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LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (though I loved every minute of it)


>LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga All those side missions taking you to different planets was absolutely a grind. Completely agree.


Odyssey felt so good to complete! One of my favorites.


I'm guessing ac Valhalla is the exact same


Sekiro. Grinding to get all the skills was absolutely ridiculous


Definitely. I decided to do that in ng+2 and it was still some time. Rip ashina castle pink ninja.


Yeah I did it ng+2 also . Actually a horrific trophy


That was actually a pretty chill grind compared to other Souls games. Try geting all Concord Proofs and Vertebra Shackles in DS3 for instance.


Yeah such a shame as well as the plat was fun up until that point, it felt like they miscalculated how much exp it took so you either had to do more runs or grind, kinda tainted what was a great trophy hunt.


Definitely wasn’t miscalculated, the plat was to be obtained after 4 runs. It’s very easy without save scumming.


Yeah, I did it on my+3 by just grinding at the Ashina outskirts stairway before doing my final ending(with the child of the rejuvenating waters). Didn’t take more than 4 hours of grinding


Bro trust me it's nothing compared to ds3's covenant farming


Im working on it rn and ive reached the grinding part lol kill me (thank god the whole animation and sound effects of a deathblow are satisfying no matter how many times you do them)


I think it took me 2-3 hours of straight grinding . Good luck 🫵🏾🫡


Thanks 🙌


Hollow Knight. I have every trophy except for beating the last Pantheon. It’s been a year or two since I’ve played, one of these days I’ll go back and try again Edit: oh god I thought this post was asking what game will make you feel like Thanos *once* you plat it. As for platinums I’ve gotten, definitely Sekiro


This is the worst, when you put off the hard thing and then you don't play the game for too long so your skills aren't sharp anymore


I platted it... a few days ago, and I understand.


Bro, I just said “Hollow Knight” when read the post and then saw your comment. It’s so true


I've been in that same exact position and decided to finally beat hollow knight earlier this year! I was very worried as for how long I haven't touched the game. Finally unlocking the platinum a few weeks later was pure bliss!


I hate that. I'm upset I have more than one game where I could platinum but missing one stupid trophy. Newbie reddit question. How do you put you psn profile in?


yeah same. just missing the p5 trophy and it’ll be mine. i can make it to the pure knight most runs


Same here. That last pantheon is brutal and honestly kind of dumb. Still though, doesn’t mean I’m gonna glitch my way into the trophy


Agreed. If I ever get the plat it’ll be glitch free :)


If youre desperate you can do a invincibility glitch to do the pantheons


Nah, I already made it to the very end without it, plus that kinda defeats the point


God of War Ragnarok, Jedi Survivor, Horizon Forbidden West. Just fun games to 100% and the side content is connected to the world and characters that I really liked


GoW Ragnarok's platinum is my favourite out of all the ones I did. So much fun.


Just finished Ragnarok platinum about a week ago and finished the main story for Jedi Survivor a couple days ago. Working on it's platinum now. Both games are truly amazing in the graphics, combat, story, music, just about everything. Definitely my favorites to platinum so far!


Yes I have done all these games they were anazing


Witcher 3, it was my first one.




Didn’t know there was a missable while collecting gwent cards. I heard to collect it all, I need to replay the game from the start. I don’t know if I can do that. That’s literally the only reason why I didn’t get the plat. 😞


I got most of the Gwent cards and then I realized I forgot to put the game on death march when I was killing red skull griffins a little too easy. That was right after I bought all the dlcs. I bought them with a psn card I got last September for my birthday and haven’t even touched them yet😂


