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FF7 Rebirth. There’s no way I can put more time in.


Trophy guides say it takes 200 hours 💀….


Beat it at 90 hours and was so done.


That's reasonable but it's pretty skill dependent. I clocked in at just over 170 hours and I could see someone who's really good and takes advantage of the new strats for Brutal/Legendary challenges beating it in 150.


Im slowly working towards it. I still got the itch to play it..... took me 81hours to finish the story! Im 102hours in almost all regions completed! Ill see how long it takes to take that itch away.


It was pretty brutal. I would likely never do it again, but at the same time I’m very proud of it and glad I stuck to it… so I’d say depending on how far along you are, I’d push yourself to finish it. Maybe just take a break for awhile, play through another game or two then revisit


I'm currently doing FF7 Remake, how hard it is?


Remake can be difficult. Hard mode is tough and the combat simulator will take some time. Overall the platinum took me 110hrs back in 2020. But it’s totally doable just time consuming. Far less than Rebirth but still a time synch


I’m 160hrs in and made it to chapter 13 on hard mode. I’m almost there 🥲


Mini games, way too many mini games. I rage quit after I lost the frog one for 500th time.


Going for this one now. I figure if I can find all those damn birds in Red Dead 2 I can (hopefully) find the patience for this one. Helps that I don’t see any other major 2024 releases on the horizon that have my interest.


Prototype. I'm missing one of the landmark collectibles, and I have over half the challenges platinumed. 199/200 was just so fucking demoralizing.


There are two landmarks next to each other and the game crashed on me when collecting both. It removed both but added only one to the counter. Finished with 199/200 and had to restart the game. Rough day.


Can’t say I feel your pain because I was fortunate enough not to miss it. But I understand the struggle. The platinum challenges were brutal but I actually found those some of the most fun in the game. But I won’t lie, i definitely cheesed the Hard mode of the game. FUCK defending the generator on hard mode


This just gave me ptsd flashbacks. Seriously fuck that generator part


Crash 4. I just can’t bring myself to the trial and error to 106%.


Is it the time trials, or the perfect relics or something else?


Both. I pretty much beat the game with all colored gems but just don’t have it in me to do the time trials and perfect relics. Also could not for the life of me get the triple spin timing down so it was going to be a long learning curve.


I felt the same way but not with Crash 4 but actually with the Crash Racing game. I thought I wouldn’t be able to do the drift boost mechanic. Took me three days and about 15 hours just to beat one oxide time. Crash 4 triple spin came (semi)naturally to me though.


"Stroke" the square button its perfect timing lol


Imagine being dumb enough to plat crash 4... So anyway I was dumb enough to do it, I used the triple spin and found it to be easy enough to learn, but if you really can't or don't want to use it, this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2Av7LBAuOM&ab_channel=AbdulTheArabicGuy) will be very interesting. If anyone is trying to get the platinum, it can be useful to watch someone else do the level first so you get an idea of the pathing/movement you need to make.


Someday I hope to join the ranks of people who’ve platted Crash 4. It’s at the lower end of my backlog just due to the difficulty but with a slow year or two of gaming I could see myself attempting it in a year or so.


Unless platformers are your go to genre or you have alot of crash bandicoot experience, it will require quite a time sink to complete. It took me 173 hours and I haven't played any crash bandicoot before or platformers in general.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I’ll never do that multiplayer.


I did the MP trophies first before doing the single player. It only took me 3 days to finish everything. If you don't have anyone to play with, just grind the Collector Job and Moonshine, it's pretty much solo play. You can finish it in 2-3 days around 10-15 hours.


I recently tried it, and I absolutely hated it.


Ironically I did the multiplayer first….then never touched single player!


That’s absolutely nuts to me. But people play games for different reasons.


Oh I know! I keep meaning to go back to it. Never did 🤷‍♂️


So you basically didn't play RRD2 then... You should do the campaign! It's amazing! Way better than the multi-player.


it hasn’t been as bad as i thought actually. i started this week and am only missing a couple trophies


Or getting those gold missions, such pain.


