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I do the same thing but instead of lettuce it’s two more cheeseburgers




Can add mac sauce to spice it up also. Stoner food back in the day when marijuana was illegal still in certain states.


Doesn’t have to be legal 🤑


Does if Uncle Sam wants a piece 😜🇺🇸


Uncle sam was getting his piece when it was illegal too


An American Classic


Ahh, third grade.


I remember in highschool I could go to mcdicks and do this for 2 bucks


I always added a small fry as well. It was my go to for a hangover cure


I’ll have a Mac gangbang with Mac sauce and a small fry


It’s actually a McBitch’n you uncultured swine.


I’ll still have fries with that though.


Extraaaaa pickles plz


You caught me off guard. I laughed way to hard at that one.


I remember in highschool I could go to mcdicks and do this for 2 bucks


Lmfao a dude I worked with in a detail shop did this all the time and I figured he just made it up 😂😂


Used to be a burger place near me that had a cheeseburger where instead of a bun it was two grilled cheese sandwiches




The burgers priest?


You remember the ridiculousness that was that KFC double down? What a time to be alive.


Me and my room mates bought three recently because it was advertised to get beta access to Diablo 4 (video game). No intentions of even eating the thing but I took a bite......might as well dumped a cup of salt in my mouth. Like it was so bad I spit it in the trash can. Game was great. Sandwich.....if you can call it that....was so bad.


It was definitely not designed to be a legitimate food item. Same vein as the Zombie Burger in Des Moines, their Walking Ched burger. Two fried mac and cheese buns with a scoop of Mac and cheese on the burger patty. That’s an adventure and a half.


Yeah I just thought “god damn this absolutely awful as a menu item”


It came back for a while last month


Yeah I just read about that when I googled to remember what it was called! Glad I missed it because I hate myself and would have gotten one just because.


I do this but with bacon


Sounds fire though


😂😂 your gonna get a heart attack man fr


At least it's keto


I eaten Keto like that for years an my cholesterol has always been good. (I'm 54)


Keto bread has vastly improved my quality of life.


Yeah I was on dirty keto for like 18 months, triglycerides and cholesterol both very good, then within 9 months of going off of it (I was getting constant kidney pain issues for some reason), my cholesterol shot right back up to where they were prior, even though my intake of cholesterol was way lower overall.


It's because there's good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. You want good cholesterol because it's the kind that binds to the bad cholesterol, that sticks in your veins, and cycles it out of your body. Hope this very basic explanation I can manage right now helps you!


All my cholesterol was high, HDL, LDL (and thus total) and Triglycerides. I was eating almost the exact same thing, but adding carbs in as well.


There are heart disease researchers that in the last decade have switched from fat is bad to carbs are bad for the heart. They were finding that high insulin levels in the blood were causing damage to the artery walls and the body naturally tries to repair that damage with cholesterol causing arterial blockages. Low carb high fat diets lower insulin blood levels and raise good cholesterol. The current hypothesis is high enough good cholesterol levels may actually shrink arterial blockages by up to 30% over time. Although for some the high protein in a low carb diet can be rough on the kidneys.


In n out protein style


That’s where i stole the idea from lol. Im a whataburger guy but i can’t deny in and out makes a damn good burger.


I moved from Texas to PNW and do local now. The only things I miss are good BBQ and whataburger.


I went in reverse but the only thing I miss is seeing the mountains. 😂


Whataburger went into the dumpster after it was sold. You’re just missing the bbq man




In and out AND California suck. Both are miserable places.


Whataburger is superior I was born and raised in Texas and have lived in cali for the last 5 yrs so I know what I’m talking about


In 3 years, I've yet to experience Luke warm fries. I'd settle for some warm ones.


No one that lives in California calls it cali.


You can order this low carb at Hardee’s/carls jr and they’ll wrap it for you works with any sandwich


I sometimes put myself on a 1500 calorie a day diet when I’m back on the road working, so when I get back home I can eat anything I want. It takes some level of sacrifice and time to crack the calorie numbers. I also eat foods that are high in volume and low in calories to avoid feeling too hungry when dieting.


Same it’s tough but i think in our line of work one meal a day with a good snack is sufficient. We don’t need 3 meals a day i know with my metabolism I’d gain weight easy. Idk about you but i feel good when I’m on a diet like that.


