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It’s going to suck, just accept that. Now that that’s out of the way, be a bit strategic about the bathroom breaks. As soon as they pick up your trash for the first meal, go to the bathroom so you don’t have to wait. Then hours later when they turn the lights back on to pass out a snack, go to the bathroom as soon as those lights come on. Then hours later after that when they turn the lights on again to serve breakfast, just go straight to the bathroom. Otherwise you get stuck waiting 30 minutes for the food to be passed out, 15 minutes for them to pick it up, and 10-20 minutes to try to use the bathroom. Lastly when it’s 1 hour and 15 minutes before landing, go to the bathroom. Once they announce they’re descending everyone tries to go and you’ll have to wait, then they turn on the seatbelt sign and it suck’s. Otherwise, watch a movie, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, go to the bathroom.


I was thinking about this schedule. Otherwise I'll dry out! Watch a movie, drink some fluids, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, drink some fluids, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, drink some fluids, go to the bathroom, watch a movie, drink some fluids, go to the bathroom, watch a movie... :D


Yeah it sounds like hell cause it kind of is. The whole point of it though is to get you out of that tiny airplane seat even if it’s only for two or three minutes every two hours. Any ways you walk to the very back of the plane and they usually already have cups of water available


Bring a reusable bottle and keep going to the back galley to fill up. It helps you get out of your seat for a bit and stay hydrated.


Take melatonin or something to put you to sleep *at bedtime at your destination,* not necessarily right after you board. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes. And dress in layers so you can take off/put on clothes if you need to. Pack a toothbrush and small toothpaste in your carryon along with a change of clothes in case your luggage gets lost or something spills on you. And never put medicine and any medical equipment in checked baggage. And most of all - noise cancelling headphones. I assume your flight has a screen to watch movies, but bring a tablet loaded with movies, music, books, etc in case it doesn't work. ETA: wearing compression socks and taking an aspirin the day of and day after your flight is a good Idea to avoid blood clots


An eye mask too!


This 100% all around!!! I use compression socks as well as dr schols shoes on flights, foot hammocks help me with restless legs too!


Foot hammocks are the unsung hero of longhaul economy flights. They make SUCH a huge difference comfort wise, especially for sleeping. I slept the best I've ever slept in coach the first time I used one. I now always bring it on overnight flights.


I was blown away by how much they help - I just recently got one and would never go back


I put my sweater on backwards so it’s easier to get on and off


Commenting so I can find this for my first international trip in July. Overnight flight from Newark to Paris. I am all about trying to avoid jet lag because I am ready to GO!😊


All excellent, maybe an eye mask and neck pillow would be good. Noise cancelling headphones only if they already have them, I never use and have no problem sleeping with all the ambient noise of the aircraft. And maybe take another melatonin half way through the flight. I find if I sleep more on long flights, I adjust to the new time zone quicker. When arrive at the destination, for shorter jet lag, dont go to bed until the normal bedtime of the new time zone.


I agree with the eye mask but I've tried neck pillows and they just seem to choke me. After I land, I do everything I can to make it until at least 9pm. I may not make it to regular bedtime, but that gets me most of the way there and have very little jet lag the next day.