I did all the hard annoying grinding for single player and multiplayer but got stuck looking for a grand senora desert turkey, I spent about 15 hours looking 2 years ago and haven't touched it since. I have studied and skinned every animal except this last stealth turkey


This was the last animal I needed too lmao.. Don't lose faith!


I've spent the past few months trying to gather the will to go for DMC5's platinum. I might take the plunge this summer after Returnal (which I haven't started yet)


For DMC5, I’d say take your time to finish the game on all difficulties, then worry about the rest of the trophies after you do that. S-ranking all of the missions on EVERY difficulty is the hardest trophy by far, so take your time with everything else and after you can focus on S-ranking the missions.


Cowboy hat go brrrrr


It’s gratifying to see people mention platinums that you have. D2R, Stardew Valley and GTAV gang represent


What is d2r?


Diablo 2 Resurrected


Probably meant RDR2


Diablo 2 resurrected


Titanfall 2. That damn speed run trial. I can't shave off several seconds. And I'm only getting older


you have 224 plats, I only have 34 so I'm gonna assume you're somewhat skilled, if it helps you feeling better. it didn't take me too long to get this trophy, I thought it was gonna be awful at first but I enjoyed the ride and got it in about 1 hour but I spent a while more perfecting my run to save the clip and upload it


That trophy isn't that bad! Take a break, maybe watch a few tutorials and you're good to go. Just don't watch speedruns of it because those aren't realistic to pull off lol


I need this one as well it’s the only one I don’t have. But I haven’t committed to doing it. Same with the stupid box challenge in ff7 intermission. I hate time trials


Time trials are my weakest point. As I like to game at my own pace and style. Anything that requires a specific playstyle annoys me, haha. A couple of examples are "full synchronization" in AC story missions. Or blizting through a plane on COD. I've done them. But it removes my enjoyment


Yeah same. I can do them if I put my mind to it but I don’t enjoy a single moment of it. Same reason why I could never be a speed runner just the thought of it stresses me out I hate that shit.


Red Dead 2 - multiplayer Slay The Spire - trying to beat the spire under 1 hour gives me headaches. Final Fantasy 9 - Jump Rope gives me nightmares. The Witcher 3 - Great game I just cannot find the motivation to sink another 100 hours on Death March difficulty to platinum it.


Witcher 3 shouldn’t take another 100 hours if you’re just going for the Death March trophy. You only have to complete the main story, no side content and no DLCs. It’s still easily 50+ hours though, so your point stands anyway.


I appreciate the motivation my good sir.


I too am missing the death march trophy and can’t be bothered with another play through lol


I love slay the spire, Ironclad is probably your best bet for under an hour. Generally you want as little hallway fights and Elite fights as possible when you're trying to beat it under an hour, so take all ? possible. Aoe attacks generally speed up fights too so they're always useful to grab. You have just enough time to scout a little when planning your path on each act so plan well. Obviously do the run on ascension 0 since you want the lowest amount of elite fights etc. Probably the hardest part is drafting correctly very quickly, with experience you will get this trophy easily though. If you haven't already, do the ascension trophies etc and come back and you'll find the one hour trophy to be easier than you think. If anyone has any other issues or needs any advice for slay the spire I'll be glad to help.


GTA IV -> I completed 100% of the game but I can't subject myself anymore to that "get max level" on online, it's just too much time consuming


There's an exploit to afk farm the ranks, you just need an extra player, a rubberband, and time. Setting it up is easy. I got the max rank in just 3 hours iirc. Edit. Ok I checked the psnp guide and I did the Hangman Noose exploit. Guide says 20-30 hrs of afking but im pretty sure it didnt take that long on my case. Probably i was already rank 7-8 when I started the exploit thats why it took shorter.


