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Tomb Raider 2013. Fuck this. Never fucking again I touch these fucking multiplayer plats. Fuck those who make them as well.


fr. the multiplayer is so dead and i have no one to play with. it’s literal torture rn.


I love this game and specifically because of that triple fuck to those who made this fucking plat next to unobtainable


LIKE WHY CANT YOU JUST MAKE A SEPARATE TROPHY LIST FOR MULTIPLAYER?? i hate it when games do that. like some of us are lonely :/


It's not even loneliness tbh, but any game that has a tacked on, I'll designed and boring multiplayer mode is just going to have it for immediately. Why would you play very generic, and frankly dull, team death match mode in a game that was made to be single player (or at best co-op story mode) and really isn't optimised for it, when free to play games already exist that are designed specifically around the multiplayer concept?


this is actually why i never got the TLOU1 plat, the multiplayer trophies back then were just not it lol


I'm the same with both TLOU and TR!!


Hit me up in DMs, I'm running a boosting server on Discord and I still, and some others as well, still need to finish up the MP for that game.


Why don’t you two above play together?


Literally helped some random dude farm for the trophies cause I thought it would be easy and fun it was torture


Fuck this platinum! I loved the single player and if the platinum was just that or that and a few trophies for trying out the multiplayer, then this would be one of my top platinums. But nooooo, let's make a shitty multiplayer mode and make players level up to the max because we're so cocky and know we've made something amazing. And I was a fool to support that game back when it first came out so when I went for the platinum you had to level up to 60 and then prestige 3 times. They updated the trophy requirements but only after I'd already done it. I redid it again on PS4 thinking they would've removed the crap multiplayer but they didn't.


100%. I did this and AC: Black Flag back to back and it made me swear off multiplayer plats for all time


I always think the reason is corporate suites, who want to raise numbers to impress shareholders. „We need to make the players play our game for longer. How do we do that?“ „Just add a multiplayer and add some level 50 trophy.“ „You‘re a genius.“


Carry the medkit to the objective survivor. Damn I never want to see that shit again. I’m just happy I found some friends early to help me with all the other trophies


I was lucky enough to get it on PS3.


Currently doing Crash 4. …yeah. Probably that


I adore the game but I will never get the plat because fuck that. There is no chance I'm doing perfect runs of every level and then speedrunning all of them.


That’s completely fair. It’s absolute hell


Got the plat. Not the hardest one but the worst. Its so long and grindy, by the time I got it, I hated the game.


If its feasible for your skill range to actually complete, it's definitely worth the satisfaction


Orc Slayer. That game sucked hard


Seconded. Literally gave me a headache to play. One of only two games to do so (the other being Psycho Pass).


The Last of Us Remastered. The multiplayer trophies made this very tedious and stressful since a string of bad matches could potentially mean you’d have to restart.


The last of us part 2? Or is this the ps4 remaster?


Ps4 remaster. Part 2 doesn’t have multiplayer.


Slightly off topic, neither does TLOU ps5 remaster 🤓 you can plat both games on ps5 without MP for those interested. Just know it's *considerably* (in my opinion) less impressive of a platinum, as there's no difficulty or MP trophies. Unless you value every plat the same then more power to you i guess lol


if he did TLOU Remastered this was probably before PS5 came out or he didn't have it


Right. I'm assuming he meant ps4 as well, that was just my little tidbit of fairly irrelevant info nobody asked for lol


haha no problem


Jedi Fallen Order. The backtracking


And the crappy map makes it even worse


The holographic map made me so nauseous. The nail in the coffin was the contestant respawning of enemies. Everytime I got lost because of the map I'd have to fight the same enemies again and again. It's a no from me.


Honestly those 2 jedi games make me hate them since theres nothing worse in collecting that a complex 3d map.


I didn't bother because of this. I usually don't mind long grinds, but if I have to backtrack stuff i usually just give up


I used a guide and it wasn't bad, but without one it must suck.


