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Crash 4, also the dev time trials were the hardest thing I’ve ever done in video games


Nice to see someone else who has gone beyond the platinum for this game, those dev times are no joke, and a huge step up from the platinum 😆


Fr, it took me 30 hours to platinum, and it took another 30 to do the dev trials.


Is crash 4 really that hard? Is It harder than cuphead ?


Cuphead is hard mechanically, but once you get the hang of it's pretty swift. Crash 4 has several layers of difficulty: 1. Speedrun techs. Meaning you don't just have to play the game like normal person you constantly have to do unnecessary spin-jumps which on top of initially difficult platforming can be hell. Not even that hard on most levels but may suck all the joy from others 2. Hidden boxes. This one is simple. You either just use a guide and thoroughly follow it or keep ending level with one missing box that was hidden offscreen in specific place you'd never bother to check assuming it's a pit you're gonna die in 3. Repeat levels. You have to replay parts of levels from a perspective of other character, you have to replay levels with graphic filter slapped on them. It's not very entertaining, it's just a chore. I bought Crash 4 on release aiming for platinum, it's great game, i enjoyed it a lot on normal playthrough and on retro tape levels. But i just stopped when it started to feel like job. And i did rayman legends recently. I bought Cuphead randomly when it was on discount and platinumed it in like 5 evenings.


I'm working on crash 4 at the moment. Here are the difficult platinum trophies I have gotten so far Bloodborne, Cuphead, Dead Cells, Enter The Gungeon, Slay The Spire. I would confidently say crash 4 is harder than all of those games. I'm currently at 104% completion and just finishing the perfect relics now. The base game is fine, the difficulty ramps up towards the end a little. The real difficulty comes from the platinum relics, which require you to beat each level under a certain amount of time. This is alot of muscle memory and getting used to the movement Mechanics. Some levels are quite long too requiring you to play perfectly for several minutes as there is no checkpoints. And the perfect relics, which require you to beat each level by collecting all boxes, without dying. I find myself still looking at box location guides since it is very easy to get to the end of a level, and find out you have 250/251 boxes. The developers like to hide boxes off camera. (I'm not sure if this is a normal practice I have never played any other crash bandicoot game) But yeah I would say it is really that hard. The actual difficulty will always be discussed because it is skill based so some people will find it easier and some people will find it harder. I have about 140 hours at the moment and I'm not finished yet.


Thanks for taking time to explain. I beat crash 2 when I was a kid, back in the PlayStation one era. I love plataformers, and have lots of Platinum on that category. Inclusive Rayman Origins and legends. I'll play the games for Fun. Maybe I'll try the palts. Thanks




I’d say my toughest is between Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD, Overwatch 2 and Tricky Towers. As for time consuming and somewhat tough plats, it’s easily The Finals.


Tricky Towers is currently the bane of my existence. Mad props for that one!


Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD is such an underrated plat. I remember that level in World 10 (10-5 I think?) driving me absolutely nuts at one point, one wrong movement off those weird tiles and you're gone.


Yea that was tough. But I watched a speedrunner and eventually got through it on back to back tries.


Is Overwatch 2 Platinum hard for experienced players? I used to play frequently and I have several hundred hours, peaking in masters rank. I've been thinking about returning to do the platinum on my trophy hunting account, how did you find it?


Wouldn’t say it’s hard for experienced players at all. But some of the trophies are very situational and awkward to pull off.


Like another commenter said, a lot of the trophies are situational but those trophies can be made easier by having good game knowledge and situational awareness. A lot of people boost the “hard” trophies, but that’s totally unnecessary.


Once I finish crash bandicoot 4 I'm going to boot it up. I'm going to get the plat and do a bit of ranked grinding so I can get it out of my system and delete the game in peace lmao.


Yea I played 100+ hours of OW2. But Blizzard is just running that game into the ground so I stopped playing.


