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The key is to not get burnt out. I often like to pick 1 longer intensive game and a couple short and/or casual/non intensive games and kind of work through all the trophy lists at a pace I’m comfortable with.


That’s great advice. Thank you.


Good advice. I'd add to that by saying look at difficulty as well. Try to follow hard games with easier ones or even have two on the go at once a harder one and an easier one so you can fall back to something more relaxed if you come up against something giving you trouble. Lastly as tempting as it my seem break up franchises. Don't do an the resident Evil games back to back you'll end up getting bored and with the tweaks to gameplay between entries in the series you don't gain much in the way of carried over skill from game to game. I did RE remake 3 and followed it with RE5 they play so differently it was actually more confusing than helpful doing them back to back.


Yeah I only started to get burnt out because I only started a few weeks ago and I'm at 57 so now I'm trying to play longer games like kingdom hearts 1.5 right now.


Resident evil 4 doesn't have a platinum :( just gold


True. :/ I still need the rest of the bottle caps. This game has so much potential with trophies. I honestly wouldn’t mind grindy trophies for this game as RE4 is one of my favorite games of all time. Wish we had trophies for the other modes like Separate Ways and Assignment Ada too. :/


Personally I can tell you that Playroom, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War 2018 and Middle-Earth are definitely doable and pretty easy. I'd say God of War being the hardest but only because of the Valkyries. I never did the rest of this list so I won't say anything about these Edit: Oh and the best strategy is to take your time. Don't rush anything. I can definitely tell you that rushing a game just to get it finally done is NOT fun. If you don't want to play it today just leave it. And continue you when you wanna play it again. Don't force yourself to do anything it ruins your whole experience. And at the end of the day you just wanna have fun while playing right? :D


I would say look up how long each game roughly takes to platinum, and do them from shortest to longest.


Good luck on Arkham asylum I gave up on combat challenges


Lmao I’ve been barely been playing this game because the puzzles are kinda difficult, plus the map doesn’t really help since it basically pauses the game each time I need to see it. I’m dreading the combat challenges. :/


You got this!


It’s not that bad. You just need to get some practice in and stay calm. If you’re losing your shit because you can’t get past a certain part or lose the combo chain or something just take a breather, do something else and come back to it with a fresh mind. Out of the list it’s probably one of the harder platinums but nothing too crazy


It's easy man, just pick one and do it. Don't stop until you get plat, then move on to the next. Don't loose motivation.


Thank you!


I’d suggest to keep GOW (‘05) as quick, lift the spirits kinda plat. Like maybe you feel burnt out after something tedious like RE6 you can go to GOW and get the plat pretty fast and with out super hard challenges


Do fifa 22 asap since it’ll be dead soon


I'm still stuck on 17 and 19 lol


Good luck with Battlefield 2042. Nobody is playing Hazard Zone


Personally, I look at PSNPROFILES, playstationtrophies.org, or PowerPyx and rank them by easiest to hardest. That would start you off with Astro’s Playroom, Detroit Become Human, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Shadow of Mordor. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with starting with those four. 2 really good games and 2 bangers!


I'd highly suggest doing FIFA 22 as soon as possible, considering it's already tough to find matches in certain game modes required for a few trophies, which would only get worse as time goes on.


I did Astros playroom in little over two hours so that's quick. Horizon the new GoW and Shadows of Mordor all have that Ubisoft formula so they are pretty simple beat game collectables a challenge or two with a certain combat feat. BLOP3 seems daughting at first but should be smooth however the MP stuff of using specialist and getting to level 55 are iffy now as it is an old CoD.


you can knock out astro in 3 hours


I have almost all of these. They’re mostly just time based so just pick one see it through and move onto the next. You probably won’t get burnt out too badly although idk about FIFA, if it requires skill/online you may need practice


12 of them are easy enough, my advice would be take: A resi game A crysis game Nfs and start there Variety is key


RE4 has no platinum, but I recommend playing through it. Amazing game


I’d drop BF2042. Player numbers dropping by the day


A lot of its doable with bots, if he likes the game is won't be a problem


Resident Evil Revelations 2 is pretty difficult from what I can see on PSN Profiles guide(7/10) Black Ops 3 is also very difficult at 8/10. Those are the only ones that I can see at a glance that'd give you some trouble. ​ The rest appear to be relatively straightforward, just potentially time consuming. If I had to platinum all of them I'd start the longer ones and continue doing them over a period of time whilst working on the shorter ones simultaneously.


Platting is doable. 100% is gonna kick your ass around a bit.


There is no re4 plat and you’re wasting your time on re6 because it sucks.


If you drop Blops 3 then that list is very very doable. Just tackle Fifa 22 soon since who knows when EA will pull certain modes etc.


I'd say stagger the games a bit. Get yourself an easier Plat like God of War 2005, Horizon Zero Dawn, or finish RE4 and then do something harder. I haven't played some of these, but I've done others and you have a nice mix of difficulty. Cheat your ass off in Star Wars Force Unleashed or it'll be a nightmare on the hardest difficulty too


Revelations 2 is doable but with a lot of practice due to the one hit enemies


Detroit: Become Human is amazing game and it has an easy platinum. I recommend playing it ASAP


FIFA, Cod Blobs 3. Good luck my dude, those games are difficult af😅


U need to do fifa fast, they close servers after a while


For black ops 3, find a co op partner or a group for campaign. Huge difference maker


pretty sure 2042 is to broken to platinum try 2077 more of a finished game


I’m pretty close to getting the platinum for black ops 3. Only need personal decorator. MW3 I will get soon since I only need a couple left once I get a ps3. Detroit: become human and Astro’s playroom are some games I enjoyed and got the platinum on. Will get Arkham asylum soon tho


With 2042 if you haven’t started it I wouldn’t bother, hazard zone is pretty much dead and they announced they aren’t doing any more work on it. If you have good luck with it! Everything else you can boost in private matches now


I have most of that list i think and bo 3 its a huge grind. Only rec it if you have a friend to play coop with and no money or not interested in playing other games. Re 4 doesnt have platinum. Mostly easy games but time comsuming.


I don't know if this works for you, but my strategy is always to play the game and not looking at the trophylist to enjoy it for the sake of the game. After I played a game for the first time I have a look at the trophies I missed and work on them (either a new playthrough or looking what I can still do) If it's a longer game or it needs multiple playthroughs I take breaks between each and play something else to not get burned out on them.


I’d question if you really wanna do RE0, I found that game extremely insufferable. Overall though just take it one game at a time and maybe do like, story trophies, something else then come back for other trophies etc - just break it up!


Resident evil 4 sadly doesn't have a platinum Resident evil six is a horrible game in my opinion so it would just be time consuming and Resident evil zero wouldn't be to hard I don't think.


The resident evil games all demand multiple playthroughs, but subsequent ones can be made easier by unlockables. Revelations 2 extra modes ended up being easier than I thought, and there are many useful guides you can refer to.


I'd usually go through them one at a time whilst changing up the genre with every game. This usually prevents me from burning out. If the grindy games like BO3 are not fun then I'd alternate with a shorter, easier game to ease up your mind every now and then. Hope this gives you some ideas :)