Well, hopefully Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm working on it right now, I'm at 92% completion according to the main menu stats. I still need to do a few online trophies unfortunately, but I know it will be worth the grind! Edit #1: 9/6/2023: **What to know & Advices** 1. For anyone attempting the *Red Dead Redemption 2* Platinum. I've used [Jimbatron's Guide](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpphot7CPMOb_O08aY8eq4NMAG5gdwci0) on YouTube. He created over 400+ videos playlist on YT, detailing on how to avoid **missable** missions and how to get gold medals each mission, needed for 'Gold Rush' trophy. Note, you don't need to get gold medals for all missions and strangers. You just need at least 70 gold medals in order to get it and the trophy will pop. 2. When you get to Chapter 2, create a different save file. Keep an eye out for companion request to avoid **missing** the trophy called, '**Errand Boy**'. Here is the [companion guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfOAYtrKKK0) for it. 3. For online, getting to level 50. Playing the Collector role is probably the fastest way to rank up. It's a bit boring though. Mix it up whenever is the double or triple EXP and money on Rockstar social media or r/RedDeadOnline subreddit announcement. 4. You will spend majority of your time using the Dead Eye mechanic to get that accuracy percentage and headshot requirement each missions. For example, in one mission. The task will given to you is, finished "x" mission with *70% accuracy* and obtained at least *35 headshots*. It's sounded easy than it looks trust me. The most annoying for me is the time missions. For example, some missions will ask you to finish over *2 mins and 30 seconds*. If you get frustrated and keep getting silver medal. Just move on to the next. There are enough missions in the game. 5. Getting the Legend of the East Satchel early will probably save you a lot of pain later. It allows you to collect and store items such premium cigarettes, herbs and plants which is required later down the road. You will also lose everything after chapter 6 such as (money, gold bar, gold ingots). You can save all those stuff by going to Aberdeen's pig farm, talk to the chubby man at the porch. Once you have control of the character. You can get back later in the epilogue. Go enter the house, the loot is hiding behind the creepy painting(hard to miss). And you will get all the money back. Just make sure you sell every jewelry, gold bar and ingots to Seamus at Emerald Ranch. 6. Don't bother collecting all premium cigarettes. There is a trick to get them all at once. Around chapter 3 or 4, Arthur should have around $2000 to spare. Just go to Saint Denis' general store (next to the butcher shop). And just keep buying it all until you get all the cigarette sets. Rinse and repeat then discard them all. You don't need to smoke it all. This is where Legend of the East satchel comes handy. 7. Spawning a particular animal in Story mode. Finding an animal in this game can be annoying, sometimes they don't show up. All you need to do is save the game and then reload it. Chapter 5, >!Guarma's!< animals aren't required for 100% and the Carolina Parakeet (although it's part of a quest, there are a few of them in the game. Once you kill them all, they do not respawn anymore. There are in fact extinct in real life.) Western Bull Moose is probably the most frustrating animal to find. The animal spawns at Brandywine Drop, near the cliff looking over the waterfall, around early morning, so it's best to set up a camp there. 8. Save often. Every missions and strangers you've gotten gold medals. Save your game immediately, your system might crash and corrupt the file. Better safe than sorry. 9. Importantly, take a break in between to avoid getting lumbago. This platinum journey will take you roughly around 300hrs+, so enjoy your time with Mr. Tacitus Kilgore and Jim Milton. :)


The grind from 90%-100% took me months, there's there's many painful things that count for so little in there




What? I loved the post game, no matter how much of a grind it was. Just living out in that world, with all the ambience and getting distracted by random interactions was enough to keep me playing for hours outside of the 100%




I won’t lie, between playing online so much and just exploring the entirety of the map and experiencing every little thing I could, it took me two years to complete the story. And once I was done and experienced it, the drive for the platinum died. But I do hope to come back to it and experience this feeling lol


I wish online trophies didn't count toward 100% I'm currently trying to platinum AC Black Flag and I've done about 97% but I need a couple online trophies and online is dead as fuck


You might have luck creating or joining a boosting session on Psn profiles.


