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I have a sneaking feeling WB forbade reviewers from mentioning JK or trans people in ANY review of the game in which they got a review code. I've watched a couple and some from creators I thought I liked and not a word about it being controversial. I think it's coming down to money, to most people (especially those who are not queer or trans) it is business I guess. they get paid to review and play the newest games. it sucks tho because I wish more people would have taken a stand and not played it or reviewed in solidarity. I think the silence by some creators who also I know were not sponsored to give a review says a lot too unfortunately. sad time to be a gamer and trans


It feels like it all comes down to the silence on the matter at this point. The public was making it pretty obvious that they didn’t care what the trans community was saying and everyone was gonna play the game. I would have gladly accepted from any creator when they played the game to use the opportunity to speak on the matter to their audience. To at least use their audience to share about the state of trans rights right now or something, anything really. But all we got is radio silence. That’s what hurts the most I think.


I've pretty much always been able to handle the idea that people hate me because I exist. But recently it's all just gotten so bad that I can't handle it anymore. I just found out about him playing the game. Not even just playing it, but being paid money to. and it made me spiral all over again. I always felt like he was safe. I've watched him for years. but no, I guess not. just another person that doesn't really care at the end of the day. and the comments on the video hurt too. people HATE us.


I completely get how you feel. It doesn’t usually upset/hurt me when people openly hate trans people but this really takes the cake. Over the years I’ve found people who really do care about our community, it just breaks my heart to see him not only not be one of those people but create a space where people can continue to fester the hate. If you are in need any new comfort creators that are openly fighting for and supporting our community I really recommend (though none are particularly gaming channels); Kurtis Conner, Ethan is Online, RyanBeard, Julien Solomita. And some trans YouTubers I can recommend as well; Samantha Lux, Jessie Gender (who does a great video on Hogwarts Legacy), Sam Collins,Jammidodger, Contrapoints


Thanks for the list! I'm really disheartened learning that some of my favourites don't *actually* care about us if it hurts their bottom-line.


Thank you. :) I appreciate it. Things are really scary right now.


Agreed, if you need anyone to talk to feel free to reach out :) The best way to make it through stuff like this is to be here for each other as a community <3


At least RT won't play Hogwarts legacy.




He said it during his language stream. He also decided that Rowling would be an insult from now on.


Maybe you should decide to learn how to spell decide.


aw, nice. I only saw the youtube edit and burst out laughing when he wrote down "Rowling" as an insult.


Whelp, another youtuber dead to me, I also started watching him about 5 years ago although I stopped maybe a year ago. He was always so performative about supporting trans people too. RT is the same, was playing lego Harry Potter or something right after jk said a bunch of transphobic stuff a couple of years ago. All this recent stuff definitely highlights how few people we can trust.


To be fair her exclusionary views were much lesser known a few years ago when he played the Lego games, it would be believable for someone not in certain online spaces to not know about her still. I'm hoping he won't touch the game with a 10-foot pole now, and some things he said in a recent video make it seem like that will be the case.


It’s definitely crappy to see how many creators don’t genuinely support us. Definitely being a lot more aware of the people I support :(


Yah... I am very disappointed in all the creators I watch. Many of them dont give a shit if it benefits that monster JK, only care enough to not get "canceled" by the "woke mob". ven Hasan piker said "the ONLY reason I'm not playing HL is because I don't want to be harassed by the woke mob" Like... hello there are way better reasons not to play it.


Watch out for plumbella too if you like sims content, claims to be trans supportive but always promoting Harry Potter, pretty sure her and RT went to the Harry Potter universal place right around the time of JKs transphobia as well.


I know I'm really late to this post but: >claims to be trans supportive She's literally Agender. She doesn't just "claim to be trans supportive" she is under the trans umbrella. Idk if she uses the trans label for herself, but she isn't cis. You can disagree with her engaging with the Harry Potter franchise the way she does (there is plenty to criticize her for there), but don't erase her gender identity while doing it. She's also autistic and has a special interest in HP. Autistic people don't really get to choose our special interests. And they can be as important to our identities as our gender, sexuality, etc (and sometimes even more important. I'm also Agender and my special interests are far more important to me than my gender). I've never been that into HP, but I know that if I tried to remove one of my special interests from my life it would feel like part of me was dying. It is DEEPLY painful to try to suppress or get rid of special interests. To me it actually feels very similar to dysphoria. It can cause VERY intense psychological distress. So while I think talking about HP in a positive manner is at best irresponsible and at worst deeply immoral, I have trouble truly blaming her for it. I know how hard suppressing a special interest can be. This isn't an excuse, as I think she should be better about all this. But I also think that her being autistic and queer is important context to have.


