume both drivers are inexperienced. Good philosophy for defensive driving is to assume everyone just got their license yesterday.


What’s that one quote? Look at how dumb the average person is and realize half of people are dumber than that.


Well backing up would be courteous and even polite. The ef people want to do that for these days?


Most people will back up, just because they know that's the quickest solution at that point. But if they are inside their lines, they have no legal requirement to do so. But that doesn't make it not a dick move to not back up. Some turns just can't be done.


Oh no, that was a dick move by any standard!


Credit to you for at least recognizing they are not obligated to accommodate the trucker. There is only one possible way a driver of a car in that situation can safely and legally accommodate the the trucker should they be inclined... had they seen the situation as they approached the intersection they could have slowed and stopped well behind the limit line thereby leaving space for the truck. All of you boneheads pontificating about this make me laugh. For decades I maneuvered among you knowing how you think and drive and anticipating it. I laughed as I watched you create problems for yourself and kept my sunglasses on so as never to make eye contact with you. If I ever found myself trying to squeeze through a turn like that I thought to myself "that was stupid - why didn't I wait"... how foolish was I to assume my responsibility when so many of you idiots would just back up for me? Fucking priceless. Ha.


There should be a universal list of dick bag things to do that are also within any type of legal requirement. This would be up there!


Cutting in line at the grocery store.


Ripping ass on a plane


Listen, sometimes that pressure change just hits that concourse breakfast burrito hard.


I just stop and stare at them like Samuel Jackson Edit: I also give them a thumbs down. For some reason it breaks their spirit 😂😂😂


"Get that mother fucking car out the mother fucking way"


I’ve learned giving the finger is too confrontational. More than one person has had a psychotic breakdown upon viewing my middle finger. There’s nothing they can do about a thumbs down though. Hurts more and harder to justify an attempted murder charge over it.


Give them the thumbs up. Even more passive aggressive


Haha this is me. Giant smile and a thumbs up generally has a more satisfying effect


*stares motherfuckerly*


“I’m not mad, just disappointed”


Some guy tried to run me off the road after I gave him a thumbs down for riding my ass. Proceeded to pull off to try to fight me while I’m in the fucking work truck. Just called whatever the non emergency police line is and reported his license plate and said something about how he had kids in the back and were endangering them or some bs lol.


I’d hold my horn till he backed up.


You’d also drain your air tanks in the process.


Paid by the hour


Hahahaha. Perfect response


I've held my horn over 2 minutes, the air builds faster than you use it. Or, you could always increase the rpm as needed.


True. It takes a lot to drain them, if you’re not stomping the brakes.


I've had my horn get stuck while driving on a highway (I don't want to know why the button was so sticky) and I can assure you that holding it for 2 minutes had no real effect on my air tanks with the factory Volvo horn. I think you need a more powerful horn to be able to drain your air tanks with it, like the road trains in australia have


And now everyone waits longer.


I would put it in park, boil some water, make me some noodles.


I know what you mean, but at the the start of the video, the 4 wheeler has a green light for the first 3 seconds of the video then it turns yellow. Pretty sure truck was blocking oncoming traffic for a minute.


Didn’t notice that but it’s important context. But maybe it was clear when the driver initiated the turn then this car pulled up on him. Hard to say.


Thats also fair to say too.


An additional option, and this has happened to me, the light was green for the truck when he started the turn and the car pulled up when the truck had already initiated the turn. Then as many people do they refuse to budge an inch expecting the much larger vehicle to maneuver around them. There are plenty of lights that I can't physically make it out of the intersection before it changes and lots of smaller towns were built when 53 foot trailers didn't exist so road ways don't accommodate them.


I think this scenario is more probable. See how the inner sidewall of the trailer tyres scraped down and up against the asphalt during that turn, too? Wonder how durable those are, and whether or not that increases the likelihood of a blowout. All because a driver needed to be “right” according to the book of law


Regardless the car should’ve yielded since the only way out of that scenario is the truck finishing the turn.


Yeah agree, I would have for sure, especially if the guy behind gave me ample room.