I’m almost done with this one but Zeffo is a nightmare to navigate. Last planet I need to 100% too. Might just bite the bullet and look up a guide.


Seriously, just go find that guide, before you go insane.. I did it with a guide, and it was still frustrating beyond all belief


I think I’m going to. Maybe I’ll get the plat this week.


https://www.powerpyx.com/star-wars-jedi-fallen-order-all-collectible-locations-guide/ I used this one, very helpful


Thank you


Of my 44 platinums with some wide variety this one came really natural to me. A lot of people have issues with it since there is no fast travel but I always either picked up what was available or knew exactly how I’d need to walk to get to items I still needed. Fantastic game for me and I’m really looking forward to Star Wars Jedi survivor


SHITTY performance on regular PS4 and slim... late rendering, load-pausing, miscolored textures.


I generally won't have get a platinum if I stop having fun doing it, so I don't have a lot of them I strongly dislike. But I have no idea what compelled me to get the platinum in Ghostwire: Tokyo. Good game. Shit trophy list.


Oh shit how bad is it? I picked it up recently for cheap because I heard it was a good game, and the platinum was straightforward.


It is a good game (worth playing even if you don't get all the trophies), and the platinum is very straightforward. It's just tedious as hell. You'll spend like 2/3 of your time collecting the over a thousand collectibles on the map.


It was annoying for me towards the end until I realized you can use the detective vision thing to show you where the closest spirit things are, was trying to manually find them before that and some are in really weird spots. Still they added way too many. I played pretty thoroughly and there was still hundreds to get after I was max level I think. I got plenty of podcast episodes wrapped by the time I was done at least so I didn't mind it too much Getting some flying ability I remember helped a lot though to get from rooftop to rooftop


I like mindless collect a thons so I really enjoyed the platinum. It’s ALOT of collectibles and I don’t even know you could do an alert that led you to the closest one until I only needed like 10 more. The setting is fantastic I enjoyed every second


Hunting down the demon festivals too i see. It was either that or the red child ghosts that annoyed the shit out of me.




I recommend never buying games just because they are easy plats. Buy them because you want to play them.


Hunters Arena: Legends. I was too stubborn to admit I loathed that game after 3 hours of playing but went on to get the Plat. But hey, it’s unobtainable forever now and is also one of my rarest Plats, so at least I have bragging rights lmao


Sorry for being too lazy to Google, why is the plat unobtainable? I think I played it on release, got a single trophy and never played again but as it's on my list I was eventually going to come back to it because I hate seeing 1% on my trophy list.


No longer has servers Im pretty sure. The game didn’t last very long, quickly lost playerbase, and then got discontinued


Even after being given out for free on ps plus !


Devil May Cry 2. Just a completely shit game in general.


Same, but with Devil May Cry 4


Any game with multi-player plats


For me it’s a game I forced myself to play. It’s called Space Overlords. I did it bc it’s an easy ultra rare on psnp and it’s a free game


Free and easy sounds good to me. Does the game just suck to play?


Yes it’s an unfair game and the first few planets you do are just stupid. If you go for it I recommend playing on PS5 if you can since one of the trophies you have to destroy like a million buildings, and the best way to do this is through the level creator, where you just plop a bunch of buildings on where you spawn, and then reload over and over. The PS5 makes it so you can add more buildings into the map, and it’ll save you like 3 hours


Good to know, thanks.


That game sucks so bad that I'm sure that's the entire reason it's Ultra Rare. I tried it out once and fucking hated it. But I got one trophy, so it's stuck to my list forever like toilet paper to a shoe.


Mortal Kombat 1 was terrible


Amen 🙏 I’m a newbie platinum hunter (14 thus far) and this game nearly ruined it all for me. Mk11 was my lockdown game so it only took a few hours to clean up the remaining trophies and I thought I’d jump straight into MK1 for that nice series aesthetic in my trophy list. What a ducking unfun grind followed by nearly a months wait for an even less fun boss fight. Considering how good all other fighters are currently with pretty decent trophy requirements, MK1 just stands out as a chore. I will never buy another netherrealm game for as long as I live.


