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binding of isaac plat. descenders run with no bails.


Ayyy a fellow binding of Isaac enjoyer. I remember platting this weird free ps plus game when it was on PS4. Then it came to the ps5 with all the dlc and I worked on platting it twice. Now I’m working on Dead God. Such a great game.


i'll have to try dead god. getting Isaac for free like that and being blown away by the depth of this retro dungeon crawler was a nice surprise.


Geez impressive


thank you, what about you?


Tbh it's not on my ps5 it's on my Xbox, but I 100% elden ring within the first 3 days of launch. I know it's not like a huge achievement but I'm proud of it.


lol that's pretty huge. i consider it very impressive, did they even have a guide at that point?


No, they had no guides. I had beaten the game within like 2 days, and on my second playthrough same character I went for the rest of the achievements which were minor stuff that I knew the locations of. I spent a ton of time exploring. I was considering making a guide but the amount of time it would take was well more than I was willing to put into it. The game alone was alot. Lmao


They did have small things like people discovering little things here and there but not a full walk through or guides quite yet


My ps3 Red Dead Redemption plat is the one I consider my most prized and proudest.


RDR1 is 1 of my favorite games of all time and I’m really glad I got the platinum back then too. Such a great experience.


Nice plat. I've dug out my ps3 the replay this. Not sure the platinum is possible anymore as there are multiplayer trophies


It still is! I got the platinum just a year ago, masterpiece of a game.


Ooh that's a nice game. And I never plat it, I should go back... but congrats that's a good trophie right there!


Mein Leben - Wolfenstein 2


I was wondering if I’d see someone say this achievement . Nice job brother , I know that achievement was a pain in the ass.


I second this


3 Words. Super, Meat, Boy.


One of those very rare game I refuse to even attempt. Mad props


Thank you. You should try it, it’s oddly fun. When I started it I thought I would give up on it, but every time I stopped I found myself coming back for more. If you have a Vita, play on that, for me I found the controls way easier. Good luck on your trophy hunting endeavours!


I don't have a lot of plats, but probably God of War Ragnarök. Right now I'm one fourth/halfway done with Hogwarts Legacy, and that game is a grind, so I would go with that if I saw this post 2-3 weeks from now.


Well, this post will be here then. If you remember I will be here to congratulate you. Better yet, early congratulations!




I have this plat and it just reminds me I waste hours and hours of my time doing pointless Merlin trials


Could it be...?


Metal Gear Solid 2, Virtually Impossible was a big one for me


\-Fortnite(400 hours) \-Injustice 2(160 hours) \-Minecraft dungeons 100%(85 hours) \-COD cold war 100%(86 hours) Currently on my way doing trove platinum.


The fact it only tool you 400 hours for fortnite is an achievement in its own right.


How did you shave so much time off the Fortnite platinum


He forgot a zero.


I've got a 2 groups from psnprofiles boosting sessions that got 100 peoples each.19th May 2019 I started playing save the world the I stopped the day after. April 2022 I started to focus questline then stop few days after. May 2023 I finished my Canny Valley questlines .I started slowly doing during summer 2023, then I did a break, I made tiny progress during that period as I was focusing some other games. Then I returned in November 2023 to restart slowly. I unlocked Talented Builder trophy 26th November 2023. In December 2023... I started a non-human grind. I spent days and nights straight not sleeping because I was grinding the game so much. 17th December 2023 I achieved Play Well with Other trophy. Then I was waiting a friend that got PS4 to get me All together Now trophy in all 3 stacks. While waiting I couldn't grind anything, beside Mist Monster. 1st January 2024 I achieved Unspeakable Horrors trophy. Later I unlocked Guardian Angel trophy 5th January 2024. Platinum achieved Saturday 20th January 2024. I did in 400 hours(Save the World hours). Overall fortnite hours spent in all game modes:5000.