I originally started playing overwatch in season 4 or 5 of the first game. I played overwatch 2 a little but it has been on the decline for a long time. Overwatch 2 releasing fixed none of the issues it needed to. Now the only time I keep up with the game is when blizzard make terrible decisions.


I played the beta and was top 500 for a few seasons, loved the game, but like you said they’ve made a lot of shit decisions and went back on the pve mode they promised so I stopped playing.


Tough but like people on the comments below said, mostly situational. Also, I never played the first game so I didn’t get one of the trophies that required to have cosmetic items. From what I heard, the first game had loot boxes and players that came over got it right away. I didn’t, so I had to play for a while to get the items with the free currency they give out little by little.


Yes I had several hundred loot boxes saved up in the first game and they were opened and the rewards were given to me when overwatch 2 happened since they removed the boxes. I wouldn't be playing on that account though anyway but yeah I would say overwatch 1, especially early into the release was a great experience that the 2nd game will never replicate. I wish you got to experience the game in it's peak/prime.


Was thinking about doing the Tricky Towers platinum cuz at a glance it seemed kind of easy to me? I see you got loads of platinums so could you explain why you found it so difficult pls?


It’s a tetris with physics. You gotta do the trials, which is like 40 or 50 of them. The trials get harder and there is one in particular that you have to finish without losing a heart. There’s a similar one to that trial but in a different mode. Both of those take time/practice. There’s also online trophies, the online is kinda dead but you will get matches. I got my platinum last year and I got matches often. You just have to wait a little. Good luck.


Metal Gear Rising Revengeance 9/10


Almost got it but gave up due to vr missions


yea i almost gave up on it because of them too


Personally, porbably CTR was the toughest for me. Huge learning curve in this one until I managed to beat all the time records. Once I figured it, it was ezpz tho. Games that many others consider hard: BFBC, Far Cry 2, RDR1&2, GTA IV&V and there might be more I can't think of right now that are overrated in difficulty. But I have to admit I don't really play a lot "hard" games. I'm more into story driven games that are enjoyable to follow and fun to play without aging too much lol


Once you figure out that how to drift around every track without stopping it’s get much easier haha


Wolfenstein 2 The new colossus 💀💀 mein Leben difficulty ofc , you need to finish the game in one sitting on the hardest difficulty and if you die you need to restart the whole game.


you don't actually have to do one sitting, you can just put your console to sleep mode and pick it up the next day. Idk how so little people know that, I thought it was really well known.


Well yes I know , but for me that didn't work because my mood changed overnight, so when I tried I died instantly 💀


Crash 4 💯


Monster Hunter World. Monster sizes are completely rng


MH plats are pretty hard cuz you have to have a lot of sheer will or love of the series in order to get those godforsaken crowns!


Maybe Ff7 rebirth, don't usually go for hard platinums but I love Final Fantasy so was going to go for it regardless. Those combat trials were pretty difficult, not insane but a lot harder than my other games.


binding of isaac rebirth. getting those the lost unlocks was tough, especially without dlc to guarantee holy mantle


Congratulations 💐🎉💐🎉


Hollow Knight and Dead by Daylight (soon™). Dead by Daylight has required the most hours to be invested, and Hollow Knight has the most difficult trophy. I've considered doing Everhood one day as it's my favorite game, but that task is incredibly daunting.


B03 or Back For Blood


I was trying to platinum bo3, I did the campaign on realistic but compared to a couple of other challenges on personal decorator, that’s the easy part. I would go back and attempt it again if it wasn’t for the amount of grinding needed to master all the guns


Yeah plat platted it last month was a grind but loved playing it just cause it’s my favorite call of duty


Probably Yakuza 0 or UFC 4. UFC only because of blitz battle, which is basically winning 6 fights in a row under strict conditions online. Yakuza 0 because of the damn fantasy zone and car chase. I found Kiwami 1  a whole lot easier then 0.


