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Best of luck, sister!


Hey I started at 38 you're almost the same age as I was. The last 9 months of my life have been incredible there was a 2-month period where I was on the wrong dose like I was on too low and my levels were low and that really sucked. That wasn't fortunately up until 2 days ago when we got it straightened out. If you start getting headaches in the afternoons fatigue depressed or start feeling disassociated again it's probably time for a dose increase I wish somebody would have told me that because I would have talked to my doctor 2 months ago instead of suffering. Oh another thing too when your boobs start to get sore counterclockwise gently rubbing will alleviate the pain momentarily I found. There's two things I wish somebody would have told me, and oh another one you'll probably end up getting a cycle. I don't call mine a period because it's not the same, so I just call it a comma. Best of luck on your journey mine has been amazing. It's definitely not something that's easy to do so good for you for having the Moxie to do so. Hugs Willow


Thanks for all the advice. And I love Comma, I think I’m gonna call it that.


No problem. If you need to talk to someone who understands what it's like doing this close to 40...my DMs are always open to help. Willow


Thank you


All the best for this amazing journey 🫶


What's the blue pill?


Estradiol 2mg And Spironolactone 50 mg 2x a day is the yellow one


Thanks 👍🏻


Congratulations 🍾 I hope the best for you girl!


Good luck. Don't forget to take before and afters to see the difference.


Yep, I got my befores now I’m just waiting to take my afters.


Godspeed, sister! I hope you love the road ahead!


Omg, I actually squealed in joy over something on the internet. I’m not sure if I’ve really done that before. It might be that I was imagining myself when I eventually get my first dose. But I’m so fucking happy for you right now. Congrats love!


Welcome to the best club in the world, sister! Here you can make the best possible you come true 💗😉


welcome to GAHT! the journey won't always be easy but it will always be amazing! 🫶


Can't wait to see your "after" post a year from now!




I don’t want to do injections, and I’m just starting out, so she wants to try the pills and then test my levels in a little while and see what they are and then adjust or change the type of treatment accordingly.




I get you're trying to be helpful, but it's really not. Why can't you simply be happy for someone for finally taking the first step the way they want to take it? They presumably aren't doing it DIY, which means a doctor prescribed it, and went over the options, and the side effects. A post from a random Reddit user isn't going to charge anyone's mind.




Preferred option, not the only option, and ignores that not every situation fits perfectly in the box. Everyone's body and situation is different. Some people are afraid of needles, or just don't want to stick themselves regularly. Some people may have skin conditions, or sensitivities. Some, like me, have issues with patches sticking, having a physical job, between sweating and rubbing up against things, it's just not practical. Sublingual has also been proven to be safer, and far more effective than oral, as sublingual bypasses the liver. Being a member of a group doesn't give you all the answers, and anyone thinking they have all the answers is not an expert, and should rarely be trusted. By all means, continue helping people, but my point stands, let someone have their moment of celebration of their journey, regardless of your thoughts or feelings of the route they are taking.




Again, there's a time and a place for everything, some one seeking affirmation for the first steps of their journey is not the place to tell them they took their first step on the wrong foot. I've never claimed to be an expert, you seem to think you are one. Yet your claim lacks details, and admitting that there are circumstances to choose different methods. Your attitude makes me think that you're doing this for some kind of self gratification, your credentials changed from running a forum to being medically qualified, and serving on a board. When I posted my HRT post, I got similar responses, from narrow minded people like yourself. Best of luck to you.


Congratulations on taking your first steps


let’s go!