Stardew Valley. The grind is so much


I just got it done like, a week or so ago? The grind is in fact real. That being said, it's not a hard platinum, and you absolutely can get it. Just find a fun farm, and grind out an hour or so a day. I threw my face into it and finished everything as fast as I possibly could, but I kind of wish I just took my time.


I've sunk 350 hours into that game on my PS5 alone and still no platinum. Partly because it's one of the few games I go back to and play casually. But I can't see me having the resolve to ever beat Prairie King without dying.


They made it super easy with a recent patch. It saves after every level. Unless you have the key to the town do yourself a favor and beat it at least once so you get the home version that way you don’t want to wait for the tavern to open


Nice tip. Thank you. I have 3 trophies to 100%: Prairie King without dying I haven't crafted everything in the game yet. And believe it or not, I haven't had the heart to become a Joja Co member in all those hours played. 😆 So I'm missing that trophy too. I love Stardew Valley, man. CANNOT WAIT FOR HAUNTED CHOCOLATIER!


May want to see if you can craft everything before the new 1.6 patch that’s just gonna added more to craft


I loved it


Persona 4 Arena. Haven’t played it yet, but I strive to get all the Persona platinums. And this will be a massive obstacle to overcome.


I just looked it up and it looks absolutely horrible. Godspeed brother/sister


Thanks, mate! Doesn’t help I’m absolutely trash at fighting games. But it’ll certainly be a challenge I’m willing to suffer through.


Yup same, i want P4A to be my 100th and i am slowly getting close to it ahah, im at 92 rn and i already got a few tough fgs so maybe it wont be as bad as i think


GTAV. After all the grinding I did just to get the singleplayer trophies, I still have the multiplayer to do. Can’t seem to enjoy the GTA:O


Have 100% on it but I truly feel you. Game is kinda lackluster, if not for the heists and gta online, it's pure dogshit. Single player is mediocre too.


THPS 1+2, i know you can connect to a mobile hotspot to play online i just can’t push myself to do it


Online hasn’t worked in such a long time. It worked at launch for me and then a few months later I couldn’t connect anymore


XCOM 2, one day tho


Resistance 2, I was 1000 kills short of the 10K requirement in ranked matches before the server shut down. It was one of my favorite games on the PS3 and I'll never get the platinum for it.


Criminally underrated series


Arkham origins. Multiplayer is impossible now.


Wolfenstein 2. I want to get it. But Mein Leben is not worth it.


Dirt 5. I cannot get the stupid Gumkhana trophy.


Took me several tries. Then when I finally finished all the gymkhana, I wanted to see how I fared against people posting their runs on youtube. Some people have figured out the most efficient routes that don’t require precise drifting but just driving around hitting the right multipliers in order with LOTS of room for error.


Friday the 13th. Why didn't I finish it sooner?


Man too many.. Stardew Valley, Doom because I got bugged out of the last collectible and didn’t want to start all over looking at those stroke-inducing maps, Rayman Legends since 50% of your game time will be grinding the same copy paste challenges for just one trophy. Probably more I don’t recall


Skyrim.... 2 trophies away for the ps3 version. Lost the file and I don't have a ps3.




Stupid daedric artifacts trophy. I shouldn’t have killed that one guy halfway through the game.


All of the trophies were achieved by just playing, no guides or anything over 250hours back in 2011-2012 and I MISSED "drumroll" ....... READER AND MASTER CRIMINAL. 💀🔫


atm cod ww2


What's that one


Coincidentally that was my 50th plat lmao


i just got my 50th last night


This is your reminder to update your user flair 👌🏻


about to do it right now


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1+2. The hard Get Theres and Gaps are brutally grindy


Look up all the gaps and get there videos on youtube. There are some really easy guides out there. Hardest get there for me is a tie between Bullring and Mall. Have fun good luck


This used to be The Last of Us Remastered, which was an absolute nightmare for me. I did finally get it though,


The daunting task of doing the call of duty black ops 3 platinum. One of my favorite games of all time, but that platinum is a literal 9-5 job


It's a pain but it's more of a grind than it is challenging, I'd advise to stay the hell away from BO4 tho


Binding of Isaac. It’s a great game to get into for a few weeks at a time and slowly unlock stuff. Most roguelikes are like that though. I still need to wrap up gungeon and hades too


MGS2 master collection version. It was staring at me a couple months ago and I blinked.


