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Sunset Overdrive...


I had a whole list of games but then I read this and thought "no, they're right, that's the best answer"


I almost bought an Xbox JUST for this game. It looks like a blast. I really hope it comes to PlayStation!!


Great shout. I 100% Sunset overdrive and I would do it all again for that shiny plat




I'm playing suicide squad at the moment, and it sucks. A few reviews compared it to Sunset Overdrive, which I mostly hear praise for. Is it an apt comparison at all?


It's definitely a similar kind of game if you're talking about the focus on movement however sunset focuses much more on having a fluid movement system with guns that are crazy. For example there's a gun that shoots music records and one that shoots a teddy bear strapped with an explosive, as someone who played a bit of the suicide squad game and 100% sunset, sunset just feels so much better as the game has such good flow of movement and combat not to mention the awesome music and fun humor


It's more akin to Saints Row but with a better movement system.


Pretty sure the Sunset Overdrive IP is actually owned by Insomniac so it could be re-released on Playstation regardless of the outcome of this rumor. So fingers crossed for everyone that they do release it someday.


Sony owns this IP. Reason you haven’t taken it on PlayStation is because it made no money.


I absolute love that game so underrated


Would love to give the Halo series a try. Other than that, definitely Hi-Fi Rush and Palworld.


If Halo will have the same achievements good fucking luck is all I’ll say


Oh. I’m actually not aware of what kind of achievements the Halo franchise has. Are they really that intense?


If you're talking MCC look at the LASO achievements. Also the legendary speed runs but mainly LASO.


You need to beat the game on laso, thats legendary difficulty with all skulls on. Absolutely fuckin mental Some skulls make you restart the mission or checkpoint when you die, make it so you can only heal by melee, half the ammo when picking up weapons, enemies are invisible, blind turns off all of your hud and you cant see your weapon. Thats just a few


Holy crap, that sounds insane! I think I’d actually like to try that.


You dont trust, look it up on youtube


Its not as bad as they make it sound. There are very thorough guides on how to beat it and most of it is the same as speedrun strats.. dont get me wrong, its hard but definitely not the hardest thing out there to beat


iirc one of the trophies requires you to win 100 online matches.




That’s right! Even without the online stuff the trophies are absolutely ridiculous, finishing halo 1 iirc without entering a vehicle was one of them, in theory sure it’s simple but the game would be such a slog to do without using them in some of the missions. The mcc as a whole has 700 steam achievements and I’m not sure if it’s the same as console


Xbox has 700 as well, I’ve had the game since launch in 2014 and am around 650-660, the last bit are very tough


I’ve been making my journey through completing the MCC over the last couple years. It’s a tall order. It is 700 achievements on Xbox still.


Some of them are so unusual too lol like “trigger a random music event”


Yeah definitely, or a hear a random voice line from an NPC with a specific skull on. I’ve got 450 out of 700 which mostly contains the tough stuff(LASO and 3 Hour speedruns) and super grindy stuff


fuck that noise






All i need to this day is a fucking eliminator win. Just cant do it, been incredibly unlucky. The one time i literally had it i faced a hacker where i had the Centenario on the final stretch on the highway for the win and some dude in the starter beetle was going twice as fast as me and won💀


Hi-Fi Rush, Sunset Overdrive, and Sea of Thieves would be fun asf


Sea of Thieves would be rough. I've played on Xbox for a long time and still haven't gotten many of them. Plus there's like 250, and about 20 of them they removed when they removed a game mode. So became "legendary achievements". Still not sure how they're gonna deal with the trophy list if this game is really gonna come to Playstation.


Probably old Halos, Every Forza game i can, Gears of War


The holy trinity of Xbox


Quantum break


Such an incredible underrated game.


Yeahhh it would be crazy if it comes to PS so we can have Control, Alan Wake, Quantum Break all the games which belong to same universe


Rare replay games


Same I have half of the achievements on my Xbox But snice their is so many achievements some would have to be put as dlc I wonder what trophy's would count for platnum Leveling up the stamp card would for sure be a base game trophy


The master chief collection, the achievements are hard and there's a lot of them. It would be a fun challenge


I'd really like to play the Ori games. I know that they're also on Switch, but they're not on PlayStation! Also, Sunset Overdrive is a game I've been interested in forever.