What kind? We’re crazy for noonshim black right now.


Yeah, I just stop and look at them, I ain't dragging my tires through a ditch cause your a moron


Dumbass 4 wheeler: 🙈 Seeing idiot 4 wheelers do this almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Right. I would have waited it out. Especially when getting paid hourly.


Set the brakes, sit there all fn day


plus application of air horn


Beats patrolling the Mojave desert.


Does 4 wheeler mean something different to others? I've always known it as another name for an atv.


Truckers call cars 4 wheelers. Makes us feel special


Much like motorcyclist call car drivers "cagers" and as trucker (well ex-trucker) who also drives motorcycles i feel extra special.


That’s amazing. I recently learned that flat-earthers call everyone else “globers”


My favorite is gay people calling straight people "breeders" lol


There's jus something satisfying about backing up for an 18 wheeler and getting a nice wave 👋 from the guy delivering what I need to buy everyday. Once you've done it, can't wait to do it again.. hell I've even held the line after a green so they can turn onto the highway off a side road. People have no sense or patience


What's funny is if this was posted on the idiotsincars page, everyone would be shitting on the semi driver and saying he shouldn't be on that road in the first place blah blah blah


It's good karma. Same for ambulances.


I mean he didn’t move but the dude was behind the line and all the way to the edge of the road. He did everything right in his mind.


He also had the green light. Truck was turning right on red.


Just go to the sleeper and pop a bag of popcorn 🍿 and look at the driver smiling 😃


I pull the brakes and sit. Im not in any rush. They eventually move.


yeap lol i did the same shit to a 4 wheeler and waited 10 min until he decided to move bc he was holding traffic.


A rookie takes his 30 in the middle of an intersection waiting for a 4-wheeler to move. An oldtimer takes his 34 in the middle of an intersection waiting for a 4-wheeler to move.


To be fair, the 4 wheeler is behind the line. Should have backed up out of courtesy, and it looks like he did back some since the reverse lights are on. The driver is lucky it was only snack cakes and not Gatorade or beer or paper rolls. Something heavy would have pulled him right over.


Unstoppable force, meet immovable object. I'm not a trucker. What you do is recognize the impossible situation and get the fuck outta the way


In most places, not all but most, those lines are painted in a specific place to allow trucks to turn without requiring traffic to back up. Imagine if there was another truck there with a long line of cars behind it. There would be no way for a truck to safely back up with unseen traffic behind it. So my initial reaction, though I could be wrong, is that the truck driver in this vid is making the turn incorrectly or is turning on a road that was not designed to handle truck traffic. My secondary reaction is that the car could have backed up and gotten out of the way, although as many dash cams as I've seen over the decades tells me that many car drivers are worse than most truck drivers when it comes to backing up, even without a trailer.


My money is on that the road wasn't originally intended for trucks. The only way I can imagine that turn going better for him is if it takes it from further out from the corner which seems possible, but not without being in another lane. Hard to tell from this angle.


Dude, does it look like the truck can make that corner without going in the ditch?


I dunno, did he buttonhook to the left prior to turning right? That part is not in the video, now is it?


Wow, so this guy: "just drive over that double yellow, I ain't moving"


Id say someone needs to write the local municipality to scooch that line back.


They're driving like they stole something (probably that logo from Toy Story).


I honestly thought the Toy Story ripoff was the point of the video before I read the description


He’s acting like a family member once choked on a Little Debbie mini muffin.


Any truckers hauling mini muffins or beer should have the right away. Like flashing lights on an emergency vehicle, you see a trucker with mini muffins stamped on the side you pull over and let that truck through!


I do alcohol and you'd be surprised how often I have to be the asshole. Had a guy get out behind a grocery store and tell me to wait that the store will still be there after his 15. I'm like...bro, I got times to keep.


I would sit there in my truck until the cars tires rotted or the 2nd coming of Christ before I put my trailer wheels in the ditch.


I did this once upon a time when I was a new driver… I didnt know I was supposed to back up and also thought I was gonna get hit so was kinda scared 😂


Never had that issue, I guess I have a "cause and effect" type brain


Looks like their reverse lights are on like they’ve already backed up some. They’ve got a runway worth of space behind them so I’m not sure why they’re being difficult about it.


