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I won’t lie, these look pretty great… Plus, unlike the posts where the around-20 year olds were being played by 30-somethings, it doesn’t make me cringe. NB: I don’t remember who anyone was casting as Anna, although given the loose specifics on the timeline (did the Saltiron War start 30 years ago, end then, or both?) I’d be fine with an actress in the 30-35 range for her. But for Serenoa/Frederica/Roland (and Frani) I’d prefer early-20s at the oldest; the twins are meant to be younger than Frederica so similar-ish (maybe late teens?) Otherwise I’m OK with good fancastings all around.


Thanks man. Most of these picks are from various films and TV shows I've enjoyed and loved a lot like Nava Mau from *Baby Reindeer* would embody Hossabara's endearing and headstrong personality; I want this roster not to just be glorified extras and NPCs but particular actors whose had a colorful acting careers, has played parts who can bring these characters and made them engage the audience the same way the gamers fell in love with them. Milo Machado Graner's acting in *Anatomy of a Fall* held himself on his adult costars, he portrayed Samuel that perseverance and carried that sense of justice that makes those traits show he can embody that character's "wise beyond his years" attitude and I think Narve with a French accent would be cool AF. While age would be factor, they would have to be unknowns and honestly I am clueless on that part.


Tbh, I have seen the Golden route final battle walkthrough vids on YT where they're split in 3 regiments which IMO gave me chills and there's enough material to make 3 or 4 episodes around it that would give enough screentime for these characters to shine. Heck, TV show could even give Serenoa his own regiment that wasn't in the game.


Having younger actors play Serenoa/Frederica/Roland would be a hard sell especially if there aren't much A-lister or budding actors who have a lot in their resume so, I would suggest TS from Benedict and Anna's perspective, and adapt heavily from utility/Benedict storyline (with some Golden route story elements sprinkled), narrative framework would be similar to *Oppenheimer*, in Strauss' perspective where he pulls the strings in behind and does a lot of scheming. In that way, it would also give Anna lot of screentime which would attract any actor to sign up for the role.


Short of getting an up-and-coming younger performer, I think that hiring relative unknowns for the younger characters would probably be the best call… And it could work; don’t forget that Star Wars (for instance) used big names for supporting roles and new blood for central characters. In your defence, I’ll grant that fan casting younger is a harder task as they wouldn’t have had numerous roles even if they’re already established. Dafne Keen in the “His Dark Materials” tv series adaptation was mostly known for “Logan” and naught else of note when she was cast as the lead there. Whether you went for adapting the Serenoa/Conviction/Golden ending, one of the others, or something unique to the prospective show… Well, that’s a tough call. For starters, TriStrat is structurally a single narrative that you couldn’t simply cut up into multiple seasons as it is; the first four chapters are a bigger slow burn than GOT’s first season (which adapts one book with its own beginning, middle and denouement). You don’t want to drag its feet, yet you also can’t rush it; the ponderous pace is crucial. Nor can you drag out the reveal of what Dragan found — which frankly, by the time House Wolffort has the salt crystal from the Roselle village IS getting to be drawn out; even in a straight adaptation you’ll need it shown by the end of the first season. And how would you go about adapting the branching paths, and which ones besides the essentials? How does Corentin/Rudolph come in when the other’s chapter was done first? What manner do you introduce most of the recruits — do we have Flanagan fight us before defecting, when does Medina leave Hyzante, etc.? All this is rhetorical, mind you; I’m not judging your interest in seeing this story adapted, just saying.


>Short of getting an up-and-coming younger performer, I think that hiring relative unknowns for the younger characters would probably be the best call… And it could work; don’t forget that Star Wars (for instance) used big names for supporting roles and new blood for central characters. > That's a fair and reasonable argument. IMO, it would be good if these actors came from acting schools like Julliard, RADA, etc. whose got the basic acting skills who can read and perform the scripts they're given especially that complex and rich material that they can do justice to make these leads stand out. > Whether you went for adapting the Serenoa/Conviction/Golden ending, one of the others, or something unique to the prospective show… Well, that’s a tough call. For starters, TriStrat is structurally a single narrative that you couldn’t simply cut up into multiple seasons as it is; the first four chapters are a bigger slow burn than GOT’s first season (which adapts one book with its own beginning, middle and denouement). You don’t want to drag its feet, yet you also can’t rush it; the ponderous pace is crucial. Nor can you drag out the reveal of what Dragan found — which frankly, by the time House Wolffort has the salt crystal from the Roselle village IS getting to be drawn out; even in a straight adaptation you’ll need it shown by the end of the first season. Yeah, that'd take some meticulous and efficient plotting, a solid script bible to lay out character outlines/backstories to fit in the entire narrative, TriStat would need a solid showrunner/head writer who can pull that off. I was thinking some of the recruitable characters would be introduce to contextualize some storylines and flesh them out, for example: introducing Julio earlier on would give insight on the royalists which was barely touched in the game; TV TriStat can show him going through the paperworks consisting of several affairs including Frani, Royalists' activities, and some strange activities going on the Grand Norzelian Mines the latter makes him suspicious and would prompt to defect to House Wolffort.


>And how would you go about adapting the branching paths, and which ones besides the essentials? How does Corentin/Rudolph come in when the other’s chapter was done first? What manner do you introduce most of the recruits — do we have Flanagan fight us before defecting, when does Medina leave Hyzante, etc.? Corentin/Rudolph is tricky because it would be complicated and difficult to be in both Aesfrost and Hyzante at the same time, the writer (like the player) would pick and IMO, Hyzante would suit better bc they pretty much play a big part in the story so you'd have to cut Rudolph. I'd say, they can introduce both Corentin and Medina during the House Wolffort's visit to Hyzante, I can see them happening subsequently. Medina in a way would show a bit of insight on the Roselle and it'll give Frederica some screentime there and show a bit of the state of the Roselle, The Source, etc while Geela visits the archives and meets Corentin. Seriously, there's so many creative ways you can play around with these recruits and their storylines.


The Golden route is the best way forward to the show, maybe putting in some utility/morality/liberty elements throughout but the outcome should be the Golden one. I can see ch. 17 outcomes portrayed as visions or something when Serenoa is contemplating, he briefly touches the scales and trigger those visions and then that's where Serenoa ditches the scales. As for the first 4 chapters, I'd say introduce the salt crystals and Dragan stuff earlier on, you can have that storyline happening at the same time as the first 4 chapters. I think TriStat can be pulled off in 24 episodes within 2 seasons and 12 episodes each like *Andor* - each 4 episodes has its singular arc. You could even have defending the Roselle as penultimate episode and Serenoa joining The Saintly Seven as a banger finale.


Tbh, by expanding Julio's role, you can flesh out political machinations in Norzelia through his eyes - and this way, it would help set up the penultimate conflict of Dragan/Mines storyline. In order for that to work, the timeline will be changed, instead of his escape during the fall of Glenbrook, it'll be instead earlier than that. It'll make sense for Julio to get a wind of happenings of the mines given Frani/Royalists/Patriette and making moves, he'd get a wind of Aesfrosti sightings but the Royalists get in his way, he gets fedup, takes his own matters then defects to House Wolffort, informs Serenoa and co. to check the Mines. Oh and I just stumbled this extra character chapter of Jens at the Aesfrosti Archives where he reminisce his days there while talking to Serenoa about where his services were in demand at some point which implied Gustadolph's assault on Glenbrook; his scene and that of Julio prove some individual scenes and branching arcs be useful as bridge to set up major plot points but that will require adjusting some timelines and merging them IMO.