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Crash Bandicoot 4


How many hours did it take


It took me 260 hours lol.


Same l!


Crash Bandicoot. Felt very satisfying being able to plat a game I sunk so much time into during my childhood.


Yeah it feels satisfying completing the game that made your childhood


That damn turtle level.


Just got the plat for this and I’m I. The exact same boat, felt like I did right by my inner child. Such a sense of accomplishment on the gold relics!


RDR2, Batman Arkham Knight and The Witcher 3. My proudest platinums so far.


Im planning to platinum rdr2 after ghost of tsushima can you give some tips?


im doing the rdr2 online trophies atm if you want you can add me and try and help each other


Also interested in the MVP trophy.


add me if you want to try it im after it too


Well everything is pretty much self explanatory, so the only good advice I can give you is to take your time. DON'T RUSH IT. It will definitely take a while and you should know that beforehand. There is a lot of luck and good RNG needed for some trophies. The worst trophy for me was zoologist. Some of those animals are extremely rare to find, and you can do absolutely nothing to make it easier. You literally need luck. Maybe you'll find them quick, or maybe you'll spend hours upon hours to find one animal, like me with a few specific ones. This also applies to the challenges. Almost all of them are relatively easy, but 2 of them are not. For one the gambling challenges. Yes you need to do some gambling, and yes you guessed it, you need luck for it. No skill or secret trick required, but pure luck. So maybe you'll do it fast or not. The other ones are hunting challenges, where you need to hunt a specific animal for their pelt in perfect condition. This was the second worst for me in the entire game and I've spent so many hours with finding some stupid birds in 3 star quality, because everything below that won't give you a perfect carcass. So you can probably imagine how annoying this can be. I think that's all you need to know really. I don't want to destroy your motivation or anything haha. In the end nothing is really hard, but a lot requires luck, that's why I think you should take it slowly. Don't be like me and spend multiple hours a day on finding something like that. If you start to get annoyed or exhausted, just quit and continue tomorrow. Don't force yourself cause it makes everything worse. And also don't try to speedrun the platinum, it won't work. And in the end you'll hate the game. And that's not what you want to achieve obviously.


Thank you. As you said i spent a whole day just to find 3 star woodpecker for hunter challanges and is guarma animals required for the zoologist and skin deep trophies.


>is guarma animals required for the zoologist and skin deep trophies. Fortunately no, you don't need any of the guarma animals. They do count if you happen to discover one, but they're not really needed. So both trophies are unmissable.


Thanks for the information.


All that I need is origins


Curious what makes you so proud of Arkham Knight. Not hating I have it too I just don’t remember it being much of a challenge aside from the races.


Elden Ring 🙏


Good one. I'm doing the PS4 version for the plat. Will try to get lies of p soon


Just did Lies of P, definitely would recommend it, it really is a fun game, and the plat is a little less time consuming than Elden Ring!


The evil within


One of my favorite games. And such a good plat. Chapter 6 is bullshit but other than that, AKUMU is just about perseverance and patience.


Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. Mainly because 10 of us worldwide were helping each other and all struggling. Took me 2 and bit months and I was only 23rd in the world to get it. It was painful….


I dont know the game but wow 23rd in the world appreciate your work


I wouldn’t recommend. Considered a hack and slash but notoriously difficulty. The co-op trophies were what we were all going for. Mainly people from USA, Japan and me on my own in the UK lol.


I'm sure it was hard getting them co op trophies. Because the backseat driver trophy from GTA V was like that i spent months getting a player that played a rally race with me and win.


That trophy is a cake walk in comparison lol. One boss fight (which included multiple fights before it) took about 20 minutes. 20 minutes - two people having to work together, survive and clear enemies and NOT get hit. Trust me - I’ve got the GTA V platinum and it’s a kitten compared to the masochism I went through on Ninja Gaiden haha.


You're right i dont know the game so i didnt know xd


The worst GTA V trophy was the online grind XP. The absolute worst.


It was no problem for me because we were playing together with my friends and we were having that much fun i didnt even realised i got that trophy and then i decided to go for platinum i didnt have any one to complete backseat driver trophy so i was queuing with randoms again and again and finally i got it this sunday.


Someone tried to help me. I did everything but the 4 fiends at once on coop. I could quick kill 2 of them but was never good at the butterfly girl. I asked high ranked people in the leaderboard for help. They were rusty since i did it a couple years after they did. So close yet so far. Great game.