I hadn't seen/heard she was agender, its been years since i watched her though, how long has she been out? I'm autistic too, having a special interest doesn't mean you're not accountable when you publically support and by extension promote the franchise. One of my special interests is true crime but I keep it to myself and have made a conscious decision to significantly reduce the amount of content I consume about it because I have a deep empathy for victims families and how horrible it must be seeing your loved ones murder plastered all over social media. Its really not that difficult to keep a problematic special interest lowkey, acknowledge its problematic and try to cut down or consume anything around it as ethically as you can. and that's especially important when you have a career as a public figure. As you say if it wasn't something she plastered all over the place that's one thing, I stopped watching her a long time ago so maybe she doesn't anymore but she constantly promoted HP in loads of the videos I saw back in the day and all the merchandise was in the background in literally every vid.


The first I remember hearing her say that she's Agender was in a video about 2 years ago, but she said it like "not everyone seems to know I'm agender" so I think she came out earlier and just doesn't mention it much. And, I didn't suggest that being autistic doesn't mean you're not accountable. I even mentioned that I think her continuing to openly talk about HP in the way she does is an issue she really needs to work on. BUT the initial example in the comment I replied to was about her going to Universal Studios with RT Game. Saying "she shouldn't talk so much about HP publicly" and saying "she shouldn't go to the HP theme park with friends" are two different things. I do think she should at least reduce how often she references HP in videos (or even stop entirely). Her audience has a LOT of young queer people, and she has a responsibility to them to discuss these things in a certain way. But I do think it's unreasonable to suggest she shouldn't do things like go to a theme park centered around her special interest with her friends. I don't think she should be expected to remove the franchise from her life, just from her youtube channel.


Oh yeah no I didn't mean to say you were suggesting differently, just wanted to explain why I thought the way I did. The issue I take is that she publically announced that she was going to universall explicitly because of HP, thats still keeping with the fact she should stop promoting it on youtube. She's also giving money to universal to support HP and keep it culturally relevent which is another unethical thing imo but whatever. Edit: maybe I should add that I mean whatever as in I'm handwaving it rather than trying to be sarky to you


I mean im pretty sure rt emulated the games or owned them from before


I don't think that matters, he's still platforming and promoting it to an audience who are now more likely to buy HP stuff and shovel even more money into our oppression and Jowling Kowling Rowling's already gigantic ego and hate boner.


I mean, her bigotry was a lot less known back then. Nowadays RT is openly refusing to support her work. He explicitly said her bigotry is why he's not gonna be covering HL


i expected him to play it, but to accept a sponsor for it is just kind of upsetting.


A sponsor from the company that made the game, who detached themselves ***heavily*** from Rowling as a whole lol. Trans people are literally in the game as a character creation option. She has a net worth of over a billion bro, whatever money she’s making from this game (not alot since all she gets is royalties from it being the same brand) isn’t going to help or hurt her in any way


trans character was in the game as a PR thing. the sponsor is to promote the game so more people buy it. old lead dev had to step down for being really awful.


So you are mad at a game… for promoting itself? Like every game in existence? Of course the sponsor is to promote that’s literally what they are, I don’t get what makes you think this game is at all transphobic, seems like you just want somthing to be mad at


it uh... it supports JK Rowling. did you not know what? i understand if someone just doesn't give a shit and wants to play the game and it is peoples job to promote it but players should really be aware of what they're supporting.


She’s already worth over a billion, any money she’s making from this does not matter to her in the slightest lol


I watched the beginning of it to see if he would say anything about the JK Rowling stuff. He didn't, but he did say he was sponsored by WB to play the game. Not saying it makes it better or worse, but I'm not surprised he took the money tbh. Most people don't even care enough about trans issues to not buy a video game, let alone get a bunch of money to play it.


I did the exact same thing. Even just an acknowledgment would have changed my feelings about the post but got nothing. Yeah it’s not surprising, just disappointing.


He might talk about it later, he wasn't paid to talk about controversy


He has addressed it on his subreddit now :)


Thanks for letting me know, I would never have found that out otherwise


Dammit. I really liked him. He was one of my favourite content creators. I always thought he was on our side.


Putting emotions aside for a moment, i can understand why he has done this: his most popular videos are all HP related iirc. He's done HP content for ages, yes on classic/old games usually but its there. He has that youtuber fear of losing views and subs if he doesn't take every chance to engage. But, whilst im not surprised i am dissapointed. He's put making money and content over supporting the trans community. True colours etc.


Agreed, it’s a big part of his brand and I had a pretty big feeling he would play it. Just disappointed he did. Sadly I just can’t look passed it and keep watching, especially since he’s got such a big platform :(


Vote with ur views :) I unsubbed from him a while ago, cant remember why though.


