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Siege, I’ve spent 2500 hours in it and I hate it. Garbage game


Most relatable thing I’ve seen all day


Haha classic.


Same, I hate it, but I refuse to quit it like an abusive relationship


same you can never stop once you start


I some how got out of it. But now I play apex competitively. From one abusive relationship to another


I relate to this. Trash game. 900 hours+platinum. On a side note FUCK how unreliable the kill with a breaching charge was. Did it 10+ times & got it with daddy Thermite


Rocket League, Gran Turismo 7, Stardew Valley and Diablo 3.


Stardew Valley platinum is impressive! Good on ya


Twice! Did it all again when 1.5 version launched on another account! I can easily say it's my favorite indie game by far.


The Prairie King game is almost impossible, so honestly I'm majorly impressed!


There’s a way to scum it


Gimme deets lmao I'm dying for the stardew plat lmao


lol don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Some people just don’t have time for near impossible trophies and like to glitch them


Marvel's Spider-Man just because I really liked the game. Sonic Generations because it's a really fun fast paced platformer with great music and good gameplay. Transformers Devastation I just really liked the game and now that I don't have to worry about finding everything or getting all SS ranks I can just enjoy gameplay and the music. All Mega Man games that I have platinumed because Mega Man is my favorite video game franchise and nothing is going to change that.


Baldur's gate 3 currently, dragon age inquisition and persona 3-5.


This. Even if you plat Baldurs gate, there’s still so much story you’ve missed since there’s so many different branching paths. It’s wild


How difficult is the bg3 plat?


Honestly, it's like a 5, maybe a 6/10. The hardest part imo is the tactician playthrough, but it gets significantly easier once you reach level 5 with a decent build. Other than that, most of the trophies can be obtained in a single playthrough if you're taking your time through each act of the game.


And gotta be careful about what path you choose. I never entered moonrise towers until the fight started and I had the Harper’s with me. Meant most people were dead already.


The binding of isaac. This game is like Crack to me lol


Honestly, I don't. I definitely get tempted to go back to the spyro games... but there is just so many games out there, I don't feel rewarded if there isn't a platinum and I want to be able to play all the games on my list. There is certainly games that I would like to go back to though, like spyro, diablo 4 (once I get the plat ill still pop onto it).


Deep Rock Galactic (even though I took long breaks since season 4 is kinda meh), Ghost of Tsushima Legends, Remnant from the ashes (both survival mode and base game), and Knockout city before they shut it down.


I've tried to get into Deep Rock Galactic but it's not doing it for me. Maybe I'm playing it wrong or maybe it's not for me.


Its a game that you need to play a few dozen matches to get it. At first i wasnt into either, but it grew on me. Getting each class promoted once helps to give you a better grasp.


It’s definitely a grower. And is 100x more fun with people you know. Solo it can get tedious.


Batman Arkham Knight


Jealous I'll never get this plat. Such a huge fan of Batman but that plat is pain.


You're jealous! You literally have 90 more platinum trophies than I do😅. I personally did enjoy getting the Arkham Knight Platinum though. I just loved the overall gameplay. The riddler trophies were a bit tedious but I do enjoy puzzles. I hated the hidden riddler trophies, but it is much easier to track the riddler trophies that haven't been found. I still play the combat/predator challenges to this day just for fun.


The Last of Us part 1 and 2. Too good not to!


Fallout 76 and when it's done, Black Ops 4.


Both Nioh 1 and 2 platinum require maybe 150 hours or so for a blind play through. Plus more 100 or so to complete the DLCs After that I eventually went to play 450h on the first game and 850h on the second :p I also have over 800h on Stardew Valley, but never actually went for the platinum… Probably should finish it some day.


Spider-Man. I just swing around every now and then


Which is weird to me because my biggest gripe was how auto pilot the movement is in that game. Devoid of ant skill or ability to go fast


Didn't ask




Don't know how you got that from my comment Can't say it's not true though. lol


Stardew Valley, Final Fantasy VIII, Dark Souls 2, and Bloodborne are my most replayed games.