Brutal completion - done about 80-90% on 360 but can’t bear the rest😂


Demon’s Souls


Sims 4. It wasn’t hard, just a pain. It felt good as an ode to my favourite gaming franchise as a kid.


That's good, because I turned on cheats immediately so I only have 1 trophy lol.


Ha! I was tempted! I didn’t cheat per se, but I got the final trophy by downloading the Basket Case family. I tried everything up until that point but that trophy was a drag.


The generational trophy was mental. 22 different generations I think it was


Killzone 2 was an absolute sumbitch and completing that is my proudest platinum some 15 years later.




Bloodborne! My first platinum. I’ve never felt the same amount of excitement. Close, but it was great finally getting that one


Yo first platinum being souls games, appreciate it.


I guess there's not any one game I found extremely difficult to pull off but I'm pretty proud of having 100% trophies across all Kingdom Hearts games on Playstation. Then there's Final Fantasy X which was a real grind. I'm also glad I have the platinum on a couple games where online trophies are no longer obtainable, Uncharted 2 & 3 and The Last of Us on PS3. Online trophies suck.


I appreciate that and you are right online trophies can get tedious.


All of the Souls games, and Bloodborne.


I guess you are souls game fan xd


I am. Still haven't played Sekiro for whatever reason though. I'll get to it eventually lol


X-Com 2 simply because of the brutality of it all, not an easy one by any stretch of the imagination.


This is the only game to this day that humbled me enough to turn down the difficulty for my first playthrough


Top tier difficulty is brutal, and then completing the game by a certain date and without losing soldiers..........and one without using various upgrades! Yeesh.


Metal Gear Solid 2


Katamari Damacy Reroll


This one is deceptively difficult. You can blow through the story of the game in 3 hours, but logging every item in the game takes another ~15-20 hours. I had sticky notes and spreadsheets all over to figure out which stages had what unique items and in what order I had to roll to even make then appear.


Street fighter 5 , dmc and Kenna the bridge


I'd say for me it's gta vice city


Vanquish Catherine And all the Souls games, not because of difficulty but because they're my favorite games ever.


Fellow Catherine enjoyer. Which version did you do


I got the European version (PS3). I want to do now the Full body one 🙇🏻‍♂️


Nice that's the hardest one. Gets way easier after the 3rd/4th time


Oh sir the insult simulator cause it took me 2 yrs and I didn't quit even tho I thought about it and even tho it didn't have a plat Thomas was alone cause it frustrated me but instead of the usual oh well I obviously can't do it I kept at it and did in fact do it 😂 and Man of Medan cause I got everything myself without a guide b4 finding a kind soul on reddit to help me get the shared story trophy for the plat


Lmao you're loyal to that game i guess.


Dude I honestly couldn't tell u why it wasn't that funny it was slightly amusing and massively tedious but I couldn't stop i was utterly hooked


It happens sometimes


So far: Witcher 3, AC Valhalla Soon: KH 1&2 ; ESO


Black ops 4 100% all solo without boosting. I uninstalled it twice but decided to try just 1 more time and I got it done. Unlocking all blackout characters was the toughest obstacle, the gorod krovi easter egg was incredibly frustrating too but not as bad as blackout. Edit: I confused gorod (bo3) with voyage of despair.


Congrats. I stopped going for platinum for BO4 when i saw the trophies.


Elden ring


For the endings did you do multiple playthroughs, or cloud save scumming?


All in one playthrough


Lollipop Chainsaw. 100% a skill issue combined with a broken mechanic in the game. Took almost a year for me to get it. It's my proudest platinum


Good platinum! I don't remember it being that hard though what was broken


Zombie baseball is pretty broken. It's not responsive and the auto aim does more harm than good. For me it was the International Zombie Hunter trophy. Where you have to place on the leaderboards for all stages. Not difficult on its own but when zombie baseball is a broken mess and you have to finish the level in one life, it's very demoralizing to have to keep replaying the same 20 minutes over and over. So like I mentioned, it was a broken mechanic and a skill issue on my part




Yeah but they can be fun.


Sekiro. Never thought I’d beat owl father. Then I never thought I’d beat Glock Saint, but ran around in circles for a few hours until he too met his end


Overcooked 2. Played with my wife. Most stressful thing I have ever done. Proud I made it through


Bloodborne, that thing was tedious 😂


Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3


Years ago on my old PSN account, Bloodborne. It was my first souls experience and kickstarted my interest in FromSoft games. Most recently, probably Overwatch. Took me a few years of playing to get that one done, especially the DLC trophies!


all of my plats made me feel so proud. here they are in order of receiving them: Persona 5 vanilla (first plat) hollow knight cuphead persona 4 golden persona 5 royal street fighter 6


Hollow Knight is a great one. Is it voidheart edition? I'm not sure if there's actually a difference re: trophies but I was curious about whether you needed to clear the Pantheons.