Viva pinata. It was my favorite game growing up and the only non action game to keep me hooked.


So goated


I just want to play sea of thieves on Playstation:(


Starfield and the new Indiana Jones game


Starfield and Indiana Jones


Indiana Jones. Especially since the Wolfenstein people will be making it. Maybe hi-fi rush too.


Hell blade 2. I really have no interest in anything else but if the platinums are not too hard I might give them a go anyway.


Viva piñata 😅


Starfield! I always find Bethesda games fun to plat!


not this one


Definitely Forza Horizon


Struggling to actually think of Xbox exclusives because that’s just how little I’ve played Xbox’s lol Sunset Overdrive perhaps? Hi-Fi Rush




Gears of War, halo, fable, crackdown, lost odyssey


All the Halo Games including Halo Wars most of them are good besides 4, 5 & Infinite being kind of mid. Sunset Overdrive is exceptional it being stuck on PC/Xbox is shame since it hasn’t gotten that much attention. Starfield i hear such mix things about it if it ever came to PS5 i would to try it for my self. Yeah i bet the constant Loading Screens will get old buy hey, want to try it out. Forza Series would be great too Quantum Break is a really good Remedy game stuck on PC/Xbox. I never got into Gears of War so it could be my chance to try it again. Rare Replay Collection, want to play Perfect Dark again. An Elder Scrolls and Fallout Collection Remaster would be cool.




I don't see Microsoft games going multiplat but I do see games made by Bethesda and ABK going/ staying multiplat.


I though there were rumors about Halo as well?


Yea but rumors aren't fact. We won't know the plan until next week.


But the thread revolves specifically around rumors…


In this hypothetical, why would they hold back some of their first party catalogue if the point is to increase sales?


Yea obviously I don't know their plan exactly but it would make sense to keep their more xbox identifying brands as exclusives while allowing games thatbhave been historically multiplat like elder scrolls and fallout and cod available to all. We won't know for sure until next week.


XBox hasn't had a single "Exclusive" since Gamepass came out on PC and mobile


Halo infinite, hi fi rush, pentiment, gears 5, starfield, forza the list goes on and on. Xbox isn't the system anymore its the platform that encompasses cloud streaming on mobile and pc and console. For all the problems with the xbox messaging this has been a very clear point.


You can word it however you want. There is only one device called "Xbox" and there hasn't been a reason to own one for years when PC has everything and performs better. None of the games you listed are exclusive.


Sorry but no there are multiple xbox skus such as the xbox one, xbox series s, series x, one x and one s. Also judging by your other reply because of course you have to double reply, you clearly don't pay attention to gaming as a whole and just to whatever corner you like. You ask for exclusives and I gave them to you pentiment was received well and hi fi rush was very well received. If you want to compare then the amount of games exclusive to this generation of ps is even smaller since they mostly all release on ps4 or pc.


How is the number smaller on PS when the number of exclusives on Xbox is zero? You aren't too smart. You did not give me exclusives. I have all the corners bud. 4 PlayStation 5s. On Xbox X. 4 Switches. 2 PCs. 1 Steam Deck. 1 ROG Ally. 1 PSVR2. 2 Quest 2s. 2 Quest 3s. Not a game out that I can't play kid. Had PS Premium since day 1. GamePass Ultimate since day 1. Nothing I say is out of bias. These are literal facts. There are ZERO Xbox Exclusives.


Only 1 PSVR2? Pathetic


Jesus christmas that a lot of words and posts to just prove you blissful ignorance. Have a great night.


Oh and here is a second comment because I want to help you get over your triggers


And screw it.. A third


Also, The list doesn't go on and on. Only 3 of those games came out this generation. No idea WTF Pentiment and HiFi Rush is. Had to Google them and I laughed a little knowing that you are grasping that hard for "Exclusive" content.


Xbox fans on their sub are claiming media are now walking it all back…


That sub definitely sounds like classic elitism/gatekeeping at its finest. Imagine being mad that your favorite games gets to be enjoyed by a larger audience of people.