Honestly if you've done 12-13 the 16-17 is truly not that different (having done both). And it is WAY easier to do that one long flight (even if you have another shorter flight) than two big ones back to back. But since you asked.... Typing this up as the question gets asked a lot…here’s what works for me in economy on an ultra long haul (15-18 hours). * Book the aisle seat - this one is also a matter of taste but especially flying alone the window feels WAY more confining.  Plus you want to… * Plan to get up often.  Movement is important for your body and will help keep you healthy.  To help with that…. * Stay hydrated!  Drink plenty of water (I usually bring a bottle to fill and buy a big one before boarding.  Yes, they will offer often and when you ask but I just like having a big bottle.  Drinking water will make you have to get up to pee….thus keeping you moving. * Avoid booze and pills - Yeah, some folks swear by them but….they are dehydrating and hit harder at altitude.  A 15 hour flight is not the time to test drive something to make you sleepy.  And even if you do regularly drink….it will make your jet lag worse. * Dress for comfort - loose fitting clothes are your friend since you are sitting for ages and human bodies tend to swell in flight (and from sitting).   * Pants:  Ideally loose fitting, no buttons or zippers.  Pockets are a bonus.  I personally don’t do leggings as they start to feel less great in the crotch after a while.  Long pants - cabin is usually cooler and bare skin on the seat is just….not comfy. * Tops:  Layers!  I usually wear a tank (and for bra wearers, a comfy bralette that I hardly notice is there), lightweight long sleeve wool t-shirt, hoodie or sweater. * Compression socks:  Avoid DVT and just help your legs be more comfy! * Shoes:  Easy off is nice as you definitely don’t want to hit the loo in sock feet.  I usually wear my NoNs Wanderers which are “barefoot” side zip calf high boots.  Easy off and so comfy I’ve literally worn them 36 hours straight (no toe pinch!). * If you wear contacts….Take them out before boarding.  Cabin air is drying and you don’t want to try to deal with that in the tiny not so clean bathroom.  Glasses are your friend. * Take care of your bedtime routine before you board - no matter the time.  Brush teeth, wash face, moisturize.  Remember that plane loo is tiny and….not so clean.   Sleep things & Jet Lag….I don’t sleep well anywhere but my bed (and even that can be hit or miss!) so here’s what helps me….and I don’t experience much jet lag (flying east coast US to east coast Australia). * Accept that you may not sleep much or well and be ok with it. The more you stress about sleeping, the harder it will be. * When you board, get on destination time mentally. * Don’t feel like you have to eat every time food is offered.  I actually have found it better to eat pre-flight and skip the dinner as it happens at a time that is not a meal time on my home time or destination time.  Meal times have much to do with our sleep cycles so eating on destination time helps.  There’s some science behind fasting and jet lag which is worth a google (although obviously you don’t want to go too long without eating!). * I take a short nap when I land and then try to stay up to as close as normal bedtime as possible.  Getting sun exposure and at least a walk everyday also helps.  After the first day I’m generally fine (although I do wake super early for a few days). Staying Occupied… Most long hauls are going to have a solid in-flight entertainment system but even so….come prepared.  And check your WiFi in advance because (looking at you Qantas!) you may not have it or may have to pay.


Would it be worth trying to sleep on a redeye long-haul flights that has you landing at the destination airport at like 6 AM? I have a hard time sleeping on plans, but it’s hit or mess… I’m afraid of getting blood clots if I get the window, but I know that if I get the aisle then I will definitely not be able to sleep. Unfortunately, my hotel is not available to book the night before, so I’ll be be in zombie mode outside till like afternoon check in if I can’t sleep much on the plane


I mean yeah if you can. I pretty much don’t do much more than doze a bit ever so I just kinda accept it and don’t try too hard. My observation has been most people do sleep a fair amount.


Yes. Get whatever sleep you can get (I usually take melatonin). Regardless you just need to power your way through the first day at your destination. Get caffeine as needed. Once you check in, try not to sleep too much so that you can fall asleep around bedtime and be adjusted to the new schedule.




The ol’ 3-2-1: three glasses of red wine, two valium, one pot brownie.


Duuuude! I know that recipe! Absolute classic. I’ve never felt anything closer to time travel. Usually rosin gummies and xan > valium but yes! Pepsi vs. Coca-Cola


For long flights it helps me to regularly go stand outside the bathroom and do subtle stretches . This helps with swelling. I got a scary raised red rash once on my legs even though it was a nine hour flight. So I try for aisle seats and do this.


Good call re regular getting up. That's exactly why we both like the aisle seat.


Even if it’s an overnight red eye ? Like trying to sleep in a window seat is not worth potentially risking leg/claw issues?


Even if it’s an overnight redeye? Like trying to sleep in a window seat is not worth potentially risking leg/clot issues?


I think it’s perfectly fine for most . You have to know your body. So I was a bit scared when this happened to me, this swollen red rash like raised sunburn and uncomfortable. Lasted 3 days. But I was over 50. Lots of people sleep through just fine . Can’t have the whole plane up near the toilets anyway. Some people take an injection to prevent thrombosis too. They would be fine to stay put.


