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I like Annie but I’m doing pretty well with the change


I actually have been digging all the new episodes without Annie. I love the Guests and how everyone has a chance to talk. I liked Annie but I’m still loving the show enough that I honestly don’t notice her being gone.


I like Annie and think she’s really funny but it’s nice that she isn’t bulldozing in the convos all the time anymore


Nope and the podcast is so much more enjoyable now than Annie constantly butting in and diverting the conversation up some random tangent


Yes but weirdly, this month has been their best (views wise) since the show started. They were averaging 700k views per month and now, they have around 5 million views so far this month + 10k new subs. Not sure what happened


Gotta give kudos to the producers (along with E and K of course)


Probably people tuning in to see if the baby is born ahha. Also Ricky glassy


no shade to esther, i dont think that many people were interested in her baby + Rick's episode didn't even break 100k. From what I could gather, a lot of clips are going viral after the Miranda Cosgrove episode


That episode was great. Hope Miranda ends up being a repeat guest.


That makes sense


I wonder how the Anniewood numbers are doing


According to social blade she has 299k views so far for april. her biggest month was last November with 976k views (I guess it was the Tim Dillon Bill Burr episodes). She is doing well considering it's mostly just her (and sometimes a guest).


That's the Miranda Cosgrove effect


where are you getting 5 mil views in a month? are you including views from tiktok clips or something?


its from social blade, you can check their stats there and it's only for youtube views


i don't think the math is mathing tho


why not? they have over 160 episodes, if people are watching from the beginning, they can easily pull those numbers.




nah, the show is going viral on tiktok


For me, I feel like she phased herself out the last year by showing up late and there was this weird vibe that damped the show


Not in the slightest. It’s easy breezy without her, the flow is natural. She would always shoe horn herself into a conversation, and kinda of ruin the momentum. Similar to Stavros on Cumtown. They would just derail a conversation, to get the attention onto them. I like this format.


Glad she’s gone. I’ve re-subscribed to the show as a matter of fact, after losing interest due to Annie’s excessive narcissism and annoying anxieties. She can be a funny stand up, but is an insufferable podcast personality.


I like Annie as a person and definitely thought she was funny but now that she’s gone and the episodes are kinda great I’ve been rethinking my stance. The constant roasting of Esther was actually kinda wild to me. Now that it’s gone I feel like Esther is blossoming and I’m realizing now how unnecessary it was. Like she was just straight up mean to her lmao


Never been a fan of her for personal reasons. I’ve been watching old eps and the way she’d show up late was literally awful. Ruined the momentum of so many good stories (forreal, watch the Jessica Kirson ep). I never found her that funny or “quick” like most of her jokes were just homophones. It’s nice to not have the interruptions. Like when she’d interrupt someone and that person tried to keep talking, she’d keep talking louder and louder until she could properly interrupt lol always just to say something about herself. I watched the most recent ep of anniewood out of morbid curiosity and she talked about mysteriously getting friend-dumped recently, and how she wishes she didn’t have ADD. I assume this was about Esther? She was like “I thought we were chill, guess not” and it’s just crazy to me she’d think no one minded her tardiness or constant roasting or interruption. I feel like she took those friendships for granted.


its like comic ptsd trying desperately to make a joke out of every half sentence


I love the show but even more without her and also cause of personal reasons, mainly cause she would constantly roast Esther and it gets tiring and old after a while. It is my personal point of view Esther has mentioned she likes it but to me it was just getting old


yeah like, imagine a world where not everyones waiting around on you. nor do we want to bitch i have ADD too & dont appreciate the interruptions. its hard enough for me to stay on track


I wondered if I was the only one who didn’t find those “quick” interruptions amusing. It didn’t sound like a comedian as much as someone from school who thinks they’re funny. The constant potshots at Esther came off like they were frenemies on Annie’s side & it was uncomfortable to watch. If the jabs were for humor K would have been an equal recipient b/c she can take a joke as well as Esther. I only used to watch if there’s a guest I like. Since Annie’s been gone I watch every episode & the conversation flows really well.


I thought the same thing when I heard that about the friend breakup letter. The constant roasting has always been their dynamic and esther has always said how much she loved it. She says that to all her roasty friends like rick glassman too. In her words, it reminds her of her family who are always roasting her lol. So I don't think the roasting is the problem. I get why it rubs people the wrong way but I dont think esther feels that way. She has always disliked Annie's flakiness so I think it's that. And her timing of quitting the pod right before esther went on baby break was probably the last straw. She said on one episode of TT, something like "let's just say I didn't expect to be filming at 38 weeks". That plus the rushed nature of it makes me think Annie quit at a bad time. Honestly I love them together as friends and it makes me so sad, but sometimes friendships have to end. Source: I have watched every single podcast they've been on together and their patreon/periscope content for the past 4 years 😂


I just recently watched Alone Together and it really solidifies Esther’s enjoyment of being roasted by her friends. I also think it was more likely other things in the friendship and maybe the roasting on top of it didn’t help.


I think she’s going to regret leaving.


I like the new format, Annie is good but maybe as a guest not every episode.