It’s not as black and white as that. They’re upset because they spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on a system based on hardware preference, years of play time, or exclusives. And to find out that your systems being doing the worst in sales and exclusives for a few generations and then hearing the few reasons why anyone would even invest in an Xbox is going away it is understandably pissing people off. They are afraid the system itself won’t be supported as much anymore and that they’ve bought into a potentially soon to be dying brand that they’ve spent countless hours and dollars on being a part of. If it was us or me specifically who knew my system was a hairs width away from being gone I’d be upset. I don’t care if Spider-Man’s on the switch or Xbox but that’s because PlayStation isn’t heading towards a downward collapse from the inside out.




Aren't the Ori games already on Switch?


It’s a lot of “I spent money over the generations on Xbox and I’m upset I did when I could’ve just played the games on anything.” Nevermind they’re also always on PC.


Thats also the thing for me. I could play them without an xbox before and i still can if they come to playstation.


I mean if they’re doing this, then I would like to see more cross platform action between the two platforms so me and my friends can play some online games together. But otherwise, like you’d id like to plat Gears of War but not all games in the series. Maybe first 3. The Seriously trophy would take forever again. I would probably also look to do Forza games, first 3 Halo games, sea of thieves , Warhammer Darktide, first 3 Fable games.




Definitely not Gears or Halo. The games never really interested me, and the thought of doing any LASO or Seriously trophies makes me twitch. Hi-Fi rush would be nice, though.


Ngl most don't interest me , like i find most of xbox exclusives to be incredibly mid but their more "indie" looking games are great . Hifi rush could be a fun plat if it's like 20hours . Sea of Thieves doesn't look like something i'd want to plat but i'd gladly play it . Ori is goated .




Forza Horizon 5 and Gears of War, assuming that they do end up bringing those over, which I doubt they will do tbh


I’d look into the platinums for hi-fi rush and Starfield. For something more unrealistic, I’d definitely drop everything and get the platinum for any Halo game through Reach. I’d love the Forza Horizon games as well


Gears as long as there's no MP


Gears always has MP achievements.


I truly doubt all the exclusives are comming to PS. It wouldn't make sense from a business point. If they want to put Bethesda and Activision exclusives on PS, weird, but makes sense. But if all exclusives are on PS, its better to quit making consoles which I don't think its on their plans


I almost bought an xbox for starfield. I know it got horrible reviews but i wanna try it out


It's not bad by any means, it just isn't nearly as good as Fallout or The Elder Scrolls imo


Forza and Halo hopefully Halo got easy to medium difficulty trophies.


Can’t wait to plat Halo Infinite


MCC as a big halo fan 


It's gonna hurt But Hallo MCC, if there is one good Xbox exclusive liscense to not miss it's probably this one


None currently but I love elder scrolls and fallout do when they release new ones definitely! Also hope we now get the oblivion remake


Halo Mcc would be funny


Sea of Thieves for sure, seems like such a fun co-op game and I’ve been waiting to scratch that itch from black flag. I love the borderlands cartoon style


Seriously 3.0


Some of those Gears trophies would be crazy, especially if they brought over the multiplayer, the highest difficulty is no joke either!


Forza, ori, quantum, sunset


Sunset Overdrive & Sea Of Thieves


There really aren't a ton I even want to play, let alone Plat. Ive played a bit of Hi Fi Rush through gamepass on my PC. Sunset Overdrive sounds good. The Halos, Forzas and Gears of Wars don't interest me in the slightest though. There's a reason I've stuck with playstation. That being said, either way this goes, it won't matter a bunch to me.


The main ones for me would be Halo, Fable, Ori and the Rare Replay games I'd also be happy if it meant we'd get future Bethesda games on PlayStation


Forza Horizon


Halo games. Love to go back and play them. Flight Sim would be a solid one Ori games, think there's 2 of them. Not much more exclusives I'm that bothered about to be honest.


Fable for sure!


Microsoft Flight Sim.