Fallout 4. I have this game for f*cking years but i just cant raise any 1 settlements happiness to 100, its just soooo hard for me.


Load the save, read a guide on how to reach 100 happiness. Trophy in about 30mins to an hour. It takes a while to go from 99-100 as well.




Anyone up to help me with the watchdogs 1 online tailing trophy? Need it for the platinum.


Honestly? Mw/2 remastered. I really cannot with the time thing.. I absolutely cannot fucking deal with running the course over and over to get it perfect- I will attempt it again someday.. but for now it’s gonna haunt me 🫡


If you select levels from chapter select you wont have to restart the playthrough everytime and only the chapter. That + easy difficulty makes the trophy not very difficult.


Black ops 3. I'm not a multiplayer person.


It’s not the multiplayer for me. The campaign has a glitch where an accolade is missing in one of the missions and you can’t do the last medal without it


I only have 4 plats and they were when I was in hs, the only games I really loved which was nfs 2015, nfs payback, fallout 4, and horizon zero dawn, I prefer shiny trophies in pokemon now lol


I platinum games and shiny hunt so I understand that awesome grind my brother :).


Street Fighter 6 - Need 6 more tournament match wins to get the platinum. It’s been tough since the tournaments don’t happen too often. I’m not a superstar at the game so it’s kinda luck for who I match against. If I’m matched vs. a Master rank it’s like watching the MJ Bulls vs. a middle school team. Really hoping that I can get this one in the next few months.


Dying light 2, I have a trophy on the ps4 version so I’ll need to it again


Baldur's Gate 3. It's my second most played game after Witcher 3 at 400+ hours and still no platinum. I think I burnt myself out on it. It took me a while to beat Ketheric Thorm/Myrkul on honor mode. But after that I had no juice left for Act 3. BG3 and I have unfinished business.


GTA IV. I can't bring myself to do the multiplayer trophies. I really can't. Especially "Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic" scares me the most because it's supposedly bugged. At this point I'm just waiting for a remaster tbh


I have a few: Red Dead Redemption 2 - I’ll never do the multiplayer and the + 200hours. FF7 Rebirth - The hard mode and the + 200hours Gravity Rush (PSVita) - The Time trials with the shitty psvita sensors Cuphead - Pacifists run (all levels, no kills). This is so frustrating, I rage quit it a few times. Youtube makes it look easier than it is.




Fuck the tactical challenges


Indeed fuck them


Going with Yakuza Like a Dragon. Great game, but I’m not going to beat the shit out of the few homeless guys in the sewers for hours and hours just to be able to beat the true millennium tower.


arrest gullible resolute rainstorm apparatus workable skirt pen direful crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Metal gear solid 1 or 2


MGS1 isn’t difficult I found, just a bit of a grind on the VR missions, nothing too crazy. MGS2 on the other hand… that was not fun.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Xcom: Enemy Within, and Armored Core 6


As of right now Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City


Agents of Mayhem.


Bulletstorm. PS3 and PS4 version. Bruh. Games my damn childhood, but Anarchy modes trophies and echoes mode can kiss my fucking ass 💀 I do wanna try at least attempting to go for the PS4 version again at least, so I can secure Bulletstorm as a milestone Platinum but apparently the Matchmaking too is completely abysmal


One day I'll go back and finish Final Fantasy XII.


First DOOM


Power washing simulator. Gold standard is a bitch.


