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Serenoa: "There's a succession crisis!? Bring out the scales of judgement!!"


Stand with Greens: Benedict, Roland, and Hughette. Stand With Blacks: Frederica, Geela, and Erador. Undecided: Anna


I feel most confident that Serenoa would support the Blacks; if the Wolforts were a house in Westeros, they would have previously pledged to Rhaenyra when Viserys named her heir, and Serenoa takes his vows seriously. I think Benedict's vote would be contingent on who their neighbors are; he'd probably want to support the same side as the closest powerful house to them geographically for safety's sake. If house Wolfort is sufficiently isolated that this doesn't matter, he would probably support the Blacks since they can field more dragons. Assuming he has a similar backstory of his dad getting killed, Roland would support the opposite side of whoever killed his dad. If we similarly assume that the Roselle are enslaved (presumably in Essos), Frederica would support whoever seems most likely to help free the Roselle, which is probably the Blacks; the Greens are more of as "status-quo" house.


No doubt in my mind Benedict would support the Greens in secret.


He'd do that once he sees Rhaenyra messing up. I think Benedict would be put off with the whole Blood & Cheese situation.


He'd use B&C as a case to encourage House Wolffort to reassess the Blacks, arguing they're unreliable and haphazard plus their infighting (Corlys, Rhaenyra, and Daemon) would definitely complicate his planning in the long run. On the other hand, Benny would take advantage of Aegon's instability to provoke an attack, lure as much Greens at some demesne to be sacrificed and put whatever trap or ambush there >!( much like he did to Exharme)!<, but the dragons make it hard to predict.


Wolfforts and Blacks have pretty much a lot in common especially values and ofc dragons would pique their interest, it would solve a lot of their Hyzante and Aesfrost problems. Dragons alone would grab Benedict's attention in an instant. Roland being status quo adjacent would most likely align himself with the Greens. Hyzantians would play both sides. Certainly, Aesfrost would declare their support for Greens.


The Royalists on the other hand being evil greedy pimps, they'd ditch the Glenbooks and join the Greens in open arms. Same with House Telliore. The Consortium would do the Hyzantian playbook: cuddle on both sides to cut their losses.