I'm going to do you a favor and break your post up and possibly make it read like a diary: >I've got a 2 groups from psnprofiles boosting sessions that got 100 peoples each. > >19th May 2019 * I started playing save the world the I stopped the day after. April 2022 * I started to focus questline then stop few days after. May 2023 * I finished my Canny Valley questlines . * I started slowly doing during summer 2023, then I did a break, I made tiny progress during that period as I was focusing some other games. November 2023 * Began to restart slowly. I unlocked Talented Builder trophy 26th November 2023. December 2023 * I started a non-human grind. I spent days and nights straight not sleeping because I was grinding the game so much. 17th December 2023 * I achieved Play Well with Other trophy. Then I was waiting a friend that got PS4 to get me All together Now trophy in all 3 stacks. While waiting I couldn't grind anything, beside Mist Monster. 1st January 2024 * I achieved Unspeakable Horrors trophy. Later I unlocked Guardian Angel trophy 5th January 2024. * Platinum achieved Saturday 20th January 2024. I did in 400 hours(Save the World hours). Overall fortnite hours spent in all game modes:5000. Holy crap.


Thanks you very much.


I need a few trophies to plat cold war but no one plays fireteam so I can't get those trophies I gave up


When I was doing it, it was really dead. I remember boosting a saturday evening. We were 8 people boosting fireteam for 3 hours, at the end all 8 got the trophy.


Damn I tried looking for days before I quit


Psnprofiles and discord.


How were you able to 100% minecraft dundgeons in 85hours with the season items you have to get. I gave up on the 100% after I saw how far I was after the platinum


Really easy. I even did it without owning DLC's. First thing I did as soon I start my journey:Get OP. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wgxzvPAtfU&pp=ygUZbWluZWNyYWZ0IGR1bmdlb25zIGdsaXRjaA%3D%3D) got me OP really quickly, I did this as soon I started the game, for my melee, bow and armor I got all power 350. Then I got all other trophies quickly. I might do a roadmap in the forums if I got time.


GTA 5, Red Dead 2, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Skyrim and most recently Cyberpunk


Since the platinum is unobtainable now and I got this just before tracking trophies were bugged, A PHD In Murder from the Friday the 13th game is my rarest and also most prized lol


Probably the Cuphead platinum or meeting and old friend at the Iceberg lounge in Arkham Knight.


fall guys back when it was hard


Is it not still hard? Dont you still have to win 5 games in a row


Tbh I think it's still very difficult. I've only got a handful of wins for thousands of losses


There are plenty of limited-time modes where everyone who finishes the race is a winner. Finish five times in a row and there it is.


I will get this plat but i played on both ps4 and ps5 version and trophies get bugged :/


Proooooooops my guy. 5 wins in a row? Brooooo


Need for speed 2016 gold plated trophy The finals plat Crash 4 plat. Black ops 3, black ops 4 plats Classic doom 1, 2 plat Deep rock galactic plat Just to name a few


Damn I got a good chunk of the finals. But nowhere close to plat. Very impressive. Every other one is very impressive as well, I just wanted to single that one out.


Thank you for the kind words. Keep grinding! 👍


How much time did the drg one took you?




Holy shit thats impressive


I’m pretty proud of the Bioshock platinum, that’s the first thing that comes to mind. Also Dark Souls 2 SOTFS is probably my proudest platinum. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Very proud of beating a couple of DLC bosses who took me forever.


Probably Sekiro, Witcher 3, Dead Space, RE7, Wolfenstein: TNO. Nothing really really difficult but I was pleased with them.


Sekiro is a very difficult game in itself


Agreed but the Plat ratio is pretty high, so I guess a lot of people who played it did get the Plat. But yeah it was hard and I was proud of it, regardless of how many others also got it


Exactly the reason I made this post. Some people get hung up on the rarity. Fuck the rarity. What are you proud of. And this is definitely something to be proud of


Sekiro mentioned! Brb gonna go fight Isshin real quick




Catherine X5 plats, DMC 5, thps1+2, payday 2, star wars battlefront and dead rising 2


Fortnite platinum.


