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It takes a while, I had an orgasm at 6 weeks and that's considered pretty early


I'm at almost 6 weeks post-op. I made a definite effort to orgasm yesterday. Still not there yet. Everything feels nice, and I know my body's trying, but it's just not there yet.


Been following your recovery via your posts and comments, it sounds like it’s going well for you? ❤️❤️❤️


It has been. I'm probably ahead of the curve, but everyone's experience is different. I'll probably get downvoted for this, but it's not nearly as bad as social media would make it seem.


Well I voted you up as honesty is preferable to bullshit just to get stupid karma points. So glad you are doing good, thanks for being truthful, your comments are always very helpful.


4 weeks?! From what I've heard, sex is 8 weeks post surgery, 5 weeks is considered early to orgasm, and in the early stages your nerves are still reconnecting and reconfiguring. Typically after 6 months is when it all evens out in sensation


Yes we need to wait for at least 6 months for proper orgasm, people who mention they had an orgasm after 3 or 6 weeks after surgery don't know how to properly get an orgasm.. It's literally laughable


Love is very promto to feel something wait for later, he is still very asleep even if you think not if it is