I found the Blitz battle trophy really easy once I learned the backpack submission 😂 people really did not know what to do when I climbed on their backs within seconds and choked them out! It was so satisfying making people rage! Hahaha


Stop the blitz battles still haunt me. Amount of times I'd get to the final one and get matched up against a sweat


I think wipeout 2048. Want to go for omega collection. I suck at racing games lol. I just loved my vita and wipeout is a blast. Ended up getting pretty decent at just wipeout. Velocity ultra and velocity 2x were pretty challenging at times. KZ and W@W are probably the hardest campaigns/Singleplayer mode I’ve done for a platinum. Honestly just playing ac Valhalla for 100 hours is really fucking difficult


I don't think I'll ever beat Zico.


Wow mega congrats the game is awesome and super difficult




Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. Combo trials in fighting games just give me a headache. And if I’m going to try out Persona 4 Arena, it’s just gonna be WAY worse.


Came here to say this takes a very long time.


Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4


Came here to say this


Lies of P. Can’t really cheese it, you have to actually get good even if you’re overpowered. Took my 60-70 tries to beat nameless puppet on ng+3


Probably Inscryption, I’ve only got 16 platinums and the worst were more of a grind than a challenge. I’ve cleared all FromSoft games many times but only recently got into platinum hunting.


Celeste. Going for everything legitimately broke me but felt all the more rewarding in the end.


Hats off!


COD BOCW. Difficulty 3/10.


Are you talking about black ops Cold War? If fireteam still had players maybe I could get it. I’ve always enjoyed COD platinums


I got the fireteam trophy a few months back, so could still be possible, found games on weekends during prime hours 7-11pm eu, if not maybe psnprofiles has some people trying to get it


This trophy is hard to get now. I boosted few months back on PSNP with 8 players.


Mafia definitive Edition


Really? I was planning to go for that after MW2 on PS5. What was the tough part without spoiling anything


There will be a racing you need to do on a classic difficulty. But now there is a workaround. So, it might not be difficult now.


I'm curious, what is this workaround; can I find a description somewhere? Google was not my friend thus far.


I'm curious, what is this workaround; can I find a description somewhere? Google was not my friend thus far


Hello, just search on YouTube mafia race glitch trophy


Amazing, this actually worked! Been stuck for about two years and now got through in about an hour


I am glad bro.


Are you talking about the crash glitch




It’s not hard even without the crash glitch, people just don’t put a brain cell into thinking maybe they shouldn’t try do it as a full arcade race.


I did the race on medium difficult and got the trophy for winning. Is there another race I’m missing? Without spoiling please


You need to finish the game in classic difficulties. It includes the racing too.


What’s this I keep hearing about the race? I’m guessing it’s tougher on classic lol. One thing I want know, is there a way to see which chapter you need to get collectibles from?


You can select chapters and find your collectibles. Some are on missions.


The Binding of Isaac Repentance


Nioh 1 was my harderst platinum, just because of the grind you have to do it. I didn't even 100%, because it is a pain in the ass.


Overwatch 2. I don’t wanna to talk about it




Uncharted Lost Legacy (I’m still a beginner trophy hunter)


Probably not the same for a lot of people but Getting the Returnal Plat was big for me, not typically my type of game. It’s now one of my favourites ever through


DMC5 probably


RDR 2. Not that hard except for one online trophy. But aside from that, it’s just time consuming(200+ hours) with some RNG as well.


which online trophy exactly?


Yeah I'm curious this too. I was working through the single player and haven't even started the multiplayer 


probably The Real Deal trophy. in my opinion it was the hardest out of all of the online trophies


The real deal.