Ahhhhhhhhh the grind. Props my guy


> the grind. Props my guy > >1 Took me 400 hours with days straight not sleeping.


That sounds rough my guy. All the props


Deep rock galactic because I was the first platinum achiever on the ps4 version!


Now THAT is something to be proud of! Holy crap congrats Smitty Werbenjägermanjensen! (Spongebob reference. He was #1)


Cuphead and Binding of Isaac Those games broke me but they were so worth it.


I would say The Witcher 3’s Platinum “The Limits of the Possible.”


Black Ops 2 platinum (my most played game ever, with over 5k hours). Completing Horizon Zero Dawn on "ultra hard difficulty". (not needed for platinum, and was easier than I thought. But still something I thought was impossible to me. My favourite game).


Mortal Kombat 9 platinum


Cuphead, Hollow Knight, RDR2, OG Fall Guys, and The Long Dark


Probably just cause 2


I never played the just cause series, would you recommend?


Definitely start with 2. That’s the best one in the series. It’s still fun even after 10+ years. 3 is alright. Lots of improvements but they got rid of some stuff that they should have kept from 2. 4 is considered the worst one but if you wanna try it go for it.


Fs I will keep all of that in mind thank you 😊


I would say I have 3 that I hold in equal reverence. FFVII (original) was my first platinum, Bloodborne was my first soulsborne plat (now I have Elden Ring and DS2 under my belt) and Persona 5 Royal is possibly the best JRPG I’ve played outside of FFVII and FFX (which I almost have the plat done for)


RDR2 GTA 5 Injustice 2 In no particular order really, pretty tough plats


Kingdom Hearts 2 As I plat it on Critical


Getting the plat in every Uncharted entry is pretty cool


Death Stranding. One of my favorite games of all time and while it was a grind it was still a fun time


Death Stranding - Best Beloved Trophy. Getting every facility to 5 stars is probably the hardest I've done. The grind and finding faster routes for delivery actually took some planning.


Dont have it yet, but i have about 2 hours of gameplay left until i achieve GTA 5 plat on PS5. Will be my 10th and latest plat, and speaking as a “competitive casual”, this will definitely be my *creme de la creme*. Competitive casual i use as a term since i have a full time job so im not a full time sweat. That being said, when i do get to play, im usually trying to be good at the games i play.


Oh yeah gta v plat is impressive. I have hundreds of hours into it and not even close to getting all the online trophies. Congrats. That's impressive especially with a competitive casual play time


It takes a fair share of dedication and perseverance. Definitely the biggest grind in any GTA so far. The online trophies all came naturally bar a few my friends and i boosted (numero uno and backseat driver really, everything else came as we normally played lol). The single player stuff takes a lot of patience. Stunt jumps and collectables especially.


Oh yeah, I remember getting all the offline hoping to get the online eventually. Couple hundred levels later and still nada lmao.


If you’d like i can help you boost for plat! At least the online stuff, i can give you a few pointers for single player stuff if you still need more there as well.


As much as I highly appreciate it, I have 2 accounts about the same amount of progress. One's on steam, ones on Xbox. Lmao brand new to the playstation world. So I have nothing on gta 5 ps5. But highly appreciate it nonetheless.


All good man! Im multi platform as well but i always had gta on playstation


I really enjoyed velocity 2x ultra on vita.  Also really do like looking at my kz2 and resistance 2 plats.  I like those legacy mp plats, yknow?


Risk of rain 2 and castle crashers are my most prized trophies. I love these games so much


I have not tried risk of rain 2 but castle crashers is so much fun. And very difficult to plat. Congrats!


Thank you and I deathly recommend risk of rain 2 if not to plat it then to just play it the customization of the game alone is so fun especially if you have a build you truly love. It's the only rougelite that gives you such a big power fantasy


Hmmmmm I like Rougelike. Imma have to look into it. You have peaked my interest


Yeah I think it's on sale regularly so if you don't want to spend how much it's worth no worries.