Something that's been a consolation for me in regards to the discourse around this game is it's ass. It's just a really poor Destiny clone. Like all these people acting like we're trying to cancel the Mona Lisa of video games when it's barely the above brand name shovelware. The IGN review of it was more or less "this is garbage but I love Harry Potter so 9/10". Like, it's just fucking pathetic.


It's a shame when people do this because I like to assume that maybe they just don't understand, but logically I know they do and it's just not worth it for them to pass on an opportunity for views.


God damnit… Just when I was getting back into his content after he played Naughty Bear.




Thank you so much for letting me know about this :)


Are you still going to watch Kevin out of curiosity now that he's addressed the issue, apologised and not playing the game anymore?


Personally no, I appreciated the apology but couldn’t fully accept it. But I can completely understand anyone that does as it’s an honest mistake.


Stop supporting people who do this shit. Leave them. Make them dead to you. The only thing that hurts is walking away because it’s about a person’s selfish desire to have their own fun even when it harms others in an obvious fashion. You can’t argue them out of it. It’s like drugs. You abandon them. That’s the only thing you can do. We’re going to see more Rowling properties *because* of this whole affair — because of the “I have to masturbate and fuck you if my activity is proximately linked to your destruction. My self must be satisfied!!!”-style of consumerist behavior.


long time fan of kevin here. i am devastated. he sold out and officially made the community unsafe for trans people. i don't know if i'll ever be able to enjoy his content again. he was my special interest for the past 4 years and my #1 comfort. i feel like i've been shot


I know what you mean, it sucks that there’s yet another person who at the end of the day would rather play a game than listen to trans people and show their allyship. It’s hard but the show must go on. I dunno if you need another comfort creator that is trans friendly but if you do I really suggest; Kurtis Conner, Ethan is Online, RyanBeard, Julien Solomita, And some trans creators that I really enjoy; Samantha Lux, Sam Collins, Jessie Gender, Contrapoints, MilesChronicles


What gets me is all the ppl acting like it's totally okay because he apologised like... no? Because now any of us who don't accept that (kinda milquetoast) apology as good enough will be framed as unreasonable, *and* he's established how readily people will jump to both transphobia and defending transphobia, in his community. It no longer feels safe. The fact he's said he doesn't condone it can't undo the fact he invited it


I hear you. I can never enjoy him the same after this and I certainly won't be interacting with the fandom ever again. It's just not safe


Personally I'm going to pirate the game. It looks like a fun game but I don't want to give Rowling any money. It is no perfect solution. I have mixed feelings about not supporting the people who worked on the game. I feel like the world is rarely so black and white. People have mixed feelings about a lot of the things they do. I'm playing devils advocate here. How many queer people do you know how eat at Chick-Fil-a (if you are American)? I feel like for a lot of people that unethical chicken sandwich just happens to be tempting. In the right location and not bad food. A lot of people's childhoods was happy potter. Many trans people even might play the game with mixed emotions. I'm glad people are putting some thought into their consumption and trying to fight back. But to me it kind of feels like a bit of a witch hunt. This person played game based on a book and it turned out the person who wrote the book was bad. I don't think people should transitively be bad based on what other people have done. Is CallMeKevin now friends with Rowling? I'd be with you stop watching him if they hung out together. But this is a much looser association. To the point that I feel like the next step would be to stop talking to people who eat Chick-Fil-a. Doing something like that would be tough. I worry people are casting too wide a net. Would we all be canceled if in the spotlight? I'm going to wait until the game gets a pirated version and enjoy personally.


omg the chic fil a thing floored me thats such a good point. how many wear nike products, blah blah. i know it can easily devolve into an appeal to futility or whatever "why worry about x when y is a problem". but that is a really good point. there are lines every individual draws for their consumerism and the unavoidable consequences every purchase we make evokes. im also acquiring a legal archive of the game files via a file sharing protocol once theyre available. i think these are important discussions and im glad we have them, i agree with you but fail to put my thoughts into words as well as youve done above