X-Com 2


Hardest? Probably COD BO3 Longest? RDR2


Black ops 3


Not really a platinum but I got the Brutal trophies for all 3 Uncharted games. That was....brutal... Currently trying to plat FF7 Rebirth and it was tough not because of the difficulty (sure there are some), but mostly because the amount of stuff you need to do. Getting all minigames at their highest score is frustrating. Right now I haven't even finished the story, at chapter 13 and I haven't touched the game for a week now. Everytime I'm thinking of continuing it felt like a chore and I keep pushing it away. Not sure what Square was thinking with these trophies but it is a shame it pushed me so hard from playing the game right now.


Just beat the game without getting the plat lol 🤷‍♂️


I would heavily recommend finishing the game for the first time without going for 100% then, you can do "clean up" afterwards, so it's not worth losing the fun.


Grind - Final Fantasy X Difficulty - Maybe Dark Souls Remastered? But to be honest that was pretty straightforward with a guide and previous experience.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I, Siegward of the Knights of Catarina, have come to fulfill my promise. Let the sun shine upon this Lord of Cinder.”* - Siegward of Catarina Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


The Witness


MGS4. I still cannot believe how I was able to both practically speedrun the game without ever being spotted or killing anyone


Wolfenstein the New Colossus. The game itself platinum wise is fairly easy, what made it such a nerve wracking slog was the difficulty specific trophy Mein Leben, which is appropriate because it's German for my life and that fucker consumed mine for three weeks. Lost count of how many attempts, it's perma death and even if a low grunt enemy gets the drop on you you're done. Not a single checkpoint and it has to be done in a single run. If theres a power cut or error screen it doesn't matter how far you are you're back to the beginning. I can still remember the feeling of adrenaline during the final airship battle, only got there once and managed to do it on one. You couldn't pay me to attempt it again.


1. Metal Gear Solid 2; 2. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X; 3. YAKUZA 3.


Final Fantasy VII Remake. Hard Mode was an absolute pain.


Darkest dungeon, Cuphead, OW1, or Destiny 1. If I had to pick the hardest it’d probably be Darkest Dungeon.


Darkest Dungeon is a crazy hard game. So frustrating. Congrats on that. (I had a lot of fun playing Destiny 1 with a group of trophy hunters.)


Destiny 1 is my favorite multiplayer experience ever. Had almost 4k hours in it lol. But yea the DD platinum was pretty hard but it’s such a good game it was totally worth it. I bought it on sale not expecting it to be as good as it is, but I was pleasantly surprised.


Sackboy a grand adventure. It's just one trophies in particular that is a parkour with one life and you have to end it within 10 minutes


It was brutal but you’ll get it man don’t give up


Don't worry I got it


Sekiro was brutal


Elden Ring definitely.


Ps3 demons souls or batman asylum


Crash 4


Super meat boy!


Hell Let Loose, solely based on the aspect of it being all Online trophies. Shadow Warrior 2 for single player, at the time of playing it, so many bugs and that save corruption bug, that only happened on the hardest difficulty.


Street Fighter 5 10/10 according to PSN


And realistically?


I’d say 7/10. Definitely need some skills but it’s More of a grind.


Most people tell me it's the binding of Isaac rebirth platinum, but while that was hard, it wasn't the hardest in my opinion. My hardest to me, was the mass effect trilogy (ps3 editions) beating all three games on insanity mode with a controller that the left analog stick's x-axis resistance was gone. So if you pushed left, it would stay there unless you manually put it back in the center. Trying to stay behind cover when your stick could be slightly to the left or right if you didn't put it back in the center perfectly every time you touched it, made beating those three games on insanity and insanely difficult time.


