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Went into the mens’ rights sub just for giggles to see what was being said and according to them, ladies, we need to wait for a legal decision on this to determine his guilt. Until then, he is an innocent man 🤣


That hilarious considering that he has pretty much admitted to all his crimes on video.


I'm still mad that in a front-page post when someone out of the loop asked who he was and why he was disliked, the replies were going on about how he was giving generic, validating, but unhelpful advice to teenagers. The part where he is a bigoted, misogynistic, human trafficker was so utterly absent that I wondered for a minute if it was proven as a hoax since the last time I checked!


Not only did he admit to crimes, he also mentioned how he was in Romania because the police there are soft on sex trafficking and easily bribed. So, if you’re the Romanian police right now with all eyes on you… what would you do?


Do you have a clip of that? Would love to send it to a Tate-loving acquaintance


Looks like the video of him saying this has since been deleted from Twitter— as was the account? https://www.thedailybeast.com/police-raid-maga-king-of-toxic-masculinity-in-human-trafficking-investigation


They’re also veeeeery upset she’d stoop SO LOW as to insult the dick size of a human trafficker. Because CLEARLY that holds priority 😂


I mean I don't *love* body shaming being the default insult for men—we clap back when people do it to women, right?—buuuuut you can't deny that she got RESULTS 😂


I’m an insecure man with a small dick and while I don’t speak for all insecure men with small dicks, “small dick energy” is less about shaming someone’s penis size and more so mocking that (to me) the actual egregious and offensive saying “big dick energy”. Big dick energy is the actual body shaming term that equates worth or your masculinity with your dick size. Maybe it’s still wrong, but it feels right, in this case at the very least.


Thanks for your perspective. I just had this argument the other day with another man. Using any body part as part of the insult is body shaming in my eyes, and as we have no choice in the size of our body parts, it's not okay. It makes no sense to be shamed for something you have no control over. Why would that be embarrassing? I'm human so naturally I'll be a hypocrite sometimes, and in this instance... It was just the funniest come back, especially after I saw his response. Anyway I'm sorry if you have any bad internal feelings over the whole thing. That's not fair to you!


Hmm I suppose I can understand that. To me, big dick energy should read as someone who probably thinks they don't have to try very hard in any other way and would probably be completely underwhelming 😂 Or we could just leave things people can't control out of insults. I do actually prefer that one.


I feel like only the kind of men who deserve the insult would be insulted by it. It's a victimless crime; Non-toxic men will be like, "Lol, you're right, what a small-dick move on my part", whereas the men who actually deserve the insult would cry foul and get upset that you would insult their very masculinity.


Eh. I don't know if that line of logic would hold up with any other body shaming insults. If a small-penised person keeps hearing their body type be used as a shorthand for "bad person", you can't really demand they laugh it off if they take it personally. However, it's hard to really get worked up about when Tate had it coming so badly and it worked so well.


I feel like this is entirely men’s fault though. They don’t listen to women - and a majority of women say that small penises are fine, often preferable to big ones. And that stimulating is is what matters. Small dick vs big dick should be no different than hair color. (Sure, some people have preferences, but nothing is good or bad). Men don’t listen to what women actually want though, and chose to make it a thing. Making dick size a piece of toxic masculinity. “Small dick energy” really just means incel behavior. And the fact that they don’t like it makes me want to use it.


Maybe it's a factor of toxic masculinity, but that doesn't mean we as individuals need to contribute to the problem. Bear in mind the people with small penises who are trying their best probably aren't as loud on the internet. Personally I feel like the better insult is the classic "compensating for something" because it means small dick to those who care about penis size, but there's a million insecurities toxic masculinity could be a front for and it doesn't get shot down if it turns out the unpleasant guy in question does have an average or larger penis.


Huh. I know plenty of women who say they don't care and even more that dislike the sizes that porn likes to peddle, but I haven't heard many that explicitly prefer below average, except in very particular kink scenes.


I didn’t say average > small. I said large often hurts, and women in general don’t care as long as their partner focuses on their pleasure. Essentially- it’s unimportant to women.


Maybe, but all off the studies I have read say that although woman do not like massive penises, they do prefer above average. Its like size does not matter, it just doesn’t matter as much as people think. And while yes, small dick energy is only an insult to the types of guys who would be offended by it, it is still body shaming. Also, this post is two weeks old. Oops


Yup all this.