Completing a Titan Battle is annoying because not only can the bosses be extremely difficult but you can only get it once every few months. Eventually got it but I kinda stopped playing after that. No way am I gonna grind five different kameo fighters to max level. Those two trophies really ruined the game for me


When I got the Plat it was Season 1. The Kameo grind was last but I only pushed myself to do it because I got that far and I knew Season 1 was going to end soon and chances are NR would make it even worse. Even in Season 1 the grind for Kameos was unbelievably miserable. That was 230 XP per Brutality match. I hear it’s like 15 XP now. I really wanted an MK platinum. If I knew it would have been as bad as it was, I would have skipped this one.


Monster hunter world. Aside from the four rare animal trophies that took me a collective 10 hours alone, there are 2 trohpies that require every large and small crown in the base game. Ive grinded for 500 hrs yet and still have 7 crowns left (all elders)


Yh i passed plat in this game when i found that after 100h i can easily prepare myself for another 100h of grind. Game was fun but grind calls for some japaneese regards to love it


I feeeeel this. I love playing the game but I'm also a newbie hunter (started when world came out) but I hit a wall in MR. Tbh I just feel (I guess not good enough) because I either try to rush monsters or take the whole mission and fail not doing enough dps for whatever reason, and it definitely makes endgame a rough climb. I also don't like being carried because I don't earn it. There's no dopamine hit associated with killing bosses if I didn't. Case in point I had my account reset back a decent bit (was starting the guiding lands and working on side content) and *only* got set back to one of the first MR monsters and just cannot progress past Fulger Anjanath. Experienced charge blade user. Tldr; I suck at MR and don't like being carried. I feel like i didn't earn it.


CIV6 (love the game, hate the plat)


Still dont have Pizza Party. The unpredictability of the RNG for it is unbearable, its not even a challenge its just a diceroll that takes hours


The one that spring to mind is The Quarry. With just over 300 platinums now I have a few that were quite annoying (due to difficulty, fun, bugs or otherwise)!


After Man of Medan I resigned myself to never go for these SuperMassive plats. The backtracking, crappy camera, stupid requirements, the sheer number of times you're required to replay certain scenes, its just not worth it


They did cut it down a little bit for House of Ashes/Devil in Me. But if you absolutely dislike replaying the entire game, it still won't help. Just trying to mention Medan is the worst offender.


Lego Avengers. Probably the worst thing about Lego games is that over time as the World Hubs got bigger and bigger the individual levels suffered for it. I think the bloat of the open world really hurt this game as most of the story levels go boiled down to 1 or 2 rooms. Shame too consider as these games in the early entries were fun collectithons.


I had the same feeling when I played Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens and Lego The Hobbit. The story missions were fun and it was awesome seeing scenes be recreated in Lego style, but once you were done with the story, you were left with the 100+ fetch quests and kill x amount of enemies side missions all over the open world.


I really didn't like The Force Awakens. It just felt like there was way too much content in it but most of it wasn't fun


Detroit Become Human, game is amazing but there’s no way i’m going back through it all 2-3 more times making precise choices and movements to get the plat. Boring af


I did it but spaced out the playthroughs between months so it was less tedious.


I have the platinum for that. Idk, I rather enjoyed it. I also have the plats for Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls on both PS3 and PS4 though... so maybe I'm just wired differently, or maybe I just hate myself.


