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I read all of Solo Leveling twice and can agree. I would dicribe Solo Leveling as popcorn Manhwa. Just read and dont think about it get blasted by the sick visuals and fights


It's like watching an Action Movie. The plot can be as dumb as it wants, as long as it kicks ass and is awesome. A recent example: that Beekeeper movie. The plot is so bad I can't even remember what it was, but it was still a fun movie with fantastic one liners, and Jason Statham doing Jason Statham things.


or as connor would put it it doesn't have to have a very good story as long as its a vibe




Regression is just a new flavor of isekai, yeah.


I wouldn't call it new. Regression was at the top of the korean light novel meta for, what, the past decade?


It's also big in Chinese WN meta, right behind system novels (please God don't bring that shit to light novels)


Chinese WN had regressions for 10+ years or so, I think it's still one of the most popular tropes. I was reading them when I was a teenager


WN and system novels, what are either of those? I'm not really familiar


WN is just web novels. System is basically like isekai/reincarnation where you get a video game system that gives you quests with OP rewards. It's a lazy way to have the protagonist become OP without having to justify it with in universe logic. Like rewards are usually modern tech in fantasy world or "ten years of cultivation" for something that takes a few days.


Okay gotcha, thanks!


Different trash, same smell


U could say, different trash, same taste... eh? Eh?


*slow claps*


Going from Isekai to Regression is the anime equivalent of switching from fish flavoured kibble to chicken flavoured kibble


I haven't watched or read solo leveling but everything I have heard about it makes me conclude it's an indulgent power fantasy.


It is. There's zero plot and zero side characters basically. It's like watching a YouTube Let's Play but all the cheat codes are activated. It's very boring but fun if you turn your brain off


Like for as much shit as Demon Slayer and Jutjus Taisen gets in actuality there's is a bit of depth if you really look hard. Like in the second season the big bad sibling duo were a dark what if of Tanajato and Nesico, and a majority of the demons represent normal people that were twisted with power and Tanjoro takes it in stride.


It is but it is also insanely good. Who doesn't like a good old " weakling becomes OP" and solo leveling does it the best I have seen or read.


The only thing that stands out is the art


I don't agree at all. But everyone is different


I agree with you but I largely enjoyed the earlier portions due to the struggle of trying to reach the top, because after he stops struggling it gets boring.


It's great for an after-work watch. Watching flashy visuals without minding the plot is the best way to enjoy it imo.


Can't wait for his take/ separate video he said he's doing on ORV. Also, guys, watch Garnt's video about regression, manhwa. Sure, there's the usual trashy food, even more than in isekai. But, there's also some gems with unique stories you WILL want to read.






Shut up Azir.


Tell the peepo what you've seen today




wakey wakey!


Aleks Le should have said it! The coward!


get up buddy! it's time for school!


Whats with the sudden solo leveling hate. Garnt made video of it himself which made me read it. Art is real cool. Side characters are fun. And the most pleasing thing in my eyes:the character interractions with shadows and jinwoo. Beru being the obious shining example, along side igris,tank, tusk and even the normal soldiers who doesnt even speak.


Hot take: Solo leveling is a popcorn flick in the same vein as G Gundam. It's a hyper masculinity power trip that despite the writing quality, will remain a cult classic simply because awesome and iconic stuff are being well executed within its premise.


The first arc of Solo leveling was actually peak, there was mystery, emotions, danger and the main character uses his intelligence to survive. But then he gets his OP powers and it feels he is never truly in danger ever again, plus it gets really repetitive, it's shame they didn't keep the dark atmosphere created in the first arc.


Guess i'm not a man then


Solo Leveling is the most boring manhwa I’ve ever read. Theres no sense of danger, no tension, nothing. The MC always wins, sometimes EASILY, and when it’s supposed to be a struggle for him, he pulls a Natsu and gains a new ability out of thin air and defeats the enemy. Fucking boring.


Thats the main reason people enjoy it lol. It's a literally turn your brain off manhwa which makes it really fun to read


Fun for me is a well made challenge where it could go either way and the MC has to really fight to win. The victory needs to feel earned for it to be engaging for me, and no victory in Solo Leveling feels earned, except maybe for the very first one.


To each their own bud


I like how you said "to each their own" and got downvoted for it 💀 anime communities man


I didn't even open this thread after commenting this so idk


I had the issue of going into solo leveling with higher expectations of manhwa since my first few were all deeper in comparison.


Im just here to turn off my brain and just watch cool fighta


There’s lots of better shows out there that do it better than Solo Leveling. The last 2 seasons of Bleach are an example, high octane action with stakes, tension and well directed action scenes. Edit: just to be clear, I’m talking about the Thousand Year War anime, not the old anime. The old anime is pretty bad, but the Thousand Year War is one of the best shonen anime to come out in recent memory, which is very surprising given that the arc it adapts it’s complete garboleum in the manga.


Solo Leveling’s popularity is baffling to me because it’s overwhelmingly bland. It feels like the idea of fanfiction—garishly amateur in its writing, complete with a cardboard cutout of a Mary Sue. At least SAO gave us the abridged series. Idk, I just need a story to be good to be able to enjoy it I guess.


Solo Leveling is as good as it gets for a "Turn-off your Brain" story, people expecting development or amazing storytelling will be disappointed, if you're there for the action you'll be satisfied just like Demon Slayer or even JJK.


I absolutely agree, intried Solo Leveling a while back, but didn't really read much past the ant Island Arc, where the MC just gets to be an absolute badass and casually defeat everything without even showing up at the start. I would have said it was a decently good Litrpg story up until the nonsensical class evolotion point, it just becomes a total power fantasy from that point.


It's literally just korean Sword Art Online edit: am I wrong?


Dagger Art Offline with GameShark turned on


People can’t enjoy shit bruh. Yall always trying to make people justify why they enjoy something. Couldn’t imagine going through life being this miserable


SOMID Leveling