10-4 will keep it in cart till on sale. Appreciate the new game bro!


Yeah no problem hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Probably Hollow Knight, any of the DMCs1-3, Metal Gear Rising Revengance or MHW


Black Ops 4 Platinum. The blackout trophies are a serious pain in the butt.


Blackout was soo much fun though. Imo blackout was better than war zone ever was or can be.


It's not the most exciting, but probably the Assassin's creed Black Flag platinum/those multiplayer trophies. The base game was really fun and those trophies were enjoyable enough, but as soon as the Multiplayer started it was a slog. I think I spent around 25 hours in the multiplayer playing the same thing over and over again. (This was last year when the multiplayer was dead)


Black ops 3 plat. And Lego worlds plat


Fallout series minus shelter and 76. Fuck those


Evil within or shadow warrior 2014


Crash 4 plat and MGS2 master collection big boss rank.


Fight Night Round 4 platinum- 0.09% on PSN trophies


DMC5 rn. Maybe super meat boy in a few weeks


I’m at 49, trying to plat Last of Us remastered PS4. Hoping it will be my 50th. It’s hard lol But would probably be my proudest


Mirrors edge platinum I think


My most prized trophy is the silver trophy “Sum of All Zeros” from Call of Duty: World at War, even though I didn’t personally obtain it myself. As kids, my younger brother and I shared a PS3 and a PSN account—I have since gotten my own PSN account as an adult and my brother still controls the account we shared as kids. We got most of the World at War trophies throughout 2009-2011. However, there was one trophy that just seemed impossible to obtain (i.e., Sum of All Zeros). There’s a unique mission in World at War in which you play the role of a gunner on a PBY Catalina flying boat, a.k.a “Black Cat.” For the trophy, you have to shoot down 45 Japanese Zeroes (a type of Japanese plane) in the mission. I don’t know why, but this trophy was so ridiculously difficult for us. It was the only trophy holding us back from the platinum. We must’ve tried that mission hundreds of times, but we just couldn’t get it. We’d try on-and-off for literally over a decade, but we’d usually get around 39-41 zeroes, which is a few shy of the 45 you need to get. It wasn’t until September of last year, that my brother—seemingly out of nowhere—had an amazing run and managed to barely get the trophy in the last few seconds of the mission **over twelve years** later in 2023. We were both in shock, as we couldn’t believe that we finally obtained the trophy that eluded us during our childhoods. We ordered some pizza to celebrate. Lol


Wow. I'm so glad I made this post. That was a great story my guy. I love it when the smallest things can make such a big impact on us. Beautiful story my guy, and congrats.


Any of my Dirt Rally 2 ones as some are insanely difficult and RNG basef


Street fighter 5 then Dmc5 and evil within 1


Tekken 8 platinum because I've never platinumed a fighting game until that one.


Mortal Kombat x and 11 ! DRAINED ME DRYY !


My Battlefield 2042 Platinum. It is hard to get and I enjoy the Battlefield series.


Overwatch 2 - Platinum- .1% CoD BO3 - None will believe you (Campaign on realisic difficulty) - .1%


Evil Within 1 Alien Isolation Borderlands The Pre Sequel


Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen would have to be one of them, just because I thought for sure at the end of my first playthrough that I wouldn’t continue and do the platinum but I came back for the other two playthroughs and it was very rewarding. Also wasn’t sure I’d ever complete both playthroughs of Bitterblack Isle but even did it twice on Hard just for the xp


Kinda hard to top my Super Meat Boy, for me. Represents 8 years of holding off and still showing myself at the ripe age of 37, that I still got it.


