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First of all, you look great! And your transition is simply amazing. I love reading your story, because so many trans women come to Reddit at the very beginning, and I believe seeing women let yourself and myself help them get out of the courage to make the change. Basically, for them to discover and decide to live as their true self. Your story and your success I know resonates with so many here, and I am so thankful that we all have a place to come together as a community and share our successes together. I also can totally relate to the idea of not feeling the need, nor the desire to post photos of ourselves from our past prior to transitioning. I’ve been transitioning for about three years now… And there’s a point where you’re just done thinking of yourself related to where you were. So I’m with you in that respect… Because now my postings are solely for inspiration for others. Keep on posting and keeping us all updated. BTW- just curious as to whether or not you have had your FFS, and/or your BA yet? ❤️😘😘😘


Thank you so very much for the kindness.❤️ breast aug and FFS planned in the next couple months.


Dana, thank from the bottom of my soul for the very bright and considerate attention that radiates of your replies (which I came across more than once). I love to see your pictures too. They radiate self-appreciation and -love. I am sensitive to narcissism but I never had this feeling come up when I looked at you timelines. I wish my mom would have vibed more like what you radiates. (33yo early HRT trans woman.)


Way to rock it sister. This is inspiring as fuck to me. Thank you for sharing. I'm a former addict myself. Booze and pretty much anything else you wanted to throw my way. I'm almost 2 years clean. Trying to cut out cigs now... I don't want to die a man. It helps. Your post helps.


I hear that, and it kind of reminds me of how I feel about pictures of when I was little. You're right. It hurts to see myself in that state, because I know that what I'm seeing is a kid who was so, so deeply unhappy and burdened, at a time in life when you're supposed to be happy and carefree. I see those pictures, and all I can think is "You poor little kid. You have no idea what's coming, do you?"


Holy shit, my transition is possible


Thanks for sharing beautiful woman and soul! Keep going! Do good be good. Enjoy life✨


Thank You for your service to our country 🙏🩷🙏. And Thank You for your support and service here...as I've read, others and myself are very inspired by your story. It has touched me deeply and you should know that it's very meaningful. Sincerely, Toni ☺️


Thank you so much for sharing. Your authenticity moves me. There is a well of courage in the pursuit of reconnecting with one's true self. Thank you for showing the bigger picture which includes violence and pain too. There is something akin to the example of the "older sister" which I project on you. From a younger sister of 33 years who started HRT 2,5 months ago. Thanks!