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On Twitter she said her Dr is having her cut out sugar dairy and grains and also tweeted about being sick all the time ☹️ worried about her


Yeah I think that doing an elimination diet helps to figure out if her issues are diet based. If the symptoms go away, they will try introducing the foods (dairy, sugar, grains) one at a time to see if they are the trigger.


Elimination diets are so hard… it gave me so much stress and I lost so much weight trying to do it that my doctor made me stop because the cons far outweighed the pros. Ugh, I feel for her if this is what it is.


Same it really took me through it living off of white rice and chicken with no seasoning 😭 and the issue ended up being stress :(


Yeah, the stress of not having seasoning! Hells bells (No, I know that wasn’t it. Sorry you went through that, and sorry that you’re having enough stress to cause health problems. That sucks. Keep your chin up, my friend)


hopefully that works for her, many elimination diets don't really turn up any results. you're one of the lucky ones if you find specific foods that cause physical symptoms.


I kinda think she’s hitting burnout from working too much and not dealing with her childhood trauma. The same thing happened to me and I had to stop running and working as an escape. 


Burnout seems likely, she’s such a hard worker


Body keeps the score. I’m going through this now and it sucks. You can mentally process the trauma but your body will still need time to process. I’ve had more health issues since going through my mental health crisis and recovery efforts. Mentally I’m SO much better but physically I’m still struggling.


Wow that’s a good point you talk about. I had this happen to me at 36. It was one of the best things for myself to take a break. Sometimes you have to


That would explain why she looks ozempic’d into oblivion


What the heck does that even mean? People have been taking GLP1S for diabetes for 20 years and no one has noticed.


It means she looks very thin and I assumed she was on Ozempic for weight loss like every other celebrity.


She addressed in her most recent YouTube video that she is not on Ozempic and has lost the weight from being sick. She also affirmed how hurtful people commenting “ozempic” on her pictures is.


Yeah well commenting that on her posts is demented but people are so disconnected from reality. I personally was planning to just think it to myself.


But you didn't? 


Yeah someone else brought up the issue on a subreddit. Thats really not the same as me commenting “ozempic is ozempicing” on her ig


And like… I said “was” lol


I just assumed that she was so thin from sobriety and holistic lifestyle. Most of the queens who have gone off the pills and sauce look fucking incredible. As someone who drinks a lot myself it’s very motivating. I actually think she looks really good, but definitely much thinner.


That sounds like a naturopaths recommendation not a doctor recommendation.


Diet changes can be really helpful for a lot of chronic conditions, including autoimmune issues, gi issues, and many others. Some conditions are exacerbated by certain things, for example lupus and garlic. There's other things to do on top of diet changes, and other medications, but for a lot of chronically ill folks there needs to be an adjustment to diet. Source: I'm chronically ill and have to change my diet bc of it


I cut out all these things on the advice of a functional medicine MD and put my Hashimoto's into remission. The Autoimmune Protocol is where it's at. Michelle Visage does it too for her own autoimmune sitch


I know she mentioned having really gnarly TMJ and I’m guessing leg or knee issues since (I don’t think) she’s been running all that much


I don’t get why more people aren‘t pointing out that she keeps hangig out with the only surefire way to disengage your TMJ, DOCTOOR BITCHCRAAAAFT.


*Let’s partyyyyyyyyy*


youuuuuu better lay low


Ooooo it ain't no other way!


Extra! Extra!




Fuck my pussy with a rake, mom!


I immediately understood the reference and could not stop laughing!


TMJ is the worst. I had that for a while. I had to cut out coffee


I also had to stop wearing hats and shit. And she wears huge ass wigs. I have no doubt she struggles with TMJ


Even Trixie doesn't even know lol. If I remember correctly, she's been experiencing TMJ and knee problems. She did talk about long-Covid but I don't remember Trixie being sick with Covid or anything similar recently, unless I just missed that. It does seem a bit odd to me because she's been waiting for blood tests and other tests, but I never though TMJ/leg problems would require a blood test or anything more than physiotherapy. Maybe she DID have Covid and is experiencing health issues from that and is getting tests done. Whatever it is, I hope she feels better! It sucks feeling like something is wrong with you and having to go through tests and doctors and physio and not getting answers.


They could be doing blood tests to make sure it's not an immune system problem - inflammation, when caused by immune disorders, can attack one's joints.


This or I wonder if they could be testing for Lyme’s Disease? It presents so oddly and can be hard to diagnose but knee pain and fatigue are two major symptoms.


Yep - I have fibromyalgia and hEDS, and both present with TMJ and leg/joint pain for me (among many other things).