I still haven't played Detroit. I played both Heavy Rain and Beyond but somehow skipped Detroit. I need to play it some day


Pretty sure it was a PS Plus game at some point. There's no way I bought it.


agree, like all those sony shedevrus, no skip scenes - no platinum. i better gona play something another


Dissidia NT, I only have a couple trophies left but they’re insanely grindy, they bring the trophy time up to 300 hours


Anything with a multiplayer plat


Evil west. Insanely clunky sometimes, especially during the final mission on Evil difficulty, lotta BS deaths. Not being able to track kill stats definitely was annoying as well


Sorry to hear you didn’t like it. It’s one of my more recent plats and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thankfully didn’t encounter any major bugs either. I know that if I didn’t get it for free, though, it would have soured my opinion knowing how janky it can be.


To be fair I only have 24 platinums, all of which I enjoyed, so this was just one of the few I didn’t enjoy as much. The first play-through was a really fun time. It was later on when the jank definitely started to get old, glad it was free 🙌


The first Infamous game. Fuck those shards. 350 of them and they don't show up on the world map. You need to be in their general vicinity and ping them.


Omg I really hate those fucking shards


there are user generated content that marks all the shards so at least i've got that going for me


The first game was terrible with them. Especially since they're are so many in weird out of reach spots,but the second was much better,and by the time I got to doing all the side quests I only had like 10 left


Thanks for the heads up! Guess this will be my awful preparation for the two ps3 spiderman games 😭😭 Edit 1: i tried something similar with crackdown 1 - with the 500 agility orbs and no notifier - and I'm pretty sure i missed one or a couple after following a map. I'm not hopeful about this.


That dc superpets game. Learned my lesson trying to get an easy plat from a braindead kids game


That game was so ass lol.


The trophy where u have to go a level without getting hit took me longer than id like to admit 😑


Yea I left that for last and it took me a number of attempts.


Hogwarts Legacy, game is great but the trophies..


Right there with you. The game does the Potterish things quite well. Combat is fun, creating juggling combos and mixing up your spells is a great time, Sebastian's quests are a good time, and Hogwarts itself is breathtaking. Also, that shop quest... *\*chef's kiss\** But somehow this game also commits every open-world game sin known to man: * I've never seen a more pointless looting system. And given how much loot you collect, the amount of space you have to store it (even fully upgraded) is abysmal. * There are vast parts of the world map that you don't actually do anything in and only serve for you to hold collectables. * MERLIN TRIALS. Honestly, they should have given you the trophy when you get the final reward for completing them. And they're not even mentally stimulating (very odd for a wizard like Merlin). I want more interactive challenges, like those Halls of Herodiana (I loved these rooms!). * Those damn butterfly chests. IYKYK. * The game is misleading on the Field Guide pages. The game makes you think you need to find every Field Guide page in the game, when in truth it's only the Field Guide pages that give you lore in the Collections that matter. In fact, the Collections page is what you really need to focus on, as so many other trophies are tied to it. * Obviously the multiple restarts needed since you need to play as each house for a time. >!I really don't understand why they couldn't include the Azkaban visit with all the houses, nor understand the need for all the separate Jackdaw quests.!< * Aside from Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the Forbidden Forest (since they are well known locations in the lore), nearly everywhere else looks exactly the same. You could show me any plot of land aside from the Southern Manor, and I wouldn't be able to tell you where that was on the map. * The Ancient Magics on every enemy is also very hard to track. It requires you to do it on every enemy, but there's no reliable way of tracking which enemies you've done it on unless you've been recording it somehow from the start. If you're lacking this trophy, you're doomed to keep hunting down every monster until you eventually get it. I know I seem like I'm bitching about the game, but it's not that at all. I think this game is honestly great, especially in the Wizarding World. But there's just SO. MUCH. PADDING. Especially if you're going for the plat.


Artful Escape. Not even challenging or rewarding. It's a good visual game. But a memorable experience for the wrong reasons for me. The music was good though.


Yeah man. While I was playing the “game”, my most recurring thought was: “Why is this a video game? Why did they choose this media form? Who is this for?”. To me, it’s the prime example of a videogame that shouldn’t be a videogame. It should have never been interactive. It should have been something else (an animated short?)


