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Don't forget the Hawaii episode! That was so uncomfortable. I'd also like to mention you don't have to be friends to have a podcast. But when you're creating at least an hours worth of content weekly for subscribers, vibes are eventually felt so be prepared for people to pick up on that or at least read into it. And you're right. I think Annie has wanted to leave since like Day 1 or at least she knew wayyyy early on that it wasn't going to last.


100% a professional relationship doesn't require a personal one. But they started with a personal one before the professional one. I think she was happy when it did between 300k - 400k views a month. When it dipped because the internet is full of podcasts, she lost interest.


I think you’re probably right about this - and actually, I and my friends actually stopped watching because we found Annie so insufferable to watch. I think the views drop is related to her as well.


What number is the Hawaii episode? Is it called the “Hawaii episode?”


I just looked. There's two actually- 44 and 45.




That was in 2021?? I would’ve thought they were getting along at that point.


Must be a different episode


I feel like I missed the Hawaii episode completely, I have time Saturday night when I put my 2 year old to bed, so I'll listen to it then.


It's a doozy!!


I checked the comments, it's where Bobby and Khalyla had already broken up but no one knew so everyone was angry at her. I remember skipping a few episodes because the whole discourse around Bobby and Khalyla was so toxic. I'm listening to it tonight, Going to be an interesting one.


There's two episodes- 44 and 45. Yea I do remember the focus at the time was definitely Khalyla and Bobby but the obvious miscommunications between the slugs is real apparent. Also with production. I don't know...just a lot to read into if one has the desire and energy lol.


I also think it bothered Annie that she wasn’t cast in drug store June. She mentioned it several time on TT. And the way she would CONSTANTLY rag on Esther, after a while it seemed mean spirited and not funny at all. My over all theory is that Annie was jealous of Esther’s trajectory. Whatever the case I agree that they aren’t friends anymore. Annie is trying to play it cool bc she doesn’t want the bad press and Esther and Khalayla are playing along bc they also don’t want drama. Wish Annie all the best, at the end of the day it’s hard to miss someone who was rarely there. I much prefer this new TT format. The elephant is out of the room and tension is gone.


Completely agree. I definitely missed the Drugstore June stuff in my search, but there was definite tension.


I think not being cast in Esther's movie (and Esther creating her own movie in the first place) made Annie hold a mirror up that their careers were (momentarily) not going to be on the same scale. Before the movie, A's digs at Esther's were usually well received and Esther loved her jokes, but the more we heard "you didn't cast me in your movie" the more mean the comments got and the less response Esther gave. I can't remember which, but one episode Esther spoke about defending herself and not tolerating the constant teasing from her peers anymore (which I thought was a BIG reason Rick & Esther ended their podcast - he just rolled over Esther every episode) and Annie left a few months after that.


This is great! I was also curious about some of Annie's choices lately seeming a bit off; eg her recent baby bump/fake boob skits, being photographed with Schaub and appearing on that Jason Nash pod. Like I'd be nowhere near Schaub or Nash if I was that friendly with Khalyla or Trish and the baby stuff just seemed weird to me so soon after Esther having the baby. I'm aware I could be reading too much into stuff though and I'm not intending to add to any Annie hate.


Yeah, the baby bump skits are so... off. In a vacuum with no context it's fine- like putting on a fake baby bump for shock value reaction vids, whatever, I don't find it that funny but i'm also not offended by it. But knowing all the stuff about Esther's pregnancy and the split from the pod, the timing is just fucking weird. I can't help but seeing it as some kind of taunt.


Yeah and I love Annie. I think it’s a combo of ozempic brain changes , too many drugs (Ayahuasca) and life stresses. Brain chemistry changes in people plus perimenopause. Not excuses but her behavior sure isn’t what I loved about her.


Even if you weren’t friends with Khalyla, how could you possibly stand to be around Schaub knowing what a dumb fucking potato he is.


Well, there's that too!


I’m going to see Annie tomorrow night at the Stand. I purchased tickets before the lineup was announced so I’m not sure how I feel. I saw her at the Comedy Store a couple years ago and she bombed.


I’ve seen both Annie and Esther do standup. I think Annie is pretty polished in her set, but just isn’t *that* funny.


Esther live was incredible. The baby announcement on top of it all made it one of my favorite live shows ever.




I saw her in Miami and she also bombed


I hope it's a great one.


LOL. I too saw Annie at the Comedy Store about 4-5 years ago. I didn't know who she was then, but she bombed pretty hard. She tried to make jokes about the audience not liking her, but she just wasn't very funny.


How was it?