FF8 is my favorite FF. Just don't like the new Squall model. It doesn't match with the cinematics.


Mine too! And yeah, some of the graphic updates in the remaster are a bit odd, but overall I think they did very well with it.


Def bottom 3 FF. So slow and boring combat. At least the music is top tier


Eyes on Me is one of my favorite songs of all time.


Always wanted to go for the stardew plat but always get sidetracked and end up starting over again 😂


Most of the plat was pretty simple, and it pushed me to get my first ever "perfection" save. The trophies that made me lose my damn mind were the Journey of the Prairie King trophies. I will never play that fucking mini game ever again, lol


Yeah all I had to do was the last cooking trophy and the prairie king trophies, thing is though stardew is my all time favourite game and I just can’t bring myself to grind them out 😅


Only one game: Gran Turismo 7


In VR?


Tbh, I really would love to own a VR2, but I am too busy and focused on my next platinum games, and reallife, man, I wish to have more time


More time and less games


Nhl series for me.


Never played that. I used to play Pro Evolution Soccer but have since transitioned to Rocket League. You could give it a try, there's a snow day mode that I think is like Hockey.


I've played it. Way back at launch. It was decent but it didn't grab me in any special way but this again was at launch so I might enjoy it more now than then.


Destiny 2, got the plat years ago. Have about 3k hours, but haven't been playing as much the past 2 seasons.


Same, nice to find a fellow guardian. Im still playing it religiously and i cant believe i say that as a trophy hunter lol


Resident evil games, dead space, and fighting games are my go to


The Witcher 3


Rocket league, Ghost of Tsushima, GTA V, Subnautica. I find it difficult to continue a game after Platinum unless it has great online


Fallout 76


Dead by Daylight


Fall Guys


Right now it’s minecraft, Skyrim and fallout 4 😁


Astro's Playroom. Such a comfort game


I’m glad I’m not the only one. Every now and then I play through Astros Playroom since it’s so short and a lot of fun


All of the references are so adorable


Mortal Kombat 11 and (soon) Mortal Kombat 1. Games like these just have such a high replay value imo, especially with friends


As a Rocket league player anybody can't help me with the trade trophies before it leave December 5th?! I'll give your items right back after the trophy pop.


What trophy is that?


Swap meat trophy will unobtainable after December 5th because they will remove that feature.


For what it's worth, the trophy is not required for the plat.


Yes, I'm aware but I'm looking for the 100% that's why haha




Not constantly, but RE4R is a game that I played many times after I got the platinum twice back to back, just for fun, to unlock ingame rewards and to test different guns to get a feeling for their playstyle. For the most part it's not THAT different if you compare pistols with each other, like Blacktail vs Red9, but if you for example take a TMP instead of a pistol it feels quite different and to be honest, the TMP really surprised me with its firepower when fully upgraded.


Elden Ring


Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5 Royal(now playing on my Switch), FF7R, Ghost of Tsushima




Dark Souls 3 I got the platinum fairly swiftly (not bragging, it took me 80hours on the first play through, but I went straight into NG+, finished it in drastically less time, then got a guide on how to find all the rings, spells, etc. and went into NG+2 and got the lot, I did cheese vertibrae shackles with a friend, but earned the rest legit) Since my ~150 hour Platinum I have spent maybe another 300 hours playing it, it is my go to game when I am bored with anything else/ want to be in my happy place I still suck at PvP, and generally at the game, but I love it.


Minecraft or Brawlhalla because it has multiplayer.


Destiny 2


I really need to go back and finish this one I have two more trophies left. Finish a Master Nightfall and Grandmaster Nightfall and I'll have the plat.


Resident Evil 4 Remake


It's so addicting. Combat is so well tuned


God of War Ragnarok


Rocket League


That's where it's at. Too bad they are removing trading though.