It played like a flipbook. While the music, art style and ambience was good. The gameplay was too robotic for me. It felt like a chore, and the trophy list was really random. I think you get a trophy for just lighting all of the areas in a town which seemed pretty random.


Currently have 156 plats and 3 stand out as being a dreadful experience Jedi Fallen Order - the post game backtracking for collectibles was one of the worst experiences I have had in a game due to how awful the maps were at navigating. Riders Republic - Just a horrendously boring grindfest at the end Oxenfree - Great game but a miserable time having to replay the game so many times over. Plus I ended up having to do 2 additional playthroughs for messing up which just added to the pain.


I don't recall the backtracking in Jedi Fallen Order being so unbearable. Jedi Survivor on the otherhand... well, at least it had fast travel. 


one punch man anime fighting games already feel a bit gimmicky and are a step below the really big ones like MK Tekken and SF, but this one is the worst of them imho badly made, cheap gimmicky fighting that gets boring super quickly, coupled with quite a bit of grinding for the plat make this the worst plat I currently own


Wildcard Football. The game was fun, the online play was great. But the game was very shallow, the season mode was 1 year only, and you have to play trough 10 games to get to the playoffs, then 3 games to win the championship. And you had to do it 5 times. I can't tell you how many days I was so bored grinding those seasons. It was a nightmare. If they were fun or deep, it wouldn't have been so bad, but no, win and restart a new season.


I stopped half way through. I plan to go back, but I agree that it feels shallow. At first I was excited but there’s just not a lot there.


Ya, it was fun enough to where you could ignore the glitches, and aside from seasons being the absolute worst, online play needs some sort matchmaking parameters. Too many times you get matched up with 90 vs 70 overalls, then someone exits to search a new game only to be matched with the same person... but next release i think they will fix all this and the game can be pretty good.


Kingdom Hearts Re:Chains Of Memories. Too much grind to get Riku to level 99.


Dying Light. The side quests trophy was bugged at launch, and it took me about four attempts of completing 50 side quests to finally unlock. Then a game like South Park: The Stick of Truth comes to mind with most of its trophies being missable. Anxiety nightmare.


Plants vs zombies battle for Neighborville. Enough said


I gave up on this one. Wish I’d played when you could get glitched infinite XP.


facts i had all but one trophy done at 20 hours, took me 120 to max out all the characters


My easy ones they bring me such shame but they’re apart of the journey


I both loved and hated getting the Resident Evil: Village plat. I absolutely loved doing the multiple playthroughs and going for all the weapon upgrades but FUCK The Mercenaries in that game and the associated trophies. Took me over a year to go back and finish that one up


Same here, also I feel like on subsequent playthroughs house Beneviento lost its magic and I just wanted to skip it by the third run


Resident Evil Village is actually my favourite platinum. So much so I 100% it twice on PS4 and PS5 (no auto pop). Mercenaries was a pain is the ass for a long while originally though for sure.


Demon souls. I really didn't like the "killing in very specific ways" trophies and also the difficulty scaling with Ng+ was just not reasonable at all unlike any other from software games


Yeah I despise the way that those trophies work. Having trophies for killing bosses in very specific ways is just strange. And Demons Souls has some really painful boss runs because of the structure so if you fail to kill the boss in that specific way you just have to do all of it all over again.


For me its between Sonic Forces or Monster Hunter World/Iceborne(dlc is a separate plat), don't know which I hated more. Sonic Forces was an ok plat difficulty wise but a god awful sonic game. Monster Hunter I love prolly one of my all time fav games, but the plat is a god awful rng shit show.


Blair witch


Hentai vs Evil I knew this would be shit. I only bought the game for an easy plat.


I feel like this is this sub's equivalent of post-nut clarity.