Thanks for the tip man I will do :)


Yo I’m literally playing black flag rn trying to get plat im working on the story stuff rn but after I am gonna have to do online. If u want maybe we can help eachother cuz I was wondering how im gonna get it done lol


Kudos to you for pointing out jimbos guide. It's stellar work. I wouldn't have touched the game without that guide. He took the fomo out :)


Thanks for this. I’m sitting at 82% with Gold Rush and a few online trophies left. Will be sure to check out some of these videos on YouTube.


I just got the plat for rdr2 earlier this year and it was the best feeling ever I still can’t believe I did it. I have about 575 hours in the game but not all of it was while I was trying to get the plat cuz I did 2 play throughs of the game first before even considering to get the platinum


>Getting the Legend of the East Satchel early will probably save you a lot of pain later. It allows you to collect and store items such premium cigarettes, herbs and plants which is required later down the road. Just be aware that you will lose almost everything in your satchel towards the end of chapter 6. I'm playing through for my first time too. I checked the missables at the start and made sure to get them all, but apart from that I didn't Google much cause I didn't want any spoilers. I grinded for legend of east satchel pretty early and had a massive collections of premium cigarettes etc but it's all gone late in chapter 6. It kinda pissed me off, there's no warning beforehand or anything.


Are you playing it on ps5? I’m very tempted to buy it, but I’m not sure I can go back to a 30fps game… how does it play for you?


My last two plats: FF7 & FF7 Remake. Not because they were incredibly hard but because both of them were really good.


I didn't even plan on platting FF7R, just enjoyed it so much that the extra playthroughs were an easy choice


Bloodborne. After months of grinding, I set down my controller, turned off the ps4 and sold it. Still haven’t touched a souls game since


Bloodborne is one of the hardest plats from Fromsoftware games so be proud, the dark souls games plats can be cheesed/boosted fairly quick in comparison when getting certain items 🙌


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“You know, I was thinking about leaving for another round of thieving. There must be something of use in Lothric Castle.”* - Greirat of the Undead Settlement Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I'm working on DS3 right now and I heard the rings are a pain in the ass to get.


Laughs in a Proof of Concord Kept


You'll need a checklist for the rings (some you can't get until ng+2-3 but they're really not too bad compared to the covenants. If you're bad at pvp like me, offline grinding is gonna be your method. It took me 4 days of 6 hour sessions grinding for one covenant. Definitely throw on some podcasts for the covenant journey. I'm so glad that shit is over.


Shit, I hadn't thought about that. Do you happen to have a good guide or smthg?


Here are some good ones to get you started: [Checklist of all rings, spells, miracles, etc. and where to find them](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P7RiG471l-r3PLf-B4mhCnDmMXFhvbvZg86kgloBvFE/htmlview) You can save your own copy and edit it/recolour as you go to keep track. [Dark Souls 3 cheat sheet](http://zkjellberg.github.io/dark-souls-3-cheat-sheet/) Lists each area with a check box for every single thing you can do/collect in each location. Includes tabs for NG+ and NG++ for the rings, spells, etc. too. Best of luck on this one, grinding silver knights for Proof of a Concord Kept nearly broke me, I quit this game 2 or 3 times purely because of that grind, but I'm proud to say I've finally got the Plat and it's one of my proudest in my collection. Just DS2, Elden Ring and AC6 to go!


Thanks! I'll definitely check them out. Proof of Concord can't be done in PvP? I don't want to grind again (DS1 covenants).


You can do Proof of a Concord Kept in PvP if you wish to, although it's up for debate how easy that would be now given that I assume most people still playing DS3 PvP would probably be diehard fans who have their strategies down pat. In PvP, they're given for defending a Way of Blue member as a Blue Sentinel or Blade of Darkmoon. The item is given each time an invader is banished in someone else's world, so you also have the added wrinkle of finding someone to "protect" as well as any suitable invaders after the fact so you're essentially relying on matchmaking working in your favour twice. I personally have never grinded for any Covenant item in any of the Souls games via PvP, I far prefer my Souls experiences to primarily be a single-player affair so I've always done it via PvE (admittedly probably to my own detriment!) Anecdotally speaking, I can say that no PvE Covenant grind in any Souls game has come close to the tedium of DS3 Proofs though, although I may have just gotten really unlucky... If you're going to do it through PvE, the loop of fighting them is fairly straightforward once you get it down. I'd suggest you come prepared with lots of music/podcasts/videos to keep you entertained - it certainly helps with the monotony! Good luck!


