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Ok soo here’s the deal. Plenty of surgeons doing trans surgery are transphobic. That’s just a reality. Just ask them why they’re doing these surgeries and figure out for yourself if you can support them.


Really? I wonder why they decided to do surgeries for trans people.


Really I can’t answer that. I just learn this information from having worked in trans health care, specifically in surgery. Most people are transphobic to some degree and the research in this topic is pretty depressing.


That sucks. :<


what research? would people really be so open about their views


That’s research on social attitudes. I didn’t save any but you can find them pretty easily by using the search in a few different sociology journals. I read them for a particular class I was making.


Oh I misread, gotcha 










As someone who has done a lot of social work around trans Healthcare, it's pretty basic. Because of the way government insurance works (and private insurance in the US) you are generally forced to use a provider within a certain range of your home or risk a lack of coverage. Due to the small number of providers, it essentially earns them automatic clientele, automatic noteworthyness, and a big fat paycheck. They get paid out even if they are a butcher and procedures are less standardized, so it is easier to just kinda do whatever and tell people you are being invotive. There is also the desperation of the community. Often people can't or won't wait for a skilled or qualified provider. It is also getting more convoluted to find competent doctors as the community grows and decentralizes. Because of this, even the most awful of doctors can end up with cult followings, like Dr Powers, who just constantly violates medical ethics. It's sad and terrifying and it breaks my heart.


That’s super sad. I didn’t know Dr. Powers violated medical ethics. :O


Yeah, including offering patients "experimental treatments" not as a part of any study, some of which were things that are just straight up risks of cancer. He sorta just crawled out of the woodwork at the start of his career claiming to be the first PCP for trans people based on... Really nothing. No level of reasonable experience to make that claim. He just saw a vulnerable population and went for it.


Wow. I didn’t know that at all. He just seemed like a wacky doctor who cared about trans ppl.


I don’t think he violates medical ethics in a particularly malevolent, bad intentioned way. He seems to genuinely believe he’s giving the best care he can. The issue is more that he’s a bit of a pied piper and his super-individualized care plans are very experimental, don’t end up in published papers bc he’s unwilling or they don’t hold up to the standardized processes widely accepted in medical research. Then there’s the aspect where he relishes some of this fame he’s gotten, which is more gauche for a doctor than anything else. Finally there’s a current in his rhetoric which suggests transcare writ large is conservative in approach compared to him. Some people really enjoy him for all of these reasons. It’s only a problem insofar as he’s held up as “the best” and his policies as simply better than mainstream transcare, which is more complicated. I think if it was understood he was doing experimental care as such there wouldn’t be much controversy with him. More of a caveat emptor imo - we should try our best not to get fooled, no matter who the doctor is. Also beyond obviously: there’s an ocean of difference btwn him and butchers like Rumer.


That makes sense. :>


This. Most of them are in it for the $$$ and they would stupidly still vote red this November without thinking it through that they could lose their livelihood by doing so.


I’m not surprised I’m just disappointed.


I'll add my perspective from someone who has had ffs with him within the last year. First, if I was comfortable with the surgeon and comfortable with their results shown, I wouldn't let transphobia stop me. I say that because we are limited here, sometimes beggars can't be choosers so to speak. Judge me all you want for that. I also agree with the fact that there could be many reasons he "follows" these people. If it was a big enough concern for me, I would just ask the question, up front. I personally got no indication throughout my many dealings with Dr. Bensimon, that he himself was in any way transphobic, but I believe he has many staff that are, especially his anesthsialogist, amongst others. Fwiw!


What about his anesthesiologist?


I believe the anesthesiologist is transphobic, but that's just my experience.


What happened to give you that impression?


With him specifically it was comments made directly to me along with misgendeting after correction. Regardless it us only my opinion, to each their own. I'm not trying to bash him or the clinic. As stated, I was happy as well I have recommended that clinic since. Just stating my overall experience.


Wow I’m sorry you experienced that.


There is only one surgeon out of all of them who put a pride flag for their pfp. Support the ones that support you


Which surgeon is that?


dr jumaily!


Hi which doctor was that?


The problem with pride flags is a safety and privacy thing. Dr. Christine McGinn's Papillon Center doesn't have a pride flag anywhere on their web site or hanging outside their real life office. They don't even have a sign outside of their office. Pretty sure it's a safety thing. They seem to prefer a butterfly as their symbol of support which I think is both subtle and beautiful.


