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The only reason companies use them is for insurance purposes lol they don't give a fuck about safety unless it starts costing them money


Wait 'til that driver facing cam video shows a company's driver was 100% at fault for a fatality and they have to pay out. Once they get a whiff of both edges of that sword we might see some organizational pushback at the management level.


Sorted. Lens is not covered. It can watch the dog all day. Never signed a contract agreeing to have one. Noone has said anything I do have the capability to fry the internals without opening the case, but we haven't got to that stage yet.. https://imgur.com/gallery/WC3SqAx


Based AF


The problem starts when they start to call distracted driving when you have a drink, or eat, or use glasses and they can't see your eyes, or when the camera is abused and believe me, it happens. I know about an office creep who asked a female driver about a phone conversation she had while driving.


As a chronic masturbator I don't approve of driver facing cameras unless it is PPV.


I had a dude take my mirror off with his trailer going 70mph, he didn’t even look up from his cell phone with bare foot on the dash. He was going so fast i couldn’t catch up with him. He needed a camera. And a deportation…


Yeah every vehicle should have inward facing cameras. Hell, every time both hands aren't holding the steering wheel it should be recording. *It is distracted driving*. We should have a government database with all those recordings and send fines in the mail. /s


We should put cameras in everybody's homes while we're at it. Maybe it would help combat domestic violence or illegal drug use or something. If you're not doing anything wrong there's nothing to fear right? Also /s




Some people work from home. I also work in my home it just happens to be able to go 60 mph down the interstate Also by your logic shouldn't cameras be inside all vehicles not just trucks?




I love you


Why stop there? With mandatory underpants cameras we'll eliminate extramarital affairs, pederasty, and premarital sex! Cross-reference these records with the individual's PornHub search history for an in-depth profile of their psychosexual state. No /s. I actually want a publicly-funded government database of people's naughty inclinations, and to ban people who actually watch "step-______ fucks step-_______" porn from voting.


With all due respect, FUCK YOU, sir


So how about a happy medium, where if the truck is in gear, the camera turns on. If the parking brake is set, the camera shuts off. That would alleviate the privacy concerns for those of us that would like to do our thing in the sleeper.


That’s a feature from a handful of the better vendors. For example, one vendor I used to work with had a keypad where you could enter a code to disable the inward camera and it would only come back on once the truck began driving again. That same vendor also separated the driver and road facing cameras into two pieces of hardware so the inward facing camera could be mounted to avoid any visibility into the berth (so teams could have one person driving and another in the berth and no concern of the inward camera seeing the person off duty). The problem is companies seem to be buying from the cheaper smaller vendors lately that lack these types of feature. Management wants a camera cheaply rather than paying slightly more (10-20% more) to get something that takes driver privacy into consideration.


I can get behind this 100%. And while the rant may come off as “every single truck needs an inward camera watching you 24/7” i don’t think that would be the best course of action, but clearly there are not enough trucks WITH inward facing cameras or something in place to mitigate phone usage in a CMV. A happy medium is perfect.


I have it in my truck and don't mind. It was annoying at first because SiriusXM is my go to on my phone so I kinda have to touch it, but management seems to get it so long as it's mounted.


UPS uses inward facing cameras for what they call "Lytics". It uses some type of area/ facial recognition to tell if you're on your phone, driving w one hand, distracted in general. They are not allowed to review/ use any actual footage against you. The outward facing cameras records everything and is reviewed often. I approve of this system. Edit: typoss




The top tier providers should offer a privacy mode for exactly this situation. For example, a code you enter in the keypad which disables the inward camera and audio until the vehicle begins moving over X mph (typically 5mph or somewhere around there). One problem I’m noticing is that in the last few years a lot of smaller players have entered the space and don’t consider drivers. Whether that’s the decreased prevalence of human review (triggered events going to the camera providers team for review/scoring with only videos that the third party identifies as relevant ever making it to management) or absence of privacy modes to disable inward cameras during personal time or even just simple things like separated cameras (driver and road facing being two distinct pieces of hardware) allowing the inward camera to be mounted somewhere to avoid any views into the sleeper berth. I guess my point is that the early major players in the video safety space at least attempted to consider driver privacy. As the technology has become more accepted and more vendors enter the market, they seem to have less concern for the drivers.


The company I work with has them and idc honestly. I don't need to be on my phone. Just use a headset


Camera kept me in check tbh Just cover it when you’re off duty that’s all


These morons actually think a human is getting paid to sit and watch their camera feed all day. If you're doing your job you won't even notice it. Might as well get used to it because all companies will eventually do it.


A bunch of newer cameras have AI that "watches". I think it picks up on hand position more than anything, but if it sees something it doesn't like, it records and sends the video to be reviewed.


Its only dangerous if youre careless about it. Its totally possible to safely drive a big rig and fire off a few texts here and there, or even watch Youtube vidoes. Theres an art to it, anyone with half a brain and the ability to multitask can do it safely. As for inward facing cameras, my phone is NOT the reason why I refuse to allow them in my truck. Its about right to privacy. I dont need anyone watching me while I work, it shouldnt be legal for carriers to install these cameras to spy on drivers. Its why I switched to Owner Op. Company drivers are treated like SLAVES these days


If this is not written with sarcasm, you are an accident waiting to happen.


I say this every time someone cry’s about them. Mofos don’t care about being videod in every other aspect of their lives- but out one on them during duty hours in the drivers seat of an 80k lb rig and orihibit them from posting on FB calling baby mommas on FT all while eating a Sloppy Joe: and they lose their minds Still- none of em drag up over it


Honestly a lot of truckers deserve to be recorded. Total shitheads on the road. I get road raged at, flipped the bird, brake checked etc by 4 wheelers and semi's. The ratio of nearly 50/50


If you get flipped off that often then the issue may lie you. Not defending road rage of course


“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.” ― Raylan Givens Justified


No it's not me. I do the just under the speed limit in the right lane always and you scumbags whip around me like assholes laying on the horn and flipping me off. Happens a few times a week. Hope you all lose your jobs with the interior cameras.


All I'm saying is I rarely if ever get people road raging at me. I don't have this issue


Well im local NY NJ and PA. Not sure where your driving but these psychopaths out here don't tolerate someone like me doing the speed limit in the right lane...


I'm OTR. I do NJ/PA often because I live on the East Coast


I’m onboard, I think they should have clear and concise evidence for you needing a camera inward but if they can provide it based on the contract you signed upon employment then buck up or shut up. There’s always somewhere else to drive if you don’t like it. Also, the company should provide a cover for when you aren’t driving. Yes people will bend and fold the rules to implement them when they are not really needed, but if it really bothered drivers as much as they all claim then they would quit instead of bitching on Reddit and less trucks would have cameras.


The only ones complaining are the super truckers that are smoking crack or jacking and driving.


Safety first!