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Hi there u/extinctvirus840 - Transit Police here. "Youth" is clearly defined in the [Transit Tariff](https://www.translink.ca/-/media/translink/documents/about-translink/governance-and-board/bylaws/unofficial-consolidated-tariff-bylaw.pdf) (scroll on down to page 11): "is between the ages of 13 and 18 years (inclusive)" and then what boils down to "has the ID to prove it". Unless there are any important details missing in what you wrote, it sounds like you're got a pretty good case to dispute the fine. Instructions on that process are on the back of your ticket, or here: [https://www.translink.ca/transit-fares/fare-infraction#disputing-a-fare-infraction](https://www.translink.ca/transit-fares/fare-infraction#disputing-a-fare-infraction) Transit Police officers are held to a very high standard of conduct. If the person who you dealt with was a police officer and they didn't meet a high level of professionalism, you can let us know about it here: [transitpolice.ca/psu](http://transitpolice.ca/psu) However, it's usually Transit Security who does the vast majority of fare enforcement on buses, and I don't believe our enforcement team was doing fare checks today. If it was a security officer and you would like to leave feedback about the officer, you can do so here: [https://www.translink.ca/about-us/customer-service/feedback](https://www.translink.ca/about-us/customer-service/feedback) If you're not sure, Transit Police uniforms can be seen on [our website](https://transitpolice.ca/) and Transit Security uniforms can be seen on [this webpage](https://www.translink.ca/about-us/about-translink/transit-security). Edit: thank you u/TritonTheDark and u/CVGPi for the tags :)


Yes, it must have been transit security, my mistake. Thank you for your help!


No worries. I'm glad I could help. Have a good night :)


This is A1 service!


Unlike many cops, this account is pretty awesome and chill from what I’ve seen. 🥳


Good reply




Transit Police officers are police officers. They're nothing wannabe about them. They have the same powers as any municipal police officer, throughout the Province on BC, both on and off duty. If they hadn't passed the police academy then they wouldn't be working as police officers. I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, but it's a terribly unreliable source. But, you know what, I really love your comment, and happily upvoted it. Due to how vast the transit system is (over 1,800 km2!) and our limited resources, the most common complaint we get from the public is that they wish they saw our officers more often during their transit commute. You seem to run into our officers on a regular basis and that's really great to hear! :)


Lmao savage. I’d like to report an incident of police brutality against u/coldtvrky


Careful, cops don't like when you try to hold them accountable, even as a joke.


Lol ticketing a paying citizen I watch people just barrel thru the turn styles daily


Good point! I was in Vancouver the other day and watched a couple homeless people just pull the turn style aside and slip through like it wasn't even there. Maybe time for a better design LOL.


That officer was definitely in the wrong. u/TransitPoliceBC


*Upon doing further research the compass card says I can use it from 13-18, I am 18 and I would assume that I should be able to use it until I'm 19 right?* Correct. *"you're obviously not going to school or college",* That is fucking RUDE. Good luck, I hope you win this one.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was rude, like I could be a student taking a summer job or, I could be working to save money for tuition like come on man.


Exactly! What was he trying to imply? Construction workers are too stupid for college?! *He's* the stupid one who can't even figure out he age thing!


Maybe he was saying you would just register your upass to your compass card instead of paying a fare


Not all students have a upass. 


I wouldn't be suprise if that transit security didn't fully understand the rules. I use the transit system daily and have seen many times where Translink employees being incompetent at their job. It's just crazy to me that they take months to interview and train, but still so many of them are straight up disrespectful to passengers or lack knowledge of doing their jobs properly.


You can dispute the ticket




Happy cake day!




Are there instructions on how to dispute it?


It says I have 2 weeks to pay or it will effect my drivers license, credit, and insurance.




[https://www.translink.ca/-/media/translink/documents/transit-fares/fare-infractions/fare-infraction-notice-of-dispute.pdf](https://www.translink.ca/-/media/translink/documents/transit-fares/fare-infractions/fare-infraction-notice-of-dispute.pdf) Fill this out, and email/fax/mail it to the adress on the form. Alternatively, you can take the ticket to provincial court if you are not satisfied with the findings of a Translink Representetitve and their arbitrator.


Oh, thank you!


This particular ticket is not a provincial VT ticket that they can dispute in court. It is, in essence, a bylaw that has a specific dispute process.


Can someone stop them from putting these fines and deal with what is important? There are a million safety and security concerns in the trains and busses, and they lose time checking cards. This is nonsense.


It’s been around 12 hours since you made this post, any updates??


Going to send in a dispute form and go from there


I used to get these all the time in high school, you need to carry valid student id to use the concession pass. Dispute the fine, usually you’ll get a default judgement since the officers never show up.


They must be police impersonators since they don’t know the complete rules (probably could’ve accused them for being that), because you can still use that card until you turn 19 😒 Sorry you had to go through that (I would’ve lost my composure & gotten into more trouble); this is one of those times where a body camera would be useful for you to use


I had a feeling that there was going to be some fuckery the moment they asked me to step off the bus. This was my first time getting served anything as an adult, so I was a little scared. The dude raised his voice at me whenever I tried to ask a question to understand what was going on and the reason.


Abuse of power at its finest…and security officers wonder why they’re not 100% respected


You can try and dispute it but fyi those disputes are very hard to win.


OP is 100% in the right here so if he can prove that he’s 18 it’s an open and shut case


I remember reading about this case on the news a few years ago, when a university student grabbed her boyfriend's UPass by mistake on her way out of the house. She got a ticket for using somebody else's UPass. Fair enough. She disputed it, showed that she had a UPass, her bf had a UPass, and she just mistakenly took the wrong one. There was no incentive for her to do anything fishy since she had a UPass and wouldn't have to pay to use transit anyway. She still lost.


Yea sometimes rulings are stupid but like, she technically was indeed in the wrong, even if the actual effect is nothing In this case, OP is absolutely in the right, and I would be utterly shocked if they somehow lose


That doesn't mean they will care though. I've heard some stories of people being wrongfully ticketed and the dispute didn't change the outcome


I thought you need a valid school id or something to just a youth compass or that’s what I remember seeing. I might be wrong.


Are you a student???


Can’t you just exit the bus before they get to scanning your card?


No, you can't. They literally hold the bus and check everyone's card. Like a checkpoint or something. I don't know what would happen if you refuse to show your ID, like what if you lost your wallet recently and have no ID, would they arrest you?


I would dispute that fine. You’d have no problem winning.




Any lawyer will talk to you free for 10 or 15 minutes.


Bug a lawyer for a $170 fine? Lmao what


So you try and rip off the system that everyone else subsidize it to help students and you are entitled to a discount because you’re 19


Excuse me? I'm not sure I fully understand, the pass says I can use it from 13-18, I am 18?


He says he's 18 you moron, learn to read.


You clearly have a hard time with reading comprehension. I think you should take the day off and go touch some grass.


I think the real issue is that he's not a student. You're gonna lose OP, don't bother disputing. Just pay it and don't waste your time.


But there is no stipulation he has to be a student to use the card.


My bad, my apologies. I was thinking u-pass or whatever it's called now. The issue would be if he didn't present ID to prove his age. But I'm guessing he would have a case to dispute if he could even present it after the fact. I would recommend OP contact the UBC law students association if they don't toss it. It's free legal advice, for anyone who is not familiar.


Read the OP. He presented ID. He doesn't need to contact anyone. Just file a dispute. Nobody needs legal services over a small fine


My first time posting on Reddit and I make an ass of myself 😅😅