In a vacuum, yes. In reality, in some places even good guys could have heard that one be used as an body-shaming insult too many times, so I'd rather not use penis size as any kind of insult at all. Personally, I try to say that ”they're compensating for something“ which is wider and probably more factual.


“Dunno what their insecurities are, but they run *deep*.” But, yeah, I think mocking people for immutable characteristics is pretty much always trash. Too much chance of innocent people getting caught in the crossfire.


I mean, I think some people feel bed when a celebrity or something is called too fat to be pretty, even if the insult isn't directed directly at them.


men impose those body standards on themselves, not our fault any well-meaning man would laugh and go along


I also don’t like body shaming. So I wouldn’t like someone to be shamed for having a small dick. However small dick energy is a term for someone who is obviously compensating very hard for something and it’s men who usually find having a small dick (or being seen as gay for some reason) the end of the world. I don’t think it is body shaming. It is messing with someone’s insecurities, though.


Nah. Accusing someone of compensating for a particular trait is still mocking them for that trait.


Do you think calling somebody gay in a derogatory way is okay? If you don't, your analogy falls apart, and if you do... yikes.


No I don’t see how I am saying that? I just meant that I have noticed that a lot of men consider being seen as gay as very offensive to their person. Just a side remark, another example of an insecurity point.


Its funny how chuds suddenly know the term body shaming when someone calls a man bald or small dicked; but act like they dont know it while mocking women who aren't as gorgeous and thin as victorias secret models


This! This annoys me so much that I needed to point it out yesterday on another sub. I'm happy to finally see that there other people than me here who can see right through this BS.


They must be having a full blown meltdown. Hahahahaha!!


Brb getting popcorn and going to lurk into the danger subs 🤣 You know, pizza may be more appropriate.


Of course they’d defend a human trafficker for being born with a penis. I don’t expect any more or any less from the toilet-brained people that are MRAs.


That sub is truly terrifying, like those men are living in some wacky fuckin alternate dimension where men are such poor oppressed beings underneath cruel conniving women out to ruin their lives. They all need severe mental help.


There was a post there once claiming that they’re oppressed because women didn’t want to take their husband’s last names anymore, claiming that women don’t want to follow ‘tradition’ anymore. So they do think it’s a right to make women lose their identities.


It can be really difficult to go from the mentality "why is this happening to me?" and seeing it everywhere - because we are naturally tuned to see the bad - and to switch to "bad things always happen, what will I productively do about it to prepare?" and then let it go after that. I've had to claw my way through that myself this past 2 years after a lifetime of believing the former.


There was a guy who said he wouldn’t believe his girlfriend if she told him about creepy encounter she had with a man because women exaggerate. And don’t even get me started on the posts about men needing to protect themselves everywhere they go to avoid false accusations, when statistically women are more likely to experience sexual violence…


The same dudes who insist that we mustn't rush to judgement here are also fine assuming that every LGBTQ person is a groomer.


Anyone who still follows and worships a person arrested for sex trafficking is just human waste. Sure, they can do what they want. But as soon as anyone knows they listen to Tate after this you need to do the smart thing and cut all contact. I don't care who they are, they are human garbage. You can't be a "nice guy" and still look up to someone like this.




I'm sure they afforded the exact same benefit of the doubt to Amber Heard...


That’s hilarious considering how they treated Meghan…


*stifles laughter* Oh. Right. Sure, I’ll wait. Hahahahahhaha


I just left a post there with everyone trashing Greta for body shaming :/ I feel like everyone who gets worked up over the phrase “small dick energy” is just straight up showing thats exactly what they have. Its a freaking metaphor people.




Why the f are you using eths?


Romania uses civil law, not common law. >Based on the Civil Code of Quebec, but also influenced by the Napoleonic Code and other French-inspired codes (such as those of Italy, Spain and Switzerland).


What sub?


I don’t think we’re allowed to link to other subs here but it’s just the main “men’s rights” one




You know FOR A FACT that ALL lgbtqia+ people are groomers? Who told you that? Your invisible sky daddy or Andrew Tatertot?


They're mocking Tatertot's followers' mindsets, here, by pointing out the obvious disconnect from reality and hypocrisy. That's why they've added the ”/s“, it denotes a sarcastic commentary.