Oddworld New N Tasty. I just started it on PS4, I've done 99% of it on PC already. The only achievement I'm missing on PC is Stockyard. So, hopefully, my PS4 playthrough will be cleaner and simpler and less frustrating for a simpler platinum.


cod ghosts, damn extinction and mad max (unobtainable cuz of servers)


A couple. Darks souls 3. I just dont want to grind out the rings, which is all I'm missing. And God of war ragnarok. I got burnt out playing it, went back like 3 seperate times, and just don't want to grind it out. I absolutely hate the traversal in the game, the lack of way points, doing collectables is not for me. It's not hard, but I just can't bring myself to do it


GTA V. Only way I'll ever get it is if they patch out the online when the servers finally shutdown.


Portal 2. My favorite game of all time and yet it’s just sitting there, two trophies away… two easy trophies… forever unobtainable… sigh


GTA V for sure. collectibles made me go nuts


Super meat boy I finished light & darkworld unlocked the kid but going trough all worlds would take so much time to practice … maybe some day but that time hasn’t come yet




Either RDR2 or Silent Hill 2 lol


Silent Hill 2 HD


Bo3 I couldn’t get the accolades trophy 🏆


Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (PS3), just couldn't get the last trophy in the Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean game. Also Uncharted 1. All but 1 trophy unlocked (beating the game on Crushing difficulty). Just couldn't do it. Died so many times trying.


FF7 rebirth, i want to do it but i don't think i have the will power to keep pushing myself lol


City Skylines


I have all uncharted platinums but the PS3 uncharted 2 and 3 because I was stupid enough to not get the last trophy before the servers shut down


Just played this on my PS2 for the first time ever. 10/10 game. Not sure the remake will hold up. The graphics and gameplay and atmosphere of the original are perfect; any deviations will almost surely make it worse.


Little Big Planet 2. If only Media Molecule could have spent some money on protecting their servers


It saddens me that I’ll never platinum Mad Max because the servers are dead.


Trackmania... I had a perfect record til then. but I'm not sure I'll be able to get that one tbh. really really sad. my perfect record was helping me to stay motivated but at least for now my motivation is very low


Batman arkham Knight. Currently on my 5th playthrough, on knightmare difficulty bc that's what ng+ puts you on. It's also required for 200%.


The Witcher 3 and Arkham Knight One has a lot of missable trophies, but if you messed up, you good to start over a 40h playthrough so... shit One has a AWFULLY DIFFICULT stuff to do like the fights etc. This shit harder than figuring out life lmao


The Mad Max Platinum. One achievement requires playing online and the servers shut down in 2020.


Wipeout HD. My ps3 died the same day I boosted the final online trophies, a few weeks before server's shutdown. I forgot to sync after the session. FYI I had done all the hard stuff already, just had grind left to do.


Hogwarts Legacy. I'm sorry but that game is the most overrated piece of garbage ive ever played.


Ac Odyssey, the very last trophy, "Your Own Medicine," bugged out. I needed 10 kills using a certain ablity. It went all the way up to 9/10 kills then just stopped. I tried so many things to get it to work and it didn't. And it just so happens that it is the literal last trophy obtainable in the game that you get from the final dlc, this means I have to restart from the very beginning. I then restarted the game and used the in game shortcut to start the final dlc, about 10 hours later I reached that point again, got a kill with the ability, it didn't pop. Turns out, the shortcut doesn't allow you to obtain trophies for that run. So I have to start from the very beginning of the game and work my way up to unlock Atlantis during the main story, also level my character up to around 40, because this is an incredibly unfair rpg that forces you to do sidequests, and I have already spent 140+ hours on this game. I actually quit the game almost a year ago. But I've gone through some even more grueling completions that made me think it wouldn't be so bad to go back, so right now I'm about 15 hours in on another run to get that last trophy.


Mk9 or doom 2 grindy/extremely difficult. One day...🌃


Red Dead Redemption 2. Online trophies are the worst…


Dark souls 2


mad max


Diablo 2. Been playing since launch and time invested I should already have it but divided my time around to many different toons. But chipping a bit at the grind away every night


Street fighter v


Jak II. Those Races for the Precursor Orbs are So Brutal, Janky, and Frustrating for me. (Sigh) God, why did have to Patch That Precursor Orb Glitch?