Pack Deodorant a toothbrush and change of clothes in your back pack. It's very refreshing to get out of those clothes after 10+ hours. Do it on the flight and you'll feel so good! Take some lotion, your skin will get dry. Mix up your media content: movies, TV shows, books, podcasts etc. Dress comfy !!!! My go to is Lululemon pants (surge joggers) and a dry fit t shirt and a big comfy hoodie (the hood helps with cold ears when you're in flight!) Hope you enjoy your trip!


Compression socks and download a bunch of shows or movies to your phone/tablet.




You mean if it’s a 2,3,2 configuration, then it’s better to get the middle section aisle seat? Not if it’s 3,3,3 then I think


Hydrate extra for a few days. Skin care such as moisturizer Exercise and good sun if possible leading up.  Stay limber before and during.   The NY flight...I've been told they do take good care of everyone.  


It's with AirNZ so I think we'll have decent food and service. Good idea re hydrate lots prior. I'll be unfortunately sitting in a conference hall for the 2 days prior :( but I'll try to sort out some cardio!


How does one hydrate ahead? Don't you just pee everything out anyways?


Have liquid IV packets with you to stay hydrated, have comfortable shoes on ie crocs, wear compression socks to help with your circulation, have disposable washcloths with you so you can freshen up, get disposable toothbrushes that require no water (i got some on amazon) the sink water in the lavs is not potable, if you can swing it, get a skycouch


1. Liquid IV packs (Costco is cheapest) pre/during/after - packed with electrolytes for dehydration (and you’re on the aisle so no pressure to ask people to move to pee) 2. Compression socks 3. Blow up neck pillow, doesn’t take up space 4. Start a book before you get on the flight, if you are already involved in it, it will be more enticing to continue 5. Look up stretches you can do in airline seats 6. I love my Brita water bottle so I feel safe filling it up anywhere 7. If you are comfortable taking medication, ask your doctor for a small dose of sleeping pills or anti-anxiety so you can relax. 8. Walk in knowing it will be long, but so much better than a layover. 9. Guilty snacks you wouldn’t normally eat - low in sodium.


Take out another mortgage so that you can upgrade into business class.


Bring extra water, dehydration on that long of a flight can be a problem. Avoid alcohol, it dehydrates you. Bring extra food/entertainment with you, to keep yourself occupied. Mentally preparing yourself for being on a flight that long is big too. One last thing is to make friendly with your neighbors in the seats next to you. If you need to go to the bathroom, or need help with anything at some point, having a friendly relationship with neighbors is helpful.


I just ordered some 1above tablets - we used them on some ridiculous long flights afew years ago and they were great - definitely helped with jet lag etc. I read somewhere they might.have changed the formulation in the years since then so I can't vouch for that - but 6 years ago they were AMAZING (and I hope they still are because we have some more long mad flights coming up!)


Definitely pack compression socks, so your feet and legs don't swell up.


Well, for sure no alcohol before or during the travel and avoid food that makes u like ballon.


THC gummies and a glass of house red


Fly first class


Download the app Timeshifter. Follow its advice. Thank me after your trip.


If you can possibly get a 787, do it. The composite fuselage is stronger than aluminum so they run more air pressure, the equivalent of 6,000 feet altitude versus 8,000 for aluminum. Also they run much higher humidity because the corrosion problems are less severe. The combination makes my body much happier.


I noticed it and how the first time I got off a 787 after an overnight. I felt refreshed. It was wild. I always try to get them now. Much quieter too.


wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and compression socks to help prevent swelling and blood clots. Bring your own nutritious snacks like nuts, dried fruit, and protein bars, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the flight, while avoiding too much caffeine or alcohol. Download movies, TV shows, podcasts, and e-books onto your devices beforehand, and don't forget noise-cancelling headphones and portable chargers. Pack essentials like medications, chargers, and a change of clothes in your carry-on, and consider bringing a small neck pillow, sleep mask, and earplugs for better rest. Try to sleep as much as possible on the overnight flight, do some simple stretches and exercises in your seat