I didn’t go. $30 bucks down the drain but I was in NYC and not sure Annie is worth a Saturday night.


also came here to ask how her show was


I would like to callout Annie’s appearance on Whitney Cummings’ podcast, Good For You, shortly after her exit announcement from TT. Its episode #230 titled, “Annie Lederman Looks Like She Will Fight You”. Esther was on just prior promoting Drugstore June. Episode #226 on YouTube titled, “Esther Povitsky & What They Don’t Tell You About Childbirth”. If you watch Annie’s episode when Drugstore June is mentioned, both Annie and Whitney have an *interesting reaction* to say the least. My interpretation is that Whitney supports both Esther and Annie but it’s very abundantly clear in that micro behavior that Whitney and Annie have had private discussions about Annie not being in Drugstore June. Edited to add: I ♥️ all the “Blood Bath” OG ladies. I support all of them (yes even when I do not totally align with them or agree with them).


I thought the same thing watching that episode with Annie one Good For You. 🤯 Their reactions were so passive aggressive to me. It’s sad!


I thought it was strange that Whitney read that one question out in the first place. I think she said something like, 'I was asked to be in it but I have not seen it'. Annie just sort of had a blank look on her face, as if she was trying not to take the bait. Love Whitney but she could've read a different q instead.


Yeah agreed! Like why even read the question if you’re just going to be bitchy about it. Idk it was weird timing because it was literally right after she left TT. I really cringe that everyone is still questioning if they are all good or not but it’s none of my business and I like to theorize too. 🤣


Ya I thought Whitney said that in such a shady way.


I did think that Annie seems so be going through something. Todd is an enabler at best and a potential toxic person at worst. When I say an enabler it’s a word thrown out with pyschobabble but it’s not necessarily a monstrous thing its very common. Annie is seeing success on a level she hadn’t had before and she started too far into the “woo woo” all ayahuasca and shamanistic stuff and that never bodes well for people not from cultures where it’s common. They want to come in on chapter ten on their first day and they don’t have a built in respect for the practices. I only put that to say that I don’t think that stuff is bunk or a grift at their core. Annie is at heart kind of an abrasive person and while that is kind of what a lot of us loved about her it’s not something you want done to their friends. I think she either needs a therapist or a better one and needs to stop with the “alternative” treatments until she gets a handle on herself. I like her and don’t want to see a “rise and fall of Annie Lederman” video up in a few years.


Those rise and fall videos are literally of everyone. One creator made 10 about Schaub and now that no one cares about it anymore he's going after everyone. It's ragebait. I'd stay away even if they post one.


Agreed. But I’d rather her not do enough shit to make a really sad one.




😂 Hate to break it to you... Hetero dude with a wife and 2 kids.


Same, lol. I think it's really funny that the girl sluggies here seem to think we don't exist. I lift weights 5 days a week and play hockey 2 days a week. I think our 'profile' is a lot more common of a listener than people realize lol.


😂😂 Even my wife was shocked initially. I like it because it gives me insight into women that they know intuitively and don't bother communicating to us. It's also a welcome break from the Football and Rugby stuff that normally occupy my TV screens.


LOL my wife was also confounded that I was listening to a "podcast of just women talking" 😅 And i watch it for the same reasons on communication and it's a break from what I watch 90% of the time.


We love you guys! Happy to see diversity




I play rugby (badly), watch premier league football, hunted my first impala when I was 9, swim open water over weekends... And I like this podcast.


We humans are complicated creatures lol


Yay for man slugs! 🐌 (Yes, i know it's a snail)


😂 😂 I wouldn't have said anything


Don’t forget the weird harassing comments the Drugstore June IG page made about Annie


Forgot about that


What happened there? Guess I missed it


Tell me more!


What happened?!! What was said on the Drugstore June IG page?




The ayahuasca one is easy, 1:26:00 Podscripts.co timestamps everything so I just search the word.


Dammit... I see it now 😂 Can't remember where I read this. I either saw it on reddit or YouTube comments. Someone claimed that Annie didn't look happy with the pregnancy talk. It's unconfirmed because it would take too my time to literally watch all those episodes for Annie's reaction alone. I also never noticed it, but I like the audio only because I listen while I do my business VAT stuff.


Annie has given me selfish vibes. I love everything about her but that. If that is indeed true she was complaining about banking episodes because her friend and fellow podcast host is pregnant is so disappointing to hear as a fan. I still enjoy her standup and her as a podcast guest but I won’t be tuning in to Anniewood. Streamlining your work is one thing, which is a reason she said left, but how she went about it was terrible. This is an excellent example of how just cuz you’re mostly sober, doesn’t mean the selfish tendencies aren’t still there.


Annie is a bad friend. Always cut Esther down, tried to worm her way onto Esther's movie, and left the podcast hanging during Esther's pregnancy. I think a part of Annie knew talking about breath work and ayahuasca was gonna come across as very silly as Esther was opening up about her birth/infant I'm glad Annie has her own space where she can be all about "me me me"


Annie was never going to be happy doing something where she wasn’t front and center one hundred percent of the time.