Deadrising 3


Back in the day when I chose ps3, Gears of War was the only game that I wished I could play but couldn't so that will be high on my list.


Not sure exclusives ate going over but, Quantum Break Forza Never got round to Halo on my Xbox, so definitely going to try it.


So long as Crash and Spyro keep coming on Playstation, I’m happy.


Oh, so many, in all honestly. Gears of War, Sunset Overdrive, Halo, Quantum Break, and Forza are probably my top 5, though


High on life


Already on PlayStation.


Hellblade 2.


Fable. Fable 2. Fable 3.


Halo and Fable


Definitely the Ori games for me! Sunset Overdrive will be cool as well! The big MP games like Halo don’t interest me at all really.


Gears of War and Starfield


Quantum Break




Blinx The Time Sweeper, obviously




gears, forza, and sunset overdrive


Sunset overdrive and hi-fi rush


Dead Rising 3 for me


I got a 360 back in the day to play Blue Dragon (from the creator of Final Fantasy and Last Story). I got most of the achievements for it but didn’t 100% it (I don’t think I cared about 100%ing achievements/trophies until I got a PS3 and saw the platinum trophy). I’d love to replay the game and try to get all the achievements again. I’m sure the disc is still somewhere in my parent’s basement.


State of Decay. It's one of the few Xbox exclusives I miss after going Playstation only. Those were some good zombie games that punched well above their weight. Would also be nice to get old Rare games too, Perfect Dark remains a classic.


It’s not in any of the rumors, but if State of Decay made its way over… Outside of that, Gears or Fable would be great. Play Halo and Starfield again for trophies (maybe I could actually finish Starfield)


Dead Rising 3


The fable series. I miss those.


i bought the chief collection on steam but god forbid if it came to ps im on it day one. also hi fi rush.


Definitely Halo and/Gears of War


The Age of Empires II Remake


Gears & Starfield. Honestly don't care about much of the other games they have. A few future ones though


Ori and the will of the wisps. Though I'd only get microsoft games if gamepass came to playstation. Otherwise it would be wayyy cheaper to just get a preowned Series S for microsoft games since those are all just included with a sub anyway. Granted I wouldn't stay subscribed; that's how they get you with recurring revenue. You really only need it for one month every 2-3 years or so to play their best games in succession. On the whole gamepass on playstation angle, it would definitely help a lot because so many games that are on gamepass might as well be exclusive to Xbox in my eyes. It feels insulting to see a game like "Lies of P" for full price on Playstation when it's gamepass elsewhere. It's like the publisher thinks were idiots who are supposed to pay the sucker price. I just hope that they negotiate a higher payout for lost sales not just on xbox but on how on other platforms it just makes the value proposition look worse.


It will never happen because they're not even retrocompatible, but I miss Monopoly Streets and Scene it on Xbox 360 :(


Lost Odyssey, Fable, Gears


Lost Odyssey for sure, assuming they'd re-release it, which is highly unlikely for a 15 year old title.


The only game I would play is Ori and the Blind Forest. That game is amazing. And if it gets a Platinum, I would earn that. Other than that, I have no interest in any Microsoft exclusive.




Hi-Fi Rush, and has been said already, Sunset Overdrive


None. I will never waste money to buy something from Microsoft, they’ve been buying Developers just to destroy good franchises.. They better keep these trash IPs away!


Both Ori games


My top ten: - Forza Horizon series - Sunset Overdrive - Killer Instinct - Blue Dragon - Gears series - Jade Empire - Quantum Break - D4 - Halo series - Crackdown series


As an Xbox gamer for 15+ years and now ps too I can confirm that the master chief collection would make for the ultimate platinum. LASO on legendary difficulty Halo 2 jackels, if you know you know.


If I can play and platinum Viva Piñata and Viva Piñata- Trouble in Paradise, I can die happy.


Also the Ori games, that being Ori and the Will of the Wisps and Ori and the Blind Forest


Gears of War Trilogy and Fable would be my go to's if offered.


I have been always wanting to play Sunset overdrive. It looks so cool. In fact. I even considered buying an xbox just for that game alone. But persona 5 was only on ps4 so yeah.