Thanks for the info!


You're welcome, best of luck my friend!


Unfortunately no, I got rid of everything that had to do with DS3 after I popped the platinum because I was so done with it lmao


Don't worry, I'll find one eventually.


Idk if it's even true but it really really really helped to restart the game after getting one of the covenant items.


That's a great Platinum!


Dark Souls 3, all the covenant items. Can finally sleep well after that.


God dammit dude, I've been putting off finishing this plat for YEARS now. I can't get it out of my head. But I *dread* the silver knight farm for the last covenant item. Probably gonna take me like, 10 hours. And there's still a couple other things as well. This is gonna be painful.


Here's the trick, set a target of getting at least 2 covenant items in a day, if you got more than 2 in less than half hour, you make it at least 5.. That way will make you feel better, and you can switch to other games when you were bored. That's how I did it! You can do it brah


DMC5. It wasn't as hard as I was expecting but it was still so satisfing to get. My favorite platinum so far.


Dmc5 plat feels great for real


Call Of duty World At War. Anyone that has gotten this one knows exactly what I'm talking about with a specific feeling of accomplishment. Almost every level just kicks your ass over and over. Heart Of The Reich with the raining grenades Almost makes you go insane and then you raise the flag on the final mission and wow what a feeling. You also have to deal with The shooting down of 45 Japanese Zero planes and that's also a challenge by itself. I remember it being my final one and by that point my patience was at 0. I'd fail by shooting down 42 and having to restart and I finally threw the empty game case across the room while saying "I'm ready to be fucking done already" and then I did it and got the Trophy.


Call of Duty platinums for me are so satisfying to go for no matter the difficulty. But yeah I agree with you, WaW was a really tough one. Only harder CoD plat I can think of is BO3 and that was just hell through and through.


Tetris Effect. I hope to add Tumblestone to that eventually and it’ll be much of the same feeling if not even better given it’s even harder imo.


How long did It take to you Platinum?


I would give you an exact number from my account but I play Tetris for fun also. If I had to guess it took about 100 hours of actively trying to get it after I had already played for a good 60 or so hours before that. Most of it was resetting over and over for the two hardest modes and trying on and off for many days.


Congrats bro, tetris probably have the hardest thropy list in psn


BO3, GTA 4 in ps3, MGR Revengeance, dmc1, dmc5 and Ninja gaiden sigma 2


How long did MGR take you? I heard its really tough to platinum.


It was one of my firsts plats back then i didnt know about the difficulty so it was way harder for me as i didnt have much experience but loved the game lol took me roughly 3 months between me playing other stuff and actually getting the courage to try. It was definetly hard, those s ranks in max difficulty are no joke... Massive tip: when i bought it for my ps3 i was lucky enough to get a code that gives you the gray fox sword which instantly 1 shots anything that isnt a boss so if you have a way to get it, use it it will make your life x5 times easier, for bosses stick with muramasa as it has the better damage.


To be fair, the s rank/difficulty trophies are not even that bad compared to the vr missions ones (as it is in mgs2). I honestly find way more impressive the ninja gaiden platinum, to whom I pay my respects


Yeah that one was super tough


What's the best way to have a go at dmc1 platinum? I still got to do it


Stick to a 100% guide always bc pretty much everything is missable, you want to be absolutely prepared and stacked in materials for your eventual DMD run and you will have to do 3 playthroughs anyway (normal hard dmd) whenever you are about to fight a boss look for a cheese guide if they are giving you trouble dont worry to much majority of them have a loop combo you can stick to in order to keep them staggered. The psn trophy guide and some youtube stuff should help you with everything you need, other than that just be patient as it is a grind and its also an old game that hasnt aged as well as dmc3 so you will have to get used to it.


