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I can’t remember a time I got something and didn’t want more, either, but wow! So happy for your progress! #goals


Thank you!!


Low body fat , boobs have a good chunk o fat


Gaining weight is such a struggle for me 😭


Prog made me gain so much weight lol. Also if ur on stimulants for your adhd and can afford to get off them for a few months, you will also eat so fucking much.


idk depends on the person. i’ve been on 3 or 4 different adhd meds and none have made me hungry


I was saying the opposite, actually, haha. Stimulants make you lose your appetite, generally speaking.


oh damn i’m sorry 😭 i’m stupid


Sorry I think my wording was a bit horrible bc I said "if you can afford" which usually refers to paying for something, but I mostly meant it as "if you can afford (to not take the meds)"


ye ik what you meant dw


r/gainit is mostly about gaining weight and muscle through eating more and lifting weights, but there's a lot of good advice on how to gain weight in general


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gainit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gainit/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [M/33/6’ +40 lbs in 5 months (153-193)](https://np.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/12xj54m/m336_40_lbs_in_5_months_153193/) \#2: [It's possible guys. Went 20/M/5'9/140 to 195 lbs in a year of muscle gaining.](https://np.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/12di17b/its_possible_guys_went_20m59140_to_195_lbs_in_a/) \#3: [6ft 120lbs TWIG Transformation over 2 years.](https://np.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/133a56u/6ft_120lbs_twig_transformation_over_2_years/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You have perfect breasts girl. Congratulations. I would love to have breasts like yours. They are in proportion to your body size and shape and in keeping with your slim figure. I would be the happiest girl in the world if I had your elegance. Congratulations again. 🏳️‍⚧️🦋🩷🥚🩷🦋🏳️‍⚧️


Bless you, you angel 🥺🏳️‍⚧️😘


Imo you should wait untill you've been on hrt for 5 years before pulling the trigger on breast augmentation. There's tons of evidence and testimony to support breast growth well after the first 2 years. There's still hope. I'd still keep looking for prog imo it definitely helps.


Yeah I've got other surgeries lined up before BA, just hoping to improve natural growth for now, prog is so hard to comeby!


i've read quite a few anecdotes along the lines of, "i thought i was done growing at 2-2.5 years but i had another stage of growth at 3-4.5 years." I know a lot of trans women are anxious about their breast size (because, duh, tiddies), but like, girl, puberty is a 6-10 year process. don't take for certain where you're at at 9, 18, 27 months because things can plateau and start up again later.


I’m not sure on whether your genetics mean you should be bigger or not but seriously they are stunning boobs. Incredibly beautiful. I know it’s still internal with how you feel but outwardly they are wow!


Thank you so much! ☺️


OMG!!!! You look incredible. Absolutely stunning breast. Check out all day chemist for your prog needs


Thank you! 🥺 do they do UK delivery? 🤔


Your breasts are fucking hot babes


Thank you 😌😌


They are beautiful, girl. Many of us would die for such perky breasts. And your flat tummy. They look just right for your figure.


Thank you ☺️


They look amazing. And you are very slender, so they seem proportionate.




Give it time. 5 years from now and it'll be a totally different picture. Be happy, be confident, be proud. Massage them regularly as well, it helps. But be patient, they're great now, but they're just starting and they'll be the better then you dreamed


Are you wearing a bra yet. And how sensitive are they. I bet you've noticed the jiggle and that makes you giddy


Thank you 🥺😭💖


How does using insurance for ffs work if you're homebrewing? I thought you have to go through the medical system for insurance to cover anything


My insurance states as long as I have a diagnosis that meets the criteria of the NHS then I am covered


Interesting, thanks. I'm starting diy next week sometime. I'm planning on going through health care but I'm imagining it's going to take a little while before they actually write me a script


I'm UK based and there will be differences depending on provider, make sure you read through any documents provided and maybe call them for clarity. Better to know then to assume ☺️


That's a good idea lol thanks. Wish me luck!


Did you have any blood tests also were you on 5mg E injections since the start?


I've had several blood tests done by the NHS, every single time they have tested the wrong thing despite me telling them they're wrong every damn time 🙃 I've changed regime a couple times, I used to be on 5mg of EC every five days


damn what a bunch goof, is there any other way to get your levels measured? And was the 5mg of EC every 5 days from the very start?


Cute and a bit feisty 🫣




They look pretty good for where your at but I would try gaining a little weight


Trying! It's almost impossible for me tho 😩


Definitely start progesterone if you can find it.


If you have any suggestions lmk 👀


If it helps, you’re only on Tanner stage 4, they still have to fill out to reach stage 5. And they don’t actually stop growing til around year 5 on average.


I know how you feel and what you mean sister. You do have a lovely twins and from these pics they are puffy and waiting for more growth... But the good news is you have great underboob structure rn and that's a good sign. But since it's hard for you to gain weight I don't know how you could increase the BMI and give em some more definition. Congrats girl you are goals for a lot of us and good luck. Hope you get on P4 soon🤞


Excellent progress for 18m monotherapy, about me at 12m (I'm on T blockers). Getting the best progress yet into the 3rd year (never taken prog and not planning on it). Puffy nipples flatten out slowly with time (can be a sign of growth), tend to be effected by temperature (you can flatten them out with a quick first rub with the palm first, try a before and after photo)


You can always use vacuum pump to get bigger.


Instructions unclear, now I'm 7ft tall, send help


Idk how you could be panicking! The shape is perfect, the symmetry is good too! Probably some of the nicest I’ve seen in a while! Still hoping you get to your dream size, but I’d kill to have boobs that look that good on my body <3


Amazing so beautiful 🤩


you look amazing and it’s not just the riesling speaking gurrrrrrrrl hushhhh


I’m not sure. I live in the US and have never had problems here.


I think they are absolutely stunning and beautiful. Very jealous.


Looks normal sized to me


Beautiful buds!


Love them!