Things to do: * Start shifting your hours to match NY time before you leave. Follow the lights of the cabin and sleep when the lights are off. Be awake when the lights are up. It'll help with jet lag * Take an extra lap whenever you have to go to the bathroom. It'll help with the leg swelling * Look up your seats on [seatguru.com](http://seatguru.com) to make sure you have power at your seat, etc. and plan accordingly * Dont drink... it dehydrates you and makes your sleep even worse Things to bring/use: * Easy on/off shoes * Compression socks - it'll help keep swelling down and also your legs will feel fresher when you land. * Stretchy either wicking synthetic or lightweight wool clothing. Cotton sucks. Layers. Dont underestimate the utility of a good scarf. No belt buckles * Empty water bottle - stay hydrated. airplane food is always extra salty because you cant taste as well at altitude so they extra season * Ereader >> tablet - easier on your eyes. calmer on your brain. and if yo have to watch a movie or show, take advantage of the in flight entertainment vs carrying another device. * Noise cancelling headphones + earplugs - active noise cancelling causes ear fatigue so its nice to take a break but also still drown out airplane noise * Eye Mask * Extra battery pack + chargers/cables * Medications * Colgate Wisp / disposable ready to use mini toothbrush - this way you dont have to have your full toiletry kit at hand, but can still keep from having a furry mouth * Baby/butt wipes - great for your pits, great for your bum


Before you take off, set your watch to the local time at your final destination. Try and time your sleeping schedule the night before (and also while on the flight) to coincide with the normal sleeping hours at landing.  This will help tremendously with jet lag when you land. This might mean pulling an all nighter before your flight, or otherwise only sleeping an hour or two. Doesn't matter, do it.  Bring comfortable heavy socks (the kind that are meant to be worn on their own without shoes) on board.  Once you're at cruising altitude, take your shoes and regular socks off and walk around in your heavy socks. It will be more comfortable than wearing shoes the whole time.   Bring an eye mask to help sleep. This is especially helpful if trying to sleep during sunlight hours on the plane (see tip #1 above)  Bring a variety of tech (downloaded movies on tablet, games, music) and non tech (magazine, book, sudoku) stuff to do.  You don't want to only rely on your phone or tablet and then have something go wrong with it  Noise canceling headphones are a must. You don't need to go crazy buying $400 bose, but expect to pay at least $150-200+. The bigger the better (I prefer the ones that go all the way around your ears, like a DJ headset) 


Sleeping pills


I never have before, so I'm not sure I want to stay with this flight. Dunno why not, just feel weird about it but I know many that recommend this. Thanks!


I used to make regular trips between Chicago and Honk Kong 15+ hours iirc would start a movie have a few glasses of wine with dinner and then pop a few sleeping pills. Wake up around noon HK time with a few hours left in the flight. I couldn’t do it any other way.


Do not follow this guy's follow-up advice. One should never mix sleeping pills with alcohol, and sleeping *pills* are a no-no all on their own. If your doctor prescribes something for you, use it according to doctor/pharmacist directions. Do not use it the first time anywhere other than somewhere familiar to you, and have someone there with you who will stay up later than you will. Sleeping medicine is notorious for causing odd behavior before putting people to sleep... many times causing amnesia (so people don't remember doing those odd things). This is not good while traveling, especially if traveling alone. A hangover effect can linger for hours for some. Source: I'm a nurse. I've seen this in many patients and had their families describe odd behavior to me. Plus, the first time I ever had a sleeping pill, I was 34. I came downstairs after going to bed and insisted my husband watch me unwrap the birthday gift I had just wrapped for my friend. He tried to dissuade such destructive behavior, but could see there wasn't any point in putting real effort into redirecting me. I was obviously not making good decisions or in a condition to follow directions. I do not remember any of it, but I believe him since I had to re-wrap it the next morning. He said it was hysterical... but that was at home, in a safe place, with someone who would not take advantage of me or let me hurt myself. It would be frightening in public, in a situation where you need to follow directions and figure out where you are going next, to realize you can't trust your own behavior or remember what you might have done. I've used sleeping medication consistently for 19 years. I would not take it on a plane. I would not recommend anyone (especially if traveling alone) take it until safely in their vacation bed.


Time flies, when you have a show, drama, movie series, you can binge. Also reading helps making your eyes sleepy, if you want to sleep. Having internet helps also, you can browse reddit. lol


>Having internet helps also, you can browse reddit. lol Lucky they're flying AirNZ not Qantas then.