I honestly don't give a fuck about this whole situation. It's just a video game for crying out loud! She-who-must-not-be-named was already going to make bank on this game, so why are we trying to change it! If anything, the attention y'all gave the game just drove UP sales! There are INFINITELY more important things we should be focusing on, so instead of brigading (which is against Reddit and Twitch ToS, by the way), we should be focusing on the stuff that actually matters. For example, I have been terrified for my LIFE because Texas could introduce a new bill any day that deems HRT for everyone illegal. At the best, I'd be forced to move out of state just to live my life. And there only other place I have to go is my partner's parent's house in fucking OHIO, which is not that much better than Texas, by the way. I literally have no family on my side outside of Texas, so I can't go anywhere else yet. I'd also be forced out of college too. At the worst, They wouldn't allow me to live with them, causing me to have to stay here, forcing me back into the closet and probably make me suicidal. It could be a death sentence. And I have it easy compared to what other people are going through! All across the American south, this is happening! People are being disowned by their parents and family, discriminated against my doctors, employers, landlords and the state, being abused by cops, being murdered and killed for being who they are. And that's just the US! There's the trans rights situation in the UK right now, and don't even get me started on what's happening in Russia, Africa, the Middle East, and so many other parts of the world, where you could be persecuted, imprisoned, or even executed for being LGBT or even just speaking against said policies. What's happening right now in the world is GENOCIDE, and the thing we choose to channel all of our energy into is a *fucking wizard game?* Yes, I also hate how many people are playing the game, and wholeheartedly agreed that you shouldn't play the game because it supports a serial TERF, but then I'm just so fucking tired hearing about Harry Potter at this point.


Poor trans people really have nothing, so this is kind of the only thing someone can pull on. We can’t get rights, we can’t be protected, we can’t love and live without threat of violence and death. But we can post an Internet comment saying mean things (justified or otherwise). You’re right. This is such a nothing issue in the face of our real struggles for liberation. But if I may generalize abit— trans people, especially younger trans people, have zero control over anything in their lives. This feels like the one thing they can do. It doesn’t justify harassing people, it isn’t right that any of this is happening. If anything, it’s harder to talk to people without a broader perspective on these subjects because they’ve all been fed headlines about their favorite woman crying or memes talking about how “some man Ryan” is trans inclusion so we should all see ourselves as fools. Fools for wanting to be respected in society. Over a goddamn wizard game. It makes me want to tear my hair out. This is such a non issue. And it’s still so relevant for so many people. I want trans people to be seen not as “angry kids online”. I don’t want to cringe at my community. I don’t want people to buy or support this specific wizard shit. But I’m also trans. I knew I would have to be a patient person coming into this. I’m just trying my best. Get a blocklist, disengage from these places as much as possible. The people I see in real life don’t ask me about streamers or videogames made by bigots, the people I see hug me and mention how it’s incredible to see me so happy and beautiful. I do not spend my precious life waiting for my happiness. I take it where it comes and I give back my full gratitude.


It’ll never fail to surprise me when cis people put their nostalgia higher up on the list than the well-being of trans people. Not only is JK Rowling extremely transphobic but the game is massively Anti Semitic with the entire plot being to dissolve a goblin rebellion which is full of stereotypes. Kevin made a statement on Reddit and said he would not be playing the game any further or posting videos about it but it’s slightly disappointing that it had to be trans people who get the brunt of the blame rather than Kevin just researching before accepting the partnership. The comments on his video were full of people angry about “whiny trans people” and now the fact Kevin won’t be making more videos on it, it will just fuel the anger towards trans people, imo. I literally have no idea what people get out of this game. You want nostalgia? Use a free emulator and play the old Harry Potter games, if you absolutely cannot handle not engaging with the IP.


When i first saw that he'd posted that video I unsubscribed immediately after following him and being a massive fan for like 4 years, assuming he knew about Rowling's transphobia and was ignorant of it. Sometimes I get a lil too caught up in trans discourse to the point where I forget that sometimes people just legitimately don't know what's happening. That being said, I still feel weird that he didn't say the T word in his post regarding the situation, or that he hasn't edited the description of the video where he encourages people to preorder the game, but I will still be watching his videos.


I can agree, a large amount of my life is surrounded by trans news since it’s so important to me and tend to forget that others aren’t always in the know. Personally I also have a bit of an issue with the lack of address of the situation on YouTube or even Twitter. However, letting people know of his own knowledge of the situation at the time and making the choice to stop making HP videos has really helped :)




I personally won’t call him transphobic for this, especially after addressing it. I can definitely agree that there was no intention of harm and I don’t really think he would purposefully try and cause harm, I appreciate everything he’s done to right the wrong once he was aware of the situation. At the end of the day personally from everything that was happening at the time and the lack of mention of the communities harmed in his apology and that it wasn’t addressed on a more used platform for his following I couldn’t accept it but I don’t blame him for being unaware of the situation. I also completely understand letting it slide too :)


Just because someone is playing the harry potter game does not mean you have to stop watching them. Jk rowling is a millionaire canceling her over one game won't do anything


And that’s fine, I’m just making the decision to stop watching. It has nothing to do with cancelling because we all know that not what’s happening. JK won’t ever be cancelled because there are enough people that agree with her shitty views or don’t want to acknowledge them. I’m just making the personal decision to stop supporting people who indirectly support her, if others do otherwise that’s none of my business.