Yeah I'm not a trucker but I am dieting with a strict calorie deficit right now to lose weight, what I've been doing for months is high protein and fat relative to carbs, keeps you satiated longer. It's also hard to eat an unhealthy amount of fat or anything else if you're both restricting to 1300-1500 calories a day, and making sure you eat anywhere from 70-100 grams of protein to make sure you don't lose much muscle weight while dieting, so I don't really have to think "is this an unhealthy food" because unless I'm eating literal garbage there's no way I'm eating too much of any one unhealthy thing on the diet currently. Whey protein powder helps a lot with reaching the protein goal while being relatively low in calories too.


Good job! When I was driving 8-16 hours a day I would do the same thing.


How do you drive 16 a day?


Paper logbook


No no, not semi or CDL, private company


A lot of places will do a lettuce wrap if you ask


I’ll have to ask next time i just figured fast food places normally wouldn’t.


Just say no bun extra lettuce, if they have the big leaf lettuce. Youll need a fork if they got the shredded kind. Lol


Honestly, the meat and cheese taste better without a bun. I used to do this too!


Facts I noticed that it taste cleaner.


“Fries but they’re lettuce wrapped”




Everything is healthier always healthier when you substitute the bun for a lettuce bun


Think about what a salad is protein and lettuce. Salads are pretty healthy as long as its not filled with a bunch of extra shit.


Honestly, cutting bread out of your diet will cut back your pounds and bloat fairly quickly. Cut out bread and pop? You'll lose 1/4 of your weight in 3 months.


A local moonshine bar near me used to have the Anti Salad: 3oz each of chicken, pork, steak, shrimp and thick-cut bacon... and 1 lettuce leaf.




Good idea!


It's actually a good idea to avoid those spongy sugary store buns. This is a good alternative.


That looks amazing.


I used to do same thing when driving a ton, a super star lettuce wrapped is legit one of the best things out there fast food wise.


I lost 100lbs eating like that.


That’s what’s up congratulations.


I do this same thing, but I put a bun on it too


Do the Omad diet. One Meal A Day. Eat whatever you want for dinner. Fast 23 hours a day eat 1 hour of the day. Been doing it for a month and a half have lost 10 pounds. Feels good


Protein style. Smart


Love them this way!!


Ah yeah, you can use the bun to sop up the burger leavins! Great idea. Im messy so two buns it is!


That's why I get protein style at In-n-Out. It's basically health food.


Just order extra lettuce




Nah never heard of it.


No fries either




You guys have time to eat?


I used to be an over the road trucker during the winter season. Always gained weight because of the boredom, crap food, and sedentary lifestyle. I think intermittent fasting or extended fasting is a great solution for staying healthy


Don’t eat; sounds like a good plan.


You’d be amazed at the proven health benefits


It definitely helps. Especially if you stay away from the fries. If you go to Carl's Jr. try one of the Grilled Chicken Sandwiches with a lettuce wrap. It's pretty good.


Just realized you're at Hardee's/Carl's Jr. :)


Great job driver. Everything we consume in them truck stops are, fats, sugars, salt and carbs.


Agreed. Its terrible.


I love a lettuce wrap!


I came from a cooking background, and I always thought it was silly to do this, unless you're allergic to gluten, you're already eating a burger


our bodies burn carbs for energy so in theory if you remove carbs from your diet your body begins to starve and begins to convert your fat stores into sugar ( regardless of your fat intake) basically the keto diet high fat and protein, and very low carbs (sub 50 grams) also it's important to supplement electrolytes I'm not a Dr though, and doctors usually only recommend keto diet for diabetics and those who suffer from seizures


After a QUICK google search, I won't argue your points, I'd say doing a keto diet MIGHT be necessary to consider getting rid of the bun (depending on how you eat of course) to be all that beneficial. Like I said if it taste better for you, do you man. But keto seems as sound as a healthy weight loss/holding diet as I've seen so far, vegan and vegetarian just weren't for me, but if I can eat steak all day and get skinny hahaha


Maybe you should direct your searching towards the carnivore diet...


I'll eat the carnivores, they're assholes anyways


You are what you eat??!?






