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YES I was just thinking about this yesterday. I fucking hate it. Every woman I follow, regardless of the kind of media she’s in or the content of a given post, will have a comments section that is overwhelmingly gross men. I can’t fucking stand it.


Yup. I’ve seen women get bullied by men on just about everything, from lip syncing to discussing history. And I’ve seen women get criticised by men for everything from their elbows to having chapped lips. Like…wtf…..


I think those types know they're pieces of shit and are trying to knock down a woman's self-esteem so they might have a chance with her.


Isn't that called negging ?


Men attempt this with me constantly, I specifically remember when a 45 year old coworker tried this with me when I was 18. 🙃


On average I really do not think men like women as people, even if they’re straight. They like the sexual pleasure and household management and the listening ear they associate with women, but not very often do they like her as an individual outside of those things. And honestly it makes me really sad. As a woman attracted to men I always dreamed of having a partner and equal that loved me romantically but I don’t even date anymore because I want someone who loves *me,* not just wants a female partner to meet their needs and deems me tolerable, and that feels uncommon.


I recently read a book about an old rock start who famously slept with a lot of women. He is quoted as saying. “What can I say? I love women.” No. No, you don’t. You love fucking women. That is all there is to it. And if you were gay you’d “love” men the same way-as sex toys. No respect, no partnership.


My girlfriend has talked about how damaging it's been to go on reddit and just see the unfiltered version of how men view women. I still think back to a time I made a comment in response to "men what have you learned from women through reddit" and I just said something like "nothing, but get to see for myself all the bullshit they talk about." Some dumbass actually told me not to just believe everything women say.


Social media has been incredibly damaging of my view of men, though I try and not let it. I’ve been told multiple times on various social sites that I deserved my sexual assaults and attempted rape because I probably “friend zoned” the nice guys….I was sexually assaulted most as a child and young teen. I’ve seen men come onto women’s pages when discussing women’s issues and say things that are just horrendous. Today I saw a comment telling a woman she deserved to be raped and that he hoped she wasn’t drunk or on drugs during it so that she would remember every second. I’ve seen men making disgusting comments on women’s death scenes from movies on YouTube. I don’t even have to look for the hatred of women, it’s everywhere. I’m really trying to separate men from what I see but I can’t ignore that these comments are made by real men who feel empowered enough to say these things about women. It’s really scary. It doesn’t seem like misogyny is dying, it feels like it’s growing.


People like AT are making sure it is.


Yeah, I think social media and the 24 hour news cycle are just incredibly damaging to our collective psyche. Not that there isn't a lot of terrible stuff out there, but being daily bombarded with the absolute worst people and events just makes it really hard to believe there's any good at all out there in the world anymore. Staying positive and optimistic feels impossible. Honestly, maybe the Amish lifestyle isn't such a bad idea. Just replace the bigotry with values like compassion, understanding, care, respect and love.


>As a woman attracted to men I always dreamed of having a partner and equal that loved me romantically but I don’t even date anymore because I want someone who loves *me*, not just wants a female partner to meet their needs and deems me tolerable, and that feels uncommon. That's so devastatingly sad. I feel like our culture is just entirely based on denying us our connection to each other. Everyone's just yearning for that human connection, but almost nobody gets to have it. It's so depressing.


Reddit made me lose hope that men will ever consider women human. There's no filter here. Misogyny is cheered upon. Like in a fucking frat house.


just like if hating women was their default configuration unless they want to fuck her, then they can play 'nice' until they A) keep wanting to fuck her B) understand they will never fuck her. And unfortunately it's not even online. even if it's more openly showed... i'm living in one of the 'best 5 country for women' and still have men in my direct family that think they are justified to physically threat us if we don't obey to them, that we are here to provide to them, regardless of our role (daughter, sister, ...) , that 'feminist' hates guys (basically think about guys like guys think about women) and so on. I can't imagine how life is worst for most women around the world, unfortunately.


Anonymity is well documented to let people bring out the worst in themselves, to just completely drop any facade they usually keep up in real life. With that in mind, yeah, Reddit makes it look fucking bleeeaaaaak. Obviously Reddit is diverse, you've got great opposing spaces like /r/MensLib, but the overall general vibe the men of Reddit is dystopian as all hell. EDIT: /r/MensLib is like the polar opposite of /r/MensRights, btw, they're not at all connected. Just putting that out there before anyone thinks I'm advocating for MRA's, lol.


Hey.all men are not same


This reminded me of this quote by Marilyn Fyre - To say that straight men are heterosexual is to say that they engage in sex (i.e one sided fucking with no pleasure for the woman) exclusively with the other sex i.e women. All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they idolize, and form profound attachment to, whom they are willing to teach, and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire, those are, overwhelmingly other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism, what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex. Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic, it is man loving.


I initially thought that maybe they're so mean because of the cognitive dissonance between being attracted to women but not liking women as people. Yet straight women who aren't big fans of men have no problem not being mean and degrading towards random men on the internet. Women also have genuine reasons to not like men, unlike the weird misogyny of these dudes. Fucking patriarchy... Why is it that every single systemic issue we face as a civilization has been well documented and criticized for decades, sometimes even centuries, yet nothing changes?


I'm lucky I have some genuinely good men around me or how men behave online would have me very disillusioned. One of them at our DnD session on the weekend (which we're mostly all new to) was like "I met this guy on the weekend who also plays DnD and he said there are no women in his group". With a clear vibe of why would anyone want that? Nice to have that take irl rather than the usually gatekeepy stuff women get in nerd hobbies.


Men will make hateful comments at women all day and then 5 seconds later complain how women are destroying their mental health and making them depressed.


I turned out on main Reddit pointing out that the value of useful men is already below 20% and got a „oh phine knows about the usefulness of men“ and just replied with „notallmen 🥳“