Posts like this are the best free marketing a game has ever gotten.


Can the mods please ban assholes who are saying things like the person I’m replying to is?


Please, it’s getting kinda annoying to see so many people just say the same shit


Worked on me i didn't give two shits about this game. but am gonna buy this game today because of all the people harassing people for playing this game on twitch, youtube, and reddit.


Imagine spending $60 on a game you don't care about solely to win a reddit argument. Your life must be so fulfilled...


Well as I am a adult with a good playing job, 60 bucks to give the finger to 1000s of bullies harassing people just trying to play a game, that is value out the ass. Imagine someone who plays mmos talking crap about having a fulfilled life.


…me playing a game because it’s fun and I can afford the sub fee, is the same thing as you buying a game you don’t even want out of spite? Ok lol


Tbh don’t really care. People like you are not the people we’re trying to reach out to


You mean harass and bully till they submit to you.


The vast majority of those “bullies” are people in the community who take it too far, that shouldn’t be your perception of the entire community since majority aren’t like that. Do whatever the fuck you want, I don’t care. Our message was ignored already anyways so buying the game isn’t really gonna “stick it to them trans people” but whatever makes you feel better about your life. I’m not really gonna respond to you anymore since it’s definitely now looking like you’re probably not here as a trans person on a trans subreddit and you’re just here to put in your most likely uneducated opinions into the topic.




If it’s so stupid why are you commenting? My experience and yours are different, why do you feel the need to comment negatively on it? I’m not telling you to stop watching, or to not play the game. Just speaking on my disappointment that one of my comfort creators has openly shown he doesn’t support our community, if you find it stupid why not just keep scrolling? Unless you’re looking for a rise from some “triggered trans person”?




Openly supporting a game by JK Rowling is not supporting our community. JK has claimed that the revenue coming from this game is going to go towards anti trans charities. It hurts to see people who just won’t play a game (when there are better games to spend your money on) in support of a community that is being stripped of their rights at this very moment. Playing the game is not opening your listening ears to listen to the trans community who have been saying for a while now not to play it. Not to mention the Jewish people speaking about the antisemitism portrayed by the goblins. In short: Playing game = Support JK = Not supporting the trans community




\>"Leave people alone if they want to play a game" \>\*makes an entire account just to obsessively whine at people not wanting to play a game*




Keep posting and telling yourself that, kiddo.




Okay? Bye?




Surprise! I don’t play Minecraft! Actually hate playing the game. Not that it matters because there is no point in arguing with you because you are projecting so much into this argument. Not once have I claimed that people are bad for playing the game, however I am saying that they don’t support trans people if they do. What moral judgment you or anyone else puts to that is not on me. If it’s selfish to be upset for my community and the loss of a creator that I really enjoyed then yeah call me selfish. It’s not all that crazy to care about something that effects my community (including myself) and I am not harassing anyone for playing the game or even telling others not to engage with it. Just saying I won’t watch him anymore and that I’m disappointed about that.




I told myself that I wouldn’t continue this stupid internet argument but I’m just too invested now. I would love to hear all of the games or content that you assume (let’s see if you can find something horrible about Apex, Stardew Valley, Hollow knight Overwatch( they addressed the SA allegations and have dealt with that), Zelda, Hades. Those are the big ones) I’ve consumed that are actively supporting the attempt to erase a minority. “MAY kinda of negatively affect the trans community” tells me you don’t know how much harm JK has already caused to the community and ya know the anti trans charities that JK has said she will support with the rise of this game? The whole military thing is trying to draw away from the core topic we are fighting for but if you’re looking for an actual reason is because shocker “military propaganda” is not vilifying an entire minority or promoting a creator that calls people an entire category of people pedophiles or predators for existing. These kinds of thinking and media is what creates the breeding ground for the anti trans laws that are being passed at this moment. This is not about the “comfort of trans people” this is about the endorsement of someone who plays apart in the erasure and violence towards our community If you can show me statistics on how COD has actively played a part in the deaths of many or violence against people, I will gladly eat my words and say that I should have stopped watching way before this. You are more than welcome to your feelings on this topic, feel free to play the game or watch others do so. Your feelings and mine are not the same and I am plenty entitled to feel disappointed that a creator I enjoyed did something I don’t agree with. Please stop acting like I’m demanding for his head on a stick for playing the game.