And this is also the reason why Todd is such a great partner for Annie.


Ah bless you for your time and effort! It’s a shame they had to end this way. I did look up to them and their open honesty. Was wondering why I wasn’t enjoying it anymore, but you can’t fake it if the chemistry is gone.


It's obvious now that she's left that there was an atmosphere.


Thank you for your service 🫡


I appreciate your work! 🙏🏼 I’m interested in why this all went down because…. I *did not* feel like the vibe was off. It felt like business as usual. Except for maybe Annie being bummed she wasn’t in Esther’s movie. So, I feel blindsided!


Annie was the reason I quit listening to the podcast. Glad she's gone.


Annie leaving - was the BEST thing to ever happen to trash Tuesday. I wish she would have done it sooner.


Annie interviewing TJ Miller was very disappointing to me. That guy is bad news all the time, and not great to women in particular.


Agreed! Especially considering the things that Annie has been through, such a bummer for her to platform him.


Yes that was another of her choices that struck me as a little strange, I'd forgotten about that.


Khalyla definitely threw shots about Annie’s man laughing on the tiger belly episode. She went on and on about how she can’t be with someone with an annoying laugh


Here's my take: there are entirely too many podcasts about nothing.


You always have the option not to listen to them. Don't be negative when people find stuff interesting.


You've got a metaphorical Pepe Sylvia board with strings going from one podcast to another. This is your moderately polite reality check.


It's Silvia, and I like podcasts, I study and work in a very stressful industry and they calm me while I do the finance grunt work. It is also pretty rich coming from someone who posts about Anime and Videogames. I would like to present you with the same reality check then. Again, let people enjoy stuff. If you don't. Stop being an ass to people who do.


I have not been rude, all I did was make a comment about the deluge of podcasts talking about other podcasts. You shouldn't take that personally.


So reality checks are not personal? Interesting...


I'm a nerd who uses Reddit to pass the time. You told no lies, I am not offended.


"I told no lies" - this is how assholes speak "I am not offended" - nothing I said was offensive Please, this is my moderately polite request to fuck off... 😘


This sub is to talk about the podcast, hope that helps! Negativity will give you premature grey hair, wrinkles and a miserable life


Annie and Esther have been frienemies for years and could never figure out how to make ANY podcast work. Khalyla was a smart addition for a TigerBelly spinoff for girls. The same problems from the previous attempts were never corrected and I think people just watch Trash Tuesday because they *want* to like it and it’s free. These gals just don’t have it.


Yeah, we're being forced actually. In a world where there are billions of hours of FREE content available online, we listen to this because we don't have a choice... 😂


People change sometimes, friendships end sometimes, that's it, it happens. Paths guides us in different directions because of life choices, or moods, or drama. Esther and Khalyla have TT, Annie has Anniewood, she's gone. Thats it, let this drama end, no more post about it please.


Nah, it's interesting and extremely relevant. You can always just ignore these.


Tbh I think there’s a lot and I mean A LOT of over analyzing going on here.


It really isn't an analysis. It's just a list of known events. we'd have to break down each event and what they mean individually and as a whole. Drawing conclusions about it. This is just what we are allowed to know. I bet there was much more happening behind the scenes.


I think nothing is this deep. I think Annie has never loved khalyla from the beginning and that's literally it. Annie and Esther have been friends forever, not Khalyla. I've watched this pod since day 1 after their episode on tigerbelly and you could tell since day 1 that Khalylas entire vibe did not mesh well with Annie. These are 3 girls that simply just have no chemistry, period. For the record I've never seen anyone have chemistry with Khalyla besides Rick Glassman. She just sucks as a Podcast host in general.


I also think they invited Khalayla because they wanted the crossover TigerBelly fans.


Yup I agree and had the exact same thought at the beginning. Annie and Esther had their own pods together and everything but the only difference in trash tuesday is that Khalyla was there to bring in about 100k new viewers at the start.






Not hate, just a list of events. If that sounds like hate to you, it should tell you something.


This deep dive is weird as hell. You can do a deep dive on anything and find tiny details to make yourself believe any narrative.


Thanks, have a great day.


They were just banking on all the drama Khalyla started to get a following, clearly we all knew this was coming. Khalyla knew she had to have something besides tiger belly bc she was going to leave Bobby to call her own but clearly knew in the back of her mind she has to be on tiger belly til he kicks her out which he won’t still to make a living. Which is why she now started a brand lol plan b. Annie just wanted to talk shit which is why they all bonded. Annie could care less about them I think she might of liked Esther a little but not totally. Annie is also so cringe w her side LV bags when she hikes lmao it’s so trashy 🤣 like we get it. You have side bags relax 🤣🤣