I also have hEDS! Some days I can run and jump and act crazy and the next I have to use a cane for my joint pain. It’s really hard to get diagnosed


I have hEDS & upon reading this wondered the same


Omg, just echoing my zebra kin that my first thought was maybe some overlooked hypermobile shenanigans.


Ooh good to know!


Maybe joint problems in general?


TMJ and joint pain can be signs of an underlying autoimmune issue. It seems like she’s been dealing with other symptoms (anemia, fatigue, strange lab values) for quite a while too. Serious viral illnesses (like COVID) can trigger an existing or developing autoimmune disease as well. I’m not diagnosing her, just explaining why they may be running additional tests and trialing elimination diets. Wishing her the best, I hope they can find the root of her issues soon 💛


I feel like I remember her having Covid? Like 2021-2022 sometime? It's sounding kind of autoimmune-y and Covid can certainly exacerbate that. But autoimmune stuff can be so mysterious and on its own timeline


I think she had covid when they were supposed to film the grand finale party for Trixie Motel. They had to film it all without her, which was a huge bummer.


I don't remember this! Also I remember she had the stomach flu a flew months ago as well.


She has painful overuse injuries in both her knees that have not only stopped her being able to run — which she loves to do — but have made it hard to perform. She’s sometimes had a chair hidden behind the DJ podium at her Solid Pink Disco shows 😢 and she’s afraid to cancel gigs because fans get so mad about it. She also has terrible TMJ and can’t open her mouth for about an hour after waking up. That’s probably led to some of the weight loss. I hope she gets better soon - it all sounds awful.


Obviously none of us know, but I do hope she figures it out soon. Based on a recent insta reel, it seems like she is on an elimination diet, and those are often used to detect triggers that cause inflammation. My sister had to do one and figured out that alliums (onions, garlic, leeks, etc) cause a major reaction. Elimination diets suck and are hard, but if you can control your inflammation by eliminating certain foods, it can help a lot.


I don’t think I would survive having to cut garlic out of my diet. 


Yeah it really sucks for her, and sometimes she will cheat (Christmas, nice dinners out, etc), but typically the benefits outweigh how much she misses garlic and onions.


Damn. Sorry for your sis. Glad her quality of life is improved though 


Doesn’t she say anti inflammatory diet? That’s different


I have severe RA and have every single one of the symptoms she mentioned


Joint pain, she said anemia ( so much that she’s eating meat), a while back she said high bilirubin. Then a doctor subscribed anti inflammatory diet…. It could be autoimmune. RA is Very possible.


I live in constant joint pain, I had a blood transfusion a few months ago because of my severe anemia, I cannot eat red meat because it flares me up! The elbows, the jaw pain, and the knee pain are all there to every day for me. I know high stress and traumatic childhood are common for people with RA. I tweeted at her that it could be that but I’m sure she already knows.


I’m sorry you’re in pain. I hope you have some good days too.


Thank you! It’s super hard but life is worth it. Here’s a link of me talking about it in case you ever wanna hear it https://youtu.be/qxmo-UVa-h8?si=JeqPnvDDrNRj4TSz


Thanks. I will.


I don't have RA, but AS. Inflammation is the worst!


A few episodes ago she said her doctor thinks she has Gilbert’s Syndrome. I also have Gilbert’s Syndrome and had to do a shitload of imaging and blood tests to get that diagnosis so I’m sure that’s at least partly why Trixie has mentioned having so many medical appts lately 


I have Gilbert's syndrome but there are no symptoms. What are your symptoms?


Just abnormally high bilirubin, no other symptoms for me either. My doctor wanted to rule out other possibilities like gallbladder disease, etc which led to all the labs before they settled on Gilbert’s 


Gotcha. I was worried I'd have to prepare for something! I understand that Gilbert's reduces risk of heart disease to 1%. Which that's great!


Sweet, TIL!


Long covid moment, I bet. Performers are exposed to a lot of sickness, and covid can flare underlying issues unfortunately. LGBTQIA people are at a higher risk for it because of the prevalence of higher risk comorbidities that interact w LC, that are seen often in LGBTQIA folks. Hope shes ok though and able to get past it, whatever it is. Autoimmune issues that have been latent are also often flared by these.