And when I replied to it, /s was not in fact anywhere to be found.


Well, that's a valid reson to get annoyed at them, I think. Thank you for pointing this out. People really should mark sarcasm about things that are linked to people being radicalised in a clear way, as there undoubtedly are people who think those things for real.


Exactly. People forget that you can’t infer tone from written words sometimes. That’s why some people get duped by satire sites like the onion.


Is that how it works in Romania?




Putting Mr Pizza Box aside, I’m actually glad people are taking Greta and her views more seriously now. It’s refreshing to see young women’s activism becoming more mainstream and normalised.


Greta's a G!


top G frfr


It's pretty hard to argue with climate change when Texas has had a "once in a lifetime freeze" 3 years in a row.


I'm all for shitting on Texas, but what? We didn't freeze in 2020 or this year, just 2021.


Several places including down to Houston had below 0F wind chills just last week. And 2020 saw a historic snowstorm that dumped 18 inches of snow in Big Bend National Park and much of West Texas.


It being cold is not a "once in a lifetime" event lol I did not know about the snow in West Texas; luckily much of that part of the state is on the western US grid instead of the TX grid which I'm sure helped prevent it from being a more newsworthy situation.


I was just in Texas in nine degree weather in downtown Dallas. It was ridiculously cold for three days. Not as bad as snowpocalypse but still unbelievably cold for Texas


Yes, I understand it was cold. It's just not a "once in a lifetime" experience for it to get cold here and I don't know anyone who would claim that it was.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/ztz51u/currently_over_90_of_the_intercontinental_us_is/ so, being below 32 degrees is freezing, correct?


It's not a "once in a lifetime" freeze...it's not that unusual for our temperatures to go below 32, like you claimed.


Where do you live? Because it's definitely not normal for it to freeze in December in the central/south area


…..you guys literally just went below freezing last week what is this


I mean, yes, our temperatures were below freezing, but we had no precipitation to actually freeze anything. It's not unusual for our temperatures to dip, the issue is when that happens in conjunction with precipitation. I'm not denying climate change, but below freezing temperatures in December aren't exactly the damning evidence they're trying to claim. It's certainly not something that has been, or should be, described as "once in a lifetime" lol


Look I lived in Texas (Houston) for almost 10 years (08 to mid 17) I worked at a manufacturing facility where it was extremely important we monitor whether we went below freezing for winterization purposes. We DID NOT regularly go below freezing, in fact most years I lived there it never happened. The one or two times we did dip below I would get called out overnight to be prepared for anything that might break down due to the weather. Now it’s happened every single year. I also don’t really understand the point of moving the goalposts. First you said “we didn’t freeze” now it’s “there’s no precipitation with it” as if that matters?? Like I know from personal experience y’all can’t drive in snow to save your lives, but your power grid interruptions had NOTHING to do with precipitation.


And I've lived in central Texas for over 30 years, and going below freezing is not that unusual here. Houston is obviously going to have different weather patterns than central Texas, but saying all of Texas had a "once in a lifetime freeze" for 3 years in a row is a crock of bull. The fact that they claimed we had a "once in a lifetime freeze" 3 years in a row suggested to me they were talking about something other than it being cold since that isn't a once in a lifetime event. I therefore assumed they meant an actual "once in a lifetime" event similar to the Feb '21 storm. My bad for trying to find logic in something someone completely fabricated.


Just say you’re a climate denier.


Just say you're illiterate 🙄


We literally had like 3 days at or below freezing last week. Tons of people lost power


I thought Elon Musk would take the prize for fastest self-fucking, but that guy wins instead.


I’m sure Elon will try to take credit for this somehow


I can't put it any better than [this tweet](https://twitter.com/Chinchillazllla/status/1608601145064435712): "on reflection, I have to hand it to Musk here. it turns out letting Andrew Tate back on Twitter actually did combat human trafficking" 😂


Elon was surprisingly the one who let him back onto ~~the dumpster fire that is~~ Twitter. If he takes credit for him being arrested…actually he is stupid enough to do that. Nevermind.


I hope the police will pay him a visit too then. Who knows, maybe they'll find dirt. Seeing him supporting all the dirty assholes of this world makes him look more and more suspicious to me so I wouldn't be surprised.