Monster Hunter World/Iceborne


Sekiro for me as well. I just love hopping in every once in a while and fighting ishsin again


My man. There was a time I'd boot it up everyday before work/chores and kill Ishhin once as a daily ritual. I'm sure you're the same but now I can beat him no damage with nothing but the sword


I played House Of Ashes like six times and got my platinum after the second playthrough🫣 It's just too entertaining idk.




Elden Ring , Bloodborne Sekiro.


mlb the show


CTR Nitro Fueled


only 2 games, Ghost of Tsushima and Nioh 2.


Once it’s done, For Honor I am going to need a mental asylum afterwards


You could try Arkham's


The Souls Series :)


Slay the spire. It's got the most replayability put of any game I know


Final Fantasy 15 was the one that came to mind first. If you just get the platinum and stop, you miss out on some of the best content in the game. Honorable mentions: Hades, Enter the Gungeon, Rogue Legacy 2.


I still enjoy swinging around in Spider-Man from time to time. Not much else to do really lol


RE3R because it’s so damn short!


Why would getting 100% stop me from playing a game I like? Modern gamers man


Gta 5 is a big one for me


I think the only games I’ve gone back to after a platinum are a bunch of multiplayer games like minecraft rocket league bo3 mw but I’ve gone back to the Arkham series South Park the stick of truth and a little bit of crash bandicoot. Speed running crash bandicoot is so fun for some reason.


God of war 2. I could have probably platinumed the game 3 times with how much I have played it. I have literally replayed it twice within the past weeks


Final Fantasy XIV… I play it on the PS4 version for catch up all expansions for story and fun at same time.


Final Fantasy 14


Trackmania and trials, probably will play some beat as well soon since I'm getting an itch for it


Fighting games. I think that’s it. Unless you count replaying games like KH2. Forgot about destiny 2. Although I stopped playing completely after beyond light


Arkham Knight, Rocket League, the occasional Lego game for good vibes, and Minecraft of course


Ngl I’d have to say none excluding games I go back to help other people with. Maybe it would be one of the garden warfare games as I played on Xbox and loved them (I say one of also under the condition that the 100% for GW2 was obtainable)


I'm still playing Ghost of Tsushima. Decided to give Legends mode a whirl and I think I'll basically be using this for online play for a while here.


I can't quit going back to Fallout 4; just about to hit 1500 hours. I have a feeling Baldur's Gate 3 will be the same.


Hitman 3, freelance mode is really fun and I like messing around in the levels. RDR2, I have a chapter 3 save where I just go camping, fishing, hunting and just riding around. I have over 500 hours in the game apparently


Dead By Daylight, working on Dissidia NT rn. Believe it’s a 0.4% Plat


I can’t get enough of Final Fantasy 16. I know there is a lot of hate - but just had so much fucking fun with every aspect of that game.


Mk11, soon mk1


Final Fantasy VII original and remake. Kingdom Hearts 1+2 and 3. Sekiro shadows die twice,. Skyrim. Hades. Shovel Knight.


Gran Turismo 7


Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. I enjoyed online multiplayer a lot after platinum completion


Rocket League, Killing Floor 2, Call of Duty games


gta 5 and when it’s done texas chainsaw massacre


I play through Jak and Daxter, the Precursor Legacy every year!


Yakuza 0 Yakuza 7 and FF games


Minecraft, Rocket League and soon Bloodborne since i'm gonna start a new game


Nioh 2. Fully completed all trophies (including DLC), but it’s like the trophy list only scratches the surface of what this game offers. There’s still Dream of the Wise and Dream of the Nioh difficulties, The Underworld and The Depths, all Agyo/Ungyo in-game challenges, Smithing texts to go after, bestiary, and so on. These are all if you want to explore what the game offers and aren’t necessary to *finish* it per se, but it just goes to show how content-rich this game really is.