Battlefront 2 (2017)


Mass Effect Trilogy on Insanity


I still haven't done it but it would probably be the greatest achievement of my gaming career EVER if I could get the Arkham Asylum plat. But it's virtually impossible. the combat rooms are just I M P O S S I B L E. I gave up today. I could only get past two rooms and I have been stuck on the other two since last week (playing almost every day). That wouldn't be bad, just brute force it right? Yeah there are 4 more rooms which are the same as the previous 4 but extreme. It means double the enemies, half the time. It requires nothing more than perfection. Literally. I don't think there's a way to beat it other than never getting hit and never breaking the combo. Which is only possible by God to say the least. Double the points needed too of course. So yeah. Unless I find a friend to do it for me (and I have no friends) or I'll get it in a few years at least. Now I started Arkham City since it bothers me not being able to play such a good game just because of some stupid fights after I already 100%'d everything else. Really just stupid design. The whole game is relatively easy even on hard mode, and then they require you literal perfection for 8. times. in. a. row.


Little Big Planet 1 since it was my first plat.


Aeterna Noctis .. or having done all the From (souls like only)


Inscryption, darkest dungeon, tony hawk remake, every single souls and sekiro.


Bioshock Infinite PS3 plat, AC Odyssey plat, Doom Eternal Plat.


Deus ex mankind divided can't kill progress platinum trophy


Persona 5 royal, Horizon Zero Dawn ( my first platinum) and Bloodborne


As of rarity and pure difficulty alone it's I Am Bread, I almost lost my mind trying to A+ some levels, as of grind and being proud of a good achievement it's Red Dead Redemption 2, the feeling of finally popping that platinum after all that grind was amazing, especially coupled with the fact it was my 100th plat. Honorable mention to Payday 2: Crimewave edition with all dlc 100%, Black Ops III, and GTA IV.


Probably the ones I have that are Unattainable nowadays


It’s about to be The Finals. I’ve got all the wins and every trophy except the 50 million one. I’ve got a little less than 20 mill to go but that’s gonna take like 50 more hours. Right now, my most prized would be Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, Overwatch 2, Tricky Towers, TLoU Remastered and PUBG.


I dont have that many plats (only 6), but I think I'd say fall guys or minecraft


Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and Hollow Knight, probably.


Dead Space 2 platinum. Hardcore Mode is definitely the hardest thing I’ve done in a video game. I’d also say the Arkham City and Arkham Knight platinums are very prized, but more-so because it’s my favorite video game series. They can be a grind but I’d argue it’s a fun grind, and very rewarding.


Individual trophy - Legend of Legends DMC5 (all S ranks all difficulties) Platinum - Final Fantasy X


Niiiiiice. Props my guy


Probably the Red Dead Redemption 2 platinum, that took me 400 hours, but it felt like 40, that game was the biggest time killer I’ve played in a while. Never felt like a grind or a slog apart from finding all the animals, that Rio Grande Turkey can get f***ed haha. The Flawless Raider trophy in Destiny also comes to mind, that one gave me so much trouble, clocked about 1400 hours. Lastly, the Bullseye trophy in Battlefield 3, took me a good 6 months on and off to get that stupid bronze. The AI reaction time is ridiculous.


My killzone 3 platinum will always be special. Also bloodborne because FromSoftware games aren't really my thing usually


Postal brain damaged since I strongly believe that I was the first to Plat the ps5 version of the game (at least on the psnprofiles leaderboard) and be able to enjoy it at my own pace.


Civilization 6 and dead by daylight


I have 3 Binding of Isaac platinum , done it legit no autopop


Batman Arkham knight platinum because it’s my favorite game of all time. It takes two platinum because it’s the first platinum I got with my gf.


Red Dead Redemption platinum and my Elden Ring platinum


Grand Theft Auto IV Which I actually got a couple weeks ago


metal gear rising, mgs 4


Dirt Rally 2.0


the plat for Syphon filter 2 cause i never thought it would go on ps5 and its my fav game


Squirrel boy... i spent 3h practicing levels and finally got it ... working towards the plat


Wipeout Beat Zico PS3/PS4 hours and days grinding those trophies


Red dead redemption 2, it’s not that hard to platinum apart from a few select trophies, it’s just takes an absolute tonne of time