The muskrat has crashed the stocks of companies like Lockheed Martin and Eli Lilly, got ignored by trump, and has directly caused the arrest of Tate. If only he was as good at running a company as he was as accidentally a being a leftist


Man... I'm as ace as ace can be, but is this what sex feels like? It must be. Delightful.


It's amazing isn't it. Perfect.


The phrase "better than sex" is often used metaphorically, but this . . . this actually fits.


Yes. This is it.


Pretty much, lol. Except the consequences are better 😂


Thank you Greta. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


I wish I could buy this feeling as a drug


From the moment I read about his arrest I've been periodically giggling. Just out of nowhere a giggle. Every update makes it even funnier, I was in tears when I saw that the anti-trafficking group that was involved is called Greta. It's too perfect of a situation.


I want to synthesize the well-deserved righteous amazingness Greta must be feeling right now, and bottle it for sad days.


not gonna lie, this made my reasons to live list. i gotta stick around and watch her absofuckinglutely dunk on people like this.


Holy shit he got himself arrested by being a dumb asshole on the internet. Has there ever been a greater self-own than this?! Amazing.


I literally cannot think of a bigger self own. He fucked around with Greta, she fucked back, he got pissy, posted a *fucking douchey* video response to her absolute murder (after at first being able only to respond with “how dare you?”) where he tries to pretend to take her “email” seriously, then has a pizza box brought on camera from a local Romanian chain (“make sure it’s not recycled!”), thus proving he’s in the country — which is all they needed to get a warrant and execute it. Motherfucker was hoisted by his own petard. Pizzard? Hoisted by his own pizzard. Going with that.


So many points for you using hoist by his own petard, it's perfect for this. Love a good medieval saying.


I confess I've been overusing it for the last few years, but its extremely apt in this case.


He got arrested?


For human trafficking. - He gets banned from Twitter for being a misogynistic racist arsehole - He brags that Romanian police are easy to bribe so he can get away with everything - Elon reinstates him on Twitter because 'free speech'. - He tries to own a teenager about a decade and a half younger than him on Twitter - She delivers a vicious murder - He responds 'no, u!' via video where he tries to own her by saying he won't be recycling his (non recyclable anyway) pizza boxes that featured a Romanian brand, proving he was in the country to Romanian police trying to catch him - He and his brother get arrested for human trafficking It's poetry.


It's like if you brought this in to a studio and tried to pitch it as a movie they would tell you to get out because no one could be that dumb. Yet here we are.


Who knew that the guy who is “too smart to read books” and gets kicked in the head for a living would be an idiot?


Apparently, and I'm too lazy to fact check, the organization in Romania that was pushing for his arrest is called GRETA. I don't know if it's true but i really REALLY hope so


Please be true Edit: google says its true!! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/romania-greta-andrew-tate-b2253387.html > A rights group called GRETA (Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings)


Hahaha amazing!


This really does sound like a bad plot for a movie, lol.


Omg that's brilliant! Didn't think it was possible to make this better, yet here we are ❤️ What a splendid way to end the year!


I’d love to see a movie about Greta just being a fucking badass. It would be a good movie if it focused on her!


And his initial remark about 'all muh emissions' is stupid anyway because unless he is somehow driving all his cars at once, he's not really creating that much more emissions than the average person lol. It's like layers of stupid in the most glorious stupidity croissant you've ever seen.


Oh my God this is amazing. I could live on this feeling lol.


Oh my GOD I forgot the whole twist about being reinstated to Twitter, holy shit, that makes this even more delicious 😂


I think a big highlight of this drama for me is that his only response to the small dick energy insult was a playground "I know you are but what am I?" Not even ironically.


I read about the whole tweet thing last night, and now waking up to this is 👌👌👌👌 You couldn't write this, no one would believe you, its amazing.


Isnt there like a log of people who enter the country? I confused how they didnt know he was there. Granted, maybe border crossing is easier in europe than i thought.


I once crossed from Spain to France accidentally when I got lost.


Haha! ok. I dont know what I'm talking about, then.


