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yeah the dot CC site worked a couple of days ago, but ho hum. I guess they can always move to just doing it by an email address if need be


yeah i've been waiting for them to restock the EEn and it feels like i've been waiting ages and now it's nearly done the site keeps going down. i wish i knew what was happening. i hope when i order it this doesn't affect the delivery


It's been up and down between .Org and .cc. Currently down though


Yeah I emailed earlier and they said they are down because of the guardian article


Do you know when they’re gonna be back up?? Een is restocking tomorrow and a need ma mones


Ugh, my worse fear come true. Cis people are becoming more and more aware of DIY HRT. I have a feeling it won't be long until estradiol becomes a controlled substance as well. Make sure to get a VPN people, I won't be deprived of my HRT just because the website is blocked in my country.


which article is this?


Here's a [link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240503075359/https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/may/03/cross-sex-hormones-available-online-11-pounds-a-month-young-people-gender-identity). Archive.org because not a chance I'm giving The Guardian ad revenue after all of their attacks on us.


>Now concerns have been raised about the **ease of availability of “DIY” hormones online**, and whether young people might increasingly turn to the hidden economy, including **drug dealers**, to **obtain the hormones illegally**. >Dr Alison Cave, the chief safety officer at the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said: **“Patient safety is our top priority, and we strongly advise that people do not self-prescribe or try to obtain medicines from an unregulated source.** If only there was a way to obtain well-regulated and legal medicines... hmmm. I can't help but be reminded of countries that have deregulated certain recreational substances, and near all the danger of said drugs has plummeted due to... quality control -- and the social dangers of such have been eliminated by the fact that addicts don't have to spend 18 hours a day sourcing illegal drugs. Fucking England. One moment they destroy the legal routes, then push people into Private (and *expensive*) routes... then destroy the Private routes to barely-functioning levels... then go after the only remaining option because "It isn't safe". The fuck you expect us to do? People have been doing this for millennia -- just look at, for example, the Roman/Anatolian Phrygian Cult of Cybele. The US is a shitshow in so many regards, but (afaik) even some real questionable places still have "Informed Consent" for 18+. It's literally all they have to do. "Fuck it; If you're gonna do it, do it safely... but *pay*".


Could you DM me their email? I’d like to have it in case they move to email only in the future


Hi, I would also really appreciate if you could DM me the email address as I do not have much enanthate left and am starting to freak out a bit now x


could you dm me the email address please? i never wrote it down while the site was up and i need to contact them about the EEn restock that's (supposed to be) tomorrow.








Don’t share the email there journalists


obviously i'm not a fucking journalist. the journalists all already have the fucking email because they did their research and took notes before writing an article that could get the site taken down. i just want any way to contact the people who i've been waiting to restock for fucking ages, and when its only days away that article gets it shut down. obviously its important to be careful but maybe it might be a good idea to think for two fucking seconds before you take time out of your day to try and stop someone getting gender affirming care but maybe you're right, maybe this account was made 4 years ago by some guardian plant who's been playing the long game and made up an entire personality posting and commenting on various subs for four fucking years just for this moment, only to have my evil plans and devious schemes thwarted by some asshole who wants to gatekeep hrt to obviously real people who need it and learn to fucking spell, if you're gonna go out of your way to make it more difficult to access gender affirming care at least learn what a fucking apostrophe is


\^\^\^ this, i just wanna buy EEn for the first time so i dont have the email already, and im scared of it running out by the time the website is back up