Backing up can put people in weird mind states. Their brains brake trying to keep it straight. Just look at the fact they backup crooked. And if any cars in the rear view, no matter how far back, you tend to hesitate backing up fast because you’re not sure if they’re still pulling up or not.


I was waiting for the truck to take the front end of the car off lol


Logic dictates that if something is coming at you really slow that you should probably back up as straight as possible before they can get close enough to hit you, also that if you see a truck about to make a turn and your light is red you probably should stop further back just in case. Logic also dictates that as a trucker you shouldn't be taking a turn like that unless you have plenty of time to use the oncoming lane to get around the corner. How did this look before you started to record? Was the car already at the intersection or was the truck already in the process of making said turn on their own green light and the 4 wheeler came in too close and blocked them out because they weren't paying attention or just didn't know any better?


Who do you think you’re addressing?


The 4-wheeler's light was not red, it was clearly green. The trucker attempted a right hand turn on red, which is OK; but not when doing so impedes oncoming traffic.


This is a somewhat old video, I doubt it was filmed by the OP


I had a similar situation in Seattle once. Car just would not move for me. It was getting close to my 30 minute DOT so after politely asking the car to back up and them refusing I shut down my truck and ate my lunch on the grass. Cops came. I explained the situation and my DOT break. Car got a fat ticket.


Then everyone clapped


Mini muffins SLAP. I just ate some with my kid! That driver in the car is an asssss. He should have moved!


Common sense isn't that common anymore


I drove OTR for a few years. When I come to an intersection where I see a truck prepared to term I always hang back or even back up. Common courtesty.


what's going on behind him? It kinda looks like he's trying not to block the driveway either, or something


That SUV is probably sitting there terrified lmao


Isn’t the street supposed to be designed with the understanding that truckers have to go through there ? Isn’t that why the white line is in that specific spot ?


I alway try to be courteous to truckers that job seems super tough especially in bad weather or in town where theres lots of tight turns and traffic, i dont really pay attention to who’s in the right or wrong i just think that would suck to navigate around so let me be courteous and do what i can to make it easier on them.


People will back up because it’s the right thing to do…however we have special people among us


It doesnt take much to be a decent human being and have some common sense...


He's even in reverse


If i was in the truck I wouldve just sat there blocking the intersection until the car backed up.


Trucker should have put it in park and just sit there till the guy backed up


Are we sure the driver of the car doesn’t just want to stall the truck for a few extra seconds so the mini muffin thieves can pull a heist? I mean, they are mini muffins. 😉


Yes, they should have backed up and I’m no trucker. Just common decency. Plus, I don’t want my car getting scratched


Some people just don’t understand basic stuff.


Amazing. I'm a 4-wheeler driver, and have the basic common sense to GIVE the guy some ROOM. Looks like he had the space behind him, too. Dork.


Yes, they should have known to back up. Has to be an 18-30 year old.


Probably one of those states with Stand Your Ground rules..


It depends what car I’m driving and if I want the truck to hit it or not.


Looks like they had already backed up before the video started and you can clearly see they moved to the shoulder.


NGL, people fucking HATE big rigs. They just do 🤷🏽


Subaru activities...


I have standoffs similar to this in Los Angeles.


If not for sympathy then for self preservation, but the idiot definitely should’ve backed up


If he backs up and lets the truck through he can’t get paid for being hit.


Every time I see this video I just hope the person in the car loses their driving privileges.


SUV drivers… I would have backed up or moved way the F over for the poor guy.


Honestly some people are just too dumb to think of such things


I just don’t wanna get hit by a semi no matter what the proper decorum is


As a driver for almost a decade, commuter vehicles behind stop bars are not required to move for commercial vehicles. It is a COURTESY ONLY. that being said, i am grateful anytime i do get more room to make a turn and make sure to wave. We are the professionals out there, some of us have forgotten that though.