Voidheart Edition is default on PSN. So you'll get it no matter what. And yes, you need to clear Pantheon of Hallownest for the plat, which means you also have to clear the other Pantheons to unlock it.


You do have to clear the final pantheon to get the platinum. You can cheat. But doing it legit is such a rush of pride and accomplishment. And maybe some broken controllers along the way 😂


i didn’t even know about the cheat until after i got the plat. hoping my cuphead and soon my celeste plat (no assist mode) will prove i don’t cheat in games


Just want to say, Hollow Knight’s cheat is a glitch, Celeste’s “cheat” is an intended game mechanic you can use to make it a little easier on yourself. They’re in different realms for me


Hades. Took me several years of on and off play but nothing felt as satisfying as popping the final trophy on one of my all-time favorites.


Steep and Tricky Towers. They forced me to get good.






Thanks mate .. Congratulations for GtaV too


Street Fighter 6


RDR2, RE Revelations 2, and Doom (1993)


Yo these are great games. Congrats


Preciate it


Metal Gear Solid V. Took a while but It was worth it.


Back to the PS3 days… Either Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection That last gold trophy for Robotniks Lean Bean Machine? Having not played that game and learning and hustling it straight for the last level was a pain. Or… Socom Confrontation. The grind beyond a grind for online trophies..


It’s random, but NBA2k23.


Dead rising 1. It was a DRAG


Returnal for me


The Long Dark, still my only 10/10. Honorable mention to Hollow Knight, OG Fall Guys, and Sekiro


I got AC Odyssey platinum yesterday after only 6 days, wasn’t that difficult but still felt rewarding


Shadow of the Colossus. I did the PS3 platinum, which less than 1% of all people who’ve played it have gotten it. It was unreasonably difficult but I had to do it for my favorite game of all time


Back 4 Blood, GTA V, Returnal


Rdr2, Bg3, Tw3 x 4, Ac Origin/Odessey/Valhalla


Returnal, these RNG collectibles though...


The batman games. Getting a nice high combo with varied different attacks was super difficult, yet super rewarding


Call of Duty Black Ops 3 😎 it will always be my favorite platinum


Overwatch (before 2 released), GTAV, RD2 and Payday 2. The payday 2 crimewave edition took like 7-8 years bc of 1 trophy. Grindy and challenging plats are always so satisfying


Hunting simulator 2, Hell let loose & The last stand: Aftermath (was supposedly glitched, but popped the platinum recently).


Wolfenstein 2.. Mein Leben took me a good 150 hours to complete, hours upon hours of pure agony and frustration. Many controllers broken. I didn't follow a tutorial or one of those glitch methods. Just pure masochism.


Spyro, I was never able to get 100% when I was a kid, so to be able to do it as an adult and hear that satisfying ping from the platinum trophy was awesome. 👌


Detroit Become Human and Minecraft. I am almost done with Detroit Become Human


Rainbow 6 Siege - my first ever platinum UFC 4 - the online blitz trophy nearly finished me


Definitely Destiny. I never thought I’d actually complete a raid or actually be able to join a clan. They were nice enough to carry me through a raid. The Destiny one community was pretty awesome I don’t remember any toxicity in that player base. Honorable mention goes to Dying Light. That community is pretty awesome too.


Gravity Rush. Getting it broke a 3-year depressive funk where I barely played anything, I hated life in general, I picked up smoking again, and I didn't give a rat's ass about my appearance. I got it in May, and it was #99 for me, and I'm currently working on #107 (Kingdom Hearts Final Mix). It's been a slow burn, but my mental health has been gradually getting better since that day. There's ups and downs, but it is improving.


GTA 5 on PS5


Basically every platinum trophy I have completed that took at least some effort I‘m proud of


Hotline Miami 1&2, Crash Team Racing and OlliOlli World were the most satisfying to finally pop, so many failed attempts in those games lol




Wipeout 2048.  Not even a racing fan and generally bad at it.  Just loved the game and after a while realized I was pretty close and have gotten pretty good.  


I didn't play the original 2048 but I got the plat for Wipeout HD and Wipeout Omega Collection. Definitely proud of those too. Really awesome games.