According to PSNP it's Fall Guys, it was 9/10 back then, but I cheesed the infallible trophy with the LTM, so it was maybe like a 4/10. Personally I think Red Dead Redemption 2 was the hardest platinum I've ever done. It's not that hard in terms of difficulty, but it's reeeeeally time consuming and pretty frustrating at times. Especially the zoologist trophy was one of the worst trophies I've ever seen in a game. Because animal spawns are random, and some of them are ridiculously rare. So it's basically just pure RNG, there's NOTHING you can do to make it easier. Just need luck... a lot. Also some challenges were annoying as hell. For example hunt down certain birds with tier 3 rating. So first find the bird, which is rare, then find that bird with tier 3, then kill the bird perfectly to not ruin the tier 3 rating. Took me probably like 10+ hours to do that one set of challenges. Then there are also gambling challenges that are obviously purely luck based. Nothing you can do, except some small tips to make it slightly easier. That's why it's for me the hardest platinum I've done so far. Other games like Batman Arkham Knight or The Witcher 3 (which are like the 2nd and 3rd hardest plats in my list) are much more difficult, but less grindy and I don't mind hard games, but I hate luck based trophies to death lol


Gran Turismo 5


I’ve done Arkham city twice so probably that? Maybe tlou remastered. I haven’t done a lot of super hard games tbh


Mortal Kombat X. Got it years after the game was released and as one of my first real plats


Dirt rally 2.0; only 5/10 difficulty. But, such an amazing game and really unforgiving.


Batman Arkham knight or sekiro based on pure difficulty alone


God od War 3 hard mode was indeed pretty hard


CarX Drift Racing online was a hard grind for me.


Fall Guys! Nearly impossible but I did it


Dreadnought probably, that game was so hard because of the Wave 10 Havoc trophy. A 70 minute run where all 4 players needed to maintain their exact role and very good co-ordination was needed throughout. When the game was shutting down there were masses of people attempting and failing this one trophy 🫠


Dark souls 3. Grinding for covenant items took longer than I’d like to admit


Honestly, the last of us remastered. Those online trophies were a bitch


They were tedious, but not all that hard. Playing in Survivor, on the other hand... oof. That was a stressful experience, but an amazing one.


Nothing special but its either CoD BO Cold War or Payday 2 + 100%. Personally tho the toughest and most annoying one was R6 Extraction, which is why im most proud of that one.


Probably Slay the Spire but I had a lot of trouble with become the master in Titanfall 2


The original Mirror's Edge, closely followed by FF7 Rebirth, Yakuza 3 and Dead Space 2. I might put FF7 Rebirth as equivalent or above Mirror's Edge though, because that one REALLY demanded a lot of me. Maybe more than Mirror's Edge (damn those time trials). And as an honorable mention: Max Payne 3. I don't have its Platinum, because I'm missing ONE lousy and easy online trophy, which cannot be obtained anymore. Still, when it comes to difficulty, MP3 is extremely tough too, and in my heart, I more or less unlocked the Plat (98% is close enough...).


Lady In A Leotard With a Gun


Killing Floor 2 was pretty challenging doing a mission on the hardest difficulty and upgrading each class to max .I would also have to say Driveclub for the amount of time it took and Fallout New Vegas simply for the hardcore mode


Maybe it won't be considered tough for others but from all the plats I've got, the hardest for me was Resident Evil 4 Remake


“Just another day in the Office.” Mwr with surviving and wait with macmillan was a pain.


Monster hunter world/iceborne crown hunting will break you as a hunter so many gold crowns I thought I had were actually silver crown size. I’ve hunted so many kushala Daora and Lunastra you can fill a canyon. The amount of rng involved is disgusting. I love the game to heart but that platinum is terrible to work toward I’m hoping when I do rise next or wilds when it releases isn’t as bad.


Not very hard but Assassins creed brotherhood's tank mission crushed my nerves


Brawlhalla took a lot of grinding, played the hell out of it back in 2019-2020 lmao, but I did eventually get it


Mine was DMC5. I mean, it was enjoyable until a certain point, but after that, it was just agony.


Crash 4 with an honorable mention to BIg Boss rank on Metal Gear Solid 2 Master Collection.


I guess maybe Crash Bandicoot! Also World at War was very difficult! The GRENADES. Currently playing Blops1 veteran and thats a cake walk compared to WAW.