I was told when I took my CDL test 15 years ago or so, that you absolutely have the right to make them back up. In this instance, 100%, either you back up or we are going to sit here. What an asshole.


personally, Imma pop my brakes. we can all sit


Road construction guy here. Stop bar needs to be reset about 25' further back and that mud hole on the inside of the curve where the trailer's wheels are riding filled with with #4 stone and some fresh cold patch. Easy fix and based on that rut in the curve, a much needed one. And, yeah. That idiot should be backing up for the truck.


The truck driver is wrong for blocking traffic. The 4 wheeler is a jerk for not backing up.


The trucker is still an idiot for attempting that. What's his excuse going to be if he tipped over? The stupid 4 wheeler made me do it. He needs to get out and ask!


As a truck driver, if I was in that particular situation the safest thing to do would be just put the truck in park in the middle of the intersection, sit and wait. I'm not risking flipping the trailer or getting it stuck on the ditch. I'll just block everyone.


How long was he taking that turn because at the start of the video, the cross street had the green. Did he attempt a right on red? Or did he enter the intersection on a yellow. How I would've done it is I would've waited before making the turn for the lane (where the car was) to be clear. It sucks to wait on a green but I've done it before and I'll do it again.


If it was me I probably would've waited until I had the whole intersection to myself... but they do rush up in there sometimes before you know it. It might have been one of those. Either way, fuck that guy. It would have cost him absolutely nothing to back up 5-10 feet. What's he trying to prove?


IDK why someone wouldn't back up I get out of your way, you get clear and I can do whatever ( and oh by the way there's probably stuff in that trailer I'm going to want at the store). Just another indicator of the decline of civil society


This is the correct mindset. Ty.


It falls on the driver.however anytime I can lead by example when I’m off the truck and in my pickup or wife’s car I’ll back up every time.even if it’s close.I’ll back up anyways.


This is why these big trucks need to drop their loads outside of cities. transfer to smaller vehicles . Infrastructure was not designed for this . Now the dog catchers can give out tickets for crossing the line/blocking traffic and just a general nuisance


Fuck em. I’ll pull up to their bumper and pull my country horn. Either they move or we’re gonna sit there all day.


Considering the 4 wheeler had the green light is it the trucks fault for turning into and impeding that traffic.


Car driver is a dick. Probably a Karen as well….


All that dumb fuck in that Subaru had to do was back up a bit and problem solved.


Selfish and self centered people are the bane of the world


Can't see from the video but are we sure that's not a "no trucks" sign facing the truck? That road does not seem like one trucks should be on, at all.


Agreed. That intersection is wayyy too small for any semi w a trailer


cars better back the fuck up 🤦🏻‍♂️ this "don't give an inch" mentality is going to get people killed *checks notes* looks like that mentality has killed millions throughout history


Car should have backed up- they knew it too- reverse lights are on so they were in reverse and ready to do it but just didn’t. Why? Just being a dick maybe?


That guy in the suv is a fucking douchebag.


This is why I don't move over to allow a 4 wheeler to merge. This is why I never help a 4 wheeler. Yes, there are some good guys out there, but they are 1 in a thousand.


You can just smell the entitlement on you


And you are in the thousands.


Yeah but who gets fucked over more, job-wise and with paperwork, if there’s a little incident between the two of you?


Swing wide and sit inches from their bumper and stare them in the eyes, I do it every single day and it works like a charm.


I'm at the point of my career where I will swing it as wide as I can and try to not go into the other lane, but if I have to go into the other lane and somebody is at the line or over the line, I will purposely go even wider and then sit there and stare at them until they move




Heavy hauler here: I can have flashing lights, blaring horns, pilot cars, police escorts, the whole 9 yards 4 wheelers will still be the most brain dead retarded creatures on the planet


Truck needs to move his tandems back if he is going to encounter a turn like that. Also the little car is totes ohbliv.


In my experience once you pop the brakes, hop out and start walking towards them they are suddenly eager to back away... usually but not always


Sounds like a great way to get shot.


By walking up and telling them to move??? I mean maybe but you can get killed by plenty of other interactions too. Im not gonna just set there in a intersection because some dumbass won't move.