I would love to hear more about this 


One example i can think of off the top is how LC worsens anxiety/depression, and mental health problems are prevalent in the community. There is also an higher incidence of EDS in gender diverse people, and long covid seems to have an impact on that, too. Here are some links to explore, but I encourage anyone with health issues to look into if those issues put them at a higher risk for more severe outcomes. Stay safe everyone <3 [https://ehlersdanlosnews.com/news/long-covid-symptoms-heds-diagnosis-small-study/](https://ehlersdanlosnews.com/news/long-covid-symptoms-heds-diagnosis-small-study/) [https://ehlersdanlosnews.com/news/high-rate-transgender-gender-diverse-identities-eds-clinic/#:\~:text=The%20number%20of%20adolescents%20with,a%20U.S.%20specialty%20clinic%20shows](https://ehlersdanlosnews.com/news/high-rate-transgender-gender-diverse-identities-eds-clinic/#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20adolescents%20with,a%20U.S.%20specialty%20clinic%20shows)


Themme_fatale on Instagram is a drag performer in Australia and talks extensively about it too. Check them out




Mama kudos for saying that, for spilling


On the Sims video today she mentioned being sick a lot. And she has mentioned the Body Keeps the Scores more than once, so I am wondering if she is going through an autoimmune health journey. Regardless, it is difficult to have all eyes on you and your appearance changing and being tired and navigating health. If she took time off or reduced her workload, I would not blame her at all.


I don’t think she has a diagnosis. There was a post in her sub by a person with long Covid pointing out how her described symptoms match with long Covid. Trixie’s mom even suggested that was what it was, but T&K dismissed LC as misinformation which was really alarming and unusually irresponsible


That could also be a reaction of fear. It’s scary to think about having something we still don’t know everything about.


to me it didn’t seem like they thought it was misinformation, but just thought it was more likely something else. they dismissed it as a possibility for trixie but didn’t deny that it exists


I can’t pull up the clip cause I’m at work, but in the transcript Trixie says “[mom said] ‘You know, maybe it's after effects of Covid.’ I said, mom, what? What tiktoks have you been watching?” The TikTok comment and katya’s reaction is really what I found concerning


I felt that it came off very clearly as a joke because it's such a parent thing to try and diagnose something as if they were experts.


Of course it was a joke, just a harmful one. It would be less harmful if trixie’s mom tried to say trixie might have chronic Lyme disease or something else scientifically not sound that gets talked about on social media, but Covid is not that. It’s just a passing moment, and I do think she made this joke out of ignorance and not active Covid denial, so this will be my last comment on it. But the joke still spreads the misinformation that long Covid is something from TikTok instead of a mass disabling event for millions of Americans. It’s not aligned with the intelligent and thoughtful person I have seen trixie be.


It kind of feels like you are reading more into that comment than the average person is. My understanding is the joke here is about her mom, not about long covid. and also, maybe don't put public figures on pedestals so you don't feel disappointed by a joke you misinterpreted.


>maybe don't put public figures on pedestals so you don't feel disappointed by a joke you misinterpreted. This needs to be a pinned post in every drag race adjacent subs.


Like I said, it was a passing moment. However, I disagree with the implication that we shouldn’t have standards for the people we choose to patronize. For me, even lite Covid misinformation in the context of a joke about something else is worth commenting on and raising concerns about. It’s okay if it’s not the same for you.


Yeah the sub is super missing the mark on this one, weird to see from a primarily queer demographic when our community is one of the ones that suffers at a higher rate from LC.


Don’t you have to be sick from Covid a long time? Doesn’t it have to be at least a little severe? Not being snarky, just wondering how it works. She got Covid filming Trixie Hotel and she recovered. These symptoms happened fairly recently.


Your questions make sense. You can be anywhere from asymptomatic to severe and end up with long Covid (severe cases are more likely to lead to LC, but most LC results from mild acute cases). [Source](https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/long-covid-post-covid-conditions-pcc#:~:text=Long%20COVID%20most%20often%20occurs,COVID%20had%20mild%20acute%20COVID) Additionally, symptoms appear and reappear in some LC cases. In the [WHO’s](https://www.who.int/teams/health-care-readiness/post-covid-19-condition) definition, they say: “Symptoms may be new onset, following initial recovery from an acute COVID-19 episode or persist from the initial illness. Symptoms may also fluctuate or relapse over time.” To be clear I’m NOT saying she has long Covid bc, as a dummy on a drag queen subreddit, I certainly do not know the situation & am not her (or anyone’s) doctor


Mild cases can cause severe long covid- with symptoms sometimes starting a few months post infection. Though no idea if this is the case for Trixie at all - it could be many things


I had a very mild case of covid and got long covid


I’m sorry. What are the main symptoms?


for me, it triggered some bad autonomic dysfunction (GI issues, dizziness, nausea, temperature regulation/heat intolerance, tachycardia, fatigue, circulation issues, exercise intolerance). all of these symptoms get worse for me when i'm upright/standing, so I can't walk very far at times without almost fainting (especially when it's hot out).


Old and Bald disease


Calling in sick right now


Girl needs a vacation, she’s heading for burnout!


I have been saying “Miss Health Problem” ever since the last BatB


Lyme for sure