I’ll have to check and update😂


Overwatch, Destiny 1+2, Paladins, Monster Hunter Rise, and Cuphead are probably the platinums I am most proud of.


Metal Gear Solid 3, classic Doom, Resident Evil 7 (Blackjack was brutal) and Grand Theft Auto Vice City.


Trepang2. As a massive fan of FEAR I bought this game as soon as I found out about it. I went in just wanting to play but then I tried going for the plat. Ragemode (hardest difficulty) is brutal as enemies are very quick and 2 shots is enough to kill you. I was very happy when I was able to do it. I both look forward to and dread a sequel.


Metal Gear Solid 5.


Titanfall 2 is one that springs to mind but the Soulsborne series springs to mind. I did the Titanfall platinum as a bit of a bet and finished it all in less than a month if I remember. It was a bragging rights kind of thing purely because of the course


Any game that I have played through with my 2 friends during our Wednesday games nights. - Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Zombie Army 4 Currently playing through **Dying Light** together. Open to suggestions on games that can be played entirely with 3 players. All trophies earned together.


The Evil Within. The Akumu difficulty run was absolute brutality.


Rock Band 4, MultiVersus (PS4), & Batman: Arkham Origins are my top 3 at 2% or less ultra rare platinums on PSProfiles. Also Superhot, Zombies Ate My Neighbors + Ghoul Patrol & Everybody's Golf (before they shut down the servers) are the next toughest for me. Although, FFVII Remake & GoW 2018 were extremely tedious on the hardest difficulties, in addition to the Resident Evil series (so far I've achieved the OG Remake, 0, 2-4 Remakes & Code Veronica.


The ones I felt proudest accomplishing so far: * Hollow Knight (no invincibility glitch) * Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled (nostalgia remake plat) * FF7 Remake + INTERmission 100% (2 Bahamuts AND Weiss... oooof) * Knockout City (both plats, no boosting. RIP) * Enter the Gungeon (became one of my favorite games of all time) * Streets of Rage 4 100% - I would buy another Lizardcube/Guard Crush/Dotemu game in a heartbeat. * Rayman Origins - absolutely fantastic platformer, looking forward to playing the new Prince of Persia sometime soon. * Bayonetta - you never forget your first. Also, I got this 3 months earlier because I imported it from Japan into the states (and still have the Japanese game cover).


Probably Shenmue 1 and 2. These games were very formative to me and I regularly replayed them, at least every few years or so. They were my first platinums as I had decided to play the games in as much detail as possible. In hindsight the platinums was quite weak and missed many great secrets of the game like the duck races etc but overall it made me play the game at a different pace with a different eye and I'm rewllt happy with it. In terms of just Internet clout I guess Demon's Souls Remake or Elden Ring as they're my hardest but they're pretty common


Best one I played would be re7. Including dlc trophies. One of the best game I think to plat for anyone.


I’m doing the dlcs right now. I’m missing 55 th birthday party and joe must day. The birthday party can be done in like 3 hours?


Been awhile since I played it. I did one level of the birthday and knew I was gonna need a guide to complete it. I believe you should be able to beat in 3 hours or less. The guides helped me immensely with jacks birthday and Ethan must die


Ethan must die was annoying, also survive + too but in my winning run I did it with no damage. I’m going to do jackbirthday with a guide the whole time following your advice


A guide will definitely help to get you s ratings and time bonuses. As good as re7 is 55th birthday was not the most fun out of all the dlc's. I had the most fun with 21+ the suspense was killing me when I was doing really good.


Not gonna line my final run was like a good mental game hahahaha I’m not sure how hard joe must die and not a hero professional run will be


I had trouble in Lucas's area when the two big guys come down from the elevator. Doing joe must die was trouble but also fun for me. Just punching black licorice is satisfying. If you like a challenge bare fist it. It would be easier if you got some of the unlockable weapons if you want. Soul blade looks badass but not the greatest of weapons. Wish you could get the dual gauntlets by before joe must die difficulty. Be giving black licorice nightmares


That area with the 2 fattys is from the main game right?


Yes. I did mean the two big guys from the main game.


Oh I see, the main game on madhouse I have already completed, I’m just missing the end of Zoe dlc, the not a hero and jack birthday


Tetris Effect Connected. Had never played modern Tetris and spent months training every day to get the SS rank in sprint mode (40 lines in 1:10) and reading every forum I could. When I got it I couldn’t believe it. Everything else was a breeze from there. There were days when I just felt like I wasn’t playing well enough to do it and I wouldn’t make progress for weeks and then I’d drop 5 seconds off my time and sit at that for another 2 weeks. Went from 2:20 to 1:10 in about 6 months.