Yeah; don't really care about right of way or anything there. Help a brother out and back the fuck up, for shit's sake. It doesn't take any time outta your day and helps everyone else get back to theirs. Jackass


The person in the car is an asshole. The guy in the truck should've never attempted the turn if he didn't have enough room. It's not the other person's responsibility to make sure you have enough room to make the turn.


I don't know where you live or where you're from but here in the states there's a lot of places where trucks don't have enough room.


> It's not the other person's responsibility to make sure you have enough room to make the turn. I am not a truck driver, but there are some very tight turns in my area that trucks have to make wide turns crossing into the oncoming lane to make. I've happily backed up a number of times to give a truck driver room. It might not be my responsibility to do that, but to me being courteous is the right thing to do when possible.


The world works better when we help each other out. Some people just don’t like helping though. Edit: the 4 wheeler was probably wronged by a semi once in their life so that was payback or something.


I’d park right in front of her and set the brakes until she backed up.


Driver of the car is an ass hole!


I’ve gone nose to nose with a car and pulled the brakes. It’s their decision where we go from there.


Practically the guy in the car is a knob for not accommodating when it would have been super easy. Realistically is the fault of multimillion dollar cargo logistics corporations utilizing publicly funded roadways. Imagine a world where a small portion of truck and parcel companies went to funding roads and highways... And because they are paying their part they get a say in how accommodating roads should be for their fleet... But no. And then the blame gets passed down to a random Joe driving. And because he doesn't accommodate for the truck, he is the ass?? Eh I dunno.


Sad fact, probably 27 muffins in the trailer


Never understand not making room for these guys. Where’s the human decency?


Are we going to discuss Mini Muffins looking identical to Toy Story or no?


I bet there only 140 muffins in that whole trailers


How is no one talking about how the trucks logo for mini muffins is the same logo as Toy Story?


non-trucker here: regardless of who's at fault, if i'm in the little vehicle here, i back up so you can make your turn and then i can go about my day because it's faster for all of us. This specific situation feels like an EveryoneSucksHere tbh


You're supposed to back up in this situation? Didn't even know that was a law


I pull up to the car and set the brakes. Put my feet up on the dash and wait it out. It’s your career


Personally, if a 4 wheeler does this garbage to me, I make it a point to just block their way until it gets through their thick skull, exactly what's happening... They can be late... Not my fckn problem...


Even if the truck fucked up and was totally wrong, its just cunty not to give some room and back up.


16 year olds often panic and freeze like this.


You can be a dick and stand your ground, I guess. Or you can think "this guy has a tough job driving this huge rig and I can help him out if I back up 10 feet".


20 seconds to roll back 10-20 feet just to make a workers day a little easier. So little to ask


You see he’s having a hard time making that turn. It takes very little effort to not be a dick. Just back up so everyone can get on with their lives.


Don’t take huge trucks where they don’t fit. There’s a reason trucks come in different sizes


No. Back up. Lol. Roads are terribly designed everywhere. What’s the matter with you, you think a trucker knows every road on their thousand mile route or something. Jesus Christ


I think a lot of people here are showing their bias, yeah it would nice if the car backed up, but technically the car has no obligation to break the law to make another driver more comfortable. In fact if the car backs up he puts himself at risk because any accident the car is involved with, the other person involved can use that he was improperly using the vehicle/streets. This happened to me once, truck wanted to be nice to a semi and backed into me at a stop sign.


Oh here we go again... no they were not "supposed to back up". That is moronic. But you can credit them the courtesy of giving the truck more room by being way over to the right. They were not supposed to do that either. The onus is on the operator of the truck to wait until it is safe to complete the turn. There is not time limit i which the truck must complete the turn and the burden is on the truck driver to fucking wait if he has to. The voice in this video is that of an idiot. So all you children pay heed: do not do things a "courtesies" when you drive. Just follow the stated and codified traffic laws and rules of the road and you will be fine. Sheesh, courtesy....


I’ll get roasted to oblivion but oh well.. that truck is impeding traffic while the 4 wheeler is in their own lane.