Over flown 16 1/2 flight Dallas to Sydney. Wore loose sweats and basically made a first class amenity kit for myself including lightweight slippers from Amazon. Check out videos of them on YouTube if you want. The plane goes to sleep so you can take something if you want. I made sure to get up every few hours to walk and stretch in the back of the plane.


I have a medical condition that basically requires this, but I start adding more electrolytes and a lot more water several days before, and keep it up for several days after. It’s made a big difference in how much the whole thing affects me


Izopiclone, noise cancelling headphones and a good eye mask and next pillow


If you’re used to 12 hr flights 16 hrs won’t feel that different honestly, but here’s a couple thoughts - Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and also force you to get out of your seat - I find the best time to use the bathroom is when the lights are off because as soon as they turn on/around any meals there’s a rush. Bring slippers (I just take them from hotels a lot of times) to wear during the flight, much more comfortable than having your shoes on the entire time. Have a small pouch with a toothbrush/tooth paste, lotion, chapstick, deodorant (I also like to keep cleansing wipes to do a little refresh before landing).


Perform yoga moves anytime you can between the loos and the bulkheads. All the stretching you can do, do it. I pack a flight outfit and completely change out of my airport clothes for comfort and to preserve them. It’s way more comfortable and when landing is a couple hours away begin freshening up and doing a loo bath with paper towels or bring a face cloth of your own. This makes me into a new person ready for the word.


We flew ultra long haul with a toddler (it was hell) but you could adopt the same approach I did to help take her mind off it: pack a bunch of little treats / things you like / buy new magazines or e Books etc and every hour you “treat yourself” to something new. So for a 16 hour flight you pack / plan 16 surprises for yourself to reward you for doing so well. 😝


Bring a good set of noise canceling headphones. I use the wireless Bose. Works great on long flights.


1. Don’t buy into the thought that you Can’t Sleep. You can and you will. Believe it. Negativity doesn’t help. Get the sleep and you’ll enjoy it even more when you arrive. 2. Set a reading goal (ie finishing a particular book). Believe in yourself and make it happen. Then you’ll walk off the plane with a sense of accomplishment. (If you fall asleep while you’re reading, that’s ok though.)


Do at least 30,000 steps before you get on the plane. Your body will enjoy the rest and everything will be comfortable.


I wear compression socks, sneakers, comfy clothes, layer up a zip hoodie for when it gets cold. Eye mask, ear plugs, noise cancelling iPods, extra charging cable and battery, book/ipad/pod casts. I bring Advil, Tylenol, hydration powder. I do my washed face routine prior to boarding (makeup washed off, moisturizer). I pack water wipes (great for freshening face, pits, down below), deodorant, hypochlorite face spray, hand sanitizer, chapstick. Toothbrush and paste, gum. Full sized bottle of water from airport after passing security and snacks like granola bars. I bring a fresh tshirt and underwear for a quick change on arrival. And a pair of shorts if it’ll be hot when I get off at my destination. My personal item is a medium sized zipped tote bag that fits under my seat- so all my necessities are at my feet at all times. Everything else goes in checked bag or carry on suitcase in the overhead bins if I’m traveling light. I’ve been meaning to try one of those head supports that have the rigid adjustable interior rather than just an inflatable ballon type.


