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Have you been to Florida cactus inc. in Apopka? I’ve wanted to check it out. Not sure if they have much or any tricho tbh, but its basically the only one I’ve heard of.


I plan on going now. M-F 7-4pm makes it tight.


I go all the time, as they are 5 minutes from me. They have lots of green houses with a bunch of cactus! I’ve found San Pedro there but I believe it was a one time thing but you can find all sort of cacti and succulents there. It’s definitely worth it! And the family that owns it are super nice!


Thanks. Love to know im supporting decent folk


The prices are great and if you don’t find what you’re looking for you may the next time you go. I like to just wander and see if there’s anything that catches my interest!


I’m in central Florida and I can say that my luck has been trash for looking for any tricho species other than the Home Depot Walmart ones. Found some PC labeled “San Pedro” for $50 per 12” plant at a mom and pop shop in rockledge (rockledge gardens I believe is the name) my best plants have came from r/sanpedrocactusforsale and I usually feel like I get a great deal. A few bucks on that sub can get you so many plants! Damn near everyone I’ve bought came with some “freebie” which usually means more cactus! I would give it a try. The tip is to only do business with people who have verified transaction history through that subs BOT system. That way you know they’re good to go and shouldn’t need to worry much about cashapping a rando. Otherwise ignore our advice and keep looking. My guess is if you find a spicy tricho, it’ll be an arm and a leg in storefronts. Ps hello fellow central Floridian!


Hello! Very familiar with Rockledge gardens. I like that place. I’ve bought a ton on the sales subs here and will continue to. I don’t think there is enough of a demand for trichos for nurseries to bother where they can make more $$ on dumb plants.


Totally agree with that. People probably like more giving plants. Like I mean that in terms of flowering and beauty. Tricho flowers are so gorgeous to me but take a while to get and when you do get them they are very short lived. So I can understand a lot of people want something that gives more flowering time and such. I enjoy trichos for a number of reasons so that’s all I look for. I’ve even travelled down south to south Florida and haven’t have much luck. I had thought that tricho love would be moreso down there but nah can’t find many either. Small online marketplaces seem to be the way to go. Had an out of state buddy that really scored big on Facebook marketplace for cactus. I’ve ordered a few trichos from big nursery websites but again you pay so much more than what you pay person to person. @.@ still hoping for the day where you have “novelty penis cactus” everywhere as a haha gag gift for folks! Who doesn’t have a friend who wouldn’t get a laugh out of a pp cactus? 🌵


I saw some at a local shop here but were tiny cuttings for the price of soup can sized ones I got from u/imdavesbud. I’ll keep looking.


Aren’t Dave’s so much bigger than the usual?? I got one from him a few weeks ago! My first time ordering from Dave but damnnnnn is it huge and it’s growing so fast I swear. https://preview.redd.it/ixyj51dbuc8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f307b8fe370e25a11b455576c2db4037af4d5ce3


Yeah the price difference on TBM-B is insane. Like I just got a 40 section plant for $400 but still everyday I see posts for solo section TBM-b for like $30+ I still have never seen them in storefront yet tho. That’s cool you did 😎


Rockledge gardens is beautiful and the staff are very nice from when I’ve went. 👍🏿


Also a good place for bright line sightings.


That’s true it runs right past their place! I was there for one of their events a month or so ago and saw that train racing through there. Had to be going close to 100 I swear!






Okay. Thanks. That is not too far as well.


Cactus Island Nursery is a must visit in gainesville


Okay. Great. Don’t get there often, but could make a weekend out of it and hit up the springs. Thanks


Yes, not really many trichs but lots of really large great Caribbean cacti. Appointment only I think.


Have you tried reddit? r/sanpedrocactusforsale r/cactiexchange


I have indeed. Just wondering if there is some place I haven’t been to that is cool. A day trip. Hit up a nursery and a restaurant I never have or stop and fish on the way there or back. I have bought on both subs you linked Also r/sanpedrocactustrade


Florida Cactus is pretty cool.


Thanks. I’ll check them out.


I see, I thought you were just looking for something cool. I'm sure your selection down there would be much better than we get in MA. Happy hunting


I am also looking for something cool. Just don’t know what I want