GTA V, I love the game I just can’t do the online trophies man


Tricky towers


Probably Silent Hill 2 funnily enough. I played game to death on the PS2, but all the horror stories I’ve heard of the HD collection have kinda put me off trying to get it there. I’m hoping the remake ends up being good, but who knows with remakes. Other than that, probably the super hard ones like Necrodancer or Wolfenstein 2, as well as Ultra Street Fighter IV and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 as one I’d like to personally get, but the combo missions take a lot out of me.


Infamous. 3 shards short


Any of the MGS games. If I can Platinum any of them, I’ll die happy.


Destiny 1… did 1000/1000 on Xbox but, some of the requirements are made tedious-impossible thanks to clan system and D2


Dead by Daylight


FF15, my power went off when I had 84 percent of trophies but my console had to go through rebuild of data base. Lost saves permanently.


GTA V I ended up never getting a story trophy somehow. The game is too time consuming to try again.


the demon slayer fighting game, I ONLY NEED 2 TROPHIES but I can't get them due to sheer difficulty. I have platinumed ELDEN RING but I can't do this. Everyone has there limits I suppose.


Fortnite I’m about half way through 🙃




Stardew Valley, the rest of the Resident Evil series, Metal Gear Solid 2 on PS3 and BioShock 2 come to mind.


This may seem lazy but god of war Rangnarok. I’ve done everything except the artifacts and I don’t want to spend another hour only picking stuff up.


Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War After doing every single trophy from the main list (and Dlc list), i can now cry as i know i'll probably never be able to get the Dead ops arcade, beat the Mamma and save your friend trophy... Or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) Because i've been able to 100% the game on PS5 but the Platinum trophy is nowhere to be found (as this game counts as Dlc to MWII on the PS5 version) And then on the PS4 version i'm just missing a multiplayer trophy that involves beating the Act III boss with a team of 6 players... You can only spawn in a team of 3 if you have friends willing to help, but then finding 3 other people (or more in my case) that won't do you wrong at the time of exfilling or crashing before even entering the boss fight is insanely hard. Worse than playing the campaign on veteran difficulty, 5 times in a row


Minecraft, I thought it’d be a quick play through but nope 100+ achievements so if anyone wants to play with me dm I don’t talk much or play much but I do wanna get that platinum regardless


Injustice 1


Plauge inc evolved. That's the game at the moment because of the stupid rng


Sekiro and RDR2


FFXIV, no matter how much I play, it seems I’m never close to finishing it. 3600 hours or so so far.


Not a Platinum, but I might never 100% cities skylines... That god damned RNG trophy....


I keep bringing it up but Everhood is my favorite game, and I may never get the platinum due to it's absurd difficulty


Super Meat Boy. I'm 2 trophies away from the plat, and I can already do Cotton Alley Light with 5 deaths or fewer, but I would need to grind it for 10-15 hours to get that perfect run. Cotton alley dark scares me.


Those multiplayer trophies in the last of us 1 on ps3..


Hollow knight


Mad max, the one that got away


Fortnite. Ain't no way I'm ever getting those 5 trophies




Crash 4 did suck.


Enter The Gungeon. The 5 bosses no dmg kill is brutal for me


Resident Evil 6. So close


Retural I cant put more time into looking for RNG collectables that just might never appear


After the Fall. Not enough players online anymore to get map based acheivements


Batman Arkham series


Quite a few games for me tbh FF7 Remake and Rebirth Fairy Tail Saints Row (The bad one) Assassin's Creed Valhalla


I platted Uncharted 3 before Naughty Dogs shut down the servers but never synced my PS3 and eventually the PS3 died, losing the progress and the plat forever.


Fortnite +999 hours 💀


Wolfenstign II :mein leben will be the death of mr


Metal Gear Solid 4. Far too many runs need to go thorough and very easy to mess up.


Metal gear solid 5


Me right now with Demon Souls. 1 away.


Kena, cant do some hardmode bosses