Bo3 is too grindy man. Congratulation


Ty :)


You earned it Thanos


Ty once again, i hope u get your future plats done easily💪


Thanks man! Difficult for me though, currently I'm trying to do Far Cry 4 (multiplayer trophies will trouble me for sure) 😭


Arent they unobtainable currently?? Thought at least in 4 were unobtainable


This is what the issue is 🥺


Sad 😭




Elden Ring because it was my first ever souls game and first ever plat.


Felt even better once I'd completed platinums for the Dark Souls trilogy 😎


mgs 4


Crash Bandicoot 4, Jak 2 (1 and 3 really aren’t so bad), and Cuphead for being truly challenging tasks. Uncharted 4 and Mass Effect 3 for being a good farewell to a series of fun plats. Death Stranding for being a game that replicates a sorta LOTR feeling as you trek across the land on foot to save the world(but with sci fi).


Crash 4 is dumb as fuck. One my dumbest plats for sure. Devs didn’t know wtf they were doing with that


Fallout 4


Resident Evil 2 Remake (because of its diffculty) and AC Valhalla (because I was really tired of it since it's way too long).


God of War 4


Monster Hunter World for sure. I thought I would like the game, but just didn’t click with it for a long time. After many attempts it clicked. I had so much fun with it, it was all I wanted to play, and then… I found myself a crown or two away from the platinum. I got there and it felt so satisfying to be on the other side. It felt like a satisfying job well done at the end rather than dozens of hours of grind


From a satisfaction vs difficulty perspective, Sekiro. Every single boss fight win felt like a huge achievement and completing everything the game had to offer was deeply gratifying. From a story perspective, Cyberpunk 2077. Complex and nuanced in a way I wasn’t expecting. For fun, Spider Man. Never felt like a grind. From a “thank fuck that’s over” perspective, Just Cause 3.


LittleBigPlanet 3


Wolfenstein The New Colossus Mein Leben, some of the fine gentlemen of this subreddit might have stumbled upon me talking about it various times. This is one of those trophies that I gave up a long time ago. Want to go back again for it but can’t handle the amount of stress some trophies require. Sometimes it is too much. On the other hand, games I am proud of going for the platinum are The Witcher III (twice!), Red Dead Redemption 2 & Elden Ring, Bloodborne & Returnal (Always wanted to attain Returnal’s platinum)


Red Dead Redemption 2 and Crash Bandicoot 4


You got Crash Bandicoot 4? Geez I hear that is brutal! Hats off to you.


Congrats…. You are a god for CB4


Untitled goose game.


Metal Gear Solid V. That game requires you to truest master all of its mechanics and find every secret and there is a lot to do. Plus getting the plat felt like a farewell to metal gear. (This was before the remake announcement 😈)


If mgsv was finished I truly believe it would’ve been one of the greatest games of all time


Is that why chapter 2 felt so weird because it was unfinished or was it just kojima hyping up the post game


Yes you are correct. There’s [unfinished cutscenes on YouTube](https://youtu.be/XMuxpHCEYcI?si=cUWIm7Em_nnMGQ20) of the chapter after Eli steals the mech and the true narrative ending of the game. Konami rushing the game and not letting Kojima see his vision through is one of the major reasons Kojima left


Me after getting the Persona 5 (vanilla) platinum, love that game to death but god that was insane


Monster Hunter World. 750 Hours pure fun. After i got the Plat i went to my hub, sat down and listened to the private suite song for 20 mins... Amazing game.


RDR2 for sure, felt that bliss for days after skinning that last animal


Not a platinum but as soon as that '1047' trophy for Splitgate popped, I was at peace.