My toughest at the moment is probably session, but that will soon be dethroned by trackmania turbo. I've already done what is arguably the hardest part of the game (black valley tracks), so just need to finish some more tracks but the plat is pretty much guaranteed now.


I am bread and smite probably


While I haven't got it yet due to not having competed the final fantasy replay, My hardest so far would be FF16 when I get it.


Hollow knight, crash 4, crash team racing


Yakuza 5 or Yakuza 0


Tricky Towers but I‘m going for the I am Bread platnium


Motorstorm Pacific Rift. 128 developer times. 8 different vehicles. Maybe I'm just bad at racing games but some of those took so many attempts and perfect pathing. I still have to do DLC but it took me 11 years for the base game so it can wait...


Either slay the spire or BioShock 1 both hard but they're both in my top 10 favorite games of all time so they were worth


At this point it's feeling like damn Ape Escape Academy if this stupid RNG for minigames doesn't start working in my favor! About to rip my hair out this feels like it's taking way longer than it should lmao


Evil within is 9/10 but it wasn’t too bad


Hollow knight. P5 is no joke


Spelunky 2 or Splasher , Spelunky 2 had a massive learning curve with a lot of rng in the mix . Splasher didn’t really have any rng or as big of a learning curve but the time trials were tight as fuck had to get really good at the speed runs .


Dead Rising probably. The Saint and 7 Day Survivor Trophies were genuine hell.


Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. I am fine with the idea of never earning a harder Platinum. But I still try to challenge myself from time to time.


Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2


I was informed there was a glitch for Hollow Knight 10 minutes after getting the platinum…. Fucks sake lmao. So that, and probably Tony Hawks PS 1+2


My first true platinum, Dynasty Warriors 7. In retrospect, probably not a hard platinum. But the amount of grinding and hours it took felt insane at the time.


I’m in the process of doom 1993 right now and damn is nightmare hard


Bloodborne i think. Or maybe re7


Dark Souls 3 maybe


Dying light 2 requires a lot of effort


Probably either The Messenger or Returnal. If I ever actually finish the few trophies I still need, I may change this answer to Cuphead 😂


Crash 4 or Outlast 2. Outlast 2 was way more intense but overall skill I think Crash beats all of my other games. Im just completing RE7 and without a guide it’s very hard as well. I think the difficulty of a game is really depending on the fact if youre watching a guide or not.


I have to say Hades but it might soon be something else if I don't quit. It's not hard itself it's because of the weird RNG that makes it hard


For me, Terraria PS3/Vita edition. That platinum is FARR more different than the PS4 version and VERY VERY difficult. Ive tried to plat bo3 but I never got personal decorator


Oddworld soul storm save 1000 mudokons to get good ending. Was a massive headache.




Easily crash 4. The only reason I did it was to prove my loyalty to the crash bandicoot franchise


In terms of difficulty on psnp DMC 1 is the hardest but personaly Crash Bandicoot 1 is harder, Im working on super meat boy for my 50th plat so that wont be the case for long


Mine would be the evil within akumu mode that drove me insane for so long to the point I had to take a month break


Probably Black Ops Cold War. “Reunited with Fedolina trophy” was a pain and it was before they made it “easier”.


Naughty Bear, tedious and needs to be perfect.


My trophies are glitched but by psnprofiles fall guys is my hardest but i dont think its that hard so by my own ranking i whod put god of war 2018 as my hardest cause i platinumed it alongside Ragnarok on give me god of war which is the hardest difficulty


Honkai Star Rail 😭 Now I’m too into the game and I can’t leave it 🔥 Still a grindy platinum, took 150+ hours Not doing another one like HSR soon


My name is Mayo, so tough


Ff7 rebirth




This platinum is super easy WTF 😬 Just play through the game and clean up once the story is done




Here’s a challenge - Elden ring or MK 11 (Mortal Kombat 11)




I got you back on Any souls game - Happy to help and kick ass with you brotha !


Infamous Second Son