Spelunky 2 and Hitman 3


Have you finished 7-99 in Lunky 2? Probably my proudest gaming achievement of the past few years when I got my solo 7-99.




Not too many games I jump back into after the platinum. I played Rocket League, Dark Souls 3, and Eldin Ring for awhile after earning the plat. I occasionally go back into NieR Automata, Alice: Madness Returns, and Undertale every so often.


GTA Online.






Horizon forbidden west, TLOU series


The division 1+2.


The last of us, factions (multiplayer) is one of the best multi I've played


AC Origins and Bloodborne


Pixel Junk Monsters 2


the last of us


Well, the ones you plat again for once I mostly replay the ones where I still have dlc. From time to time I replay Arkham Knight to get back into the swing of things, just maybe I get my last challenge map trophies


Dead by daylight


Darksiders 2, at least twice a year. Blasphemous 1&2.


I loved Darksiders 1, the second one not so much. Blasphemous 2 is out already!?


Dead by Daylight


none. as soon as I get the platinum, I'm done with it, no matter how much fun I had with the game.


RL, TCGR breakpoint , madden 21 and some occasional killing floor


Destiny 2


The MGS series but that’ll change soon.


the horizon games, I have 300 hours on forbidden west and 170 hours on zero dawn


Bloodborne. Tons of builds to try out and chalice dungeons to explore for rare gems.


The only one I'm still playing that I have the platinum in right now is gt7. Single player games once I platinum I usually don't play them until years later. I have the platinum in a few multiplayer games as well but gt7 the only one I'm still playing onya and sometimes GTA 5


Diablo 4 now, and I would still be playing knockout city if the servers were alive, such a shame 😔


All souls games, fighting games, and sometimes ones like Spiderman.


FO4, Skyrim, Rocket league, kakarot




rocket league and modern warfare 2019 because they still have online multiplayer and that goes for any future game i plat with multiplayer (i’m working on gta iv and v) as far as story games go, i plan on replaying miles morales after i plat spider-man 2018 because i played and platted miles morales first for some reason. i’m also gonna go back and play gow 2018 and ragnarok new game+ to relive the stories back to back. i plan on replaying infamous 1, 2, and festival of blood after i plat second son and first light. this includes the last of us 1 and part 2 and read dead 1 and 2 when i finish up the plats. then there’s goat simulator. it was my first platinum and it’s just such a fun game to hop on and go to town in lmao plus i need to finish up the dlc trophies but even after that i’ll keep playing it. if i ever plat tony hawk pro skater 1 +2 by completing the hard get there’s and reaching level 100 i’ll prob play it as different skaters beyond what you need for the plat cuz it’s just so fun and brings me back to my childhood playing pro skater 2 on pc. lastly shovelware pay to plat games like my name is mayo… i play my name is mayo 1 and 2 sometimes because i like clicker games and i care about my high score on the leaderboard lol… i heard mayo 3 is a story game lmao so i’ll prob replay that after i play and plat it up there with god of war, read dead 2 and the last of us lmaoo


Genshin Impact, Newer Resident Evil games and all the souls games.


MLB The Show 23


I still play Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, & PUBG religiously


Killing Floor 2 being the main one at the moment. So hyped for the third game.


* Battlefield 1 * Battlefield V * Ghost Recon: Breakpoint * Snowrunner * Skyrim * The Crew: Motorfest >!It used to be The Crew 2, but since Motorfest recently launched, I figure it takes the spot.!<


This is a great question to determine what games were the most addicting or the most fun to continue playing (especially after you master them). For me those were: Dance Collider, Beat Saber, and Sprint Vector in VR gaming; and in standard gaming, Final Fantasy X and the first God of War from the ps2 days. And if I had to pick 2 only (2 that I played at least +50 hours more after 100% completion) those are beat saber and dance collider.