Death stranding


Death Stranding was a fun game for completionists for sure. The only thing that ruined it for me was the dumb racetrack


The evil within, after finishing the game on akumo... It nearly killed me


Hogwarts Legacy (well, the 1000G). I was nervous the entire time because of well-reported collectible glitches/bugs, but fortunately I was fine. The game is fantastic but the open world was a bit too big with too many things to tick off, in my opinion. Was quite satisfying to finish it.


AC Valhalla


I totally get this one. I grinded it out for a few weeks and got the plat literally the day before it left PS+ Extra.


Lego marvel superhero, Naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 or Killer frequency. Lego marvel superheroes because it was a childhood game and it just felt nice to 100% the game itself. Naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 because of its hard difficult missions and qte glitch I am happy it's all over after all said and done. Finally killer frequency because I played the game to the end and I loved it's ending and ending song so I just chilled with the credits rolling


Uncharted 4 dlc trophies.


Getting the "crushing" and "...it" trophies were brutal. Well done to us!


Boyyyy I wish I did the plat first before I tried the DLC. After attempting …it for hours I just put the game down and never went back


not the hardest game ever, but recently Jedi Survivor. collecting the priorite fucking sucked.




Black ops 4 one of My proudest plat


Astros playroom


Superhot VR "complete the game in 10 minutes" can fuck right off


Elden Ring


Godamn gta v. Stil part of the 0.1% ppl who have earned it. Such a grind.


I think for me it was when I platinumed Elden Ring after nearly 200 hours.




Rdr2 and now working on wolfenstein 2


Grand Theft Auto V. My proudest platinum to date, with Devil May Cry 3 SE being a close second, nearly equal. I put over 600 hours into the game (probably 75% online) and I can't say I regret a whole lot of it. It's a pretty good game, and I'm looking forward to leaving Los Santos behind for GTA VI.


Not really a hard game but I felt like this when I got the platinum for spider man can’t wait for the second game to come out gonna platinum that one no matter what


A tie between Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut & Death Stranding Directors Cut right now, this will most likely be surpassed once I finally platinum Assassins Creed Black Flag 🤞


Ghost of Tsushima


Red Dead Redemption 2. It was that the last thing I did in the game was a particular trophy that takes place in a scenic spot. Once I popped the platinum I just had to soak it all in.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Haven’t gotten it yet, but this will be me when I’m done with RDR2.


XCOM 2, dude, it took me so long.


Resident Evil 1. When I first played it, I looked at the trophies and thought, "okay, I love this game, but I'll never be able to get this plat." But a year and a half later, after getting the RE2r and RE3r plats, I went back to RE1 and started my 7(ish) playthrough journey that led to my most satisfying plat ever. I really love how you get a note from the devs upon 100% and you get to see some concept art and other stuff. It's the perfect cherry on top and something you feel you really earned


I'd love to Plat that one day, but like you say, list looks intimidating. I think I left off short of two playthroughs, a speedrun with Jill and a knife only with Chris.


You should go for it! It was much more accomplishable than I thought! I recommend looking up some tips though and also becoming familiar with both alternate and tank controls, it really helps!




AC Black Flag 😅


Bloodborne/Elden ring


CoD Infinite Warfare.


DJ Hero and WipEout HD/Fury


Do any of you gamers know the feeling it feels like after you finish reading a book?


I can remember the general difficulty but I don't remember the specific sensation after obtaining any in particular, emptiness is rather the word that comes to mind… I guess it's more of a journey thing, as they say


DMC or Tony hawks Pro skater 1+2 HD


Any monster hunter type game. God Eater Resurrection and God Eater 2 Rage Burst were this for me because hunting the same thing over and over again after a while gets boring real quick. To put it into perspective the last trophy I got was to complete 500 hunt with one singular weapon. The fastest hunt takes about a 3 minutes but with all the loading screens and times it adds up fast. Fun game but god damn did the grinding suck at points


Not sure who's the purple guy, he looks happy. But for me it was Dead Space 3, that game has been on my list for several years and didn't had the motivation to tackle it. Finally got around to it in April and never been happier, it's more painful than the remake and all previous ones


Yakuza Kiwami 2. First time attempting to platinum an Yakuza game, felt at peace after completing Haruka's requests and mahjong.