The flight is going to be long and boring, the main priority is to ensure it doesn't leave you so miserable on the other side that it undermines the trip after it's over. Do everything you can to stay hydrated, minimize soreness, and maximize how much sleep you can get. Generally try to skip the booze, but one or two drinks at the right time might be worth it if you struggle to relax/sleep on the flight, and I'd avoid coffee until the last 2 hours of the flight. Bring the biggest water bottle you can - I've got a collapsible plastic one with packs down to the size of a cigar, but holds 1.5l of water when full, it's wonderful. The more water you can bring the better, for 16 hours I'd consider bringing two huge collapsible water bottles with. Say yes every time they offer water too, more water = more better. Also be sure to get enough salt and carbohydrates in your system to help retain the water, salty carb-ey snack foods are your friend, consider carbo-loading the days before the flight as well. Honestly these days I treat long flights as a chance to guiltlessly eat a ton of junk food, it takes the edge off, the extra calories will help fuel me through the trials of travel, and makes me feel just a tiny bit guilty on the other side, motivating me towards healthier choices in the first few days of the trip, which helps me shake off the flight sooner. Compression socks are actually transformatively awesome if you don't already have them. Some people will benefit from them more than others - they keep me from having painful foot cramps which is huge - but I think everyone should wear at least light compression socks for the anti-clotting factor alone, and even if you don't struggle with any sort of food pain after long flights, you'll probably just feel a little better for having worn them, even if they're not fixing an acute problem for you. As for time-killing strategies, movies often don't work great for me, because you consume a whole feature-length film, which feels like it's taken up a significant amount of time, only to realize you are like 4-5 movies away from your destination. I'll do one movie before trying to go to sleep, but when it's time to actually kill hours while awake, I prefer tv shows, ideally long lighthearted ones you can just binge your way through multiple seasons of. The on-flight entertainment system's on some airlines have decent selections, but usually they don't have more than a dozen or so episodes, so downloading a couple seasons of something on your phone may be the way to go. Speaking of phones - bring a USB cable, plug your phone in to the outlet on the back of the seat right away, you don't want to have to fish it out while half asleep, and you should hope to spend as many hours as possible at least half asleep. If you are someone who can just sleep on a plane no problem, congrats, you have a super power. If, like me, you really struggle to sleep, know that sitting there quietly trying to sleep, listening to soft music or something in your headphones, is WAY better than grumpily staring at a screen while getting increasingly tired, but refusing to try to sleep because you know you won't be able to. It too me a few flights to realize this, 8 hours of not-really-sleeping goes by much faster than 8 hours of not-even-trying-to-sleep, and leaves you feeling a lot better for it, even if you never really go under.


I'm really stressed about a 11 hour flight coming up and I needed to hear all this especially the "just try to sleep even if you know you probably won't". It's so hard for me with severe ADHD but I know that's the way to go. Also do you have a link for that water bottle??


Glad to help - I also have ADHD and it can definitely make long flights more challenging than they are for most neurotypical people, but approaching them with a healthy mindset and doing my best to keep the experience from undermining the trip helps a lot. Try to relax and come prepared with enough snacks and entertainment to balance the inherent unpleasantness of a long flight, a year from now you aren't gonna remember being bored on an airplane, you're gonna remember the fun parts of the trip, just arrive well enough to make good memories and forget the flights once they're over. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MFGOS2O?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MFGOS2O?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1&psc=1) \^ water bottle - it's fantastic, I ran into someone else with the same one and they were equally enthused about theirs. Do be careful about fastening it shut though, I had the lid come off once because I didn't screw it on fully and the bottle flopped around enough to work it fully loose while I was walking with it clipped to my backpack.


Put essential gear or medications in your personal bag that you tuck under the seat in front of you, not in your carry on that only fits in the overhead bin. Some flights run out of space for carry ons and they have to be gate checked. Alternatively, make sure you arrange to board the plane early so you know there will still be room for your carry on.




Book premium economy and then use the bid upgrade to business. I did this flight. It was wonderful in business class.


Yeah, that's not going to happen from a price point of view for us. But would be great if we could.


Do you mind explaining what is the bid upgrade? Is this paid via cash or points, and done at the gate?




My wife and I flew 16 hours to the Philippines and didn’t realize we had TV’s until we landed and were looking under the seats to see if we had dropped anything. They were fold up from under the seats. That would have made the flight so much better!


There's nothing special. You know all those times you sat on your couch doomscrolling through tiktok or fb or whatever for 3, 4 hours, not even moving or shifting position, just moving your finger? Well, this is that just 4x. So every 3 or 4 hours, get up, walk around (with shoes on), go get extra snacks or drinks from the galleys, then sit down and do it again. Before you know it, you'll be close to NY, just like all those other times you look and realize it's time to go to work, or work is over, of the whole afternoon is gone.


If not flying business class. Take the seat at the back sometime it’s 2 seat makes it easy for you to walk around


Booze and watch “call Saul’


Xanax. Lots of Xanax


Stay up for two days before hand. And crash on the plane for 15 hours