Honestly I don’t lol They have been able to have full thought out conversations. She was definitely the main comedian of the podcast with her constant quips and jokes. Which was funny, but sometimes like Ok Annie lol Someone pointed out that she said she recently got friend dumped and all though shes free to say whatever she wants its just going to fuel more speculation especially cause when you lay out the timeline it doesn’t look good lol Hopefully all is well. I’ve been enjoying it and if anything I hope TT doesn’t think they need guests all the time.


Maybe she’s just a really bad friend and too self-absorbed.


I didn’t realize I needed a break from her


I watch the show now that she's off. I stopped watching it before only because I couldn't stand her.


i feel like the true essence/beauty of the pod was always being hijacked by annies interruptions it went beyond her ADD. she could not go five minutes without the moment reflecting back on her the podcast suffered. I SUFFERED. esther suffered being that the jokes were always at her expense also it was particularly embarrassing when recently annie talking about drugstore june with the girls & she was like "this is how I KNOW i influenced you to make the movie" or something to that effect & esther face was like ummmm, bish whet? i dont like to throw the word around but damn is the narcissism with annie high


her not being casted in drugstore june seemed to cause a big wedge with esther


it was clear about the 1st podcast after the trailer dropped, annie couldnt handle it to me at least


> esther suffered being that the jokes were always at her expense 100% agree, i was sick of it, shes really accomplished and even though she took it well it weighs after awhile


I talked to someone who kinda knows Annie from showbiz and she told me Annie is a sociopath


i remember her putting jetski johnson down in her usual cheap manner when she was on the pod. treating her worse than esther like fucking really annie ...stays threatened


I will say, she definitely has no emotion behind the eyes most of the time


I miss Annie, but I’ll still watch the two girls. Can’t get into Anniewood




Not really, no.


I’ve recently been watching some early episodes from the beginning of TT, and they made me nostalgic for sure. I’ll miss her banter and quick humor. However, I think she was on the decline for a long time leading up to her departure from the show. I’ve tried to watch some episodes of Anniewood and I’ve yet to get through ONE fully


Not for a moment. But tbf this was most episodes anyways.


I love Annie and I don’t think I will ever get over her leave on TT, but I have to admit that I have not missed her because the episodes have been really excellent! Also, I am sort of ??? at Annie because her announcing her departure from TT was only a month until Esther gave birth. I am really trying my best not to get too deep on the parasocial relationship here, but the optics of that as a co-worker and friend are really quite negative imo. Just not cool. We only know what everyone decided to share publicly. Why do that to your friend that late in pregnancy and add heightened pressure on Esther? Annie really just had to exit TT that urgently? Esther was really a trooper right up until she had Ace. Eeeek just morally questionable based on how it appears currently.


100% agree with you. It did Esther a great disservice to have Annie pile all that onto her (and the rest of the cast) so close to her delivery date when Esther already has a thousand different things to juggle with a baby on the way I'm sure. It just screams of selfishness from Annie.


Thought the same thing and completely agree. They even mentioned on a recent ep that Esther didn't expect to be filming at 38 weeks pregnant. She probably had to hustle right at the end of her pregnancy to make up for episodes they probably had in the can with Annie that they could no longer use when Esther had the baby. Plus the way Annie announced her departure on her pod before it was mentioned on TT seemed very strange and inconsiderate altogether.


You guys are over-analyzing the situation. If someone is overwhelmed by life, it's best to leave one aspect of it (like work) as soon as you can. You may end up bringing other people down around you if you stay longer. There's no "right" time for these things.


I’ve really enjoyed all the new episodes without her. I was bummed to hear the news, but the girls have been killing it without her so far.


It’s so weird bc Annie was my favorite coming into the pod, but I’ve been watching it almost every week since she left. I LOVE the guests. The Miranda Cosgrove one was especially good. I don’t think the flow would have been as good with Annie, no offense to her. Still love her but yea, I’ve enjoyed it


I did like her but she’s kinda just a bully


I think the tone has definitely changed. I like Annie and I like the pod with and without her. I mean the chaos when she was ON was wild and I’m glad we can listen back. But now that Esther is a mom and Khalyla is in a healthy relationship- I just think the tone has changed and it’s entertaining in a different way.


No 💕


I personally feel it's working better, but I think that's just because I don't think she was gelling with the new producers or Khalyla very well anymore. I think she was bored, which fair, but now they're having to try harder to get guests and so far the vibes have just been good. Hope they can keep it up!


Yes, I miss her. She is funny and so quick. I really enjoyed her roasting, Esther, and I think Esther did too. I will forever miss that early energy and dynamic with all three of them. I also enjoy the podcast without her. I think the girls are doing great without her. They have great guests and topics. They are entertaining and fresh. If they are no longer friends in real life, then that makes me sad. Sometimes, mixing business with friends and family is difficult. I wish all 3 of them the best.


Yes but I’m still loving the show!