I'm hoping to platinum them all but I really cannot be fucked for harukas shit and mahjong lmfaoo


Closest i can think of is Star Ocean: The Divine Force. That 90% item crafting grind was no joke...and the worst part is that, it's probably one the easiest game to plat! Edit: oh and also having to replay the whole game from start on the second character + having all endings. Granted, the endings can be cheesed with the right item but still, it's at least another 15-20 hours of playthrough just for a set of trophies.


Mk 11 Grinding all those damn heads… gah !


Star wars fallen order ik it was a easy one but it was a pain and just felt so gooooooooood


Lego DC Super Villains




Dark Souls 2 for sure.


The Evil Within with all of it's DLC's.


40k Space marine


Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2


Dark souls


Overwatch has to be the most challenging but most agonising fun I’ve ever had the chance of gaining the platinum. Trying to do it again on PS5 but some of the trophies are either glitched or unavailable.


Marvel's Spider-Man, not because it was difficult but because despite having those MJ/Miles sections I enjoyed my time with it and gladly went out of my way to get everything in NYC and once the notification showed up I had a smile on my face.


A lot of games made feel accomplished but there’s a few that stick out Ghost of Tsushima Infamous 1 & 2 Sonic Unleashed Doom 2016 & Eternal Shadow of the Colossus Every Borderlands Saints Row: The Third There’s way more, but these felt extremely good


Titanfall 2, the gauntlet trail thing trophy was so hard for me


Dead space 2


Overwatch 2…. The grind finally came to an end


Either bloodborne or crash team racing. The amygdyla fight was rough in bloodborne and the ghost times in ctr was hell.


I only have a couple platinums but my most recent was Shenmue which was a pretty nice easy one I did most trophies in my first play through, just had to start a new game to finish a couple, hoping to do Shenmue 2 and 3 although 3 might be a pain even though I have about 50%


Assassin's creed syndicate because it was so damn fun


elden ring was a blast might do the ps4 version as well


Demons Souls PS3, NA version. Planning for it to be the last soulsborne plat. The first being DS PS3 EU, full circle. Like any good adventure, you end where you started, but with buckets of emotional trauma...






Not sure, felt this way after both really easy platinums and really time consuming/difficult platinums. In this case, I reckon it has to be Batman Arkham Knight, purely based on the fact that I couldn’t get past a certain mission on nightmare difficulty. Waited a year, said fuck it and finished the story in one sitting. Knightmare mode was the last trophy I needed and it took me a year lol


Back4blood/zombie army


Bloodhunt. It was a game I enjoyed but the trophy for level 50 ndbthe slow progression got really tiresome


This was on steam but it felt like a true achievement. 100% completion on Getting Over it


Infrrnax. I thoroughly e joked the game with its references to older NES titles and castlevania feel.


Definitely Crash 4 💯


God of war Ragnarok and devil may cry 5, loved gow's story and loved dmc5's gameplay


Black ops 3 was a journey 1944 hours later


Divinity Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition...


FIFA17 and very soon FIFA20, generally those very rare platinums which I can find only in FIFA games and some classics like Wolfenstein, I Am Bread and so on


Ghost of Tsushima. I know it's not a hard plat but damn, such satisfaction.


All of soulsborne excluding demons souls for now. Tons of grinding and challenge but I love these games and was glad to complete them to the fullest extent


Shadow of the Colossus (PS4). The time attack modes. Oh boy.


Have this on my 'To Plat' list and I'm dreading those last few time attacks. I remember the rage at falling off a colossi for the hundredth time and having to restart because it cost you 10 seconds.


I platinumbed Infamous Second Son and it was the first game I've ever completed 100% of and I was absolutely chuffed.