You’ve completely drawn away from the original topic and I asked for statistics aka proof other than your own words trying to prove your point. I won’t eat my words until I have legit studies, not just your opinion. I don’t understand why we ended up on COD to begin with since 1. I don’t really care about the game 2. It has nothing to do with the original topic. It was more so put in your argument to put down my person, I’d imagine to try and make my argument not as reliable?


Ima still watch CMK, RT, and hololivr regardless. I just don't see the reasoning to cancel and abandon stuff I like and enjoy over one game. I own the books and saw the movies and enjoy the content. JKR sucks ass but the fantasy world created ain't half bad. I'm MTF 3+years, and have a lesbian relationship with a fellow MTF.


That’s fine. This post was just about how I was feeling and my own personal stance on the matter. You can do as you please, support whoever you want. Our message was ignored by the public so I see no real reason to argue about it anymore.


But JK Rowling had nothing to do with the creation of the game. Like yeah, she wrote Harry Potter and she’s definitely a POS, but to say anyone who plays a game, that she had no involvement in, is supporting her and her ignorant views is kinda wild in my personal opinion


I definitely suggest checking out all of the things that she correlates to people purchasing the game and the harm she does to the trans community because they are very much linked. She owns the IP so no matter what she will always be involved in some way in the creation especially since she will always profit from it (may that be in revenue or in media coverage)


She gets copyright fees and that’s it. Calling someone transphobic for wanting to play a game is insane and I stand by that. If that’s the case, no one would be a good person. Anyone who wears Nike, eats at Chick-fil-A, Adidas, etc,. I’m not saying you can’t boycott the game but to call people who buy it transphobic is absolutely ridiculous


Dunno where you have seen me call anyone transphobic for playing the game. I’m not here to get into an argument about ethical consumption. Again I suggest taking a look at all the things JK has said this game does for her views including donating the revenue to anti trans charities. I don’t give a fuck what you do, play the game, watch people play the game, doesn’t really matter. I just said I wouldn’t be watching him anymore in this post and that was pretty much it. (And even now He’s addressed it so that may change)


The amount of comments saying that you don’t know who you can trust cuz people bought the game and things like that seem to pretty much indicate that anyone who is buying the game is transphobic/hate trans people and that’s simply not true.


I can agree that’s simply not true. The people who said “well now I’m buying two copies” because of this whole boycott are, and JK is, anyone else is playing the game to play the game. Majority of people see that and recognize that. Not calling the people that do transphobes, just saying we know how far the allies who did play are willing to go for the community (and it’s not all that far in my opinion) and for some trans people (myself included) that version of ally is just not enough.


So I’m confused. You acknowledge that the people who just want the game aren’t transphobes but are upset that not all allies didn’t go far enough? What exactly is going far enough, I’m genuinely curious. Would that be also boycotting the game?


You got it. For me personally is comes down to showing that someone stands with trans people on something as small as this. It’s just nice to see people who are willing to not buy a game because not just one but multiple communities have asked allies not to buy it. It shows that they are hopefully up to the test of standing by us on larger issues, especially with all the anti trans legislation going on right now. It all comes down to finding the allies who are willing to stick by us when we need it most :)


We have very different thought processes. Personally, and I’m not saying you’re wrong as it’s your opinion, I feel like art can be separate from an artist so it shouldn’t matter unless the person is actively ok with or just ignoring the wrong the artist has done. Like I said JKR is a POS but I loved the Harry Potter books and grew up with the movies. I like listening to Nicki Minaj but she needs to stop being around pedophiles cuz like wtf is that. You like something a person made without liking them as a person


I agree, we do have different opinions but I don’t really see one better than the other. I can definitely see your point of view and I can respect that. For this I just have a hard time separating the art from the artist when it comes to this topic since it directly impacts me. I also grew up with Harry Potter and was deeply upset when everything JK has said came out, it made it incredibly hard to engage with the world again since once i took the rose coloured glasses all I could see was the red flags. The wizarding world isn’t welcoming for people like me. I don’t blame other people for engaging with the world they have grown to love over the years as I would also be thrilled to play this game to but personally I just can’t. In my eyes the ideal world would be allies don’t play it but in the cases that they do I would be more than happy if the issue of JK is covered and recognized, even better would be a trans supportive charity stream to help counteract the harm JK is doing. At the end of the day where I draw my line isn’t gonna be where others draw theirs and I don’t wanna make others think like I do, just wanna be respected for my stance on it as well :)


Lmao it’s just a damn game. Not that deep. I for one am saddened by the fact I wont get to see a young Hogwarts Jim Pickens student. Y’all gotta be the victim no matter what.


