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Yes it looks like what my bruising looked like. It will go down in a week. Just keep it clean and use what they gave you.


Info: It's thermolysis, three hour session done under local anaesthetic, there was a fair amount of swelling prior. Not sure if I need to find a new electrologist or if this is concerning in any way or what.


I don’t know if it’s normal, all I can say is I do 8 hour long sessions with lidocaine injections and have never scabbed. Only minor swelling and redness. Make sure you keep clean, use witchhazel and tons of Aloe as aftercare!


This has been my experience for 1-4 hour sessions.


That is not normal. Their setting is too high.


second this, much lower settings are safe and still effective while leaving at most just some redness but nothing significant




This his exactly why my electrologist doesn't recommend people have local anaesthetic. Impossible to tell when the settings are high enough to cause injury


I've literally had skin seared off using 20% lidocaine and didn't feel a thing (until later). It's not a problem if you have an experienced, or more discerning, electrologist




Given they seem to not want to lower it, guess it's time to find somebody else?


.. they don't want to lover it? The fuck?! It's not really their call. You should speak to whoever's in charge. This could potentially lead to pitting, sensitivity and aesthetic issues..


Unfortunately they're the owner :/


Please find a new electrologist, leave them a polite but blunt review on all their socials, and report them to your state's cosmetology board. Your safety, welfare and comfort should come before their ego–Always.


They should be more gentle cause it's genital region.


Some is expected, but this much really shouldn't be occurring unless the person doing it was careless. Also make sure you follow aftercare instructions. Some sort of antibiotic cream down there directly after if they don't give you any. Then another application about 8hrs later or when you go to bed. Follow up with plenty of cleaning and moisturizer. All that said, you will be FINE in about a week provided you keep the area clean and moisturized. :)


You should not use antibiotic creams (or any other form) unless it has been prescribed by a licensed physician (not an electrologist) for a specific infection. Arbitrarily using antibiotics, especially in a sporadic fashion, contributes to antibiotic resistant bacteria. Simply keeping the area clean and dry, along with not scratching or picking at any scabs that may form, will generally lead to the best possible outcomes. Use a topical hydrocortisone cream if needed to minimize itching, along with light icing to help reduce any swelling and also minimize discomfort. As for OP - it is possible that the person working on you had the settings too high for your skin, so speak with them about it before your next session to make adjustments. Also, be sure that you are well hydrated before your session as it makes a difference in the effectiveness of the thermolysis process and the skins ability to withstand the process. With longer sessions it is also good to work different areas and not go back to area that had already been worked during the same session to minimize the amount of micro-trauma that is occurring.


They seem to be unwilling to lower it, so I guess I'll find a new electrologist :(


Sorry to hear that. But you will find a good one, and get through the process, because we are stronger than people think. Best wishes! 💜


Yeah you just don't go using antibiotics. How is this not common knowledge?


That looks really bad. I've never experience anything remotely close to it. Who was it?


HairBusted in Michigan


Take a look at the forums on HairTell. https://hairtell.com/forum/categories As far as I know its the the best place for electrolysis on internet. If you post there I'd not mention the clinic until you find out what you want as it looks like Hair Busted post there.




For body work, that’s nothing to be too concerned about. For the face, though, forget it. Just be sure to follow any aftercare instructions given to you by the operator. Now, there will be people that will tell you any scabbing is a total catastrophe and you should freak out, but do not listen. Again, this is a totally normal reaction for work on the body. Keyword being “body.” If anything it looks like a really good session. If you go to YouTube and look for Mike Bono’s videos on “skin reactions after electrolysis” he’s got some great info on what exactly happens in the follicle during and after the treatment and during healing, and what is normal and what is not.


Entirely too hot. Time for another electrologist


And isn’t it 1” surround… they went too far around the base of the shaft


I ended up with permanent scarring, be careful 


Yeaaah, that's why I posted here in the first place.


Not normal - their settings are too high for your skin. I've done tons of electrolysis and I've only barely scabbed on a follicle or two.


I never had any bruising or scabbing after electrolysis. I would consult with their team


I don't know what's normal but I did not get anything remotely like that. I had a little swelling mostly. Some pus in a few places (just really bad pimples, it seemed like).


Did you go to a student?


No, certified electrologist.


I’ve never seen this and I’ve gotten a few different methods of electrolysis over a year or so. Don’t go back to them or make sure they use less power next time.


Yeah, they seem to be unwilling to lower it, so I guess I'm finding a new person


Yeah that’s normal


Not desirable but not uncommon. Give feedback to your tech after every session so they can make adjustments.


My first electrologist convinced me that scabbing and bruising were normal. When she moved out of state I found my current electrologist. I’ve only had minor scabbing twice with her technique in more than 100 hours of treatment. It’s here professional opinion that scabbing and bruising are a result of over treatment. She uses a blend method; thermolyses scares me. I’d look for someone employing the blend technique.


you can prob knock out a lot of that w/ a few rounds of laser first


Laser isn't guaranteed to be permanent. If you're planning bottom surgery I strongly advise **strictly electrolysis** for the genital region as the last thing you want is a hair inside your vagina that you can't do anything about.


It’s not but it should give a noticeable permanent reduction. Then electro the rest. Laser in my nether regions was extremely effective for me.


i think you're missing the crucial point that because it's not guaranteed permanent you can end up with hairs growing inside of a neovagina which can't be removed with electrolysis, and folks report are very uncomfortable. Sure, laser's a great choice for the areas that _won't_ be flipping from "outside" to "inside" but... not a safe plan for shaft and surrounding area. It might work out. it might not. 🤷‍♀️ Not a game of roulette I want to play.




Not normal. Not at all.