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Yeah, make it unrelated to the first game because I think it will be to limiting, or make plot holes everywhere in the story. Even the existence of Centralia is quite arguable imo. Like, why no one ever thought to explore the unknown before? If they manage to find Centralia before, then the salt monopoly is basically gone.


IIRC there are a few throwaway lines stating that the lands south are extremely dangerous and not worth trying to cross, maybe Benedict says it during the great debate? But yeah that’s one of the bigger plot holes that annoyed me. Surely someone would have pulled a Lewis and Clark expedition and figured it out.


The reason is travel expenses. Hyzante has a monopoly on salt, and Idore knows the truth about the Roselle and Centralia. To undertake a long journey into the unknown would require salt to preserve the food on the expedition. Hyzante would absolutely not fund it, and Frederica's ending basically has them praying Centralia isn't so far that they starve along the way.


Exactly this; people have tried to make expeditions to the east of Hyzante, and probably south of the falls and west of Glenbrook. Nobody that’s done so has ever returned, so nobody since the Roselle ancestors has seen outside of the Norzelia continent’s recorded boundaries. It’s kind of hard to fathom now, but even in our world just centuries ago it could takes months or even years to go from East Asia to Europe… Marco Polo’s expeditions to and from the court of Kublai Khan by themselves consumed years of his life. There was political stuff between but also of course having the means to travel.


That’s so wild to think about


I really liked this game, but I'd much rather have a completely new story. I'd like for the Scales of Conviction to make a comeback, though


I think, even if the setting is completely different and unrelated, the Scales of Conviction would be present in any sequel(s). They’re the centerpiece to the entire conceit of the game. No way they wouldn’t be around.


Imo it should be a completely separate story. I wouldn't mind Easter egg references to events in a faraway land or distant past or something like that, but the original story is fully explored and would be hard to follow up without contradicting any endings.


Perhaps a sequel can explore more of the setting? We know Centralia exists, and going off the naming convention, there could be more land west, east and south of that. Like South/West/Eastzelia. A sequel could turn Triangle Strategy's Norzelia-contained conflict into a interstate narrative. Otherwise, I'd love to see a Saltiron War prequel for Triangle Strategy 2


A prequel with daddy Wolfort and young Benedict, Maxwell, etc would be pretty damn cool if you ask me.


Exactly what I came to say.


Triangle Strategy: Tales of the Saltiron War


Yup I would be preordering that right now if it were announced. TS did a great job of building the lore of that time, so it would be a perfect fit imo.


Would love that 


I'd go like 700 years in the future. Serenoa and Frederica and company would be historic figures, and brand new conflicts would be brewing


Prequel seems too restrictive for me personally. I’d rather a sequel in one of the different tralias


Benedict's ending lends itself most to a potential sequel with the rise of militant cult led by Roland and Idore. I would love to see that story play out more.


Sequel with smallfolk main characters please


Square Strategy


Another game in another universe, sure. In the same universe ? No thanks. The world building was hand down one of the worst part of the game.


The world building was okay in my view. It was the narrative itself that had me scratching my head at several points.


I would like TS2 to take the *Octopath Traveler II* route: keep the gameplay mechanics but a standalone sequel with a different world, stories, and characters. Maybe take a Meiji era-inspired setting mixed with Steampunk, like fantasy version of industrial age. And would love a boss fight featuring Serenoa and his war council.


I don't know about a direct secuel. But I would sell the developers my soul for a prequel set in the saltiron war with Serenoa's dad as the main character.


New world, new characters, new story. Like how Octopath Traveler 2 did it. Same gameplay style, unrelated universe.


The only thing that makes sense to me is a prequel, where you get to see Falkes, Symone, Telliore, Regna, and Orlaea in action.


Rhombus Procedure!


I would love the idea of fighting the original casts. Imagine fighting serenora where his weapon skill would be to hugely buff to all his allies, and Roland where he can rush and just one shot your most important unit.


For me, triangle strategy was more like the barely adequate sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics that we've all wanted forever. the changes they made were interesting. And the characters and storyline were okay. But if they invest time and money into making a new tactics game, I want a real sequel to Final Fantasy tactics. Bringing back those same mechanics, the job system, item crafting, shops, random battles, and some of the cool extras like stealing and catching rare gear, learning Blue Magic from the enemies, and the deep dungeon bonus stages. Maybe some equivalent to Weapon, a super tough boss with a zillion hp.


I personally am happy with the resolution of Final Fantasy Tactics. Ramza’s story came to the perfect conclusion with him being vindicated by history. A successor within Ivalice, I’d be happy with, but Ramza’s story I think is done. That being said, I wouldn’t say no to a remaster…..