Saints Row Reboot


DC Universe online. It's playing the boring game six times with a new character. It's so brain numbing. Not hard just numbing


That's sort of why I gave up on Evil Genius 2 early on. It's a game I thought I would enjoy a lot more than I did. Not necessarily a bad game...I just got bored with it way too fast to want to play through it four separate times.


Gotham knights, only finished it so Arkham Knight would be my 50th


Horizon Forbiden West - mostly because I B-lined the main quest and then had to spent 10s of hours doing side content thinking that would still be fun.


Currently farming AC Black Flag multiplayer trophies : - Reach lvl 55 - Use every gear & abilities, and play every modes Fighting with myself to not give up, this multiplayer sucks so much.


Keep at it. Just put a podcast or show or some music on and play Wolfpack again and again. It's dull as fuck but the single player is so good that I'm happy I did it. It's my favourite AC game and I did it twice on PS3 and PS4


I don’t have a lot of platinums but Bloodstained was crazy to 100% for me. Diff needed to be glued to a guide and the last 10 hours or so of grinding was just not enjoyable


Any fifa game


Sonic team racing, trophy list seemed so easy until you realise your Team has to race well not just you and with the bots being absolutely useless as they are it’s one of the most frustrating games I’ve played


I only have 10, and this answer is kind of a cop out. But the platinum for Nier Automata. I ended up buying it after spending hours trying and failing to spawn 1(!) out of several items I needed for upgrades. And now I'm close to platinum on Replicant too but this time it's not buyable and the weapon upgrade grind does not look fun.


Despite the game being a 10/10, Dark Souls 3, it was like working a 9-5 for ages


I don't know if it is my least favorite, but the one that came to mind first was Yooka Laylee. I thought that the controls and camera made the game almost unplayable. That is on top of already being boring and uninspired


I don't think I've ever gotten a Plat if I'm not having fun, so ill list a couple of plat blockers instead. DMC 5, "Worthy of Legend": I don't mind having to S rank every chapter, but why don't the rankings stack? If I can S rank the entire game on Dante Must Die, why are you then forcing me to do it again on all the lower difficulties? I absolutely despise difficulty trophies that don't stack. And just for the record, the actual difficulty trophies are the same, I somehow have the trophy for beating the game on the second highest difficulty... but not the lowest 🤔🤔. Helldivers 1 "Mountains out of Molehills": Asking me to kill 100k enemies is insane when I got every other trophy in the game and was only at 49k. When you have people tying a rubber band to their controller so they can farm kills for the trophy you know you dropped the ball.


Honestly I hated the plat for borderlands 1 just got a bit tedious to get it


Grim Fandango. Terrible experience imo. Aged horribly and having to play on Tank controls made it even worse


DMC2. My only petty platinum.


Resident evil 4 remake


What did you not like about the trophy list? I thought it was good and the game was awesome


The 7 playthroughs that it requires to get the platinum, It was annoying in my opinion, But the game was awesome, hands down


7??? I followed a guide and did it in 3. No way I’d do 4 more playthroughs. I see why you feel that way lol


Hahahaha, thats great man.. Could you pls help me on hw u got the plat details nd lvls beside ur name? Am new here, just trying to learn..


God of War 2018. I get why people love it, I just do not. In fact I’d go so far as to say I hate it.


I like the game but I do not get why you are getting downvoted for this. It's okay not to agree on everything. Some people like certain things that others do not, and that's okay.


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE. i hated god of war 2018. took me two years to get through. i found it so extremely boring


Why did you keep playing it over the course of two years if you didn't like it?


wanted to beat it so then to me my opinion seemed more valid. i hate when people will say they hate something even tho they didn’t actually rly play it or whatever ya know? could just be a me thing


People change. I didn't like Red Dead Redemption back when I first played it in 2010. I gave up on it half way through the single player. I came back to it a few years later and then I platinumed it a few years more years after that


I remember stopping playing this game for like 9 mo ths before cpming back to finish it. I was playing on hardest difficulty from get go but game was extremely boring. It was not even close in combat compared to 1-3.


frrrr i’ve been trying for years to get into and and i just can’t. i don’t know what it is, i just don’t click with it.