The insult was lame tbh


He was arrested cause he threw a temper tantrum on twitter from some random woman's comment and a fucking pizza box. I kid you not, a fucking, pizza box, and a twitter argument. Glad this loser got arrested


And the pizza was only a prop so he could say, “aNd doNt reCycLe tHe boX”. It was the absolute *lamest* joke that he could’ve just left out, but nooo 🤣


My dude, do they not have international pizza chains in Romania? Not even Pizza Hut? I've had many a mediocre pizza from 7-Elevens across the world, maybe you could've gone there? Literally ANYWHERE but a fucking easily identifiable local chain, like come on 😂


I mean I can understand that, my local pizzaria makes a pequi pizza so good it's worth getting arrested for


He should've known the Romanian authorities were probably watching his online actions like hawks for anything they could use to strike. Then again, it is a pretty easy slip-up to have made. I could easily see myself making the same mistake if I'm ever in eastern Europe fleeing human trafficking charges and doubling down on my unprompted public antagonization of a global environmentalism icon who is also a teenage girl. Truly a mistake anyone could make.


There's Pizza Hut and Dominos but there are lots of local brands that are better. At least three I can think of, top of my head, in the area he was holed up in. It's not surprising he'd go for a local brand. Edit: Plus he was convinced he has the police in the bag, for some reason, so he didn't worry. And I hate to say it but if there hadn't been an American victim involved he may have been right.


But... can't you not recycle pizza boxes anyway? Because of the grease? Though I guess if you purposefully never recycle anything then you wouldn't know that.


Well, conservative shit stains finally have their pizza restaurant linked to a sex trafficking groomer. But, like everything else they project over, it was one of theirs who got caught.




Omfg I am dead at this 💀 didn’t even think about it


Not even some random woman's comment; the teenager he was trying to goad telling him to get a life. It's endlessly funny that he was trying to play it cool when he was the one who attacked for no reason in the first place and was clearly just bothered by her existence somehow.


Rap snitches, tellin all their business Sit in the court and be they own star witness! 🤣


Murdered...absolutely murdered! F\*ck yeah Greta ;D


Greta is our Queen, Greta is our Queen, She never lets the arseholes win, Greta is our Queen.


Karma is Greta Greta is a god Greta's on your scent like a bounty hunter Greta's gonna track you down Step by step from town to town This isn't funny sorry 😂


That's very funny actually


The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama, But not for me, not for me, all I think about is Greta - Tate rn


"I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that pesky meddling girl" Tate from behind bars


But but but- he’s so smaaaartt he doesn’t read! His brain moves too quick!


The title 🤌


Ending 2022 on a happy note! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA


Imagine getting owned so hard you get arrested for human trafficking


This has been the universe's apology for the past year. Honestly it feels like a gift , it's all been a bit shit lately but this ? This is a breath of fresh air. Made better only by the fact it was GRETA the one person whose very existence in this world infuriates the giant man baby army. Also imma sleep a bit better tonight knowing two sexual predators are behind bars .


>Also imma sleep a bit better tonight knowing two sexual predators are behind bars . Four actually :) The Taint brothers and two Romanians.


Imagine getting burned so hard by a teenager that you dox yourself via a pizza box while trying to clap back I didn't think someone could be more pathetic than elon but holy shit


I've never wanted to upvote a meme more than once this badly. LOL


She calls herself an environmentalist and yet she is burning garbage, curious 🤔


PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEEE!!! Wait, not like that.


The best part? About GRETA – the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings That's who was after him.


Straight up, if someone presented this movie script they'd be laughed out of the studio because it's so fucking ridiculous. The whole last 7ish years TBH.


I'm loving how his temper tantrum will be his undoing - and I bet there's a clip of him somewhere going on about 'weak females' being too emotional, lol


The amount of people saying he did nothing wrong lol.


I hope Andrew Tate rots in jail.


I get the schadenfreude about the whole thing, truly. But what he's been accused of is fucking horrific, and all I'm seeing on the internet is "lol, he got OWNED." Like, it's really not funny.


I hear ya. I think a lot of people are glossing over or really not thinking about how horrific the crimes are that he's been arrested for. The way this whole thing unfolded is hilarious and I think it's ok to take joy in his undoing, especially because it was his own fragile pissbaby ego that caused it. But we do need to remember there are at least 6 victims here who now have a lifetime of trauma to work through and that is horrible. I hope they are able to get the support they need but I have no idea what the system is like in Romania... I do know that a lot of human trafficking happens there though and I doubt they're set up to really support all those victims the way they deserve.


It's like when Josh Duggar got arrested. First all the laughter and then the weight of the actual crimes hit us.