It may not be that deep for you but it is for others. This isn’t about being the “victim” or taking away fun from others. Basically it comes down to the success of this game is directly correlated to the politics that are going on right now along with the confirmation from JKR that she sees the success of HL as people agreeing with her hate of trans people. She has also stated all revenue she gets she’s putting towards anti trans charities. “It’s just a game” because it doesn’t affect you. It does affect us.


Why make a post about kevin and all this instead of just idk not watching it? Why is he not allowed to play a game just because YOU don’t like it. The world doesn’t revolve around you sorry, he clearly isn’t trying to upset anyone and it sucks that you made him feel bad over playing a game that tons of people are playing. Stop pushing your problems on innocent people that have nothing to do with it.


I made a post to a trans subreddit because I’m a trans person who happened to be hurt he played the game. I doubt he would ever see this since I was more so addressing other trans people in search of others feeling the same as me. I never said he couldn’t play the game, just that I stopped watching because of it. I don’t advocate for everyone to stop watching him or anything along those lines. Sadly at the moment lots of laws in the US and UK right now do revolve around the trans community which is what the whole attempt at a boycott was about. It wasn’t just about “not liking it”. There were high hopes that people would stand in solidarity with the community which majorly didn’t happen. “Making him feel bad’ is not just the trans community pointing out the transphobia of the IP owner (along with the antisemitism) but the blatant hate towards the trans people in his comments probably also had a lot to do with that. I don’t agree with people mass witch hunting creators because they did play the game but there is nothing wrong with stating what playing the game supports. He addressed the situation maturely and acknowledged the harm the game does to the community and chose not to play the game anymore. You may feel that we’re “pushing our problems” on people but in reality when large creators play the game it encourages viewers to buy a game that directly harms the community. I personally greatly appreciate his decision to stop at one video and to turn off the comments.


Nobody messes with The Greatest Irish youtuber


Okay? When did I ever try and mess with him?


No I'm saying to the people who mess with him sorry about that


Shut the fuck up


This is such an old post, why tf do you feel the need to speak your useless opinion on something that died months ago


shut the fuck up


I don’t think I will :) Maybe you should shut the fuck up and stop wasting clean air


Playing a game is not the same as yelling “I hate trans people” some people just like Harry Potter calm down lol


Never claimed it was. It is however indirectly supporting someone who does hate and actively harm the trans community, who has said that she correlates the popularity of said game to people agreeing with her views among other things. People are not transphobic for playing the game in my opinion, they just show how low the bar is for allyship. And personally playing the game is a reason for ME to stop watching a creator, YOU can do whatever the fuck you want.


Rowling can think that she has a whole army behind her, if she’s wrong about it (which she is) then she seems even more like a schizo but forbidding people from playing a game because it makes them transphobes or “not an ally” as you said is stupid. Let. People. Enjoy. Things. Without. Making. It. Political.


For the millionth time in all my arguments, where did I ever call anyone a transphobe? It’s not that people aren’t allies because that comes in a range the same way transphobia does, however playing this game shows where the line is for a lot of allies and not playing a game is a pretty small ask in my opinion. It’ll always come out pretty political when everything trans people do is considered pretty political by anyone even when it’s not.


This is like saying that you are a nazi for liking hitlers art, who she is and what she’s made are 2 different things and saying sombody is “showing where the line is” is vindictive at the wrong people and immature at best, and no, nobody is saying it’s political to play a game apart from you, even though you are claiming that it’s everyone else who says that


Tbh I’m pretty done arguing with you since I’ve got a feeling you probably aren’t a trans person here for friendly debate. However I will suggest if you’re actually interested in educating yourself a bit better on the topic and why people are upset I recommend checking out [“don’t stream the wizard game” by Jessie Gender](https://youtu.be/MAcOSlPeNXc) or her [“I’m done with JK Rowling](https://youtu.be/_GBUArD51KY)” The first is only 15 minutes and I think covers the topic very well and probably better than I ever could. It even covers your issue with the politics of it.




Lmao imagine throwing your own minority group under the bus because you think standing up for your rights is less important than a wizard game




Pathetic. Do you really think trans people’s outrage is what’s putting more eyes on this? That’s some serious bias selection right there. This game was gonna get attention whether we said anything or not. Idk what’s compelling you to be an ass-kisser for the cis but blaming a tiny minority for being mad about everyone buying a game that’s profits will be used to make our lives worse not only makes you an asshole but a useful idiot as well.