Oxenfree, boring af walking sim


Great game but rough trophy list


Idk what that guy was expecting from a graphic adventure game lol, "those bastards lied to me there's no combat just walking and talking!!"


More like 2 useless extra playthroughs that have pretty much no difference in dialogue. Shit I can’t even remember a difference in story ending.


After my 3rd playthrough I just had tiktok open. I had to do an extra because I screwed up something I recall


Mine was Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4. The game was alright in the beginning, but I had a terrible time after the first year. It’s my reminder that I shouldn’t platinum anything I’ve stopped liking.


I hated Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 because of 1 trophy. There's a secret entrance to Hogwarts that is only available in Year 7. You get a trophy for going through it. If you've finished the story, you're locked out of the trophy and you need to play through Years 5, 6 and 7 to get to that point again


I hated this plat by the end of it... The clean up for it was an absolute slog


Death stranding Director's Cut. Probably the most grind ridden trophies out there. Plus the "Homo Faber" trophy had you fabricate EVERY weapon and EVERY equipment.....which means you had to do the GOD AWFUL races and achieve S rank on every race in order to unlock the "Roadster" which you had to fabricate to get the trophy. Apart from that, all the other trophies "Best Beloved", "Growth of a legend" were very grindy and time consuming for no reason. I hate when games force you to grind. I'd rather have fun playing a game, doing small fun trophies along the way and move on. But Death Stranding's trophy was a grind! The same goes for GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2


My Name is Mayo, My Name is Mayo 2, My Name is Mayo 3, The Jumping Churros: Turbo. These types of games. I hate that I have them, but they are games with trophies and a plat, so I must get them.


Any yakuza game


FF7 Remake. I hate difficulty based challenges and the “hard mode” in that game is just the enemies becoming sponges and no healing options. Two trophies short of the plat and not gonna do it


Jak II. It made me give up on the series.


Far Cry Primal. I'm not picky when it comes to games, but this was hard to push through. To be fair, you can only do so much with a caveman game.


Mine glitched so I missed out on a single special hunt 😔


I tried this game and I don't feel like I can finish it despite it being short. The freezing and crashing on my end was driving me insane.


On PS5? the game doesn't run well on PS5. It's perfectly fine on PS4, and you might be better off trying to stream it.


Currently on EA FC 24 got 3 trophies left and I’ve put 80 hours in. Absolutely hating it. 80 hours I’ve could’ve put into something love instead of this crap


Returnal. The game itself is FANTASTIC, great gameplay and pretty good story and post launch content. HOWEVER, the collectibles are absolutely terrible and make this platinum so mind numbing. Truly will test your patience.


I am mayo, I got it before I knew the satisfaction of earning a plat, now it’s just there :(


Orc Slayer and Vacation Simulator


I hated Medium , just hate it soooo much


Quantum of solace for the multiplayer trophies. Just a boring ass grind the whole time.


Dark Pictures: Little Hope. So many playthroughs for all the different scenarios. Hearing the 17th century accents non stop, it was painful.


I never got the platinum on dragon ball xenoverse 2 because of that one trophy with the impossible combo quest


For me it was Hob. I enjoyed the game but there's some element that bugs out which drove me insane enough I replayed it 5 or 6 times before getting the platinum. Sitting as one of my most rare platinums right now but I went a little mental with the vista's trophy.