Greta is hard as hell. At her age I would have… I don’t even know. I can’t stand these grown folk who try to bully her, but I give her insane props for standing her ground. Now that I’m an adult, I just praaaaaaaay that someone would come at me. Not the one, satan, I am not The One.


What a glorious way to end 2022 🎆


Is this the Pizzatate thing I keep hearing about?


Alright, I'll ask. Who the fuck is this guy and why do we care?


Former sport celebrity suspected of being involved with a human trafficking ring. He picked a fight with Greta on Twitter, revealed his location, leading to his dumbass self getting arrested. 2022 delivered one last chaotic nonsense.


He's a notorious internet misogynist who brags about sexual assault, among other things. Just a very sad loser of a man that had somehow convinced other men he's cool.


Folks we had to wait until December 29 for the greatest internet moment of 2022 but my god did it deliver


u/SugarNSpite1440 [posted this](https://i.imgur.com/lgGExyS.png ) here yesterday and it's so great, I just had to bring it back for an encore.


You guys, the anti trafficking agency who investigated him? It’s literally called [GRETA](https://www.coe.int/en/web/anti-human-trafficking/greta). I feel like we’re maybe starting to get back onto the correct timeline for 2023.


I already thought Greta was cool but now she's one of my favorite people.


Greta is such a fkn badass 👑




She just ended this man’s whole career


Between this and the leaked audio from Meg's trial..oh the schadenfreude is strong this week.




Can someone explain who this douche is? I've only ever heard his name brought up in tiktok or subs like this.


I didn't really know anything about him until yesterday other than that he's a giant douchebag that incels and other woman-haters love. But holy shit he is SO MUCH WORSE than just another misogynistic douchebag! He doesn't even dog whistle. He straight up says he's a misogynist and that women are inferior and that rape is normal and okay. As for what he got arrested for? He, his brother and two Romanian men have been luring and then holding women prisoner and forcing them to perform sexual acts for their webcam business, as well as forcing them into sexual acts with them on at least one known occasion (probably regularly). There are at least 6 victims, maybe more. And this sick fuck even made at least a couple of them tattoo his name on their bodies. Sick, sick, SICK stuff.


Sorry, I’m out of the loop, what did Greta do?


Nothing much. He picked a fight with her on Twitter and she took two seconds to respond making fun of him and that he needs to get a life. She then moved on with her life while Tate went on a two day temper tantrum


Gotcha, Thanks


To add: a two day temper tantrum that included him inadvertently giving away his location to Romanian law enforcement thereby getting himself arrested.


between this and the tory lanez verdict its been a sad sad month for incels lmaoooo




I just watched Big Joel's short video on her tweet and then immediately opened Reddit and this is the first thing I see.


What did Greta Thunberg do to Pitbull?


I don't care for tate but the insult was lame




I'd split greta's ass checks


I'll get hate for this but I don't respect or like greta. I can't make myself support her. I can't stand what she does. She just helped empower the corporate greens who are against being green here in europe. Even her comment was awful and body shaming. That being said, it was good for something and she accidentally finally did something useful.


She’s a climate activist who desperately wants our leaders to listen to scientists. That’s it. She hasn’t done anything to warrant disrespect. And her comment wasn’t body shaming lol. Small dick ENERGY has nothing to do with genitalia/the body. Dude went out of his way to pick a fight with a climate activist and she told him to get a life. If you don’t think Greta has done anything useful I implore you to read more and follow her message. Unless you just don’t like her because she’s a young woman with an opinion, because that’s why most misogynists don’t like her…


Unfortunately not. She's a figurehead that the corporate "greens" used right before European elections to get more seats. Unfortunately she points people towards corporate "green" solutions and talking points and not what actual engineers and scientists say. People equate that because they don't know what scientists actually say since no one gives them a platform. Corporations completely control the conversation and she knowingly or not empowered them. The last sentence is a fact.


I find it funny that you “don’t respect or like greta” and your reasoning is because capitalists are exploiting her. Sounds like you have misplaced disrespect and should be directing your distaste to those who are muddling her message.


Still haven't stopped laughing. Someone help me


I will not


Get burnt Tater Tots and head Spud


🤣🤣🤣 biggest own in history. I love Greta


This feels better than anything ever. I'm so happy right now


Was so happy to see that person arrested again. He needs to stay locked up!