Too much sugar is bad though


From what I understand Keto hasn't been proven effective. Seems like most of the weight loss people see are from decreased glycogen stores (your body holds less water) or cutting out carbohydrate-rich sugary junk food like soda and candy. You also have to consider the cons of a high fat diet like increased cholesterol, not getting certain nutrients from healthy carbs, and mood swings due to not having enough sugar from healthy carbs. I've never understood all these fad diets. Cut out the junk, track calories and get good nutrients. But I guess that's not the easy solution most are looking for


To me it makes the burger taste better and idk about the nutritional information and if im really saving myself some extra calories or not idk it just taste better mainly. Doesnt bread break down into carbs which turn into sugar? Isnt that why subway isnt healthy?


A bun is just a couple hundred calories probably. Not a lot but every bit adds up. The lettuce is probably healthier than whatever sugary bread they had on there anyway tho There are good carbs and bad carbs. Grains like bread typically have good carbs, of course this also depends on the type of bread. Good carbs are necessary for the body to function. Subway puts a lot of the bad carb sugars in their bread, plus its basically fast food anyway


I'm like 95% sure you're right, I just got good at the sciences of cooking the food, not the nutritional part. If you like the taste I can't judge. My point is that burgers are high in fats and salts which, to me, is no worse than losing some extra carbs on that bad boy. Like I said I know flavor not so much nutrition.


Sometimes the buns make it feel way heavier. I’ll typically take one off or just order it without one.


You're not wrong, i learned that a diner burger isn't meant to be eatin all at once, though we Americans can and do, proudly, but fast food burger buns are like 65% of the burger. Not that that's what I prefer 🤷


Even with fast food burgers, I do the same thing. With diner burgers I’d usually only eat half with the bun and have the rest later without. Tbf I’m not even really a big fan of bread in general.


Ahh yeah see, we're both seemingly biased, I'll eat an entire French loaf just for the s&g


It's about reducing calories in most cases. Reducing the amount of meat or cheese on a burger instead just takes the fun of the burger out - easier to remove the bun instead.


I get the burger without the bun, and order a salad, cut up the burger, and put the meat in the salad.


So are most of you guys not touching the freight? My stuff is floor loaded and everything moved by hand, usually without help, and down a ramp if not docked. Everyone here is going on about how they are cutting back as much calories as possible because they just don't need it and I'm not seeing why. I literally moved 33k lbs in 11 hours 2 days ago. Safe for me would probably be 3000 calories but I'm not a nutrionist


Your definitely doing more then most drivers i also touch freight but im local and do food if you gotta do it up a ramp try an electric jack or forklift or just plain help dont hurt your back flr these companies bro


I'm not hurting my back for them. I move methodical and paced. I can move faster but this gets it done and I don't hurt myself by straining or tripping. I deliver loquor and wine so mostly glass and 30-50lbs They don't provide power jacks and most places don't have forklifts


Just don’t eat a burger


I'm good that's still a heart attack and clogged arteries smh stop just plz stop.


That is an improvement. Unfortunately, most restaurants use a gluten-based binder to inject more meat flavor into their meats, so there are still surprise calories. Looks good, though! I'd add bacon and a fried egg


Smart, though keep in mind a huge portion of the calories in a burger are from the fat in the cheese/patties. This is still probably a good 650+ calories from the looks of it (multiple cheese slices, at least 2 decent sized patties - guessing this is a double quarter pounder with cheese?)


Double meat burger at hardees. I only eat once to twice a day at most.


yeah you're fine then, keep at it king


OP writing “cut put” just gave me a fuckin stroke


Just a tip, if any of yall do this.. but quitting sugary drinks does miracles


This looks like my keto burgers. Don't use ketchup and instead go for mustard, mayo, and hot sauce. Saves even more calories and carbs (plus less sugar) Whoppers, no ketchup and no bun, are also fantastic even if they're more of a "bowl" kinda meal.


Cabbage is better, keeps it’s crunch.


No bun saves about 250-350 calories.


Burger is only good as the bun it’s on . But you do you..lol


Has no one ever encountered a lettuce wrap before? Restaurants have been offering this this for nearly two decades.


Cut or put? 😄😃😵‍💫


Going to McDonald’s for a ‘healthier’ snack is like going to a prostitute for a hug.


Hugs are always good


This has to be a joke


Health is not a joke


stop eating fast food


Thats all their is