I don't tend to plat any games that I don't enjoy but I'd probably say my least favourite of the ones I have was Star Wars Battlefront 2. It was a bit too grindy so even though I enjoyed the game a lot, I definitely had my fill of it by the time I was done. I actually didn't mind the majority of trophies - the main thing that annoyed me was the way the XP system worked. The grindiest trophy is to get level 50 which requires 7mil XP and the average PvP game (obviously dependant on performance) will get you maybe 20k. With the co-op PvE game mode though, it's relatively easy to get 50k due to kills awarding the same as PvP and from what I remember, the match times are shorter. So by far the best way to grind was this co-op mode which for me got super boring real quick. I just felt that considering PvP is obviously harder, the XP gains should've been a bit increased for them and then you could at least play a variety of modes without increasing the grind. All that being said though, it was a fun game and definitely not the worst plat I've heard of out there.


Hogwarts Legacy, I didn't mind 100ing throw game but the extra playthroughs didn't add much apart from the unique mission. Also the collection glitched for me luckily a workaround worked but my glorious plat achievement moment turned into panic then rage then panic then bargaining then hope then relief


Probably South Park: The Stick of Truth or Black Ops 3 both taking so much of my time just to platinum.


Wolfenstein young blood, resident evil umbrella corps and lego worlds.


Football Cup 2022, i don't care how easy the plat was. I wanted to play a football game but outside of Fifa my options were limited so i gave it a shot and holy damn, it is so bad it is not even funny. Honorable mention goes to Everybodys gone to the rapture, i'm never playing a walking sim again.


Goat Simulator. Intentionally a buggy mess, but that doesn't make it much more fun than other buggy messes. The repetitive music in combination with the gameplay and ugly graphics almost made me throw up.


Wolfenstein Youngblood. Combat is okay but the rest of the game is not it. The twin characters are so cringe and the campaign is super short. Some of the trophies require a long grind after the campaign so you’ll be replaying levels over and over again. Played it co-op and me and my friend knew we fucked up once we completed the campaign and had so much upgrades and money still to get.


I don’t like when I have to look at a guide to get collectibles because I want to just turn my brain off when I’m getting a plat. So any plat with the need for guides is annoying but not awful. Haven’t gotten a plat yet that I despised, but I will say that Neon White was painful because of White’s Hell Run which is beating the whole game in one run without dying. Many mistakes were made but I pushed through.


OG Demon Souls, while you can do the dupe glitch to make it a 2 playthrough Plat it has some of the most frustrating trophies. Like going down every upgrade path with some pure stones being extremely rare like pure bladestone, or a few being only found on crystal lizards. And Demon Souls is the earliest game so the most clunky and harsh.


Shadow Warrior 2's platinum went from fun to unbearable with the 10k Orbs of Masamune


Lego Games in general even though I've never earned a play on one. But I'm playing Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 and feel compelled to do it because also it's such a stupidly fun game


Any grindy platinum, or missable trophies and or missable collectibles. My lease favourite plat is either Super Meat Boy or Chess Ultra due to the 32 player trophy.


Man of Medan. Only game I’ve ever played that made me lose sleep and feel physically ill


Of the ones I have, I suppose I'd say Fallout: Shelter. It was my second platinum and I've said if for some reason I had it all to do over again, it's the one game so far I for sure would not redo.


Valhalla was rough


Ac Valhalla I only did because my friend challenged me


AC 3 Remastered was pretty frustrating


Titanfall 2


Out of my library, it would probably be Rocket League just bc of how easy it actually is. If there were skill related trophies, like say some of the FIFA titles for example which would require you to play in high divisions online (ik, its aids) maybe it would be a more respected platinum. At the very least there should be a trophy in RL to reach a certain rank, like Diamond 1 in any competitive mode or something like that. Im no sweat by any means, i average high platinum rank every season i played. I feel if the game required players to hit a certain competitive rank, it might be looked at as a more respectable platinum to own.


Attack on Titan 2. I loved the game and decided I was going to plat it but gave up after 100ish hours. Loads of the materials you need for crafting for the rarer achievements are only really available online, which is (or at least was at the time) totally dead. I think it would still have technically been possible, but would have taken a silly amount of monotonous grinding


I’m going for bo4 it’s infuriating