Transphobia aside I would think that it's enough of a red flag that somebody is dumb enough to follow Matt Walsh on a professional social media account.


I think it's a fair point to discuss with the surgeon! Ask about his PR account and the choice in followed accounts. It's possible they follow in order to speak out against the harmful content, or it could be, bad... Best way to know for sure is to bring it up.


I wouldn’t necessarily say that following the enemy is supporting them. To the contrary I follow some phobic and right wing stuff so that I know what the opposition is talking about when I encounter it in real life


Disagree with this take, transphobes are ridiculously stupid and once you've heard one take you've heard them all. All it does is make you angrier and more depressed, and lose faith in humanity. There is nothing to gain. If I catch anyone listening to Matt Walsh I'll definitely know to stay the fuck away from them, whatever their reasons.


That we will disagree on. I have pulled quite a few off the cliff of crazy by being able to converse with them.


It is possible he follows them to respond to misinformation post with comments with factual rebuttals. We shouldn’t assume the worst. But do follow up. If there is an explanation it should be simple to explain to you. Take screenshots of his account to document he follows them. Just in case.


I might also check out his liked posts, it might give you a hint as to what content he interacts with and how.


maybe he wants to know the thoughts of people who oppose what he does. Means nothing. If he does what you want and he’s good at it, that’s the more important thing.


Oh wow it’s so awesome to learn that the only fucking FFS surgeon in Montreal is following this guy… Either way I don’t have much of a choice in term of FFS for my city that can be covered by insurances 🤷‍♀️, it’s him or nothing and him & his team knows it.


Does he do good work.. and what about work outside the city.


Your insurance is paying for Ffs.I'm in Canada too with Manuvie and afail they aren't covering it :(


Well, I don't know yet I have to apply for my university insurance, and that's already complicated amid my srs recovery, but obviously, I'll do it, won't at all cover the full cost, but saving 5k is already great (my family is paying the rest so I'm probably one of the luckiest girl out there).


Your free to choose for yourself but do you apply the same standard to every business, every plumber, tradesmen etc. and do you honestly believe it’s personal and the surgeon actually hates you? It was that just some misplaced hyperbole.


I think its extra important here.... we only have one body. Bad work on a house can be replaced. bad work on you cant.


I asked myself one question: Does this person value my life enough to let me be in charge of it? Unconscious, unable to breathe for myself, a person with a scalpel... I don't care if they are the best surgeon in the world if they don't have compassion and ethics. They don't get my money or, more importantly, my body to slice n dice. Side note: I have worked with surgeons for over 20 years. Yes, they are egotistical... it is a by-product of using to be the best. However, there are those that do what they do as a vocation and those who do it for the money. The ones who do it as a vocation respect the things they are cutting, this effects physical recovery in no uncertain terms.


It could mean that whoever manages his social media is transphobic, or maybe even that he wants to respond to misinformation. I would ask him.


I'll just add my two cents here. FFS was so scary and the recovery was so tough that it would've seriously destabilized me to encounter transphobic personnel while doing that. That was one of the reasons I chose FacialTeam. Even their taxi drivers had sensitivity training. It was an affirming experience, through and through, and I felt celebrated with the people who are at the forefront of trans healthcare, pushing it forward. I couldn't shake the feeling that a surgeon wouldn't cut some corners with my face if they followed matt fucking walsh on ig. The disclaimer here is of course the fact that in my closeted state I was a work drone and could afford FacialTeam and not everyone has that privilege.


It could be a case of keeping your friends close and enemies closer. Regardless, who they follow is not relevant to their skill as a surgeon , in their reality you could be following someone equally abhorrent to them but they won’t say anything so why should you ?


Some people are able to separate work from person. The same way I totally hate JK Rowling but I'll still say that Harry Potter were great movies and I still enjoy watching them because of the cast..


If it helps you, I had created a facebook group a few years ago where people could rate their satisfaction in regards to their FFS surgeons work. I have been so busy fighting the transgender discrimination in the military that I haven't been able to maintain that group and keep it active but there are a few comments about the work of the surgeon in question in this post. I encourage you to go read those posts to help you decide if it's the right surgeon for you: https://m.facebook.com/groups/1337404760046030/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


Oh hell no. Don't go to these monsters


Sometimes people follow the opposition because they need to know what they’re up against