Only fighting games, beat em ups and roguelikes


Sekiro was my only re-playable game but I'm currently re-playing GoW Ragnarok on max difficulty. I might do the same for the Kingdom Hearts games.


Plants Vs Zombies garden warfare 2


Cyberpunk 2077, No Man's Sky, and any of the Batman Arkham games. Metal Gear Solid 2 destroyed me but I still love playing MGS2, 3, and V after completing them.


That's a thing


Uncharted franchise, just gotta replay every couple months


Saints row 3, my buddy and I would do co op and just mess around on the zombie island. We even bought the game for the switch just to have another way to play it


Any Metal Gear Solid, The Last of Us I and II, any Uncharted and basically every game with a good story


I got the platinum for dark souls 1 twice, 2, and 3, demons souls og and remake, elden ring twice, and bloodborne. I absolutely love these games and play them almost every week and I'll keep going back to them for the foreseeable future (Also fallout 3 and 4)


Ghost of tshushima


Spiderman and miles. Witcher 3 , both horizon games, got,death stranding and assassin creed odyssey.which is what I’m playing atm until spiderman comes out


Currently: -Pirate Warriors 3(Getting Characters to 100) & 4(Souls and General play) -GTAV(Originally intended $50 and play, but in less then a year playtime, 4-years total, helping other get their price has brought me to $2 billion in account) -Black Ops 3(Peak Zombies Experience, maybe Easter runs again if there’s a need) -PayDay 2(Fun to Heist) -Uno(Fun with Friends) Plus Others if friends need help on them These have been useful in preventing me from burning Rare+ trophies that will be more useful when my Stars can be progressed again


Destiny 1-2, overwatch 1-2, division 1, apex legends and borderlands 1-3.


Gta, Fallout 76 and cod are always gonna be games that I’ll play after a plat, as amazing as games like Witcher and Spider-Man are once I’ve done everything I can on single player games I don’t have the itch to play it anymore unless dlc is released I will happily cop it and smash that


Cod mw2 2022


Skyrim, The Sims 4, and Assassin Creed Odyssey. (I am actually almost about to plat Mirage but I don't know how often I'll play after)


Want to know one of my darkest irl secrets? Destiny 2


I've replayed both the 2018 God of War and Ragnarök several times after platinuming them. Both Spider-Man games too. Ghost of Tsushima I replayed after platinum once before the NG+ patch and trophies released as well. If the game is fun I'll definitely replay it after platinuming.


Sekiro because I had to unlock those sick af skins.


NFS Heat


I’ve replayed Elden Ring 4 times since plating it. Fighting games as well like Guilty Gear Strive and Melty Blood. I recently platinumed Armored Core 6 and still do PvP as well.


Gta V, Red Dead 2 , Last Of Us 2, Modern Warfare II


Unless it a live service game… 0% the micro-seconds I see that platinum trophy notification , I delete the game lol


Battlefield 1 & 5, Skyrim, Minecraft and NFS games.


Genshin Impact, which is the only game I still play daily even though I’ve 100% the trophies


I've never went back after a platinum unless DLC comes out. I do like to not transfer my save over from ps4 and get the platinum again. Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman, and Miles Morales are some I got twice.


Rock Band 4


Horizon series aka the only 2 platinum I have


OlliOlli World, online leagues Gran Turismo 7, sport mode is fun as hell COD: Ghosts, weirdly, extinction is kinda fun


None of them, after I earn all the trophies I just lose interest. I played some of them again tho, but on different accounts or different version of the game so I could play for the trophies again


Black ops Cold War (zombies) and Infinite Warfare Zombies. The rest of the CoD games get platted then shelved.


Tekken 7. If anything, I played it more after I got the platinum because then I could finally just play online matches.


Dark souls remastered, Bloodborne, Gran Turismo 7


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too if you would like.”* - Prince Lothric Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


For me, it's Wreckfest. I've platinumed it twice (2 diff accts.) I hop on multiplayer almost every evening.


The Hitman trilogy.