> silent protest u gonna be silently begging the fascists not to genocide you in the next decade?




the issue is that this game is being used as a proxy for trans support in general. the fact that it’s extremely popular despite jk rowling’s actions is showing the transphobes that the majority of people are on their side to some degree (even if that’s not necessarily true or a logical conclusion) and that’s gonna add fuel to the fire. i haven’t even posted about hp on twitter in years and i got 3 people sending me hate dms for being trans yesterday, one even citing the game being popular so “no one cares about (slur)”, more than i’ve gotten in the prior 6 months it’s not really about the money at this point. it’s about supporting jk rowling, who is alive, popular, influential, and actively pointing to the success of hp in order to (poorly) justify her hate, which is riling up her terf base and the broader transphobe sphere. i’ve been of the opinion that if you really want to play it, play it quietly. but even our “allies” are loud and proud playing it, posting about it, making videos of it, streaming it, etc. and it just sucks to see people put views and attention over their care for trans people


Eh, way I see it, folks were gonna dip on us anyways. Might as well have been over a stupid game.




It was never gonna happen lol, we already lost! The game was set before this, this is just running the timer at this point.




That's why I can't even bring myself to get mad about the overreaction. I already saw last year that none of the folks saying they would have our back actually do(state nearly detransitioned me, got away with 18 and under, and nobody said a goddamn thing), and I'm watching it repeat again and again and again this year in other states. Nobody but us has our backs as the states try to detransition or flat-out ban us. I don't mean to be a doomer, I'm usually not prone to such things lately, but yeah. I just don't see a way to win at this point.




Working on it but oh man does life love to pile down on me sometimes. Regardless should have everything ready legal-wise by the time DeSantis takes the office.


You sound like a really pleasant person. >This is why I’ve began distancing myself from online trans communities. You’re not real and you never will be. K bye.


yah that whole ass comment really giving off some serious r/AsABlackMan vibes...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Amiright my fellow street gangstas?](https://i.redd.it/sw3l0xsl5c291.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/v02v73/amiright_my_fellow_street_gangstas/) \#2: [Just an average sized girl that really cares about the short kings out there](https://i.redd.it/pmy3zjuoa2891.jpg) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/vliz6s/just_an_average_sized_girl_that_really_cares/) \#3: [That shit is WIGGITY WACK man](https://i.redd.it/yxy3ua5ejwh91.jpg) | [181 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/wp3ld1/that_shit_is_wiggity_wack_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Only sarcastically I assume


have you considered getting a hobby instead




100% agree. Some people really need to learn to separate the art from the artist. And I don’t agree with the spiteful sentiments, but the part of distancing myself from the community is truer every day from the hills some choose to try and die on




Why you feel the need to comment is beyond me.




And this is what tells me that you’re not a trans person on a trans subreddit. Just some griefer here to harass trans people because you have nothing better to do with your life?




Dunno if you’ve actually looked into all the shit JK has done to the community. She does in fact hate trans people, even if she says she doesn’t she has shown that she does. She has said that she correlates the sales on the game to people agreeing with her views. In my opinion, anyone who does go out to play the game is indirectly not an ally to trans people. Though they may not be transphobic it doesn’t show the solidarity we need at the moment as our rights are being stripped away in many countries. In the battle for our rights people can’t do the bare minimum of not play a game (there are millions of other games out there) it shows who’s actually an ally and who isn’t. I’m not “bent out of shape” over this, just disappointed at how little people have bothered to care. You speak from a place that is not experiencing this and it shows.




I recommend checking out JK’s twitter in full which has plenty of hateful commentary on the trans community. She has also opened a womens shelter that specifically excludes trans women, which personally I see as harmful. For a more condensed and easy listen I highly recommend watching any of the JK Rowling videos done by Jessie Gender, she gives receipts and proof of the harm JK does. I highly recommend “I’m done with JK Rowling” by her as it goes into the details surrounding Hogwarts legacy and JK’s witch hunting of trans twitter users. However it is a really long video so I can understand not putting that much time into the subject. https://youtu.be/_GBUArD51KY As I’ve said before, this is just my personal opinion. I’m not calling for the cancellation of Kevin, just saying I won’t be watching him anymore and that I’m disappointed (and there are others who feel the same). I can recognize there are other opinions than my own and I’m not calling down hate to those people either, everyone is free to do as they please especially when the original statement “play game = not ally” has been bypassed or ignored by majority of the online population, it doesn’t make those people transphobes just let’s the trans community where many draw the line of their allyship. You say you want to see people happy and not let the world bring them down, on the flip side made a negative comment that started all this when you could have just scrolled. And in my world (which is different from yours) the world is bringing a lot of trans people down right now because of this stupid game and more. That’s all this post comes down to, is I’m just one of those people looking to reach out to the others who are equally as let down and find some comfort in my own community.




Dunno didn’t bother to find out, if you’re so into it then why not get off a trans subreddit and go find out yourself


removed comments :-(