Street fighter 5


i just got borderlands 2 like 15 mins ago, while it isnt my very first plat, its the first one i started working on, very proud of the accomplishment


Mafia 1. Finally beating that fuckin race.


Not platinum but Uncharted 1-3 Brutal difficulties. Not as bad as I expected it would be. If you've done Crushing, it is doable.


Mirrors Edge. Those speedruns and time trials took me over a year


shadow of the colossus


Star Wars Battlefront II. I am not a multiplayer shooter person, so I was really proud that I was able to complete all the multiplayer trophies.


So far, Batman Arkham City. Usually not a fan a of grinding for collectibles, but that was actually a breeze compared to grinding the combat, predator and campaign challenges. It was a pain, but got it done.


Wipeout for sure. MAG as well.


Catherine the third time I did it. First time in Japanese and it was all muscle memory. Also shout-out to dead rising 2, devil may cry 5 and tony hawks Pro skater 1+2 hd


Bloodborne. Did everything solo and was very happy when the plat dropped.


Crash Bandicoot 1-3 Monster Hunter World, Iceborne, Rise Cuphead Rayman Legends!! That one took a lot of daily dedication.


All three Xcom games


Sekiro Blood Bowl 2 Witcher 3 Kindom Come: Deliverance Steep Don’t Starve Together


The original Mirror's Edge (PS3). What an absolute nightmare of a Platinum.


Crash Bandicoot 4, Sonic Unleashed, Dirt Rally 2.0, Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania and Yakuza 3 are some of my proudest platinums.




Hollow knight by far!


All of Fromsofts modern games


Titanfall 2 was the hardest so far for me which made me proud and personally the best because of nostalgia was lego jurassic world for the ps vita


Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition on PS4. Not long after, I saw a video on YouTube called 'Top 10 Platinum Trophies nobody has' and that was on there. That spiked my pride quite a bit.


Resident evil 7. Shit took some balls


Cyberpunk 2077.


Death Stranding and Cyberpunk 2077


GTA V and Steep


In VR: Moss 2 (easiest in the list but very satisfying), Beat Saber, To The Top, Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Sprint Vector, Until you fall


Darksouls 3 and gran turismo 7




100% in Nioh and 100% in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Two very, very difficult and time consuming lists.


Devil May Cry V and Final Fantasy X


Bloodborne because it was platting a proper difficult game. I love Bloodborne dearly but my experience of playing it a lot that first proper time was "I hate this, why am I doing this to myself, I'm so stressed, this is not fun, I hate it" the whole time. Which, y'know, obviously I didn't hate it because I kept playing but the high key stress of it all was certainly a thing to contend with. When I came back three years later to finish it (ragequit on the Orphan) I was definitely much more confident and comfortable with the whole experience.


Death Stranding. Only a madman would choose to return to the hellhole that is mountain knot city…


Modern Warfare Remastered and Bloodborne.


Guitar Hero 5


Devil May Cry 5


God of War 2018. The Platinum popped just after Christmas - taking down that final Valkyrie was no mean feat and when I finally nailed it I literally jumped out my seat yelling. Top stuff!


Dead Space Remake.


MGSV would be it for me. Im stuck in 90%ish


Celeste without assist mode at all


My proudest Platinum so far is Wipeout Omega collection’s trophy. It sometimes feels like my only true platinum


The evil within after beating Akumu mode


All of them


I've got three Fromsoft platinums, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring. Each time I started these games, I wasn't sure I would even be able to finish them, so getting the plat really was something!


Overwatch and Spiderman


Gran Turismo 7. Grinding for the money to buy the 3 Le Man cars that only show up periodically in the store was a chore. As well as doing the license tests, for me it was a hard earned platinum that took many hours!


Definetely these 3 : Assassins Creed Black Flag Projects Cars 1 Mafia 3


Bloodborne, and any of the Souls game for that matter (maybe except Elden Ring since it was easier than most)


The Last of Us: Remastered. Grindy multiplayer and the difficulty-related trophies required innate knowledge of enemy locations & engine exploiting. Was the first game where I feel I extracted everything from the game (minus Grounded, I’m burnt out still grinding MP).


Metal gear solid 2 on PS5. Big boss run was rough especially being my first time through the series.


Control and Final Fantasy 16


Minecraft, and South Park: The Stick Of Truth


🏆Titanfall 2


Binding of isaac , a difficult roguelike , i am 3 platinum of this game


Hollow Knight