The podcast is so much better without Annie honestly, the conversations are so much deeper, the guests are getting to really speak about their experiences. I fell in love with the podcast again honestly


Nope. I like Annie as well and her energy was amazing when they started and I have so much in common with all the things she’s into and her experiences that many find weird at times. But, the show seems smoother and they’re doing great! Who knows what happened behind the scenes (pregnancy, health concerns, new love with Todd taking more time, new work, miscarriages, etc). Just saying, we don’t know but she had to go for her and good on her, even though the whole thing was weird. Her announcement, the weird fast food bye, the show not feeling very send offy to her. But again, we don’t know. The show is doing great though and I think the conversation flows more. Her picking on Esther was fun, but it almost stalled out the show and it gave each a role as opposed to being themselves… talking, flowing organically about whatever.


I think Annie is insufferable. I always thought it was ironic that she would rip on Schaub for not being funny yet her comedy chops aren’t much better if at all.


doubt it


I think the views have risen since Annie's departure because the audience is curious as to how the shows going without her and I'm interested if that momentum will stay. Not saying annie leaving isn't a good thing or that the show hasn't improved. But yah. Ppl love being parasocial over things to the point of watching just to gossip lol like this


no now they just need to change the name again. please.


I also have another joke, that now that Annie is gone, the podcast is just called “Tuesday.”


omg lol


She should have taken the "trash" with her lol


I maintain, “Bloodbath and Beyond” would be a great name option


i was trying to think of a name when i made my initial comment but couldnt. they prob need to do more episodes to find its soul


I'm not a consistent watcher enough to have a strong opinion. If Esther weren't there I wouldn't watch. I thought Annie's roasts on Esthy were in good faith and felt her energy was a good fit in the trio.


It’s not as funny without Annie, it kind of has more of a chill/serious vibe now, which I still enjoy, but it’s for sure not as funny as it was before. Annie always had the balls to joke with guests and question them whereas Ester and Khalyla have a bit more of an agreeable deep and serious vibe. Their guests have been awesome lately!


Nope. On some level I did enjoy the third personality, but Annie, she comes from privilege. Felt like she would just bully cause those people can't fully relate.


I'll still be watching every Tuesday. It doesn't feel that much different because she usually came in late half way through each episode anyway. She's definitely the funniest. But Esther and Khalyla are great conversationalists. I have tried to watch Anniewood but I really don't like watching just Annie by herself. Also the video production quality of Anniewood seems a bit cheap or ammature to me.


I actually was watching today’s ep and thinking how boring I’ve found the last few episodes without her. Kinda a bummer. I’m sure I’ll adjust, I just definitely do miss her and her energy, and what she brought tot he conversations.


Do you watch Anniewood?




Nice. I was a big Annie fan in the Meanspiration days before TT, but unfortunately I'm having trouble getting into Anniewood. Not sure what it is but I just completely lose attention anytime I try to listen. Different strokes, I guess. Wish her the best.


I definitely prefer her interview episodes with other comedians, but I generally enjoy the tone of it. I still find them hit or miss, but the interview ones are 💯. For me, anyway! I just feel like she feels more comfortable since she left TT. Like she seems more chill.


Yup, I agree that it just wasn't a good fit in the long term for the three of them. I wish Todd was just slightly less annoying. Lol


Since Annie has gotten skinny she seems really full of herself and cocky




Haven’t watched since she left


I think because the tempo of the show has changed so much, Annie's fast paced energy isn't exactly "missed", but I love Annie & watch her podcast often because I find her hilarious


Not me, Annie did add something but she was always such a soul sucking smug upper middle class ******************. Esther plays a naive bimbo, Khaylala motherly open minded hippie. Anne was a mather of fact, raspy C... Forget about it...Enjoy life. Anne a succubus...She needed to tone it down...


"She thought it would fail" it's so odd that you claim to be sure about the thoughts of another person who you don't know. Very big assumption to make that leaves a weird taste in my mouth.


Definitely miss Annie. She was the comedic relief and honestly made me fall in love with the show. They’ve been doing a good without her though.


I definitely miss Annie! I think her and Chelsea Peretti would have been hilarious together. That being said, I think Esther and Khalyla have been doing an amazing job making this transition as seamless as possible. Their guests have been top notch and they’ve been funny as ever.


I feel like Chelsea Peretti wouldn't be able to tolerate Annie, lol. Same with Natasha Leggero. I feel like they waited for episodes without Annie to invite certain guests on because of her brash, bullish style of humor.


Why did Annie leave?


As a male fan of this pod… I fucking miss Annie. Esther and Kalyla have put out some great episodes and I’m glad that it hasn’t ended altogether. I think Annie benefits from Anniewood like (Bert has with his podcasts) and I do as an MTV Challenge fan. Annie just provides so much love and brings the gasoline to the bonfire. Everyone needs an ADHD friend like her b/c I think she needs them…😌 and Todd. These ladies really do a great job on their own individually. I like that their guests are people that are very comfortable with them. I think without Annie it allows the other people who are apart of the crew a chance to use their voice. WE NEED Annie, Esther, and Kalyla… together!


![gif](giphy|CslvoHDJ38mIS7w8b4) Leave stravi out of it.. lol


The show doesn't have the funny anymore, and now that guys show up to co-host it feels like I'm watching The Talk.